2024-08-03 ◣靜♂候輪回 6752
@Hu Shi xiong
I think I'm pretty easily triggered by certain behaviours from the start and worked for an Indian company before . It just happened for me to realised Indians have the largest concentration of these behavioural traits..
The previous group with the similar behaviours were Filipinos
I think that's pretty much the roots of anything I felt negative about India . Before that I'm used to seeing things screw up for a variety of reasons . Used to seeing funny stereotypical habits of different nationalities you'll just hand wave away and explain as “that's how it is “ or “that's who they are “
It's unfortunately different when you come into close prolong proximity. And you realised there's a very high chance people from top to bottom share similar outlook on things in the society and it grinds you down having to experience it personally daily .


Indians and Filipinos have this willing acceptance of fellow courtrymen suffering or telling you why they deserve it . Often related to religion .
There's a deliberate self sabotaging thing Indians and Filipinos do at work because they're unhappy . And when they do it they do not think they are at fault which is at odds with the previous blaming of others. Or give you some reason that's plain unacceptable. (And scolding doesn't make things better since it's already your fault when they make a mistake. )
Like say if you notice something gone wrong with the Indian side , maybe received A instead of B and reported it , a response was to send you a video of QC being done which makes absolutely no sense at all because that's a video of how the mistake is happening but where the India side is concerned it's settled because they did QC. You pretty much give up on the Indian side after the second or third time and just watch the mistakes accumulate in a small pile since no one holds anyone accountable.


Having had Japanese and mainland Chinese colleagues before , I supposed their being female probably helped here or the males didn't really exhibit similar noticeable behaviour or they were reminding themselves to be on their best behaviour. When a group of Indian staff were brought in to “inspire “ it didn't help with impressions when a few of them hit on local staff within minutes of contact . It made female staff felt uncomfortable right from the start with their Indian colleagues. No one is ignorant of the rape land jokes or memes of India being the rape capital here , having such experiences with your newly arrived Indian colleagues definitely don't help .


Beyond work , I noticed Indians think it's fun to bargain or push you beyond your limits of comfort zone and then think everything is fine once the deal is concluded . Culturally somewhat incompatible with us , people tend to remember and judge you pretty much forever for transgression here . Your first failed bargaining/negotiations attempts will sour the relationship unless you're some really important guy worth the hassle . Generally a soured deal means you don't ever deal with the same person ever for the rest of your life . unless he's Indian and he'll keep turning up to bargain or negotiate at every chance . You can imagine how we feel seeing someone we hope never to see again turn up month after month .


@Hu Shi xiong
Religion is one of the things I find hard to like,
I have numerous incidents with pretty much every religion I can think off that's common I'm not comfortable with.
I don't have a religion, going forward, unlikely to have one.
There is no empirical evidence, nothing more to be said.


@Nick Goh
Yes, i agree.
However, there is a difference between “Organised Religions & Cultist Movement” and “Spirituality & Consciousness”
For example, Hinduism (Religion) & Buddhism (Spirituality) vs Confucianism (Philosophy) & Maoism (Ideology)


@Hu Shi xiong
I was in my early 20s, maybe 22–23 when I first encountered another south east Asian Chinese in Singapore for a medical visit, I think there's something wrong with the nephew so he was brought in for treatment. Somewhat blind, deaf and appears to be affected by down syndrome.
The uncle blamed his brother for being an evil man so karma fell upon his son.
It was confusing to justify someone suffer for the deeds of another man. I think back from time to time and wondered if the kid got to grow up into an adult after so long


agree that you should not talk about karma when a person is suffering at that moment. However sometimes people don’t take responsibility for their actions at all and they cross all the red lines. How do you deal with them?
Law of karma exists and it works whether someone believes in it or not.
Just because someone misused or ill treated someone doesn’t mean all the wisdom is bad. It’s like saying because people using nuclear weapons to kill others, so science is bad because it enabled people to invent nuclear weapons.


There are more people killed due to religion then any other causes. Religion is a cause of bias and bias breeds evil. ALL RELIGION!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Anytime a religion goes to an extent that results in the followers developing hatred then it’s a red flag. All religions were found to develop unconditional love for one and all.


@Hu Shi xiong
It takes money to cause damage beyond your immediate area. Anyone who needs to pay for that sort of damage wants to know the ROI.
Religion could inspire violence but it could never deal that sort of damage we see.


The worst possible thing that India has inherited from the Brits is democracy. There needs to be a strong leader with strong team and push forward ideals for better or for worse rather than the current state of flux with religion and caste systems acting against any miniscule progress to be made.
To me any person (man or woman) that is able to turn India around should be GOD instead of some made up fantasy from an age when humans lack the knowledge of the nature that surrounds them.


@Hu Shi xiong
Democracy requires some assurance on personal safety/protection or on property.
Otherwise the poor would just vote to relieve the rich of their possessions, what we see in India is the opposite end of the spectrum of the same problem when the rich decide what goes.


@Pratyay Banerjee
Dude! Just keep on smelling the perfume you wore several 1000 years ago and now you cannot wear it because you don’t have money …. LOL


@Sk Jashim Uddin


@Tungku Lee
I think it will be easier for them to go to porn site than go to Sentosa.


Always remember that the Indians you meet in your life can never be a statistically significant sample of the 1.4 BILLION Indians. The most you'll meet in your life as a non-Indian will probably be a few thousand (which is quite generous) and that still cannot represent the sheer diversity of Indians in so many dimensions.
Of course, you can shake your head and say “I just don't care. These are my opinions and I'll stick to it”. Fine. But that don't make them correct.


@Shahkar Ansari
Which country created the first Porn website….which country is the biggest production house of Porn movies, Which countries laws dont stop making Porn movies night and day…..which is by the way destroying many youths mentality across the globe ….and they are talking about the Morality, A lady can go nude on a beach but no one should look at her though she is responsible for deteriorating the society. but if a man look at her he is Pervert. what a Joke!


@Pratyay Banerjee
Quantity beats quality…there are so many people per square foot in India that people look down upon each other. “Population pollution” - too many unwanted populations - in India is a major reason for the suffering of the people there. That’s why they don’t have respect for each other. If they don’t respect, there is no trust, which grows into unrest and corruption. It's a dog-eat-dog situation and the entire country went down with it. Its a disaster and no respite!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Julius Rockefeller Rosenberg Ackermann
Indians and Filipinos both lie naturally and my hypothesis is it's related to culture. Both of these countries culturally do not pay any attention to history and historiography, which develops crucial critical thinking skills in search for the truth, or to question it.
Indians have these overly exaggerated claims about their contributions to the world, like:
Kung fu originated in India.
Kalaripayattu is the first martial art in the world.
Tamil is the world's oldest language.
Indians somehow invented calculus thousands of years before Newton.
The first university was in India.
India will be a superpower in the 2000s, 2010s, then 2020s.
And many more. These claims are as laughable as a 10 year old kid claiming to have lifted a 500kg dumbbell. Filipinos also exhibit a very similar behavior.


@Hu Shi xiong
Kung fu originated in India.
Isn't this a Chinese invention?


@Julius Rockefeller Rosenberg Ackermann
It is. Like I said, the Indians’ claims are ridiculous. They couldn’t even provide appropriate and verified evidence to support that claim, only that mythical figure in Zen Buddhism.


@Girish Kumar
you seem to be a knowledgeable person. give me for each of those points the right answers.


@Shin Chan
Tbh the “rape capital” is highly overrated
India's per capita rape rates is among the lowest in the world. And yes, some indians men are huge assholes who want to get laid on Russians girls/any girl who wears short clothes, but still want virgin wives.
NGL when I was 14–15, I too used to stare at foreigner girls in Mumbai. But after realising I stopped it. Just TELL indians about it, and they'll stop. We are not hooker boys like Westoids. Most of us won't go for a one night stand


@Hu Shi xiong
I don't know how much of it is still online you can find about sentosa. We generally label it as foreign workers mostly we cannot tell south Asians apart . So they may or may not specifically be Indians since some other incidents happened and some turned out to be Bangladeshi, (there was a rape case where the drunk lady was dragged into somewhere but saved by a Malay lady , Bangladeshi for that one )
But for the sentosa one , hordes of south Asian men would buy tickets and click away at other foreign women , sometimes little girls . Locals aren't beach goers as much , and it eventually got seen as a foreigner Vs foreigner thing.
an Indian lady (colleague) once asked us about it saying it's creepy to have men do that . Our response is as locals we will sidestep it . They paid for their tickets . You can't tell people they can't go because they're Indians . Well , maybe you can because you're also Indian and a lady but it's best for non Indians to not talk about it or risk sounding racist .


@@Shin Chan
We are still much better than westoid expats, who are just really sexpats
Yes, we DO stare at hot chicks. But it's the most we do. We don't joke about “swimming in pink in Beijing Shanghai” like Westoids do


@Ajoy Vargis
Such incidents used to happen in UAE until the local government declared it “Only Laddies beach” , “ Family beach “.. such incidents slowly died out.
here in Varkala beach , Kerala, India , it is free for all but restricted to foreign tourists some how as the whole beach is after a cliff which are privately owned by few resorts. Most ladies are on two pieces bikinis and after herbal massage in resorts, are on the beach sunbathing at their leisure without any‘audience’ and here people are comfortable seeing ladies in minis. There is temple at the end of the beach where entrance to the beach is restricted to devotees only.


@Hu Shi xiong
Problem is there's something wrong if we say they can't go. On what basis do you say men of a particular group cannot be rude. I do not think there should be beaches closed off to men.


@Ajoy Vargis
I have been to these beach myself with family in March-April which is off season and hotels and resorts room price are half the rate and whole resort only myself and family with whole spa and swimming pool and gateway to common beach and there was another sister resort which was jam packed with foreign tourists. One is free to roam.


@Tanvi Shetty
Then why did u generalise on the other subject you just wrote about ?? Your practically insulting good hardworking well mannered Indian Men too then. It’s as good as you indulge in racial profiling. My father too is an Indian my husband too why the hell would i tolerate you speaking ill ?? Would you like it if your loved ones who are productively contributing yo society belonging to your race and nationality were racially profiled ??


the headlines of the University student sent here for medical help after public uproar is still fresh in my mind. don't blame the westoids or the press. it maybe a miniscule number in % terms in Indian numbers but any number is still ONE too many.
pass a law for castration of ALL rapist and televise it on national TV for a year and see the changes from then on. Animals have no human rights!


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Shin Chan
That will turn rape into murder

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

so as I said, no point pulling out the % numbers, unleash beast mode against these animals then you will miraculously see the numbers start to drop down a cliff.
on the same note, I was being told that I was going too near tea picking ladies (aka aunties) in Bangladesh when the nearest one is at least a 100 meters away and on a upward slope.
what does this show when its all over the press when it comes to women rights in Bangladesh. I am referring to the honor killings.


@Hu Shi xiong
Certain actions carry a certain … flavour.
I think I read them in actual papers so probably over a decade ago. I never thought much of it then but thinking back Singapore doesn't really have rejected love ending with the guy attacking the girl and her father with acid so it wasn't normal.
There was a recent rape case involving a Japanese man. Just reading the circumstances would make you think it wasn't local.


@Nick Goh
A female student who was gang-raped on a bus in India's capital Delhi has arrived in Singapore for further treatment, officials say.
The 23-year-old victim - who remains on life support - is being treated at a specialised facility and may require an organ transplant.
The attack earlier this month triggered violent public protests, which left one police officer dead.
An inquiry into possible lapses by the authorities is now under way.
The investigation is being led by retired judge Usha Mehra.
Six men have been arrested and two police officers have been suspended following the 16 December attack.
An air ambulance carrying the woman landed at Singapore Changi International Airport early on Thursday, the Indian High Commission in Singapore told news agencies.
The victim - who has already had three operations in Delhi - was then taken to the city's Mount Elizabeth hospital.
The hospital said in a statement quoted by the Associated Press that she was admitted to the intensive care unit "in an extremely critical condition".
"She is being examined and the hospital is working with the Indian High Commission," the statement said.
Story lix: Delhi gang rape victim arrives in Singapore hospital.

调查由退休法官Usha Mehra领导。

@Dante Wong
But, when I was seconded to Singapore, my female Singaporean colleagues brought me to Geylang for Frog Porridge… then on the weekend they brought me to Orchard Road for shopping. I had to accompany them to Victoria’s Secret - but I chose to wait outside


@Hu Shi xiong
You could have been raped there.
True story, I got a friend who was raped in China.
Got friendly with someone from mainland
Brought around for sight seeing, even back home to the ancestral village.
They had a barn or something. Got invited into the barn to take a look of all places. Turns out it's a trap chosen because it was secluded.
He was too frightened to resist.
He asked why later, I think she told him he was too slow too soft. Last check was happily married with her and two daughters.
So don't take things for granted, dangers lurk in every corner.


@Shin Chan
He's a man, he can't be raped


@Hu Shi xiong
He actually felt it was rape at the point. Didn't expect it.
Way he said it. He was suddenly pushed down and she forced herself on him. We laughed about it later but he was stunned and frozen when it happened.


@Nick Goh
Naughty naughty …


@@Shin Chan
How naughty? Pls explain?


@Kala Asmna
Things can really improve if others also complain about this stuff, people are really ignorant here and think they're invincible.
Trust me, you can criticise without getting beaten up and things will become better for sure.


absolutely agreed. point in case is the idiot whom posted the shredded SG flag to expose the Indian flag and claim ignorance. Everyone else around me is posting this. it triggers me every single time someone within the government blabbers that we need foreign talent and displaces locals. I have lived through this more than once with good colleagues being replaced (displaced).
lastly don't even get me started on bastards that renounced citizenship when it's time to serve and gets to pocket the FAT windfall from selling their HDB and for government to bitch that HDB is in deficit.


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