雅加达是世界上下沉速度最快的城市,印尼在婆罗洲岛耗资330亿建设新首都计划失败 | 《华尔街日报》
2024-08-04 平平躺平 7158

雅加达是世界上下沉速度最快的城市,印尼政府正将首都从爪哇岛迁往 800 英里外的地方。Nusantara 将于下个月开放,但由于投资者撤出、项目负责人辞职以及工程尚未完工,这座城市的命运仍不确定。

The main reason behind moving Indonesian capital from Jakarta to Nusantara is never because of Jakarta's sinking problem. While it's true that it's one of the reason, but it's not the key reason.
The key reason is because economic development since our independence has always been only concentrated on Java island. So the moving of capital city will symbolize the moving from a Java-centrist development towards an Indonesian-centrist development.
As a native Kalimantan, I really appreciate this move as it'll also bring more and more development to our neglected massive island (3rd largest in the world, as big as the country of Turkey).


I don't know why Western medias seem to make you think that the main reason behind moving our capital city is because of Jakarta's sinking problem, it's not.


It's simply means a move towards Indonesia-centric development, moving from a Java-centric one.


Indonesia is building a new capital on the island of Boneo not because Jakarta is sinking.This was planned since Sukarno.Having the capital at the center of Indonesia will help evenly spread out development on all Indonesia's islands.Jakarta is improving and the government is reclaiming land and advancing Jakarta


It's definitely a vanity and personal gain project. Jokowi's entire 2nd term was focused on securing his dynasty's legacy, as evident by the events leading up to his son's nomination as vice president.
Also consider that Prabowo's family owns a lot of the land surrounding Nusantara.


The problem they have is that they're trying to relocate capital, not the CAPITOL....


@Pmooli abuja was not designed as an economic capital but an administrative one. Nusantara aim to be both and this is where the problem starts, the aim is wayyy to big

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@kingsimba9513 yes.. because Majority Indonesia agree to building of Nusantara lol.


The whole point of the new capital was to separate Jakarta’s role as a Economy and political city and also Indonesia was criticized to be Java centric for development (which is one of the reasons why Jokowi is hated) and with Nusantara created it will be Indonesia’s Washington DC and like the video stated Borneo (Kalimantan) will be better connectivity islands


33 billion for a city of 2.5 million is insanely cheap by some measures. For context - the World Cup stadium in Qatar costed 50+ billion and was basically only used for a week.

从某些方面来看,对于一个人口 250 万的城市来说,330 亿的造价简直便宜得离谱。作为参考,卡塔尔世界杯体育场造价超过 500 亿,而且基本上只使用了一周。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My only concern is the price tag i.e. $33 billion. Indonesia is a poor country (per capita) and as such the cost of labor and building material are cheap. Either Indonesian government is building a grand new capital in a sparsely populated area 'cause of ego or because of corruption. Embezzlement of taxpayers money is common among Indonesian politicians.


Yes malaysia also built $100 billion (called forest city) and it was a total failure so cost wise its fairly cheap ( nusantara is 2x the size of new york)

是的,马来西亚也建造了耗资 1000 亿美元的项目(称为森林城市),但最终却失败了,因此从成本上来说它相当便宜(努沙登加拉的面积是纽约的 2 倍)

Thing is Qatar has lots of money. Indonesia on the other hand...


Look at GDP/capita and look at 1 in 3 babies in Indonesia have been stunting.


@seanrafabagass we have the choice not to build it anyway since they never asked the people for it. Only when deciding the name they did a contest. Looking at the developer invested on it, Im incline to think this just gonna be another BSD, PIK, Meikarta thing


Malaysia's Putrajaya city costed USD 8 billion to build in 1995 which is about USD 16 billion at today's inflation value.

马来西亚的普特拉贾亚市于 1995 年建成,耗资 80 亿美元,按今天的通货膨胀率计算,约为 160 亿美元。

In a country with the needs, population, size of Indonesia, it's an absurd waste of money and effort.


​ @kaimargonar1000 Only Indonesia's government annual budget is already more than Qatar's whole GDP. Well yeah we're poor ofc, but atleast we have much bigger economy and activities going on than Qatar

仅印度尼西亚政府的年度预算就已经超过了卡塔尔的整个 GDP。当然,我们确实很穷,但至少我们的经济规模和活动规模比卡塔尔大得多

Forget all those bad narration for nusantara, as Indonesians, most of us surely believe that IKN is the perfect choice for us.

忘掉所有关于 Nusantara 的负面评价吧,作为印尼人,我们大多数人肯定相信 IKN 是我们完美的选择。

@alfianmuhammad1335 The airport will be finished by the end of this month and the independence celebration in the new capital is going ahead as planned.


@esashaik1372 Baca lagi beritanya Pak Basuki aja minta maaf bandara IKN belum jadi untuk upacara 17 Agustus

再读一遍新闻,Basuki 先生刚刚就 IKN 机场尚未为 8 月 17 日的仪式做好准备表示歉意。

@rizkywirawan2285 Yes the airport was delayed due to bad weather but expect to finish it by the end of this month.


@irtidzar sure, I followed the progress of its development from when it was a forest and hills until now it has become a nearly finished city.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Naming a city Nusantara, is like naming a city America. Nusantara is the historical name for the entire Maritime South East Asia region.


that way they can claim nusantra only indonesia

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

So more like naming a city Mediterranean


That's right, Jokowi choose it only because want grandiose name, he doesn't realize it will duing that name


​ @robbi2380 not really, he chooses that name simply because it's easier to remember by commoners.

@robbi2380 不完全是,他选择这个名字只是因为普通人更容易记住。

Penamaanya emang jelek sih.


@cesyneighistaut3451 Like naming a city Atlantic City?


Also like naming a new city "Arab".


​ @kzugert and the garuda is originaly a name from india.


​ @Raryrary Not to forget Towns named St Petersburg, Peking etc.


Im from the same Island Borneo, Malaysia. On our side we kinda hope Indonesia do able to make this project happen. it definitely can help both country to grow. Brunei aswell.


Don’t worry, this project will be successful..


No it makes the country look even worse. Why are they spending 30 billion on a city that can house 2.5 million? Of course it will be all luxury housing.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

​ @trvst5938 ofc it'll be luxury because it'll most likely host Indonesia's enormous millions of civil servants and its family, it's sign of appreciation and rewards of their service to the people. Also some people (incl me) might be interested to move to this new city.


Because one of the goals for IKN is for housing of civil servant... not us ordinary civiliant. Many in Here doesn't want to relocate that easily... it comes with price. I am from Indonesia.


@paulinenathania199 that's very true. But the target of 2.5 million population is very achievable don't worry. You said many here, out of 280 million, let's say if 270 million won't move, 10 million might still be interested.


hi an indonesian here, the project is actually kinda close to 2 of the largest city in the kalimantan island (indonesian city), so its not entirely like far away in the middle of the jungle. as of right now the presidential building is iconic enough to be a tourist destination i guess if everything suddenly halts.


Nah, The project itself already pretty advanced and the President already took office there, they would finish it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Indonesia has only natural resources, the rest of this country has nothing. It does not have technology, manufacturing, information technology, Military. There is only one world class city in this country, the rest are all towns. This country survives only by exporting natural resources.
Some Indonesians think that by making 1 HSR ( 100 km), they have become quite advanced. Indonesia's metro system is only 20 km. There are only 2500 start ups in Indonesia. Indonesia is embarrassing to be called as Big country.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

it not stop, almost finish 1st project, and also protect by government rule so whoever the president must continue it, because it's vision of the founder of indonesia, and Mr President Jokowi executed it, the only person that has brave to executed project for the citizens and for the people that live in the island


​ @briantarigan7685 I hope that those real estate projects are connected to the commuter railway network. Indonesia does not need US-style car-centric suburbs.


It’s a first phase of construction folks, you gotta build the basic infrastructures before foreign investments will come in and the government is also giving priority to local investors otherwise Nusantara is owned by foreigners.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Exactly. But the mistake of indonesia is not communicating it clearly. Everyone be like: no investors at this stage therefore no investors forever. Its not like you have anything to invest at this point


also got filter by the city urban planning rule... you can't just invest without what neededs there.. to avoid become like jakarta no planning at all

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yup.. and government buildings must use governent money, Not investors money. especially presidential palace and military headquarters.


​ @Yusef-uh4wl Indonesia never said that, it's all Western Media reports. They don't want Indonesia to become a succesful country, they want this project to fail so Indonesia have a bad reputation.


The budget is not the problem, it's not costly as many people think. Indonesia is a trillion dollar economy with 200 billion budget per anum and it's still a developing country so construction and wage cost is lower. While the government only relocates a few billion USD yearly until it's finished around 2040s means it's a long term project with reasonable budget.


The problem here is that Indonesia is a democracy. A lot of uncertainty facing the government wheater they have the long term will or not to pursue this new capital.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jakarta’s don’t want to pack up and move. Imagine you lived in a city your whole life and the government told you to pack up and leave. Most Jakartans would rather stay until a tragedy forces them to leave.


@riptyurass302 they only ask government’s workers to leave not random people lol.. also they got extra paid and nice apartments there. and ikn is close to two big cities…



@riptyurass302 他们确实给了搬迁的政府员工一些补偿,但并不是所有人都愿意离开雅加达。许多人在那里有家庭、事业和生活,搬迁不是那么容易的。

@riptyurass302 Indeed, relocation isn't forced, the government offers incentives, but the final decision lies with the individual. The purpose of IKN is to decentralize the capital functions and reduce congestion and pressure in Jakarta.


@riptyurass302 thousands are moving here every month, we dont need more jakartans here. We are already crowded.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@riptyurass302 People migrate in search of better living conditions and opportunities. It's a global phenomenon, not limited to Jakarta or IKN.



@riptyurass302 人口迁移会发生的,当人们在其他地方寻找机会,他们的生活标准可以得到提高。全世界都已证明,哪里有机会人们就会去哪里。

who knows the best for their own lands are the people, majority of Indonesians supports Nusantara. you like it or not, this is our land!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

How did Malaysia did it tho? I don't think they needed foreign investors when they built putrajaya but then again it is not far from the capital city so they don't really need to invite investors they just naturally pour in.


Putrajaya is small compared to nusantara. It’s 2 times bigger than New York city. If you consider only government area like putrajaya, nusantara do it the same. no need investment for that.


Putrajaya is also pretty close to KL


Putrajaya is small and supplying logistic is very very easy compared to supplying massive Nusantara


IKN doesn't need foreign investors for the governmental buildings which is the same case w/ Putrajaya. But IKN will built the next phases (commercial and residents)


38 billion is what politicians say so that people think this is great idea so cheap, worth it. The actual cost will hundreds if not thousands of billions. Paid later and forever by future indonesians.


Nusantara was a geographical name for a place that mostly comprised of most of Indonesia's territory today. The name was used by ancient kingdoms in Java island, including the Majapahit Empire which is the largest empire in Southeast Asia's history. The name was later adopted for the new capital city of Indonesia.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Indonesia has a GDP of over a trillion dollars that's pretty wealthy to me.


You do know that a country's wealth isn't measured just by looking at GDP right? It might be a trillion dollar economy but its GDP per capita says otherwise where it will most probably be overtaken by Vietnam in a few years.


@LC-zi8jw Not that simple if you come to nation’s wealth. country’s wealth is different to people’s wealth. to be sure is to calculate the nation assets minus debt. countries like venezuela or argentina have high gdp percapita compared to indonesia. but their economy is broken with huge debts.. it’s like you say singapore is richer than usa, while usa is the center economy of the world, they have more money to spend. but when it comes to people in AVERAGE, singaporean is richer..


It is but indonesia is short on cash for its size. Singapore has around $400b cash for 6 mio citizen, indonesia has $140 billion for 280 mio citizen, it can always take loan if really desperate


@agnostikisbetter1893 singapore isn't poorer than people in NY or SF which are cities like singapore but it isn't a country like the US. There is just a major categorical error in that comparison.


@Yusef-uh4wl singapore people is reacher yes... but Indonesia GDP 1.4 trillion dollar economy.


I think in the long term this new city is a good solution, having the economy of a country depend only on one metropolitan area is a risk, considering climate change can hurt Jakarta in the future.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Im afraid the project right now is a sunk cost fallacy, moving forward is the only way and stopping it is not an option and should it be completed it'll be a pyrrhic one.


It makes sense. I remember Abuja in Nigeria was likewise criticised. It turned out as a great success.


Not really. They can cut their losses at $3 billion, or choose to go ahead and waste another $30 billion.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

sebenarnya Indonesia tidak hanya mengandalkan komoditas sebagai penghasilan.. kami melakukan diversifikasi seperti dari pariwisata, manufaktur, jasa, dan lain sebagainya. Bahkan tenaga kerja Indonesia atau imigran yang berjumlah 8 juta orang yang bekerja di luar negeri setiap tahun membantu Indonesia mendapatkan devisa sebesar $10 billion dollar.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You people know that investors need basic infrastructure to start investing, right?


Investors need CONSUMERS so they can expect people buying their merchandise. How that would be possible when nusantara is only inhabited by civil servants? Even jokowi and his brat refused to move to nusantara

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The new capital city of Indonesia would be a great city, promoting so many advantageous things including preventing deforestation from going further and accelerating reforestation in some other parts of especially Kalimantan.


Jealous? It’s not “uncertain” it is certain that this city will be finished at some point, and the target completion of 2045 is still freakin’ long way to go, as we can see the actual condition of what the gov called as phase one is already nearly completed. It may shocked all of you when you see it. It is so true so many other countries are jealous and afraid of what Jokowi’s trying to do and achieve. As he said, when the infrastructure was there, Indonesia doesn’t really need to look for investors, they will come and look for Indonesia.


Moving capital is not as easy as moving office equipments into new buildings. The result will not be far from previous mega projects.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Fun fact: the land that surrounds the new capital is owned by Jokowi (the current president) and his family. There definitely aren't ulterior motives at play here.


Not jokowi, a lot of the lands own by Prabowo's brother, Hashim


@TheMap1997 And Jokowi's son, Gibran, is Prabowo's running mate. Doesn't really paint Jokowi in a better light when we consider that him and Prabowo were antagonistic towards one another up till the recent election.
They're all in cahoots lol.


Emang kenapa kalo punya Dinasti Jokowi ? Iri ya ? Satrio piningit ,dinasti penerus trah Nusantara tak bisa salah ,,!

真的为什么拥有佐科维王朝?嫉妒吗?Satrio piningit,努山达拉的继承者王朝不会有错,,!

@lonemey lol no way you're saying that political dynasties are ok. To even consider establishing one means that you're putting your personal interests above the common good.
What a dented take.


@kingsimba9513 Political dynasties are present in every democracy, it's one of the biggest flaws. Give me a country and I'll list many political dynasties, once one of your family members become successful in politics it's proven that their descendants often get in easier then people from a worse socio-economic background.


@kingsimba9513 Semarang-Jogja (or Jogja-Solo) Highway is almost completed anyway.. Get the fact straight up before you commenting.
Segment 1.1 will be inaugurated on this September tho, and physically it's already 98% complete.
So? What's your point anyway?


Nusantara will success !!! you are always underestimated with Indonesia capability


Propaganda barat ya seperti itu.. Makanya sampai sekarang Singapura yang jauh lebih kecil lebih terkenal dibanding Indonesia karena mereka lebih menginginkan singapura sebagai pengendali ASEAN daripada Indonesia yang mayoritas islam.


@edwardhamm5535 Jakarta would still survive, Jakarta is literally the second largest metropolitan area in the world, Indonesia won't abandon it.


It is not the sea level rise that is plaguing Jakarta. The city is literally sinking at a rate of 11 inches per year. Sea level rise is on the order of 11 inch per century, so just 1% of the problem.


Bukan saya yang gak setuju dengan rencana pemerintah, menurut saya mana yang lebih efisien membenahi Jakarta, atau memindahkan ibukota ke kota yang sudah ada sebelum nya agar biaya yang dibutuhkan lebih irit, sehingga anggaran negara tidak terfokus ke pembiayaan ibukota baru , karena anggaran yang dibutuhkan sangat besar dikhawatirkan terjadinya praktek korupsi.


@kingsimba9513 33 billion for a city is not a big amount. We are trillion dollar economy, have some confidence


Nusantara adalah keseriusan Indonesia untuk menjadi negara maju.
Pemerataan pembangunan yang tidak lagi jawa sentris.


Oh man, potential/current investors aren't gonna like this


Investors have their own style to decide, they don’t watch one source and shoot…


They are waiting for the new government anyway eh


wrong it's actually already sold, friends of mine trying buying it 1 years ago and he said can't buy already sold out, it's politic tactic for prabowo names

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

5:45 that is exactly the plan, to escape Jakarta's problem and its population so they don't have to fear mass protest everytime they pass unpopular laws.

5:45 这正是计划,逃离雅加达的问题和人口,这样他们每次通过不受欢迎的法律时就不必担心大规模抗议。

This is why long term strategy in a democracy should be parliamentary and not party or president led…


so far ikn already got $ 1.4 billion from local investors. also phase 1 is only government area, no need foreign investors to build it.


Then why they ferociously market it for foreign investor for years? Even said they were lining up to invest but in the end nope.


The sustained political will from the next government seems quite low and despite the political incentives for legislators being away from most citizens concerns, the move to Nusantara also makes them away from the luxury and connectivity that they have been enjoying in Jakarta, therefore so many times we have the news on legislators or officials pushing back the date of relocation to Nusantara.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

most of all capital started from nothing like tokyo,nanjing to Beijing, new york(old capital), Washington, rio de rio de jeneiro, better not to talk while it's still building


Well i guess all of us including me can only speculate, time will tell after all


We the Dutch could have warned them decades ago that it was a bad idea.


To be fair, the colonial administration wanted to move the capital to Bandung. But then the Japanese came.


@Excellent135 Was Jakarta sinking into the sea already a problem then?


If you want to know, we really wish the indonesian government was run by the Dutch instead of our own incompetent and self-serving local officials.


​@ronald3836 not really, because the sewage and the river are wide enough when they build the first city batavia. Jakarta problem is that the surrounding land around batavia is a swamp and rice field.


It's very true that until this date no foreign investors are participating in building our capital city, and you know what I think this is very good.
All construction is funded and done 100% by Indonesia, this is the time for us to be self-reliance as we're the fourth most populous country in the world with 280 million people.
It's time for our rise, together we can


A new capital which in the future would be a center for government operate the whole country and very sensitive area, yet they want foreign Investment to invest in and pay the whole cost, seems like this country can't afford it


The US could've funded over 5 of these cities with what it has sent to Ukraine alone


why you are concerned that indonesia people will disconnected to their parlement, at the same moment you show display of chaos protes :)) .... west narative always like that, they dont want developing country to develop like theirs....


The country have a huge population, so it will become a city, but not as a dream (renewables, green, compact) it will just like other city in Indonesia. Even if built, I doubt that it will be maintained well.


Why is building a city in the middle of nowhere such a trend among developing countries right now?


i think this video will make more investors avoid investing in the new capital

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Imagine Myanmar and North Korea is jus 2% of Indonesia's economy yet they are able to built cities out of nowhere. This is a 1.7 trillion dollar economy for God's sake not developing.


The negative side is all finance will go to build a new capital.If there is corruption in your country, it will never ending construction.I am from Kazakstan, we are facing with it.


Jangan samakan Indonesia dengan negaramu.. Indonesia negara besar yang memiliki penghasilan dari berbagai sektor. Bahkan kapasitas manufaktur Indonesia berada diperingkat 10 secara global itu data dari bank dunia, Dan itu akan terus bertambah karena sekarang banyak proyek pembangunan pabrik2 dan smelter secara massif diseluruh Indonesia.


​ @WarzoneOfficial22789 intinya sama, korupsi yg marak bisa jadi penghambat


But indonesia is 7th due to GDP PPP. Making something is needs purchasing power.
Number in paper just a number until you buy something. That is why, GDP / capita not used as purchasing capability.
So, in term how powerful is indonesia to buy or making something (GDP PPP) indonesia not considered as poor country. In fact, it is one of the strongest country.

但印尼由于GDP PPP排名第七。制造东西需要购买力。
所以,在印尼购买或制造东西的能力(GDP PPP)方面,印尼不被认为是穷国。事实上,它是最强大的国家之一。

@bedhenis that's only GDP. If it's per capita PPP then they're still 96th, which is lower than quite a few African nations.


@kingsimba9513 in term capability government to making or buying something is using GDP PPP.

在政府制造或购买东西的能力方面是使用GDP PPP。

They can give a fraction of the money to the Dutch and we will fix the problem with Jakarta.


@bedhenis yes but OPs point is that it shouldn't cost $33 billion given that Indonesia is a cheap country on a per capita basis. So either they're embezzling funds or they're making it grander than it has to be (aka a vanity project).


@kingsimba9513 no, not that cheap. A lot of stuff is more expensive than our neighborhood countries. But i agree with you about corruption. It is like a vampire thats ruin our economy.


If you’re talking about nation wealth, indonesia is way rich than malaysia


Did u know malaysia spent $100 billion and it was a failure? Indonesia could use malaysias method as the last resort if it cant raise money: ask china to build


Indonesia poor ?
Indonesia GDP percapita is in the catagory of Middle High Income, same like Thailand and Malaysia.
Indonesia gdp is 1.4 trillion, the country have alot of money.
You celarly dont know basic econony


​ @kingsimba9513 Indonesia GDP PPP is 7th in the world... you clearly dont know anything about Indo

印尼的GDP PPP在世界上排名第七... 你显然对印尼一无所知。

The current president is like Louis xiV of France, building his own Versailles. It's only his legacy project, and the country turnback toward facist far-right autocratic rules of the 2nd president.


Overly ambitious IMO. The first term of Jokowi was quite good. But then... Something changed. He has been very focused on building his dynasty. This project can be a success, but it should take more time.

我认为过于雄心勃勃。佐科维的第一个任期相当好。但后来... 有些东西变了。他一直非常专注于建立自己的王朝。这个项目可以成功,但应该需要更多时间。

I thought they're very very rich and G20 country so they must not have any financial problems at all hahaha


@Yusef-uh4wl I hope it isn't a vanity project either but most cities with smart and green in their descxtions usially fail. I don't think they're building affordable housing there either so rent won't be cheaper plus the smart, green tags could inflate the pricing of real estate. If the best option is not to build dikes to hold back the sea but a new city else where, I think it would have been cheaper to build a simple charming walkable city like Brandevoort.


@agnostikisbetter1893 It's a metaphor for how the Dutch reclaimed land from the sea with dikes.


@prince_ofori Anda tidak tau apa2 tentang Indonesia mending diam.. Dan saya yakin anda tidak pernah menginjakkan kaki di Indonesia. Banyak traveller dari barat yang kaget karena gambaran jakarta atau Indonesia tidak sesuai dengan pemberitaan media mereka. Jakarta begitu modern megacity yang memiliki 200 mall.

你根本不了解印尼,所以闭嘴吧... 我敢肯定你从未踏足过印尼。许多西方游客对雅加达或印尼的印象与媒体报道不符,因此感到震惊。雅加达是一个拥有 200 个购物中心的现代化大都市。

​ @prince_ofori you clearly know nothing of this project and commenting...
Do you even know Jakarta problem bro ? Other then sinking is also over population... this new capital will eliviate some Jakarta problem...


Do you know why Jakarta sinking ? Mainly because too many people pumping ground water and make the land sink.... and yes, Jakarta will build giant sea wall aswell..


It's very hard to believe that Indonesia is still in this position. The US imposed Jakarta method took 50 years at least from the development of the nation. 2 million Indonesian patriots, among them a significant portion of the most well educated people, killed so that the USA could exploit the country...

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Indonesia is roughly the size of the US in population and it's absolutely massive with incredible resources. It should be rank 6,7 or 9 in global GDP by now, not 17th. All this misery because a few US corporations didn't want the country nationalising their resources


When the western MSM said its a bad idea. You know its a good idea. So Indonesia just shut up and keep on building and be efficient on it.


They've been looking for funding since 2019 and are still falling short. That's a pretty big fking red sign for any prospective investor.


Did you know local investor already spending more than 20 T In IKN? there are many project by local investor in progress such as Hotel, Hospital, Superblock, School etc. Phase 1 2022-2024 is focus on KIPP Area with basic infrastructure needed. So why no foreign investor now? Because the area is not ready yet. In 2nd phase , IKN Authority will prepare anything needed for foreign investor to invest in IKN. Including detail masterplan.


@andipejalan3382 WOW 20 T. Good job, now they just need 500 T more.


It looks more like an amusement park than a capital city.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

All I see is a huge waste of cutting down trees and ruining the environment and waste of money.


"If you look at Indonesia on the map, you can see it's all about corruption and nepotism"


Jakarta as the center of everything in Indonesia is too entangled to be resolved. Only 1/5 of the city population doesn't mean anything when you take into account people from surrounding districts and city also commute down/midtown for work and recreation. This is falling very short of the hope to relax the city's traffic and improving its quality of life. Especially for traffic, there's only so much lane, highways, or public transportation you can add before the physical space itself becomes too constraining.


And then there were rumours the national (federal?) governing members do not want to relocate to Nusantara in the near future. The audacity?!?!


Building a capital city isn't a investment matter- but a requisition. Command government funds for the government official infrastructure, and let the "investors" Come looking for opportunities.




You're right, spending $33+ billion on this worthless project is much better than using it to address more serious issues like, oh I don't know, corruption, healthcare, and education. Or is Indonesia already too developed in those areas?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

We would love to see Indonesia turn into a success story like post-war Japan and South Korea, and see more aspects of Indonesian culture enter Western culture.


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