2024-08-04 用功 6607

BYD chairman announced buyback, my first thought was how many shares does he own. Spoiler alx, 59 percent of them.


Guess he belives in his own company, possibly a good sign?


BYD builds factory in Uzbekistan also, in Septemer they will start production, planned maximum is 500.000 ev and hybrids a year


Is there anybody there who believe that Central Asia nation and neighbors will soon have the purchasing power to buy half a millions cars?


He's been a fan of Tesla and BYD for as long as I can remember, and generally positive on all EVs.


Time frx is relevant.
Cratering demand a quarter or two does not mean the share price will not be higher in 5 years.
Both things can be true at the same time.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

On the long run BYD will skyrocket.


That's because he just reads stuff online and pumps out the videos.


And that’s okay so will Tesla who is more profitable.


Since you don’t have insider information on the company financials, you better look at top officials at BYD or Warren Buffett and what these people are doing with their BYD stocks before buying this stock.

由于你没有比亚迪财务方面的内幕信息,你最好在购买比亚迪的股票之前,先看看比亚迪的高层管理人员或巴菲特(Warren Buffett),看看这些人是怎么处理比亚迪的股票的。

Warren Buffett was doing the economic hit job for the financial elite... good compass for the stock market, but not always correct.

沃伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)正在为金融精英们做经济打击工作……这是股市的指南针,但并不总是正确的。

The biggest problem with BYD is too many brands and too many models for their EVs. Tesla sells more with just 5 models than BYD does with 20! Developing each of these models has a fixed cost, some of those BYD models don't sell well enough to pay back that development, thus a drag on their profitability. Tesla, on the other hand, makes a profit on 4 of their 5 models - and the Cybertruck will soon be profitable.


Sam isn’t allowed to upload such content, he’s not a financial expert, it’s against YouTube’s rules and he knows it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Following Buffet at this point doesn't make sense unless you, like his partner, went to China, met the owners and invested directly in the company to help them expand.
They are selling out now after the company has grown into an international leader.
I don't think Buffet himself was the leader on the investment.


Yeah, the stock has not really moved. What about LI, seems they've nice growth. Still uncertain of the Chinese economy.


I thought Warren Buffett dropped a lot of the BYD stock, got out of it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


BYD also officially released their generation 2 Blade Battery recently called "B30刀片电池". This new offering increased the energy density from 140 Wh/kg to 170 Wh/kg at the pack level. It will allow fast charging of a BYD Han size EV to obtain 500 km CLTC (probably 335 ~ 400 km EPA) in just 10 minutes provided you can actually find a rapid charger strong enough.
比亚迪最近也正式发布了他们的第二代叶片电池,名为“B30刀片电池”。这一新产品将能量密度从140 Wh/kg提高到了170 Wh/kg。只要你能找到一个足够强大的快速充电器,它将允许比亚迪汉大小的电动汽车在10分钟内获得500公里的CLTC(可能是335 ~ 400公里的EPA)。

At the beginning of 2024, I sold Tesla and bought BYDDY and TM. Both have done well.


none of them are doing well this year..


Byddy went down and then up from the first of the year to now. It's almost exactly the same price as the beginning of the year.


Toyota (TM) is up 35% year-to-date. Toyota is up 81% for the last 12 months.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

8:50 Yes only a little for some population bought their house but not majority. Average Chinese family save 30% of their income. And most don't have a mortgage. Even if they have, they already paid 40 or 50% down payment. It's a different society. Chinese never encouraged to borrow from the future and living on the resource that don't have.


What do they invest thier savings in?


That is not a smart way to manage your money especially when inflation is high, in 1994 was 25%, 95 was 17% and 96 was 8.5% in China, that means in the space of 3 years everybody that was saving cash lost 33% of what they had.


Inflation is always being some what controlled in Chinese society....China reserved 40% of the world food storage. The Ukraine war and co V ee 19 created almost no inflation in China.


They knew the Ukraine war was coming before the West did. I saw them buying lots of Soy Beans and Lean Hogs in 2021.


The statistics I posted were official Chinese figures. They were the worst it has been but that was an example to highlight what happens if you save cAsh During times of inflation, even with lower inflation the same is true, just the effects are slower..


Their battery business should grow twice as fast as their car business as they can sell batteries to other car companies, homeowners with solar and utilities with solar and wind farms. If BYD was valued at 20% of CATL, the stock price would triple.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Dude!!!! Yang wang would be legendary!!

老兄! ! 仰望越野车将成为传奇!!

As a novice stock enthusiast trying to predict which stocks are going to take off and get in early is a bad idea. If they are going down they are going down for a reason.
The people who have the ability to push the price up are very well informed and cause very obvious shifts in price.
Wait for the bulls to start pumping before joining the rally.


The percentage of new car sales in China which is NEV is growing exponentially. in two years, it will be 80%-plus. Some quick math: In 2023, China's car market was 30 million cars. 80% of that is 24 million. If BYD maintains it's 30% market share of NEV sales in China, in two years it will be selling 8 million cars in China alone, plus whatever its exports have grown to, plus whatever its battery business is, plus whatever its semiconductor business is, plus whatever its energy storage business is. This growth story is far from done.


you can say this about any company if you think about it...


Stocks can go up aswell as down, or just like EV's, run out of charge!!


In Brazil they just have to repourpose the factories they took after Ford left the country.
There will be 3 factories. One will make batteries one will make cars and one will make buses

将有 3 家工厂。一家生产电池,一家生产汽车,一家生产公共汽车。

I saw a YouTube video a few days ago talking about BYD is on track to bring their 1st generation solid state battery to market later this year. That video was all in the Chinese language. It said that BYD has been working on their solid state battery technology for more than 6 years, and BYD has the most number of patents related to solid state battery. This BYD solid state battery is rumored to have energy density of 400 Wh/kg and capable of extreme fast charging. It is also rumored to have very wide operating temperature latitude. Unlike CATL and many other battery manufacturers, BYD never says anything until their product is on the market. I think this rumor is highly credible because BYD has several highly esteemed battery scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences on their payroll. Assuming this rumor is true, then this could explain why BYD have drastically reduced their prices across the range. Their action looks more and more like they are trying to clear their inventories in preparation for a new generation of EVs that will literally blow their competition away.

几天前,我在犹管上看到了一个视频,说比亚迪将在今年晚些时候将第一代固态电池推向市场。那段视频全是中文的。比亚迪在固态电池技术上已经投入了6年多的时间,比亚迪拥有最多的固态电池相关专利。传闻这款比亚迪固态电池的能量密度为400 Wh/kg,能够极快充电。也有传言说它有很宽的工作温度范围。与宁德时代和许多其他电池制造商不同,比亚迪在产品上市之前从不发表任何言论。我认为这个传言是非常可信的,因为比亚迪有几位来自中国科学院的备受尊敬的电池科学家。假设这个传言是真的,那么就可以解释为什么比亚迪大幅降低了他们的汽车价格。他们的行动看起来越来越像是在试图清理库存,为新一代电动汽车做准备,这将彻底击败他们的竞争对手。

Yes, and that video and numerous others like it have been blasted across every platform for some time now,... Still waiting,...


That last part makes sense


"It's better to own a great stock at a fair price, than a fair stock at a great price."
- Warren Buffet
Tesla = great stock
BYD = fair stock


Rich people will get richer. Most people need all the money they can make for day to day living.


BYD looks like a very wise investment now and probably it is. Like investing in Apple in the early 2000s.


Not even close

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

That is not even close.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Doubt that evergrand got much to do with the Chinese EV market. The debt issue with evergrand has been known and ongoing since 2018 before even the EV boom and somehow it dosen't effect the EV market in China from 2019-2023 but they did in 2024 ?


Shure, a couple of month's back Tesla was going to the moon. Now -33%, talk about cars not stonks.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Youre gonna fined the 100.000$, Sam. You said yourself you cant give financial advice yet here you go and keep doing it


Its his opinion not advice.


Financial advice would be saying to buy BYD at a specific price range. He is only saying an opinion.


How come we don't hear from all these people when he says to buy Tesla?


Lads this means he’s dumped some Tesla stock and bought BYD. Tbf should have dumped Tesla as soon as the started reducing prices. Nobody with a moat ever ever reduces prices


Good job, Sam!


When will CATL release there Sodium Ion battery ?
(For Stationary storage )


BYD is a tenacious competitor. The short term may be difficult with their current concentration of sales in China and the cutthroat market. Long term they will be expanding worldwide.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

its a solid company to own, thats for sure!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I appreciate the efforts that you bring latest news and information of the EV industry. But predicting EV stock price and suggesting audience to buy in is a bit too far to go for an industry which is still quite volatile.


You should disclose if you are benefiting from BYD directly or indirectly.


If you watch this channel enough you would know that Sam owns stock in BYD & Tesla. Otherwise, why we he be talking some much about these two companies?


They are building one in Indonesia too


The price of the 2024 Rimac Nevera is expected to start around $2,200,000 and go up to $3,000,000 depending on the trim and options.
Your 7 million is just nonsense.

2024年Rimac Nevera的价格预计在220万美元左右,根据装饰和选择,最高可达300万美元。
你的七百万简直是胡说八道。(译者注:Rimac Nevera 是一款由克罗地亚汽车制造商Rimac Automobili设计和生产的全电动超级跑车)

In the 1980s, Chevrolet released a compact car called the Pinto. The car did not sell well in Brazil, partly due to the fact that in Brazilian Portuguese, 'Pinto' means 'little boy's penis.' In the early 2000s, the electronic giant Best Buy opened in China. The direct Chinese phonetic translation is 'Better Price Elsewhere,' so they retained the English name but created a completely different sounding Chinese name. BYD will need to learn to market its products effectively as it expands.


Wasn’t the pinto a Ford?


I thought you advised to stay away from the Stake trading platform?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I wanna lease a yang wang fo 2 weeks! I just like the name if im honest!


i tried to buy BYD via CMC but there was a minimum purchase of from memory about $15000- more than I'm willing to buy. Is there any way to buy smaller packages?


The EV sector in China is going through a rough patch right now, but I think BYD benefits even more now than before because of their positioning and cost structure.


Next Toyota in my view.


Awesome analysis, of BYD, thank you


Hi Sam. Thank you so much for helping me make 10% profit on BYD stock this year alone, and I'm a Chinese! But I keep wondering why you keep talking about an incoming downturn in the Chinese economy this year. The general sentiment is that Evergreen is a thing of the past and people are relatively clear of where the country's economy is heading now. That's why we're seeing quite a bit more economic activity compared to last year, here in Beijing at least. The lower sales of BYD so far are the consumers waiting on the price drops of other brands who are following BYD's price drops. People will hold off buying until they can have a more complete comparison on potential options. Anyway, that's just my personal take. Keep up the great work!

嗨,山姆。非常感谢你帮我在比亚迪股票上赚了10%的利润,我是一名中国人! 但我一直在想,为什么你一直在说今年中国经济会下滑?人们普遍认为 "恒大集团"已经成为过去,人们对中国经济的未来走向也比较清楚。这就是为什么我们看到的经济活动要比去年多了不少,至少在北京是这样。到目前为止,比亚迪销量较低的原因是消费者在等待其他品牌的降价,而其他品牌也在跟随比亚迪降价。在对潜在选择进行更全面的比较之前,人们会暂缓购买。总之,这只是我个人的看法。继续努力
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

18:46 - Berkshire Hathaway actually owns 8.05% of BYD...

18:46 -伯克希尔哈撒韦实际上拥有比亚迪8.05%的股份…
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The chairman that announced buyback owns 59 percent


...the chairman alone isn't Berkshire Hathaway.


Thought Buffet sold out or did he just trim?


the chairman of BYD.


Hybrids are going away long term….no mention at all here about the fact BYD is building (lots of) gas engines.


I think it’s not a bad idea. :)


BYD has too improv the autonomous driving and the charging speed, with these 2 improvements the will boost the performance and value of the Cars. Result will be high sales in World.


That's if they can break into the North American and European markets in a big way. The big tariff hurdles being threatened by the EU and USA could put a kibosh to that. BYD will likely have way more success as a battery supplier, and I expect BYD to supply blad battery packs to anyone that wants them worldwide.


BYD will take ASEAN 700 million people growing at 5% GDP, also Gulf countries and Latin America. BYD knows Europe is tough in multiple ways


Most likely ASEAN. Maybe South Americanif they can build a factory in Brazil or Argentina.


很赞 6