2024-08-08 Phelps 11310
KB:一个中国用户在Quora上创建一个印度账号,然后发布关于中国有多么伟大和Goundamani Senthil喜剧的内容,有什么好处呢?

Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
What is the gain for a Chinese handle to set up an Indian account on Quora and post about how great China is and about Goundamani Senthil comedies???
What is the gain?
Quora doesn't deal in top secret information
Quora doesn't deal in State Secrets
Why would the Chinese set up a Handle and talk of Ambani, Adani or Modi?
Makes no logical sense

一个中国用户在Quora上创建一个印度账号,然后发布关于中国有多么伟大和Goundamani Senthil喜剧的内容,有什么好处呢?

Gopalkrishna Vishwanath
He is not a Chinese handle.
He is very much an Indian who fanatically believes in Communism and sincerely admires China and all things Chinese.
How do I know?
Just my gut feeling from experience of life.
No Chinese national can write like him on Indian topics.
Maybe he gets support and information from China, but the final posting is definitely his.
His style of writing is unique. Indianness oozes from his writings. No Chinese man can write like him in English.
He has his personal reasons to stay in the background and not show his face.
We must respect his choice.


I have high personal regard for him even though I totally disagree with his views on BJP and Modi.
He revels in swimming upstream. He loves going against popular opinion and is not afraid to express unpopular views. I am reminded of an old Tamil film title “edhir neechchal”. (swimming against the current).. For every detractor he has, he also has admirers and supporters.
I am happy to note that he is perhaps Quora’s most viewed writer today. I wish him all the best and sincerely hope that someday he will agree to meet me or allow me to meet him.

他喜欢逆流而上。他喜欢与大众意见相反,并且不怕表达不受欢迎的观点。这让我想起了一部旧的泰米尔电影的标题“edhir neechchal”(逆流而上)。他有反对者,也有崇拜者和支持者。

Subramaniam Duraisamy
No he is not a Chinese handle. A Chinese bot cannot write such accurate answers about Indian 2 Kamal Haasan movie or about the Butter Masala dosa of Rameshwaram Cafe.
He is as Indian as you, me and Nagarajan Srinivas Sir (Sorry for pulling your leg once again ).
However KB gives an appearance of being a bot because he writes a minimum of 30 answers a day in the same topic for multiple days.

不,他不是一个中国账号。一个中国机器人不可能写出如此准确的关于印度2 Kamal Haasan电影或Rameshwaram咖啡馆的Butter Masala dosa的答案。
他和你、我以及Nagarajan Srinivas先生一样是印度人(再次开你玩笑,抱歉)。

Go through his profile and you can see as of 15/7/2024 he has written a lot of answers on Mukesh Ambani’s wedding. Ironically I have muted all the stories from Instagram and Facebook, and I get more news about that event from Sir Ji’s handle than any other social media site .
Also Sir Ji specialises in shock and awe theories and capitalised on the noise quotient of Quora to get views.
One such “shock and awe” idea in the recent times is how nationalization of Ambani's assets would improve poverty and inequality in India.

查看他的个人资料,你可以看到截至2024年7月15日,他已经写了很多关于Mukesh Ambani婚礼的答案。讽刺的是,我已经屏蔽了Instagram和Facebook上的所有相关故事,但我从Sir Ji的账号上获得的关于那个事件的消息比任何其他社交媒体网站都多。
此外,Sir Ji专注于震撼理论,并利用Quora的噪音指数来获得浏览量。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ofcourse empirical evidence and historical evidence point to the opposite, but then the average Indian on Quora cares more about a Rajnikanth movie where a 75 year old thalaivar bashing 100 people at once over a boring documentary. So there is that.


Valerie Van Kerckhove
You overestimate the ability of Chinese people if you think they can come up with a name such as Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam. Chinese names are usually 2 or 3 syllables, max 4, so it's Really hard for Chinese to remember long names.

如果你认为中国人能想出像Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam这样的名字,你就高估了他们的能力。中国名字通常是2或3个音节,最多4个,所以对中国人来说记住长名字真的很难。

In fact, there's a comedy song in Chinese, Dalabengba. The joke is that all the characters have such impossibly long names, that they all have to repeat it several times each time. These “impossibly” long, “tongue twister” names are:
Dalabengba Bandebeidi Buduobiluweng
Miyamola Sunadanni xielihong
Kuntukutakatikaote Suwaxilasong
If Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam doesn't immediately stand out as a made up funny name, it's unlikely a Chinese is able to come up with it.
(You can claim some Chinese person put in some effort. A Chinese person who hates India would not put in the effort)


Dalabengba Bandebeidi Buduobiluweng
Miyamola Sunadanni xielihong
Kuntukutakatikaote Suwaxilasong

要是中国人想出 Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam 这么个名字,那可真是太有才了。

India-China Relations
What is the likelihood of Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam being a Chinese handle, pretending to be an Indian person? No one has seen him, there is no lixedIn footprint with the handle with the credentials.

Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam是一个中国账号,假装成印度人的可能性有多大?没有人见过他,他的账号没有任何lixedIn的足迹和凭证。

That Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam admires China, its efficiency, its emphasis on meritocracy, its civil engineering prowess, its emphasis on accountability and in general all things Chinese, does not make him a Chinese handle masquerading with an Indian name. He has published so many incidents connected with his growing up, his service years, his legal acumen with Indian legal system to exclude any such possibility. I follow him and he too follows me. Not having a lixedIn footprint should not raise doubts. I for one have not tried to be on lixedIn. Longtime back I used to use Facebook, but I don't do it anymore, just read it occasionally. The exhorting of joining friends group, and being swamped with details of activities of people I knew in my life is good but exhorting me to like it or wish that is a big put off. So in my opinion Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam Sir, is very much Indian, even though his admiration for China is disconcerting after the way China's aggression against India still continues and it does everything to block India from gaining even a little bit of influence or power. And China forgets when it was a pariah among the nations of the world, after the Korean war, it was India under Nehru, that lent it respectability. And it stabbed India in the back.

Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam钦佩中国,它的效率,它对精英制度的重视,它的土木工程实力,它对问责制的重视以及一般的所有中国事物,这并不使他成为一个伪装成印度名字的中国账号。他已经发表了很多与他成长经历、服役年限、他对印度法律体系的法律才能有关的事件,排除了这种可能性。我关注他,他也关注我。没有lixedIn的足迹不应该引起怀疑。我自己就没有尝试过在lixedIn上。很久以前我曾经使用Facebook,但现在不再用了,只是偶尔阅读。加入朋友群的号召,以及被我认识的人们的活动细节所淹没是好的,但让我点赞或祝福的号召让我很反感。因此在我看来,Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam先生,是非常纯正的印度人,尽管他对中国的钦佩令人不安,毕竟中国对印度的侵略仍在继续,并且它竭尽全力阻止印度获得哪怕一点点的影响力或权力。中国忘记了,当它在朝鲜战争后成为世界上被排斥的国家时,是尼赫鲁领导下的印度赋予了它尊严。而它却在背后捅了印度一刀。

Dongfang Gao
Impossible. If he is Chinese, he cannot write an answer that fits the Indian mindset.
Indians cannot write an answer that fits the Chinese mindset either.
Because the culture, history, and experience are completely different, it is easy to make mistakes.
I know that India has a caste system and I know about Hinduism, but I don't know anything about anyone except Shiva.


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