2024-08-09 yzy86 12128


The Chinese wisdom: don't show your real strength early to your competitors. That is the real Chinese spirit and culture.


A good strategy comes from careful planning. It succeeds in secrecy and fails in exposure.


Another Chinese wisdom: be humble


The Western wisdom: They cheated!!! No way they beat the shit out of us!! Mommy I need a candy!!!!


Its Asian thing called modest.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

lol. But you still have to break a WR while appearing not as strong. This is insane!!


The concept of "not showing your cards" is not unique to Chinese culture...


True... Unlike westerners will brag way earlier


Chinese have a lot of wisdom. Still, it is a third world country for the last 5000 years. Even Japan and Korea improved pretty fast.


My man's playing 5D chess while everyone else inhaling their asthma puffer


this quote is on target


More like your man is eating very dope food.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Eat your heart out US and Australia. Again, the Chinese govt should step in to make sure all the athletes are treated equally. Get the anti doping committee to test the US and Australia the same as the Chinese as they are more prone to doping. I know, I'm from US.


Sun Tzu Swimming
Purple faces

孙子式游泳 (√)
紫脸 (ⅹ)

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The reporter deserves a gold medal for keeping this a secret so well!


The Art of War, Pan studied this very well, he's not just fast, he is also very Intelligent.


Dude's like "this wasn't even my best time".


merendah diri dulu supaya musuh tak dapat sabotaj.hebat pan zhanle


This man straight up using art of war for tips and tricks


Such competitive spirit.


Bro was like "this isnt even my final form"


He havent even bankai


Pan: What you're seeing now is my normal state (46.8s). This is a Super Saiyan (46.4s). And this.. This is what is known as a Super Saiyan that has ascended past a Super Saiyan (45.92s).

↘潘:你们现在看到的是我的正常状态(46.8妙)。这是超级赛亚人状态(46.4 秒)。而这是…这就是所谓的超越了超级赛亚人的超级赛亚人(45.92 秒)。

This guy is insane! In a good way.


Such a gifted young and yet mature and humble19 yr old

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ladies and gentlemen. This is what it means when they say, China plays the long game!


Love the confidence, and the swagger. Yet respectful and graceful. So proud to witness his greatness.


sandbagging, gamesmanship, call it what you want. the mental game is part of everything


My new sports hero !!!!!!!!!!!!! Pan Zhanle !!!


Humble guy! I like that a lot. Congratulations


He acknowledged that other swimmers could achieve it too if they believed it's possible and then put effort into reaching it. This has been shown in every sport. People started to improve beyond the bound when someone shows that it's possible.


Come on Pan don't let these Usa Governments and The Olympics hold you back do you can do it i believe in you


Cute, smart and talented young boy


Im from the US and I just learned about how unfairly the Chinese athletes are treated in terms of drug testing. We should fight for equal treatment of all athletes, because I know our own athletes aren’t clean.


Brotha what are you talking about there was a massive scandal where a ton Chinese athletes tested positive for doping of course they would get tested. When you cheat there are consequences. Michael Phelps is calling for if you ever get caught it should be a lifetime ban and I honestly see his point. Cheating should be strictly prohibited and discouraged no matter what race you are.


I think is better that the Chinese team were tested, because now there are not doubt. If even though was test negative they dont stop bringing something that happened years ago and was investigated and clarified by the antidopping authorities, I don't want to see what would happen if they did not do those test.


Bro really brought sun tzu from youtube comments to the Olympics


When you are strong, appear weak - Sun Tzu, Art of war


more like when you are the strongest, only appear strong


Now you people understand why USA are so upset, and demanding excessive amount of drug tests on the Chinese swimmers? They still cannot find what drugs Pan is taking that is making him so fast! US need the test results so they can copy and give the drugs to their own swimmers, understand?


They also can't find out why China can:
1. build their own space station
2. release 2 Phones with Made-in-China rather than imported chips.

1. 建造自己的空间站
2. 发布两款采用中国制造的芯片(而不是进口芯片)的手机。

Smart and tactical guy. Luckily china has this treasure.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

He truly understands sport politics


On the night of the competition in front of the world: 'Surprise!!!!'




Can’t wait to see him on his peak,45s?!!


So far whatever he said, it turned out true. After the 4x100m relay record of 45.92s, he said that he can swim faster than that. Let's see and I am not surprised that he achieves that in the future.


I heard that little swimming coach from a little country,australia, will be angry for the rest of his life lol


Pan is the big hero of the Global South. Greetings from Brazil


That s why Pan is the champion. Those American are just thinking how to use drugs and technology to win, but Pan is just thinking how to adjust the small details in his swimming technique.


True champion spirit!


Aussie here. Not all of us are racist and so sorry my country and the west disrespect you. Pan, you are an amazing 100m swimmer. I hope you compete in the 50m and 200m freestyle also and break records. Be the best sprinter in history, Pan. The best revenge is success.


I remember Sergei Bubka, the pole vaulter, he too did the same so he could break his own world record over and over again


Duplantis too


everyone does this in weightlifting. It's especially important in weightlifting to not lift your max if you don't need to cuz of potential injury.


The art of war by SUN TZU. Perhaps we need to extend a copy of this book to those sour grapes that voiced their concerns regarding his record breaking time. Btw were those USA and Aussie swimmers subjected to that many test before and during the Olympics as well? Just wondering if the playing field was really level.


hang on a second, He probably hints that the opponents would use 'something’ to beat his real limit.


Why the faces of american swimmers all turned PURPLE ??? Scary....overdose with "We Lied , We Cheat , We Steal" . Congrats to Pan for WR , from SEAsia.


thats real asian mind right there


Greetings from Peru SUR Pan Zhanle is a Shark


1 thing I've learned from the broadcast with Television. Is that they nearly if not always, will most likely harass Chinese swimmers if they're successful.


That’s crazy


This is boy is not just good at swimming but smart too!!!


I believe Pan can beat the UAss swimmers by 2 body lengths. Yes , it is possible with Pan. Just look at the way he overtook those drug addicts in the pool...


This guy has the Bruce Lee look, body and attitude.Nobody could figure out how Bruce Lee was so phenomenal, now the same fate is on Pan. Westerners who compete in these races who are built like a brick just cannot understand how a Chinese physique can perform be so phenomenal.


Thanos swimmers are angry!


This is like Lin Dan, who always play at 60pc and adjust according to opponents to not tire out too fast during competitions.


Phan, even if you had revealed this earlier, they wouldn’t have been able to do anything about it or get close


Art of war for a 20 year old kid… damn china’s next generation gonna be LIT


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