2024-08-14 Rayla 5703
Torrey Stephen Whitman
With apologies for an anecdote, I remember a grad student who asserted that the Roman Empire only ended c. 1922, with the abolition of the Ottoman Sultanate. Ottoman Turkey as a successor state to the Eastern Roman Empire. Plenty of room for assertions and challenges to the idea.


The Ottomans did rule over most of the provinces of the post-476 Roman Empire for several hundred years: Anatolia, Syria, Egypt, most of the Balkans, and much of North Africa, from the 15th to late 19th centuries.


At times, the Ottomans, like their Byzantine predecessors, sought to regain control in older Roman areas, like Hungary, Austria, and Italy. Interesting to think abut them asvwould be heirs of the Roman Empire.


Stephen Cunningham
What if Eastern Rome survived to the modern day? How would it be possible? What if Rome survived to the modern day? How would it be possible? Eastern Rome could have survived to the modern day if the Roman Emperor Thodocious did not split te Roman Empire in half in 395 AD and made both of his sons Hnorious and Arcadius Roman Emperors. This is how it would it be possible.


Stephen Cunningham
In the late 330-s Constantine expanded Constantinople in to a major city with the help of the Goths and Alamani and the Franks from the Balkans.He built fortifications all over Byzantium and planed to invade Armenia but decide against it i 325-AD Constantine called for the council of Nicea but thee Eastern Bishops were against this idea they claimed jurisdiction over the Christian church all of the Bishops of Rome finally agreed on Birth of Christ


David Hamm
Forget it —it WOULDN’T have happened because it WOULDN’T have been possible.


During the ‘Middle Ages’ Constantinople, the former Emperor Constantine’s NEW capital at the point of the water passage from the Aegean Sea through the channel of the Bosphorus and into the Black Sea, was TOO CLOSE to the Middle East, then dominated by Muslims in the Ottoman Empire. It took them several tries, but by 1453, the Ottomans captured the city after a 53 day siege, following which Sultan Mehemet II made the city, renamed Istanbul, his new capital, marking the end of the thousand-year solo reign of the Byzantine empire (the former Eastern Roman Empire) following the 476 AD sacking of the ‘Western Empire’ at Rome.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

From Istanbul, the Muslim Ottomans poured into Eastern Europe, conquering multiple territories and re-settling them with people of Islamic ancestry, eventually getting all the way to the gates of Vienna, then capital of the Holy Roman Empire. Over the coming decades, Vienna would be assaulted multiple times—in 1485, in 1529, and finally in 1683 the Ottomans, then under Grand Vizier Kara Mustafa Pasha , with as many as 150,000 followers, laid siege to the walls of Vienna for nearly two months until other Christian forces, mostly cavalry, under the overall leadership of Polish (Christian) King Jan Sobieski arrived in the ‘nick of time’ to break the siege as the walls themselves were about to be breached. The Grand Vizier was compelled to fall back as the forces of the ‘Christian Coalition’ pursued him and ‘liberated’ many formerly Christian areas in Hungary and the Balkans, although some would be ‘reconquered’ by Muslims in later centuries.


Although the Ottoman Empire would keep its capital at Istanbul (formerly Constantinople) at the lix between Asia Minor and Eastern Europe, the Empire would —and did — conquer the Middle East to the shores of the Red Sea and its Muslim holy sites in Medina and Mecca (AND Jerusalem) and then conquered lands in Eastern Europe including Greece and north to the gates of Vienna (Austria) itself, before halted in 1683.


For the record, Vienna, Austria wasn’t ‘captured’ until Napoleon I briefly entered the city twice, in 1805 when a treaty of friendship was signed at Schonbrunn Palace after Napoleon’s victory at Austerlitz, and again in 1809 for a brief period. Vienna would be conquered ONCE MORE — by the Soviet Russians in 1945, who held the city until agreement at war’s end separated the city into ‘zones’ held by the Soviets, the British, American, French and the largest the Soviet zone, with the ‘city center’ being administered by all four together. This continued until Austria regained political independence in 1955. (Similar zones had been created in Berlin as well, which held ‘officially’ until the Berlin Wall was torn down by students and other participants in 1989. )


Zak Casey
With the Enlightenment of the 17th century eventually came ideals of liberalism and nationalism, then eventually socialism, Communism and fascism. The old empires of Europe, especially those which incorporated many ethnic and/or religious groups generally succumbed to these new, revolutionary ideas, especially nationalism. I imagine that the non-Greek populations would have fought for independence to a great extent in the 1800s, as the non-Turk populations did in the Ottoman Empire.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Alternatively the other dominant revolutionary ideology, liberalism, may have shaped the Byzantine Empire. This would have likely resulted in the implementation of democracy and the status of emperor being reduced to a ceremonial role, or abolished altogether. In addition many of the non-Greek areas would likely vote for independence and either be granted it or engage in war to secure it, likely succeeding as independence wars fought with guerrila tactics have historically proved to be highly effective.


Likely the Byzantine Empire would have experienced a similar fate as the Ottoman Empire did if it survived into the era of nationalism and liberalism. Today, it would probably not exist. I imagine Greece would exist in its place, but more powerful and with a greater population and extent of terrorities (primarily in Anatolia) than it does today. Likely a Byzantine dynasty would still exist too, but having formally relinquished their claim on the empire some decades ago much as the Osman dynasty has abandoned their claim on the Ottoman Empire.


Paul Georgian
If Byzantium had survived to modern times it is likely, it is likely that it would be a constitutional monarchy within a democratic frxwork. I believe the Imperial system would survive predicated on two things, one since the monarchy can be traced directly back to Augustus, eliminating it completely might be too much of a shock to the body politic and 2 if the Imperial family was intelligent at the time of the inevitable democratic reforms they would have gone with the flow and been a supporter of reform. Assuming the Bulgars and Serbs maintained their identity they would have eventually formed their own nations. That would leave a Byzantine state with all of Greece, some additional territory in the Balkans south of the Balkan mountains, Thrace and Macedonia and all or most of what is now Turkish Anatolia. In addition fully independent states of Georgia and Armenia would exist supported by Byzantium and fully allied to it. These 3 Christian allied states would be a strong buffer to Muslim domination of the Middle East. Given the entrepernurial nature of the Greek and Armenian people, it is likely our modern Byzantine State would certainly be as advanced as Italy and Spain, and probably the equal of France and Germany. And I, of course, would be living in Constantinople as a happily retired member of the Byzantine Commonwealth.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Leon Brekmon
Yes, at many points during the Eastern Roman Empires existence there were mistakes made. If the Eastern Roman Empire had not rapidly expanded during Justinian's rule and wasted all their treasury on his dreams, the empire may have been able to defend off invaders such as the Muslim Caliphate. Time and time again the Eastern Romans could have focused more upon lasting as an empire, but corruption and internal crises plagued them especially towards the end of their days. But the state which would exist today would not be exactly like the Eastern Roman Empire just like Mr. Coopman mentioned, it may be the size of Greece except with control over Istanbul, or it might have a parliament, or some other government other than a monarchy.


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