2024-08-16 yzy86 8343


I really don’t think the rest of the world is catching up to the US nor China. The reason why China is so good is that the dedication that its athletes give their respective sports. Seriously. They start at a very young age and that’s all they do is just that.


The US is so strong in athletics because of how organized athletics are in the country and because the best high school athletes are allowed to compete in university athletics.


What gives the US the edge over all of the world is its universities. There’s literally athletes from Sweden, France, Australia, you name it at American universities competing against top American athletes.


China funds their athletes development from a young age whereas the US collegiate system makes a lot of money off of them. I find it funny how both systems are effective


Personally find the US to be a much better place to be an athlete.
Also, C’s athletes are just pawns for their government.


GGWP. Tokyo 2021 ended with a 1 gold medal gap between US and China. This time it was tied.
2028 is going to be exciting. Although I expect the usual Olympic homecooking that happens will come into play for us.


Somehow I can’t imagine China performing too well in flag football, baseball and lacrosse!


Perhaps but they nearly pulled off the upset of the games in women’s field hockey


Their women's rugby team looked very good as well!


That’s not gonna make up for the medals(8 if they were dropped this year) they will lose on since IOC has dropped Boxing and weightlifting from 2028 schedule.


China not creating a bunch of sports only they play?


Yes, only the U.S. plays baseball


China overperformed expectations. I think they were projected 35-36 gold coming in. So well played


My projections before tourny was 41 US and 36 China. Everything was on track until China did better than I expected in canoe, artistic swimming, Rhythmic swimming and boxing while US lost shotput and didn't get the makeup high jump.

↘赛前我的推算是:美国 41金,中国36金。一切都在按照计划发展,直到中国在皮划艇、花样游泳和拳击项目上拿出了超出我预期的表现,而美国输掉了铅球,也没有在补赛中赢得跳高那块金牌。

Our relay coaches need some serious work. Didn't we get disqualified in the mixed 4x in Tokyo for a bad handoff too?


They almost never practice it, they just the pull sprinter's names out of a hat and do it live. And then change the lineup last second so even if practice did happen, it doesn't matter anymore.


Let's not forget atheletes like the pole vaulter who is a US citizen, born and bred in Louisana, but represents Sweden.


Su Weide of the Chinese team lost the gold medal by many mistakes in gymnastics and was exposed by Chinese netizens. Hahaha


China not getting gold in men's all around gymnastics was a surprise as well


Indeed, even a gold in Tennis and BMX also surprised me.
One thing China could improve on, though, would be to re-conquer badminton. 2 gold in 5 events for this year (same with 2020). Hopefully, China could get some more gold in Badminton for LA 2028!

不过,有一方面是中国可以改进的,那就是重新征服羽毛球。今年在5个项目中获得2金(与2020年相同)。希望中国能在 2028年洛杉矶奥运会的羽毛球比赛中再多拿一些金牌!

'm actually happy with Badminton being competitive and only a couple Chinese golds. I want China to win less table tennis in 2028 to hopefully give that sport some more fire. Its slowly dying.
Hopefully China picks the medals back up elsewhere like gymnastics or swimming or starts getting a TF medal or two.


Table Tennis isn't dying lol, Japan and France have put in tons of work in the last 4 years. Felix Lebrun went from nowhere to Bronze and he's only 19 or something. China's #1 seed got knocked out by Sweden. Harimoto almost knocked out the other player.
There's a lot of hype for table tennis right now.

↘乒乓球不会消亡的哈哈,日本和法国在过去四年里付出了巨大的努力。菲利克斯·勒布伦从籍籍无名到获得铜牌,他只有 19岁左右。中国的头号种子被瑞典人淘汰。而张本差点就淘汰了另一位选手。

Nah I want less gold for China in badminton. Having more competitive countries will be great for badminton development in long term. Table tennis is the example, the likes of Sweden and France have slowly emerged and actually gave the mighty China a great fight and kept me engaged all the time.


Surely China was the favourite for artistic/rhythmic swimming once Russia pulled out?


Why do we always do it by the skin of our teeth lMao


Something to note is that the USA and China have very different ways of approaching the games that cause China to have a higher floor when it comes to golds (i.e. they enter almost every Olympics with more events where they are big favorites for gold) but the USA has a higher ceiling (i.e. the USA enters every Olympics with more events where they could realistically get gold).


The Chinese Olympic Comittee a largely state-run centralized organization that is focused on gold over all else. So while they obviously do put money a bit everywhere and will obviously support top swimmers or shot-putters if they emerge, they are VERY heavily focused on sports where they are likely to get golds and a lot of them.


They noticed years ago that the USA, GB, Australia, etc. didn't put that much funding (comparatively) into diving, weightlifting, shooting, etc, so they basically decided that they'd fund and train the hell out of those sports so they could rack up a bunch of golds in them. Also, they'll generally only heavily fund and train people who have a good shot at gold- apparently the Chinese sportscape is full of people who were discarded when it was determined that they would only be the seventh best diver in the world.


By contrast, the USOC is a non-governmental entity- it's authorized by the US government, but isn't of it and receives almost no funding from it (and what funding they do get directly from the government is related to providing paralympic opportunities for wounded veterans, IIRC). Instead, it's funded by sponsors, donors, and big fat media rights deals. This leads to two things: it's the wealthiest National Olympic Committee and thus can fund basically everything to at least some level (although of course some are funded far more than others while others like team handball I presume are basically given the minimum)... but it's also at the whims of the donors and sponsors, who of course want the big prestige events like track, swimming, gymnastics, etc. to receive the most money.


This means that the USA is "in it" in a lot of sports, but the ones where it's most dominant and well-funded (track, swimming, etc.) are also the ones where OTHER countries are strongest (since again track and swimming have other strong programs that the Chinese don't have to deal with in weightlifting or diving or whatever), so there are fewer guaranteed golds. On the other hand, though, the USA spreads out the money more in general due to having more of it thanks to the largesse of NBC, and it WILL fund people who may not be major gold medal favorites. This means that the USA has more athletes who will pull in gold medals they aren't "supposed" to win, like Hocher and Faulkner this year.


So in essence, when it all comes together like this, it means that every Summer Olympics will almost certainly see the USA win the overall medal count, but gold will basically comes down to how well the USA does in the more-famous-but-more competitive disciplines and how many unexpected golds the USA grabs. And that also means that if swimming and/or track falter (as track did in Tokyo and swimming did this year) the gold medal count is going to be close, since China piles up the golds in diving, weightlifting, etc. But in years where both the swimming AND track both kill it with golds, the USA will blast everyone away, as happened in Rio.


Also, China not only emphasizes training in sports where the US are less dominant, but also events/sports where there are multiple medal opportunities. Why train 20 people to win one medal (ie. a basketball team), when you can train one person to win 10 medals (ie. Michael Phelps).


China spent tons of money training their basketball and football team to the extent that tax payers are complaining about this. It's also investing in sports that was never its thing before like tennis and hockey. It's just you don't know lol


So in short, America uses its overall athletic prowess to try and dominate with sheer athleticism. China instead focuses narrowly on the sports it knows no one else focuses on in an attempt to bump up its medal count in less competitive sports.
I'll take the former any day.


China won 1 gold and 1 silver in tennis, 2 gold and dozens of silver and bronze in swimming, silver in hockey, gold in cycling, gold in rowing, and 2 gold and 1 silver 1 bronze in boxing. Are tennis, swimming, hockey, cycling, rowing, boxing all fiends that have no international competitors?


As an American I’m ecstatic about this outcome, but I have nothing but respect for Team China here. While I, as a former track and field athlete, never understood the focus on gold to determine the winner as our events are scored by weighted medal count for the team win, the narrative around most golds made for an exciting time and discussion.


And they say we are fat and stupid!


On average, we are


China making the medal count super competitive added a lot of excitement to these games


Race to the top was wild between USA and China. It came down to last day and last game (I believe) and the last fucking shot. I have never seen any Olympics where medal topper being decided this late.


US also has 204 more athletes than China, in fact they are at the low end of the medals won to athletes ratio


US and China supporters should join forces to make fun of India.


Suck it China!


Good. Can't let China use as part of their propaganda campaign of "the declining West." They also just win dumb events like synchronized diving.


Idk kinda annoying we tied with China


Bro I am scared, China is getting closer and closer every 4 years


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