2024-08-18 熊猫永不为奴 8617

After having some experience with healthcare in China, I decided to make a video drawing some comparisons and differences between the healthcare in the UK and China.


Mike Wallace
For reimbursable drugs, China’s policy is centralized government procurement. The government first negotiates with the pharmaceutical companies to buy and deliver to the hospital at the lowest price, and for the companies, access to the government procurement catalogue means a steady stream of sales and revenue (albeit at a low unit price)


Steven X
Same as Canada. Of course US is a market economy


Steven H.
Canada does the same! I am SO THANKFUL.


catherine kwok
Lee speaks so detail about the health care system in Britain and China, that let me gain more knowledge. Thank Lee, wish you recover soon!


david c
Great to see Lee making videos again and hope it continues, with more travelling soon. I've been to hospital 3 times in China. 1st time was with food poisoning and they put me in a bed straight away, at around 4.00a.m and put me on a drip and I was OK next day. Not that great ward, with mosquitoes and primitive toilet, but bearable. 2nd and 3rd time I went to a general hospital and saw a dr straight away, had blood tests and X Rays, with results within a few minutes, then went back to the dr, who gave me a prescxtion to get Chinese medicine-total time there about 45 minutes and cost about £3-both times.


Vicky J
The doctors will get the results through online digital system at the first time. They read your results on computer. At the same time, the departments of different tests informed you to collect the results as well. The hard copy of test results took by patiences, the reason is for keeping a physical document themselves. If they want to consult with different doctors in another hospital, they can bring these material to describe their current health conditions and previous healthcare suggestions with these tests results.


Vicky J
In China, for the extreme poor people, there are some governmental projects and finance provided specifically. They still are able to get medical care service. Though, the service level might be the corresponding basic treatment to their health issue.
In terms of lower income families, they can live themselves by working hard but don’t a large amount of deposits. For normal sickness or diseases, it is not a big deal. But for severe disease such as cancer, it might bring a financial pressure to this family, though 90% cost is covered by societal insurance. Thus, their quality of life might decline.(I hope these situations will be better in the future.) In previous Covid 19 pandemic period in Wuhan, China, the government knew what will the financial influences mean to majority families. Thus, the gov released new policy about the government will pay for all the Covid 19 treatment costs.
,In terms of a developing country, is a big issue. BTW, it’s good to know people working hard to let things getting better.

对于低收入家庭来说,他们可以通过努力工作来生活,但没有大量的存款。不过对于正常的疾病,没有存款也没什么大不了的。但对于像癌症这样的严重疾病,它可能会给这个家庭带来经济压力,尽管90%的治疗费用会由社会保险支付。因此,他们的生活质量可能会下降。(我希望这些情况在未来会更好。)在之前的中国Covid - 19大流行时期,政府知道经济影响对大多数家庭意味着什么。因此,政府发布了有关政府的新政策,将支付所有Covid - 19治疗费用。

score watcher
The UK's NHS has gone downhill rapidly. I have 3 relatives in the NHS, 2 pathologists and another I cannot reveal as there are only a few of them in the NHS and easily identified. In pathology, there's chronic understaffing. They are so stressed and pressured that you have to wonder if accurate diagnosis can be asked of them. 2-3mins per slide! It's crazy. It's unpaid overtime most of the time. The NHS pension system is so ridiculous that if you earn over limit, you actually start losing money! So they are resigning and working outside the grade. In fact, they are thinking of working as locums which will take the pressure off, but cost the NHS more. Apparently, it's the same in other specialities. It's so bad they have banned their offsprings from taking up a medical career.

英国的国民医疗保健服务(NHS)已经迅速走下坡路。我有3个亲戚在NHS系统内工作, 2个病理学家和另一个我不能透露的职位,因为我怕说多了被你们猜到身份。在病理学工作岗位,长期存在人员不足的问题。他们的压力十分巨大,能否问他们准确的诊断结果我都怀疑。每个人只有2-3分钟的问诊时间!这太疯狂了。而且他们大部分的时间都是无偿加班。英国国民健康保险制度是如此荒谬,如果你赚的钱超过限额,你实际上就会开始亏损!所以他们最后辞职去外面工作了。事实上,他们正在考虑作为“临时代理医生”工作,这可以减轻压力,而且挣的更多。显然,其他相关的岗位也是类似的情况。而且他们禁止他们的后代从事医疗事业,太糟糕了。

Darren Zhu
Hi Lee, a minor correction. Most Chinese hospitals do have the option to provide meals for hospitalized patients (patients need to pay extra money for the meal plan, unlike in HK or the UK, where as far as I understand the cost of the meals is included in the overall bill of hospitalization). Many hospitals also have canteens that are open to patients as well. There are also professional carers in Chinese hospitals (at least in big ones). The differences are that all these services are optional (e.g., you can opt out of the meal plan, and you can choose not to hire a carer, though in my experience, most families would hire one even if they have someone staying with the patient at the hospital). The carers in Chinese hospitals might not have a full working contract with the hospital and do not count formally as hospital staff. So, sometimes patients who need further care after releasing from the hospital can hire the same person to come and work as hourly carers at home.


I do prefer the options available.


le le
The food in some hospitals are pretty good and affordable . Even after my mother got out of the hospital we still went back to buy food there.


It is very true that China is still developing. I believe that if we develop to the level of developed countries, everyone will be able to get treatment. Of course, I don’t want to develop into free treatment, because we cannot raise lazy people in China, but I still hope that everyone will work hard to improve their lives.


There is a type of hospitalization called "full care", which means that the hospital will fully take care of the patient after discussion, including food, clothing, cleaning, and so on, but this is a fee for the services of a health care provider, not a medical fee and means high costs as well, which are usually not covered by health insurance, so family care means less cost.


AI Chopper

@AI Chopper 不然呢

AI Chopper

@犇羴鱻 是不是需要买保险才会有这样的服务啊!
@AI Chopper 这应该是属于服务费,不包含在医疗保险里的,视频中说的那需要自己掏钱的10%也属于服务费,比如挂号费,床位费,卫生费什么的。如果交给医院全权护理,相当于从医院雇一个人帮忙护理,这就需要额外支付了。是不包含在医疗保险里的

In China, you can also ask a caregiver to take care of you, but most Chinese think that only family care can make the patient feel more comfortable, so normally, patients will be taken care of by a family or a friend. And most hospitals provide food if you want. But most Chinese think the food hospital provides is not delicious or nutritious, so the family will provide food themselves...


chn liujr
Totally agree with you. In china, too many many people, and still many issues. but get better and better.


Jonathan H
Having had some minor medical treatment in China, what you say is very much in line with my experience. I did financially help with cost of treatment of my niece’s daughter when she fell and broke her leg. So good to see her running around when I was next in China


Robert A
When you have tests done, in all hospitals of which i am aware in China,, all results are attached to your computer file, however you need to pick up a hard copy from the relevant department who performed the test, which is usually available after around 2.30 pm in the afternoon. Of course urgent tests can be completed rapidly as directed by the doctor.


Ann Yuan


Aotemjen Jamir
There will be differences everywhere. Just be glad you are not in the US. And glad to see you doing well.


My Previous landlord had lymphoma, she went to a local hospital and they scheduled her a second test in 6month LOL... and this happened in Virginia, 20 mins outside of Washington, D.C. and I've been working in Healthcare research field for the last few years, plus my personal hospital experience, just want to say that American Healthcare is completely a joke.


graham ralston
Hi Lee,
That's just the experience I had, when I needed treatment in China for getting knocked off my motorcycle in China.
The speed of getting things done, x-rays, physio, blood tests, all done same day.
To be honest, I would prefer treatment in China than UK.


I live in Melbourne, Australia and I had gone to the hospital for serveral times here. Right after I born my baby, they did a surgery on me because some part of my placenta didn't came out. But one month later, i got very heavy bleeding and was sent to the emergency. I lost 2L blood and almost lost my conscious, but they made me wait there for more than an hour because there was no surgeon available. After my second surgery, they said it should be fine now as they took another part of placenta out. But a few hours later, I told them I was bleeding again. At first, the nurse said it's not bleeding a lot, so I had to wait until I bled a lot to get the third surgery. When I woke up, I was in intensive care. The only thing I was glad was I was still alive. They said several experienced specialists attend my surgery and they took out another piece of placenta. After these three surgeries, I got a lot of blood transfer and stayed in hospital for a long time. That was very bad and horrible memory. BTW, this hospital is Australia's first and leading specialist hospital for the health and wellbeing of women and newborn. So I would rather prefer speed and experience.


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jian yang
well. since the scale of the population of Aus and CN are different, Chinese docs see more illness, I dont want to say they are more skilled, but they are experienced,


Bob Morane
Well exactly, your experience shows that the so called first world healthcare system which is often regarded as first rate and second to none isn't living up to its reputation. Actually, more and more Singapore and Hong Kong are turning out to be on the rise as first rate healthcare and more attention should be paid to what they are doing to improve the healthcare they provide. Many of the issues could be as simple as wrinkling out systemic bottle necks.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Wei Zhang


In HK, public hospitals come with simple and basic meals when hospitalized, however, private hospitals don't include meals. they will have menu for you to order with extra cost.


Allen Wong
In 2020 with corvib19, a lot of elective surgeries, tests and procedures were canceled in Canadian hospitals. Now there's a hugh backlog. You need to wait a very long time. In China it's very fast. That's major difference now.


John O'neill
Great to see you looking better each new video I think that the level of care seems to be better in China at least they seem more on the ball and they don't mind if you want a second opinion and go to another doctor unlike my doctor. I went to my GP/doctor about 2 years ago about blood when I went to the toilet and he examined me and just passed it off as a polyp nothing to worry about, later that year I developed diverticulitis and had to go and have a scan unfortunately I was too ill to have the procedure, I then had to wait nearly 7 months before I could get another scan appointment and when they did the scan they saw the so called harmless polyp and because it was bleeding so much they took a biopsy. It turns out it was cancerous, I had bowel cancer. Thankfully once they diagnosed it as cancer within a couple of weeks I was in hospital and had the operation to remove it and I am cancer free now.


Worldwide Confederation
I think this is one of the best comparisons I've heard over the healthcare system between China and the UK. Buddy, I wish you a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing you as always


Eway Ng
The cost of illness in China is high, but fortunately, the country’s centralized procurement has drastically reduced medical expenses. China has also universalized medical insurance, including rural areas, and only pays 300 RMB (50 US dollars) per year


Ricky Spanish
If the cost of healthcare in China is high then cost of usa must have left the solar system by now


parry jackson
@Ricky Spanish Also a speedy recovery to Mr.Barrett.
This is NOT the US Democratic way for its citizens, but for decades its been is a form of predatory capitalism run by a PLUTOCRATIC Style of governance. Insurance companies have run out of control.
In New Zealand its free. We also have a GP family doctor, a single visit costing NZ$19.50 per adult. Medicines prescribed from doctor at any chemist cost nothing to a few dollars for all of the drugs that the doctor prescribed for you. Public hospital and food and care are all free of charge. Healthcare insurance for private hospital for all of the family (3 adults) is about $1600 per annum full cover, others depending the type of plan. It's worth it. Although the public hospital is really good too for surgeries as they are really up to date with great equipment and staff.
Specialist consultations are expensive at about NZ$350 or so per visit.
Private New Zealand Healthcare Insurance is good for family cost expenditure and assurance.


loser king
@RamenFit Rural medical insurance did not start in 2013. It used to cost only dozens of yuan, but now the price is rising every year.


@loser king 1. Please provide your sources 2. Does the rise of the cost of insurance come with the rise of service? Is the increase of the cost of insurance go along with the increase of income in the region where you are referring to? I’m not trying to argue, nor am I saying you’re wrong, I believe the “rural healthcare” you’re referring to is the New Rural Cooperative Medical System (NRCMS), it has been implementing in rural china since 2003. that a patient can use his/her healthcare from his/her hometown in every city is china as he/she wishes.

1. 请提供你的消息来源。保险费用的增加是伴随着服务的增加而来的吗?你所指的地区,保险费用的增加是否伴随着收入的增加?我不是想争辩什么,也不是说你错了,但我认为你所说的“农村卫生医疗”是指新农村合作医疗制度,它从2003年开始在中国农村实施。中国每个城市的患者都可以按照自己的意愿在家乡就医。
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John Li
Thank you for putting out the video. Rest whenever you can and get fully recovered soon. I lived in the US and had few encounters with US hospitals. The costs of the treatments I had to deal with convinced me that the whole thing is an insurance scam.

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Frankie C
There is always a chain effect. The more expensive hospitalization and doctor's fees will be the more the insurance fees so the more the insured have to pay. Unless the government can control the system well.


Joe Chou
Lee, do you realize you were put in fast track? My understanding is that, once doctors found you have cancer, they moved you up the line, make sure you receive timely treatments, minimize any delay and maximize your chance of survival. This is more a general health care policy, rather than some doctor's personal favors toward you.


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