2024-08-19 用功 5909

If you would have asked me 10 years ago if I wanted to live permanently outside of Canada, I would have said NO. But now... things have changed.
As someone who has lived in Canada for most of their life, it makes me extremely sad to realize that the country I've called home for so long has created some very bad situations for its citizens and I'm just not sure when and if it's going to get better. The cost of living has gotten so out of control that tent encampments are popping up everywhere, the middle class is shrinking and economic growth has become stagnant in Canada (if you take away the numbers from mass immigration). Of course this is not a problem that is unique to Canada, but it is forcing people all around the world to look for new opportunities that are better suited to their particular needs. I'm still in the process of what that's going to look like for me, but I hope you guys will join my journey of figuring it out!


The Canada the kids of today will know is nothing like the Canada I grew up in. Not in a good way.


Last September I was referred to a Cardiologist in Toronto.
Two days ago August 13th I received a call to book an appointment sometime in 2025.
I was on the waiting list to make an appointment for 11 months.
Referred in 2023. Appointment in 2025. That's for a Cardiologist!
Meanwhile Trudeau dumped 1.3 million immigrants in the country just last year.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I was born in Sudbury in 1973 and we moved to Ottawa shortly after. Growing in Ottawa in the 80's were the best years of my life. I obviously didn't know that back then! Nowadays, there's not a week in Ottawa without at least more than one shootings. The houses our parents bought in the 70's for $35000 are worth now more than $600000... I sincerely don't recognise our society anymore. It's almost as if all that we knew back then is gone! I'm really sad for today's teenagers and young adults. I really wish we could go 40 years back!!!


im 35, i cant find a husband, i cant buy a condo, i cant walk around at night, i cant get a family doctor and 30% of my income goes to taxes. every day i ask myself why am i here?


I am physician who is an employee at a hospital (the hospital does not allow certain physician specialists to incorporate). With my salary I am paying 150k per year in taxes. The money is essentially paying for Trudeau and his lackeys to stay at 5 star hotels and eat expensive meals while violence and homelessness spiral out of control. I am thinking about leaving as well...

我是一名医生,在一家医院工作(医院不允许某些专科医生入职)。我的工资每年要交 15 万美元的税。这些钱基本上是用来支付特鲁多和他的走狗们住五星级酒店、吃昂贵的饭菜,而暴力和无家可归的情况正在失控。我也在考虑离开……

Canada has a very small window to turn this around . The first move is getting rid of the idiots in federal government.


Canada is bigger than USA with a population less than California. They have as many natural resources as Russia. They are sitting next to the biggest market where you can export even stones if you attach a story. Canadians can all live well from anyone of the following: Export wood, Fish, Oil, gas, electricity, wheat, potatoes, etc... Just one item is enough. Yet Canada manages to have so many homeless and poor people
But to live in Canada is like spending half your life inside a freezer.


In the 80s and 90s Canada received thousands of immigrants who believed they were living the Canadian dream and obtaining nationality was a great honor, what happened to Canada to get to this point, every year I see dozens of farmers selling their land and emigrating to Brazil, and prospering in soybean plantations and raising cattle, when I ask a Canadian farmer why he came to Brazil, I only see a tear drop and answer Canada is in the past and he needs to guarantee the future of his family.


I came to Calgary in 1983, and since then, I've seen Canada change for the better and worse. I moved back to my native country of Malaysia in 1997 and lived and worked there until 2012. I can honestly say that my native country is so much cheaper to live. I don't need to wait months to see a specialist and wait over an hour to see my family doctor despite already booking an appointment. Doctors just want to get you out of their office fast so they can see more patients. Got a second health concern, well, book another appointment. What a joke! In Malaysia, I can get full body check-ups, including x-ray, ECG, and blood work, including results the same day. What's the use of free health care if the service takes donkey months? I've decided to move back to Malaysia in about two year's time and enjoy the warm weather and cheaper cost of living. Canada is a GREAT country, but the elected government just screwed things up. Will miss the Calgary Stampede for sure.

我于 1983 年来到卡尔加里,从那时起,我目睹了加拿大的变迁。我于 1997 年搬回了我的祖国马来西亚,并在那里生活和工作到 2012 年。我可以诚实地说,我的祖国生活成本要低得多。我不需要等几个月才能看专科医生,也不需要等一个多小时才能看我的家庭医生,尽管已经预约了。(加拿大的)医生只想让你快点离开他们的办公室,这样他们就可以看更多的病人。如果再出现健康问题,好吧,那就再预约一次。真是个笑话!在马来西亚,我可以做全身检查,包括 x 光、心电图和血液检查,包括当天出结果。如果免费医疗服务要等上几个月,那还有什么用呢?我决定在大约两年后搬回马来西亚,享受那里的温暖天气和更便宜的生活成本。加拿大是一个伟大的国家,但民选政府把事情搞砸了。我肯定会想念卡尔加里的牛仔节的。

Canada was my biggest dream, but unfortunately also the country that destroyed my life. I lost everything I had in this life, including the apartment in my native country, in order to survive in Canada. I kept hoping that the situation would be better for me, but it wasn't like that.
At the same time, it was the country where I felt like a slave...employers do not have the slightest respect for employees. Not having the right to go to the toilet seems inhuman to me. Also to get only 10 days of paid holiday it is inhuman as well.
Unfortunately, for dreamy immigrants like me, Canada is a country that sells well...and is overrated. They claim that you have finished your degree, know English, have experience, be young, to approve your visa...and after you get there, you are "thrown" to the most mediocre jobs, all your previous experience no longer has value.
Because of this experience, I ended up destroying my mental health, having anxiety and depression problems... crying because I lost everything I had saved in this life. It's hard to recover from such a trauma.

与此同时,在这个国家,我感觉自己像个奴隶……雇主对员工没有丝毫的尊重。没有上厕所的权利在我看来是不人道的。而且,只有 10 天的带薪假期,这也是不人道的。
不幸的是,对于像我这样充满梦想的移民来说,加拿大是一个卖相很好的国家……而且被高估了。他们声称,你完成了学位,懂英语,有经验,年轻,就会批准你的签证……而你到了那里之后,就会被 "扔 "到最平庸的工作岗位上,你以前的所有经验都不再有价值。

The average price of a home in Toronto is $1 MILLION CAD or about $800K USD. The average Canadian home is around $600K CAD ($480K USD). Most Canadians make an average salary of about $50,000 USD. Do the math. No one can buy a home on that income. Not that much better in many parts of America or the UK or Australia or New Zealand either. I'm American but I read the CBC daily. It is rough for everyone.


I came to this country as an immigrant in the 80’s. Back then, people were proud to be Canadian and they “advertised” it by wearing small maple leaf pins on their hats or backpacks when travelling. The Canada that I came to WAS a proud country, respectful of its veteran citizens, and WAS a beacon of western ideals.
This Canada DOES NOT ExiST ANYMORE. This is not the country I immigrated to. It has regressed socially, economically, politically and militarily. If the Canada of today existed in the 80’s, I would not have come here.


I am also leaving Canada this year. I was born here and have spent almost 4 decades living in Canada, but for now, I cannot stay. Will be moving to South East Asia in a few months. No immediate intention on returning any time soon. The spell that has taken over the country's politicians, elites and even many regular citizens has destroyed my home and I don't see it changing.


The wife and I are looking for a new home too, this country that was once the envy of the world has turned into a dystopian nightmare under a Trudeau/Singh government.


I'm 54 and my wife and I are VERY worried about our future, gas and food prices rising daily. We have had our savings dwindle with the cost of living into the stratosphere, and we are finding it impossible to replace them. We can get by, but can't seem to get ahead. My condolences to anyone retiring in this crisis, 30 years nonstop just for a crooked system to take all you worked for.

我今年 54 岁,我和妻子都非常担心我们的未来,因为汽油和食品价格每天都在上涨。我们的积蓄已经随着生活成本的飙升而缩水,而且我们发现根本无法补充积蓄。我们可以勉强度日,但似乎无法出人头地。我对那些在这场危机中退休的人表示哀悼,30年来,为了一个不公正的制度,你付出的一切都被剥夺了。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My wife and I are retired living in San Francisco... It looks a lot like Toronto. We have traveled a bit to over 40 countries, but we find ourselves going back more often to Malaysia. Each visit we stay longer and longer. Malaysia is affordable, has great food, and everyone speaks English.
Love the US, but there are crazy people running it.


I left Canada in 2021 and came back this week for the first time. I am in complete shock I honestly don’t know how people survive. I bought a TRAVEL SIZE conditioner, soap, eyebrow pencil and toothpaste and the total was $47 at shoppers . I went to a restaurant with a friend. we shared a meal and got two kid size meals for her kids and 2 glasses of wines . The total was almost $200. Since I’ve been abroad for a while I wanted to go to the doctors and utilize my work insurance. Impossible! Wait time is 3-4 weeks just for an initial meeting. It would be easier for me to pay out of pocket abroad than use the “free” services Canada ( and my job) offers. I have no children and work in tech and I’m grateful but even working in this field I wouldn’t be able to have a quality life living here. It’s so sad I was born and raised here but I see no future for myself in Canada.


I'm from Texas. As a young fool I married a Canadian woman in 79. I'm a military man, army strong. So, many deployments all over the world. Oh, wife was also military, Canadian military. Our time together was limited. She left the military in 1990, got sick with cancer in 93, died in 93. I moved to Canada then, to be with the kids. Kids grew up, and I moved away. I recently returned to Canada after roughly 30 years away. I'm also leaving. I can't stand this place. And I've learned that the insanity in Canada is worldwide. I don't recognize the UK, Italy, Poland, Germany. Everything has changed. Right now I'm in Texas panhandle, on the ranch my father and his father ran. Thousands of acres, horses and cattle and dogs. I almost never see the neighbors. I love it.

我来自德克萨斯州。79 年,我娶了一个加拿大女人。我是个军人,军队出身。因此,我曾多次被派往世界各地。哦,我的妻子也是军人,加拿大军人。我们在一起的时间很有限。她 1990 年离开军队,93 年患上了癌症,93 年去世。为了和孩子们在一起,我搬到了加拿大。孩子们长大了,我也搬走了。在离开加拿大大约 30 年后,我最近回到了加拿大。我也要离开了。我无法忍受这个地方。我了解到加拿大的疯狂是世界性的。我不认识英国、意大利、波兰和德国了,一切都变了。现在我在德州的潘汉德地区 ,在我父亲和我爷爷经营的牧场里。牧场有几千英亩,有马、牛和狗。我几乎从未见过邻居。我喜欢这里。

My family immigrated here in the 1950s out of war torn Europe for a better life. Things have changed so much since I was a kid in the 80s and 90s. Toronto was a safe city with a good vibe. Things were reasonably affordable. Trudeau didn't start a lot of the problems, but he massively accelerated them. Government is openly hostile to basically anyone who was born here. They sold out the country to wealthy foreigners. I make a decent income but I still can't afford a house. Taxes are killing me. My doctor is horrible, but I can't find a new one. Civil liberties went right out the window. The people are cold and sullen. Crime is getting bad. Life just feels like it gets a little worse every year. I've been mulling it over for a long time, but might finally be time to head south. There's got to be something better than this, because I'm getting older and life now just feels like going through the motions.


Where we live matters and how we vote determines the quality of life where we live. Canadians embarked upon a journey of progressivism and the WEF version of life with Trudeau to arrive at a destination that is very different to what was promised. Highly predictable and warned by many, Canadians chose this and the path to recovery will be a long and difficult one, if taken at all. Trudeaus progressive agenda has no end point, only a continued downward spiral of Canadian life, society and solid Canadian values.


It’s not just the taxes and living costs but the decline of every basic facet of life: healthcare, infrastructure, education, etc. it’s all gone downhill


Open immigration is pricing out the middle class in western countries. More people means higher housing costs, higher food costs, more competition for services and lower wages. Young people have bought a line of b.s. by accepting "diversity" and anti-racism" without understanding what open immigration policies mean to their quality of life.


I am a trained Canadian doctor. I left as soon as I graduated. Canada is a collapsing country


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