2024-08-20 Phelps 7303


Dr. Balaji Viswanathan
India has won just 7 medals in the last Olympics which is low [32 countries did better]. However, that has nothing to do with Indian diet or being Vegetarians.


For instance, nearly 100% of Pakistan is made of meat-eaters and they won 0 medals in the last 7 Olympics. Afghans tend to be bigger and stronger. They are also meat eaters and they got 0 in the last few decades. Sri Lankans tend to eat more fish and they won nothing either. Same case with other south Asian countries. In fact, India tends to dominate the South Asian sports whatever that is worth. Thus, vegetarianism is not its weakness.


We will move to another region. Maybe it is a regional thing. Indonesia got 5, Mexico 4, Malaysia/Philipines/Argentina/Nigeria 2, South Africa 3. Take any major developing country — regardless of whatever they eat, they are likely to score low.


The most important determinant of Olympic medal count is wealth. Without wealth, poor Afghans or Nigerians or Indians are not going to score much. In fact, India has improved its performance in a lot of games in the last 2 decades, only with prosperity. But, we have a long way to go. You could see such a drastic change in South Korea. Before 1984 they were a very small sporting power, but in 1980s they got rich fast, and so did their medal counts.


Of course, there are exceptions. There are 4 (out of 150) developing countries that do well in Olympics — China, Brazil, Jamaica and Kenya.


In case of Jamaica and Kenya, there is a genetic trait that is found in a small population group that makes them excellent runners. This probably came out of a mutation a long time ago. First came in Kenya and then exported to the Caribbean.


China and Brazil are developing countries that have invested a lot on sporting infrastructure & success [China hosting the games in 2008 and Brazil in 2016]. That is a kind of infra most developing countries don’t have.


Besides the infra, China built a lot of sporting focus dating back to its communist origins. During the Cold War, sports was used as a proxy battle ground. Thus, both USA-led group and the USSR-led group spent a lot of effort grooming athletes and put high level energy in winning medals. You can still find the ex-Soviet bloc countries such as Cuba and Hungary punching above their weight. communist countries could divert their resources on such specific pride projects.


For groups not aligned with these 2 battling countries, not as much priority was given to medals.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Aman Sharma
Vegetarianism has a very less or perhaps zero role to play when winning a medal. There are bigger factors that exist for a country’s medal tally in an Olympics. Most of the Indian players come alone from Haryana and you might get surprised that it has the highest percentage of vegetarians among the Indian states. Seemingly it outright rejects the proportional relation between vegetarianism and Olympic medals.


Moreover, the other Indian States like West Bengal, Orissa, Jharkhand, Bihar has 90 percent of the people eating non-veg and the only notable Olympic winner is Leander Paes. If you dig into north eastern states they also have higher percentage of non-veg eaters and also produced great Woman olympic winners namely Mary Kom, Mirabai Chanu, Lovlina Borgohain, but their success in my opinion is not because a larger population eating meat but rather society’s support for the girl child to pursue sports. Evidently, Mary Kom is the outcome of such a support system.


Now having a global outlook Pakistan, Afghanistan have a very small population of vegetarians and to your surprise they have also managed to win very few medals. How I see it is, the more developed the country is, the more emphasis they can give to the Olympics. That’s the reason why most of the first world countries top the list, some of the exception being China. They consider Olympics as a stage to flaunt just as Elephants has two sets of teeth for flaunting and eating and as a non-democratic country they can do it by pipelining more funds to sports infrastructure.


The developing countries like India has much bigger problems to focus like hunger, malnutrition poverty, unemployment and so as many countries in the global south. In India’s case Medals are consequence of shear individual brilliance and the government plays a very minor role. On the other side the developed countries have a well settled infrastructure for sports and they don’t have to deal with common third-world issues.


Indian Banyan
India has underinvested in individual sports in general. However, in the last Olympics, the Indian contingent fielded its largest ever group and secured by far the largest medal tally in its own history.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The vegetarian theory for underperformance has been debunked. If it were true, the countries which swear by meat consumption and at a similar income level as India’s, such as Pakistan, would have been running rings round India in terms of performance at the Olympics. We don’t see that happening.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

India’s poor performance is more to do with a lack of proper investment in training facilities and inadequate coaching. Like with most things Indian, poor management and guidance leads to poor results.


Contrast the Olympics performance of India with that of Britain, and the difference becomes clear. India and Britain had the same medals tally as each other in 1996. Twenty years later, Britain regularly comes in the top 5 in terms of medals and is the only country to have won more medals at an Olympics venue outside of its country immediately after hosting it. And British sport is increasingly health-conscious and is increasingly moving in the direction of non-meat protein for its athletes.


Most inspiring is the US, which regularly tops the medals tally, and regularly sends the largest contingent of sportspersons to every Olympics event; and all that without an official government sports program, which the Americans view as fascistic. It runs almost entirely on private donations and sponsorships. And delivers the best results.


Moral: you can be vegetarian and an excellent sportsperson!


Pravinchandra G Dhameliya
There are two misconceptions in your question. Around 70 % or more Indians are Non vegetarian. Even fully vegetarian Indians uses milk and milk products. Again in India we use too much daal or beans that is very good source of protein as well.


Recently we have started to win medals at Olympic. We have shooting, weightlifting, javelin throw medals. In Commonwealth and Asian games we have more medals. Here we have cricket and more people are interested in cricket only.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Again our career goals are more towards STEM and less towards sports. We have champion players in badminton, amateur boxing, wrestling etc.


India has won medals at the Olympic Games in the past, and it is not accurate to say that India never wins medals. In fact, India has won a total of 28 medals in the Olympics, including 9 gold medals.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

There are a number of factors that can influence a country's success at the Olympic Games, and it is not accurate to attribute it to a single factor such as the diet of the country's population.


Factors such as the level of investment in sports infrastructure, the availability of coaching and training facilities, and the number of athletes representing the country can all play a role in a country's success at the Olympics.


It is also important to note that the Olympic Games feature a wide range of sports, and it is not uncommon for countries to excel in certain sports while not doing as well in others.


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