2024-08-24 辽阔天空 3669
Would you rather be in the middle class in a Third World country or in the middle class in America assuming you can’t move?


Rich in a third world country. This is not even close.
Being poor in the US is better than being poor in Bangladesh, but it’s still no walk in the park.
There is poverty and even misery all around you, but you don’t have to look at it if you don’t want to. You can live your life secluded in the restaurants and places of entertainment visited by people in your own social class. The only poor people you will see are your maids and your gardener. You can build yourself a palace surrounded by high walls that will keep prying eyes at bay and ignore the rare mendicants you see in the streets from the vantage point of your luxury car.


My ambition is the kind that makes me want to achieve financial independence so that I will not have to be bossed around by anyone. I don’t enjoy bossing people around at all. I am almost apologetic when asking the hospital staff to do things for me. Living in a 3rd world country, even as a rich man, is not my dream. But there is no denying that it would be vastly preferable to being poor in the US.


Fred Opere
Before answering this question it is good to set a few parameters. First there’s a vast disparity between Third World countries, from Chad to Malaysia. Second, let’ settle on a fixed amount of annual income in each country (whether salary or through investments) of $30,000 per year ($2,500 per month). One may argue that $30k per month is not poor in the U.S. but it is certainly lower middle class. Third, my background is as a Kenyan American who has lived in the US for 20 years and has traveled to over a dozen African countries, so I am in a position to comment only on Third World African countries. Fourth, there’s a major difference in this question whether you are single or you are married and have a family. Being single the advantages of living wealthy in a Third World are not as pronounced but for a family it absolutely is.

在回答这个问题之前,最好先设置几个参数。第一,从乍得到马来西亚,第三世界国家之间也存在着巨大的差距。第二,让我们以每个国家每年$ 30,000(每月$ 2,500)的固定年收入(无论是工资收入还是投资收入)为基础。有人可能会说,每月3万美元在美国并不算贫穷,但肯定是中下阶层。第三,我的背景是肯尼亚裔美国人,在美国生活了20年,去过十几个非洲国家,所以我也只能评论第三世界的非洲国家。第四,这个问题主要区别在于你是单身还是已婚并有家庭。单身人士在第三世界国家生活富裕的优势并不明显,但对一个家庭来说就不太好。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The obvious advantages in merely living in the US are that things generally work and there’s rule of law. In Africa, it depends what country you are in. Botswana and Rwanda are well countries with generally good rule of law (although Rwanda may be a bit wanting in the area of civil liberties). Another advantage in the US is that you can pretty much buy anything although with a salary of $30k there may be limitations.


In Third World countries, money buys you time since wages are low. At $30k a year you will be able to afford a live in nanny and probably a driver, if you so choose. If you are single these issues may not be relevant to you but IF YOU HAVE A FAMILY it is a major consideration. It means that both parents can work if they so choose with one’s children still under personalized care.
Cost of living in Third World countries are generally lower (provided you don’t chose to live like an expat). Hence, you’ll have way more disposable income with your $30k/year than in the US. There a few exceptions though like Angola that are extremely expensive, however.
Depending on the country, the vacation laws are much more liberal than in the U.S. At the $30k level, you would be lucky to have more than 10 days vacation in the U.S. In most African countries, the law doesn’t allow less than 20 days. So if you in a Third World country you would have more disposable income and more leisure to enjoy it.


Basically, countries like Botswana, South Africa, Kenya, Ghana, Cote d’Ivoire, Senegal, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, etc. are very nice to lice in if you have some money. If the Third World country is politically stable and generally well run then it is a no brainer: living in such countries would be far better experience than being poor in the U.S. and as some have mentioned it is not even close. However, if it is countries like Haiti, Niger, Chad, Yemen, North Korea, etc. I would say the U.S.
Now if you change the parameters to having $300,000/year in a Third World country vs. $30,000/year in the U.S. then there's no debate. Third World country all the way because you could visit the U.S. any time.
P. S. I am a U.S. living in Kenya and my quality of life is superior than what I could enjoy in the U.S. for my family of 5. I shudder to think if moving back to the U.S. with my young children. However, once they are teenagers, moving back to the U.S. would look to be an attractive proposition.


Bengt Persson, Attempting to understand complex systems for 50 years
As most answers say “it’s better to be rich in 3rd world country than poor in US”.
If you adjust the question to “Would you rather be rich in a third world country or poor in a Western social welfare nation, assuming you can't move?” it becomes more interesting.
Being poor in e.g. Norway is quite decent. You can count on housing, food and medical care if needed. Even a hamburger job pays enough to live on a 40h work week and afford to travel abroad for 4 weeks a year on you vacation (oops does that count as move?).
Though, the standard of living by far do not match the upper class in 3rd world and you are on the lower end of the local social stairway.
On the other hand You live in a safe country, hardy any traffic accidents, robberies, murders, revolutions or hurricanes to worry about.
A rather tough choice for most, especially if you have a conscience.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Vincent Guidry, Software Engineer at NCR (2019-present)
I’ll play Devil’s Advocate here. The question stated you couldn’t move. It didn’t say you had to stay poor. If I couldn’t take advantage of American income mobility then the question is just as much of a no-brainer as everyone else says.
Notice the question said ‘poor’, not ‘homeless’. If I’m poor, then at least I have my person, a place to live, and the ability to make and execute a plan. I’ve been poor before. It sucked, so I worked hard until it didn’t suck so much
If I can take advantage of American economic mobility, then that means realistically speaking, it’s a choice between being rich in a third-world country and being middle class in America. And if I can’t, then am I really living in America?
And so that’s actually a choice I’ve seen people make. Well-off families send their kids off to America to go to school all the time and in general, once here, those kids don’t want to move back home.
If I had to put a finger on why, I would have to say it’s rigid, traditional culture. Moving to the US feels like a breath of fresh air from all that oppressiveness, even though they can no longer take advantage of family wealth, even though they will just be normal middle class Americans their whole lives. That tradeoff appears to be worth it, even if the tradeoff between being rich there and poor here isn’t. .


As an aside, I get a little eye-rolly whenever people in America with a dead horse they want to beat start talking about the poor. It seems like whenever they hear this phrase they get this picture in their mind of someone who has been rendered totally and completely helpless by “the system.” The poster child for frustrated liberalism. And when I point out that there are different gradations to being poor, that being poor in America is not about a dollar figure in your bank account, they finger me for an evil conservative and tell me I’m not talking about the “real poor.”
So let me say that the only thing truly required of anyone who wants to take advantage of America’s limited economic mobility is to make and follow through on a plan, and to get yourself back up and do it again, if and when that plan fails. You’d be absolutely amazed at the number of people here who can’t do that. I’ve seen many many people in life who were hard up for awhile and then pulled themselves out of it. I’ve also seen many people who just couldn’t do it no matter what.
This fact, that you can pull yourself out of poverty by your own bootstraps, should be a no-brainer, but apparently it clashes hard with people’s political beliefs. Even when they’re doing it, or they’ve done it. No they were lucky, or privileged or whatever.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Peter T Mayer, Quora Writer | Love Surveys | Designer
I traveled to a few countries on my life and some of them were poor countries, third world countries. There were a couple of countries that I really disliked. I will not name them out of respect to people from there, but I disliked these places enough that I would not want to go back there even as tourists.
In both of these occasions I was staying in nice “rich” places and even though I went to the streets to experience the local culture and history, I lived during those weeks like a rich Westener. Still, despite the high standard of living, I left uninspired and disappointed.
At the same time, I like America, the good ol’ USA. And after I immigrated here for a few years I lived like a poor person. I made about 1000–1100 dollars a month and made lots of sacrifices to save at least half of it. Despite living like that, within these life conditions of almost poverty, I loved it and I knew that through hard work and sacrifice I could get ahead.


Also I like that here you have freedom:
· You can express yourself the way you want, you can choose your religion, you can move to the mountains, or NYC or the desert in Nevada, or a Florida beach.
· You can choose a career and eventually, after studying or getting some experience in it by climbing the ladder, you can be somebody in it.
· You can be gay or straight…
You can be who you want to be,, where you want to be and so on.


In some third world countries people are oppressed. Especially certain types or certain social classes.
I could not live rich there knowing that across the street from me a family is suffering because they want to be somebody they cannot be.


Greg Eaton
Rich in a third world country. This isn’t the 1950s or 1990s. This is 2019 and the poorest of poor countries have access to luxuries that frankly didn’t exist prior. Plus you have to define rich if you’re talking what we consider rich in America than absolutely. Money goes extremely far in a 3rd world nation. You can have a private military just about, have the most gorgeous women (coming from a man’s perspective here), still get the exact same luxuries a rich American can (more expensive though), and most of all once you’re rich in a 3rd world nation your money multiplies. The term rich gets richer is especially true in those nations. Now if it becomes war torn and that is possible your life of bliss would end and your money would mean nothing. It is certainly possible for a third world nation to erupt into war. Yet should that war never come to pass you will live a life of bliss. I can’t believe that’s really a question.


James Otter, PhD
I am comfortably off in South Africa and prefer it that way. I have been to the United States and I thought was very nice. However, I prefer South Africa, even if I could have the equivalent wealth in the United States. I shall be 85 in February. I have four jobs and there is demand for my services. I get treated with respect. In my native country the UK you are written off at 60 and I reckon the United States would be the same. From what I have seen on the media being poor in the United States appears to be about the same as it is in South Africa. The United States law enforcement appears to be more aggressive and racially inclined.


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