2024-08-26 熊猫永不为奴 6948
After having some experience with healthcare in China, I decided to make a video drawing some comparisons and differences between the healthcare in the UK and China.


Darrell Wong
That was a very interesting summary of the differences in medical care in UK and China. I didn’t know how it worked in either country.
I’m pleased to see you looking well Lee. All the best.


Azhar Idris
Chinese people are some of the most health conscious people i know.. not just in China.. go to any parks or any open spaces in Asian cities from Singapore to Thailand you will see dozens of people doing their dancing routine or tai chi exercise.. they just don't want to be a burden to their family if you fall seriously ill.. you should have also mentioned Chinese traditional medicines that play a big part in supporting the modern medicines as we know it.. but i think not to far from now you could get an AI consultation at an instants.. pascal Coppens did a video on AI consultation a whilst back.. worth checking out..

中国人是我所知道的最注重健康的人。不仅仅是在中国…从新加坡到泰国,去亚洲城市的任何公园或空地,你都会看到几十个人在跳舞或打太极。他们只是不想在你重病时成为家人的负担。你还应该提到中国传统医学,正如我们所知,中国传统医学在支持现代医学方面发挥着重要作用。但我认为不久之后,你就可以在线进行人工智能医疗咨询了。pascal Coppens做了一个关于人工智能咨询的视频。值得一看…

Will Lee
Except for majority of ABC ChineseAmerican’s. Many of the senior citizens are overweight. From most of the pics they post on a Facebook, they eat too much and seldom exercise.


Galano Han
The reason I like Lee's video is that his stories and opinions in the videos usually cover three sides, the good part, the bad part, and the neutral part. Unlike some vloggers in China who probably found the wealth code (saying something nice about China then get tons of views, likes and followers real quick), he's always staying modest in every video he made alone or with Oli. Information is truly valuable when it reflects facts in the real world, and that's why Barrett, the channel, stands out. All the best wishes to you, hope you recover real quick!


Frankie C
It is Lee's very good and comprehensive comparisons between the health systems of China and the UK. Only one thing he did not say is that the National Insurance contribution and heavy tax systems in the UK although can provide a good health service by the NHS but discourage the people who work hard while encourage the other people who do not want to work. Some people just rely on free health services and social benefits that they do not take care of their health. As a result, the free health system is being abused and keeps causing financial burden to the government. To increase the government's income the only way is to either increase the tax or cut the other spendings in order to save money.


The NHS is a bottomless pit


My brother in Shanghai, when he was admitted, they served him food, may be has to book 1 day ahead. Otherwise, there is a shop selling all sorts of packed meals, cheap and delicious as I bought some home for dinner.


Thanks for the information Lee, which sort of confirms knowledge I had gained previously on extended trips from the UK to China. When I can get a visa I will return to China to get married. Though I am retired, my fiancee seems to think I could pay into the Chinese Social care system, so that is an avenue i must explore in the future. Pleased that you had a good experience in the Chinese medical system and you seem to be making a good recovery. Interesting that you had a Hernia repair in the UK - my doctor told me that he would have to make a case and apply for funds to pay for my treatment - that was over 4 years ago, and I still have not had treatment. I will look into having Hernia treatment in China and pay up front.


Joe ExtraKnow
Here in US, we have to buy health insurance by law. Depending on your company work for. Big companies have better deal with insurance companies. For a couple ( two persons), cost around $400 to $1000 per month in average. Hospital bill is extremely high here in US, 10 days in ICU cost you at least $100,000.00 that is about $10,000 a day. Most hospital charge more than that though. Here doctors make too much though. A common doctor can make half million $ to one million $ per year easily.


Steven X
My father had an accident at his 69 years old in China. He had stayed in ICU for more than 1 month and had a surgery because of hydrocephalus. The total cost (including hospital, ICU, surgery, medicine) was less than 120K rmb (US$20K). Because it's an accident and not covered by medical insurance in China. We had to split the cost with driver's auto insurance, and that's why I know the total cost.


Steven X
Another difference is that China's medical schools are all public schools (pretty much all higher education). The tuition fee for medical school is not different from other majors, it is very cheap and affordable. For example the tuition for Beijing University is less than US$1K a year + dorm fee of US$120 - 200, That's why many students from other developing countries are studying in China's medical schools (Tuition for international students is US$4.6K) . For a US doctor, he/she has to pay super high tuition for their 8 year education. The education cost can make the doctor's service very high

另一个不同的区别是,中国的医学院都是公立学校(几乎都是高等教育)。医学院的学费和其他专业没有什么不同,它是非常便宜,能让人们负担得起。例如,北京大学的学费每年不到1000美元+宿舍费120 - 200美元,这就是为什么许多来自其他发展中国家的学生在中国的医学院学习(国际学生的学费是4.6万美元)。而作为一个美国医生,他/她必须为他们8年的教育支付超高的学费。教育成本过高会让医生的服务成本变的非常高

Joe ExtraKnow
There are good and bad two sides of coin. I lived through both ( US and China). In US, the smartest people go to medical schools, that is opposite to China. Doctors, medical technology and medicines are top of the world, no doubt on this. But cost is skyrocketed. This is why people has to have medical insurance. Without it, one just cannot survive here in US. Also, doctor/hospital bills are way over stated usually. Say for a heart bypass surgery they may send you bill for total $350,000.00 but once go through Insurance company they will adjust the final agreeable cost in according with a market fair value and then they send a so-called “EOB” to both hospital and you. The adjusted cost actually maybe only $20,000.00 in this case. So, Insurence company pays that amount to the hospital and doctors. That’s it. You can imagine if one has no medical insurance in US how life would end up.


Carl Eze
@Joe ExtraKnow
Anybody who studies medicine anywhere in the world is smart. You read basically the same text books and cover the same material.
Anatomy which is hella hard, physiology and biochemistry. Anyone who goes through all these and passes the MBBS is smart regardless of which country they come from.
The thing is, all doctors everywhere are book smart, what makes a good doctor is experience especially in the surgery specialty.
However, you are right, the smartest people in china go to engineering. In the USA, they go to medicine.
This is because medicine pays a lot in The USA, engineering pays a lot in china. Especially when we calculate for cost of living.
But anyone who completes a medical degree anywhere in the world is smart. You have to read like crazy to pass medical exams anywhere


A rare but useful insight into the healthcare system in China to inform outsiders and compare with their system at home. I think it's very efficient and is an important factor because nobody wants any agonising long waiting time when they are unwell. The other point I like is that patients bears a small cost and that's sufficient deterrent to abuse and encourages responsible lifestyle. What I don't like is that the very poor without social insurance have been neglected when they need the most help.


Robert A
It is my understanding that the 90% recovered from social health insurance is only related to hospital treatment, but not for visits to a doctor, which are not covered, but are not expensive,


yes, it's relevant to treatments include medicines, "only visit a doctor" is very cheap in China usually it cost 1-10 USD (it's called Guahao in Chinese)


Even fully out of own pocket, still much cheaper than USA's copay, deductible...


Robert A
@Vicky J i believe in most public hospitals it is the responsibility of family to bring all meals. However, in some instances they have like charity organisations that will do it for the poor.


Lei Shi
In Beijing the regular doctor consultation service cost 50 yuan , in which 40 yuan could be reimbursed by social insurance. That is you end up paying 10 yuan (1.5 USD) by yourself.


Robert A
@Lei Shi is that in a Peoples Hospital?


Lei Shi
@Robert A that is for any public hospital in Beijing , regular doctor consultation of course, not the expert doctors, they cost more for sure.


@Robert A In China, most of top hospitals r the public hospitals (or call peoples hospital). Top universities in China r definitely public school.


Robert A
@Tanc , @Lei Shi there are also many Hospitals of Chinese and Traditional Medicine. I know the costs vary from Province to province, but here in Guangxi, the cost of Doctors in hospitals is very cheap


Hi Lee, Great to see you are recovering well. I was wondering if the doctors in China use a mixture of traditional Chinese treatment as well as Western medication to treat certain conditions? Did they offer you any traditional Chinese treatment such as accupuncture for pain relief etc?


David LTM
I know in China, there are hospitals specialized in Chinese medicine and Chinese treatments, such as the Beijing hospital of Traditional Chinese medicine


Walter Chin
Thanks for the video on comparing healthcare in China between UK. I live in US and my insurance does not cover dental, eye, ear, but do cover up to 90% of surgery and hospital stay. Even though I have Medicare and private insurances, I still have to pay out of pocket. I don't mine paying more tax like in UK & Canada to get free healthcare services. I believe US is run by the rich, of the rich and for the rich, not by the people, of the people, for the people. In short USA is not a democracy, it is a plutocracy.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Julien Fabetta
The quality of healthcare for a country that has a GDP per capita of only 12'000$ is incredible, they have an unbelievable system. Great work China keep up the great work!

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Thank you Lee, and good to see you looking well.
Your video is certainly very useful for people who, like me, had some doubt about the level of health care in China. Of course, my perception is very outdated. It's quite obvious that, with the right attitude, technology and money, nothing is impossible.


Enoch Shen
I would raise one thing about the test result, the hospital system can track your result technically. However, whether the system registers results under the name of a Dr or not is depending on the hospital.
Some very busy hospital might think dealing with hand in paper result rather than searching forever is way more efficient, which is common in general hospital, the big ones.
The specific ones like bone or dentist they can track your tests very easily as they are appointment based and all tests has been categorised. Some renovated hospitals can also do that too. The more modern the hospital the more advanced the system is the current situation in my opinion.


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