2024-08-26 熊猫永不为奴 7705

If their core value is safety, why did they launch astronauts when they knew they had a problem before the launch?


What are they proud of? Boeing failed & stranded 2 Americans in space. Who would ever want to get on one of their spaceships again?


Who thought that was a good idea in the first place? Hell, Boeing can't safely fly you from San Francisco to Seattle!


This is what happens when you hire people not based on merit vs other criteria and/or do not provide the proper training to ensure that the work gets done correctly. Boeing has become a company of short cuts and lax quality over the past decade all in the name of being politically correct. If you don't expect and demand the best, you get what you deserve.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Why don’t they just come out and say that Boeing is more concerned about left wing political ideology than it is about human lives?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

safty. no loading the automation for uncrewed flight BEFOR Ethe capsule was docked was not even considered. not event thought about. oops, why didnt somebody bring that up in a meeting. yep, safety was on their mind.
having been to many meetings I wonder what the execs got for lunch or snack catered for those meeting?


Didn't Elon Musk say that he would send his rocket to go to the starliner and bring the astronauts back if NASA asks him?


Nothing to be proud of. They've stranded 2 Americans in Space.


If Bill Nelson thinks the starliner is safe, let him fly on it.


JFK said we would send a man to the moon and return him safely. This was in 1963. Now the USA can’t even put a man/woman on a space station and safely bring them home. Sad.


We can't get 250 miles into orbit in 2024 but we went 238,900 miles 55 years ago... very hard to believe that ...seeing this is so difficult


All I heard was a bunch of bureaucrats covering their asses.


This is a failure. You can't sugarcoat it.


Do American taxpayers get any sort of refund for this billion dollar space lemon?


Look at the people in the Space Program in the 1960's, and look at the people in the Space Program today -- then remind yourself that diversity (and equity and inclusion) is our strength.


Why dont they talk to Elon Musk. He can save them.


Summary: NASA is choked by red tape and incompetence. We are hoping Elon Musk can do the job.


Boeing failed, SpaceX prevailed.


Let's be honest here: your emphasis is on "Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Money! Money! Money!" Not safety!


NASA is about safety? What a JOKE!


This man sitting there talking a bunch of rubbish while astronauts are stuck not knowing if they’ll survive until 2025. “Our core value is safety” I can’t imagine the family reaction after hearing this!


Sounds like the problem with the ship is pretty severe if they are leaving their travelers in space.


NASA: Safety is the most important thing.
Also NASA: We are working with Boeing.


Ain't falling for this hoax again.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Nasa sure is full of idiots... Send up an optimus robot, have it do all the manual stuff in the starliner to undock and return it to earth. Bring the 2 astronoughts back on a spaceX flight. Simple, safe, everyone wins.


Flying on any Boeing device is a risk since the accountants took over engineering.


Stuck in the space station in a studio in Hollywood.


So basically you saying there not coming home ....just call Russia and work with them to bring the astronauts home


Incompetency at its best.


Imagine being told you have to stay in space for several more months just because your company doesn’t want to ask another company for help


If I had millions, I’d be shorting Boeing to the ocean floor


NASA can't get their blue screen to work


Heavenly Father pls bring these people back home safe and sound to their families also protect them while their out in space only u know what they are going through, give them the mind frx to mentally be patient and pray and have faith within them to know that they will make it back to earth and pls comfort them because I know it must be a eery feeling in your sons name in Jesus name Amen


Your decision is at least two weeks overdue!!! Stop trying to help Boeing, who clearly has QC issues, while simultaneously ignoring the obvious. SpaceX was and continues to be your best option, regardless of the optics for Boeing, AND NASA.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Put Trump on the problem. He knows nothing about it, But he knows how to get the best people on the planet to solve it.


Boeing...isn't that the company where several whistle blowers who came forward to talk about lack of safety on their planes mysteriously died by "accident" ?


Boeing owes NASA a refund.
I think they knew that craft wasn’t ready to launch.


Why are they praising and thanking NASA and Boeing for all their efforts? Those people are stuck in space , whats going to happen come February if they still cant make it? Feel so bad for them and their families, the rest on that panel and all involved with NASA and Boeing can go to hell


Boeing new corporate motto “Boeing we build unsafe crap!”


We've lost many lives into space and back to earth. We pray for them


This seems like a group of people patting each other on the back but passing the parcel to the next one in the panel.


1960s NASA: "There's a 10% chance this fails, let's go for it"
Today's NASA: "There's a 1% chance this fails, it's an unacceptable risk"


Doublespeak for the fact that he is actually really proud of the work the team have done in developing a damage control plan so that the tax payers dollars can still be squandered on the Boeing grifters.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Elon already said that he would be happy go get them. Let him do it because they need rescued before they run out food and water.


Bill Nelson is 81 years old. He was born the same year the Germans successfully launched the first V-2 rocket during WW2. I think it's time for a change.


in 1969 before smart phones, PC's, and microwave ovens . .
They put men on the moon and drove around in dune buggies up there...
No problem getting them home...
In the year 2024 we can't seem to get a man to the moon and we can't even get people in Low Earth Orbit back home...
Sounds like we have been lied to...smh


The US spends $825 billion on defense in the military and has two space agencies NSAS And a new military branch called the space force. And we don't have a single space shuttle. We can send up their to rescue our astronauts. We have to go to Elon Musk and SpaceX to rescue them, this is the biggest embarrassment for our government.


Sounds like a COVER UP........as usual!


But 65yrs we landed on the moon....
But today we have problems like this...


What BS. You put people on a rocket that was defective.


Please stop wasting money on fake space missions.


So let me get this straight, they were supposed to go for 8 days and now it will be 5 months? And they have enough food etc, for that length of time?


This is how I know that we never landed on the moon.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

That's what Boeing gets for talking so much trash over the years and acting like a golden child that does no wrong. Maybe they will learn a good lesson from this and stop focusing on money and stop being so greedy.


If safety were their first priorities, they wouldn't hire on the basis of diversity.


So in 1969 we can put a man on the moon 2024 can't bring back 2 people in earth's orbit. Good job to all the politicians.


I hope I don't ever have to ride on anything from Boeing again


This narrative would be totally different if it was SpaceX


Elon should be in charge of NASA. Hopefully that will happen.


In 1975, the Apollo and Soyuz space crafts docked, and the astronauts later returned safely to earth. Fifty years later......let me repeat that... Fifty years later.....this? Where do we even begin to go down this rabbit hole?


Please pray for these two human beings, GOD will prevail on bringing these two home to their families. Amen


Boeing needs to stop focusing on manipulating their stock price and start focusing on building quality planes and spacecraft.


The U.S. should start a new Space Shuttle program ...not designed by Boeing.


The worst thing that ever happened at NASA as far as his leader ship is Mr. Nelson. He needs to be replaced but not with a politician but with an engineer that understands this equipment. We’ve had no luck with politicians running NASA. Fire him let’s move on. NASA has not made a single major accomplishment while he has been administrator.


No human is going into space so stop lying.


Wow, America is in space too going nowhere , separated from earth.


Fake BS


Why doesn't Boeing give SpaceX the body measurements of the two stranded Astronauts so SpaceX can send two space suits up in their module and have the Astronauts change into the SpaceX suits on the ISS


Once again showing the catastrophic failure and waste of government programs and revealing the open market as the savior. Thanks in advance for saving them Elon!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This is pure BS


To think we did this 60 years ago. Now this; A lack of innovation is to blame this. Thank God for Elon for keeping innovation alive.


So they sent people to the moon 60 years ago with a pocket calculator wrapped in tinfoil, but they are having issues with this ?.....what am I missing here ?


We all knew this was going to happen Boeing has been riddled with failures lately due to their woke culture. They should have gone with SpaceX Crew dragon


250 miles up and we can’t get them home. BUT, in the 1960s we could travel 250,000 miles plus to the moon on multiple occasions with 0 fatalities. HHMMmm, something isn’t adding up…..


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