2024-08-26 jiangye111 3563
Unite calls for 1% wealth tax on super-rich to fund UK public sector pay rises


(Sharon Graham, general secretary of the Unite trade unx, leads steel workers down Whitehall last year to demand more support for the industry. She says the British economy is broken.)


Britain’s second biggest trade unx is calling on the new Labour government to introduce an emergency 1% wealth tax on the assets of the super-rich to pay for 10% pay rises for public sector workers and fill more than 100,000 NHS vacancies.


The demand from Unite is in one of several motions to the Trades unx Congress, which meets in Brighton next month, that will expose tensions between Keir Starmer’s government and sections of the unx movement. It comes as Rachel Reeves is preparing for her first budget as chancellor, on 30 October.


Labour MPs and ministers believe that the TUC conference could mark the moment when an effective truce between many unxs and Labour – helping Starmer’s general election campaign – may begin to break down as the prime minister and Reeves double down on their commitment to fiscal responsibility and stress the need for hard choices if the economy is to be restored to health.


Other key trade unxs are preparing to press for further policy changes from Labour, including abandoning the two-child benefit cap, which Starmer has so far resisted, and the reversal of the recent decision to end winter fuel payments for millions of pensioners, which has been causing a serious backlash among Labour backbenchers.


While Reeves is understood to be considering increases in capital gains and inheritance taxes in the budget, Unite’s motion to the TUC conference goes much further, saying that, with local authorities in financial peril, an urgently needed boost to public investment cannot wait for economic growth to materialise at an unspecified point in the future.


Unite’s plan is for a tax of 1% to be applied on the assets of those worth more than £4m, which it says would raise £25bn a year to fund investment in public services and avoid a return to austerity. Under the plan, someone with assets worth £6m would face a 1% tax on the £2m above the £4m threshold. These assets would include property, shares and bank accounts but would not include mortgaged property.


Unite points to research showing that the richest 50 families in the UK now have assets worth nearly £500bn.


Sharon Graham, the general secretary of Unite, said: “Unite’s resolution to the TUC on the economy calls things by their real name. The British economy is broken.


“Britain led the world’s first industrial revolution. But due to decades of underinvestment in manufacturing and national infrastructure, we are now falling disastrously behind other countries in the new technological age and the transition to net zero.


“We need serious investment in our crippled public services and in industry to ensure a prosperous future for Britain’s workers and their communities. We won’t get the money needed for that just by waiting for growth.”


Unite was a big donor to the Labour party in 2019 but did not contribute to this year’s election efforts, saying the election manifesto did not go far enough on protecting workers’ rights and jobs in the oil and gas industry.


The RMT transport unx has also tabled a motion to the conference calling for a wealth tax to fund public investment, and the abandonment of what it describes as “unnecessarily restrictive and arbitrary fiscal rules” which limit the government’s ability to borrow.


A motion from the shop workers’ unx, Usdaw, calls for an end to the two-child benefit cap, and an amendment to the same motion from the PCS civil service unx calls on the TUC to “oppose cuts to the winter fuel allowance” and “demands appropriate taxation of corporations and the super-rich to fund the social security improvements identified in this motion”.


The TUC is also expected to press for “pay restoration” to make up for a decade of real-terms salary cuts for public sector workers.


Such demands will further add to the strains between Labour and its unx backers after a series of pay deals between the Starmer-led government and striking workers in sectors ranging from healthcare to the railways.


Why are people in these comments so against this? There has been a huge upward transfer of wealth through neoliberalism and austerity, but apparently the other way around is impossible somehow??


Beats me. The super wealthy are richer than ever before while everyone else is poorer and growth is incredibly slow. It doesn't take a genius to join up the dots, that money isn't flowing through the economy anymore.
We won't see a reversal of this decline until wealth inequality is addressed, and I don't see a way of doing that without taxing it back.


Even more than tax(which i 100% agree we need), we need to find a way of making a cultural shift where hoarding billions is frowned upon and not something to aspire to.


Which is why I point this stuff out whenever I can haha. It's shocking how many people don't even see what the problem is. (I mean it's not that shocking when you look at how hard people like Murdoch try to point people at immigrants instead)


I think it’s because the people who complain about the very wealthy hoarding wealth don’t differentiate between them and those who are actually investing their money properly into industries and the market, doing something with their money and contributing to society through things like actual philanthropy.


Everyone else isn't poorer. Of course there is a case by case basis but in general people are MUCH richer than they were 50, 30, 20 years ago.
Technology, empowered by markets have made us all much richer. Consider how much it would cost to have all the music in the world in 1994, or even 2004, it would be millions, today it's about £10 a month. Cars are substantially more efficient and safer. Pick some area, everything from health to trainers, we have better stuff than we used to and it's widely available. In 1994 few people had mobile phones or internet access, today homeless people have smartphones to access the internet on the go.
The areas that haven't fared well are those largely restricted by legislation. Housing, which is very difficult to get permission to build, has been restricted as the population has grown.
Would you rather be poorer with less inequality or richer with more inequality? From an economic perspective those are the trade-offs we're looking at.


That's not the choice we're dealing with. Most people have been getting a smaller and smaller slice of the pie throughout the late 20th century until now. You point out that although that has been happening, the pie has been getting bigger faster than inequality has been reducing, so people's lives have gotten better in total.
Look at growth statistics, that is no longer happening. The problem is the economy is driven mostly by average people. When most people get access to money, they spend it, and it flows through the economy. The ultra rich do not do this, they couldn't possibly spend it all, so they tend to acquire more assets in order to accumulate more wealth. The more money the ultra rich have, the less is circulating the economy.
As inequality grows, productivity shrinks, growth slows, inequality gets worse at an accelerated rate. Eventually you'll get to a point where the pie isn't growing enough to offset how fast everyone's share is being reduced. That is what we are looking at right now. People's lives are getting worse. Look how many more food banks we have, people can't heat their homes, the NHS is suffocating. We don't own our railways, our energy, our water, our houses.
The 20th century growth you describe was amazing, and I do believe it was because of capitalism, I'm not against capitalism. I just recognise that it worked so well because wealth inequality was much less that it is now, and would like to see it reduced back to those sorts of levels.


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It's impossible because we live in a globalised economy where the wealthy can simply shop around for favourable jurisdictions at will. If Britain becomes a less favourable jurisdiction then they can simply shift their money to another one, which means less investment in Britain.
I wouldn't say any of this is a particularly ideal situation to be in, but seeing as no one is suggesting upending the entire global economy it's the situation we have to deal with.


potpan0Black Country
Neoliberal capitalism is built on the idea that as few restrictions as possible should be placed on the wealthy because wealth will eventually trickle down. That patently isn't happening. The ultra-rich are getting even richer while the vast majority of us find our incomes stagnate or decline in real terms.
So if the wealth isn't going to trickle down to ensure people have high quality lives, and if we can't raise taxes to ensure people have high quality lives, then what exactly are we meant to do? Sit on our hands and accept our lives slowly getting worse despite humanity being the most productive it has ever been?


The depressing reality is that I think we're just screwed. Britain is declining in importance in the global economy, and there is no practical way to change that.
Without cutting ourselves off from large swathes of the global economy we have very little control over the money coming into or leaving the country.
If we do bite the bullet and refuse to deal with any country that doesn't adhere to our tax regime, then the practical reality is that less people will do business in Britain. Which will accelerate our decline.
It's not particularly happy news, but it's where we are.


Because the super-rich tend to have options. Options of creating corporations in pretty much anywhere in the world and having enough resources to consult tax accountants and lawyers to find loopholes to not pay more taxes.
This generally means the super-rich moving their money elsewhere away from countries that impose a wealth tax.
Whether this will result in a net gain or loss in tax revenue is another question. I cannot say for sure, but it is not hard to imagine losing 0.1% from billionaires being more significant than gaining 1% from millionaires (for example)


The state's function as the managing committee of capital means it is nothing more than an organ of the plutocracy so "tax the rich" just means using the state to take wealth from the rich and put it in the hands of the ultra rich.
If the unxs weren't totally incompetent, they'd be demanding higher wages and more employment and nothing else. The point should be to force the capitalists into extreme profit competition through productivity growth, not begging them for bread and circuses. Anything else we can and should do ourselves outside of state oversight.


Has to be a tax on the super rich or this isnt going to work. Low end Millionares are not super rich. Its the multi-million/billionares that are a bigger problem.


It’s a tax on wealth not income


It's not exactly a new thing - both Spain and Norway have similar wealth taxes.


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