2024-08-28 汤沐之邑 3407
What makes the US healthcare system so expensive?


Geoffrey Widdison
Why is healthcare so expensive in the USA?
Because the America doesn't have universal healthcare. Back in the 1940's when other wealthy countries started creating government programs to provide healthcare to everyone, a group of American health insurance companies got together and successfully lobbied against it here. Over the subsequent decades, they've only grown bigger, fatter and stronger, and continue to push against the idea, and their public relations campaign has helped to convince a large chunk of the country (and a larger chunk of the legislature) that privatized medicine is the only way to go.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Now, I'll point out that your numbers are off, but your basic premise is entirely correct. Depending on whose numbers you believe, the US spends 2-3 times more per capita on healthcare than the UK, and 50% more than Switzerland, which is the next most expensive major country. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_total_health_expenditure_per_capita)


There are a lot of reasons why this is, but most of them are directly connected to our privatized healthcare system. Hospitals, health insurance companies, and pharmaceutical companies are all private, profit-making entities. They're not incentivized to provide the most healthcare at the lowest cost, they're incentivized to maximum income. Pharma companies have a variety of strategies to get the most profitable drugs into the hands of consumers, hospitals are incentivized to fill beds, and insurance companies have to take a big chunk off the top as well. And beyond their profit margin, there are a whole bunch of inefficiencies when you have all of these companies working at cross-purposes. American hospitals and doctor's offices have to have billing departments, and often full-time employees specifically hired to work with the byzantine system of billing and collecting. That means that a staggering 30% of healthcare costs in America are spent, not on healthcare, but on overhead.


There are a bunch of other effects, too. Insurances companies insulate people from the direct costs of individual procedures. The benefits are individualized, but the costs are spread out to the entire company, which is a recipe for costs going out of control. No one has a motive to decide whether procedures and drugs are actually necessary or not. At the same time, the litigious culture in America, with limited protections for doctors and hospitals results in what's known as "defensive medicine"; doctor's feel compelled to recommend every possible treatment and test so they don't risk getting sued if they miss something.
It's a lousy system, but the political structure of the United States makes it exceptionally difficult to change it. So, here we are.

还有其他一些影响因素。保险公司使人们不受个别医疗程序直接费用的影响。 但成本却分摊给了整个公司,这很容易导致成本失控。没有人有动机去判断治疗和药物是否真的必要。同时,美国的诉讼文化以及对医生和医院保护不足,导致了所谓的“防御性医疗”;医生们感到必须推荐所有可能的治疗和检查,以防万一漏诊而被起诉。

DR David Charles
The US healthcare system is expensive due to administrative inefficiencies, high prices for medical services and pharmaceuticals, fragmentation of care, defensive medicine practices, a significant uninsured population, and the prence of chronic diseases.


1-Administrative Costs: The US healthcare system has a complex administrative structure involving multiple insurance providers, billing systems, and administrative overhead. This complexity leads to higher administrative costs compared to systems with simpler administrative structures, such as single-payer systems High Prices for Medical Services and Pharmaceuticals: Medical services and prescxtion drugs tend to be more expensive in the US compared to other countries. This can be attributed to various factors, including the lack of price controls on medical services and pharmaceuticals, as well as the significant costs associated with research and development in the pharmaceutical industry.


2-Fragmentation of Care: The US healthcare system is highly fragmented, with many different providers, insurers, and healthcare facilities operating independently. This fragmentation can lead to inefficiencies, duplication of services, and difficulty coordinating care, all of which contribute to higher costs.


3-Defensive Medicine: Due to concerns about medical malpractice lawsuits, healthcare providers may engage in defensive medicine by ordering unnecessary tests and procedures to protect themselves from legal liability. This practice can drive up healthcare costs without necessarily improving patient outcomes. Uninsured and Underinsured Populations: A significant portion of the US population lacks health insurance or has inadequate coverage. When uninsured or underinsured individuals receive medical care, the costs may be shifted onto those with insurance through higher premiums and healthcare costs, further exacerbating the overall expense of the system.


4-Chronic Disease Management: The prence of chronic diseases in the US, such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity, leads to higher healthcare costs. Managing chronic conditions requires ongoing medical care, medications, and sometimes hospitalization, all of which contribute to the overall expense of the healthcare system.


Scott Welch
Why is healthcare in the USA so expensive compared to other countries?
Well, the quick answer is that sick people will pay almost anything for a cure. And when the sick person is your child, you can add another zero on to that.
I will always remember a discussion I had with a colleague of mine when I was working in Mountain View in 1986. She was Russian, and in those days that was really, really rare — I think she defected from some sports team.
Anyhow we were discussing something about the health care system, medical bankruptcies I think, and I said “I can’t believe that a civilized country treats its citizens this way.”


She got a very serious look on her face and then said something I’ve remembered all these years:
“Scott. You must always be remembering: This is not a civilized country.”
Viewed through this lens, there are a lot of things about America that make more sense.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Len Gould
I’ve long held that view. Economically successful yes, but since the 1980’s not civilized.
[Edit] Perhaps relevant is the thought that the “wild west” mentality common in many US citizens is evidence of never having been civilized.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This is what you get when you have a country founded by business men who were upset about taxes.


Sandeep Albert Mathias
To be fair, they were not upset about taxes, but rather about them not having a say in those taxes. If I remember correctly, the slogan was “No taxation without representation,” not “No taxation. Period.”


Scott Welch
I believe it was Benjamin Franklin who said “Americans are fundamentally opposed to taxation without representation, and they are not very fond of taxation with representation either.”


Prum Chhangsreng
Keep is just going to keep the big company stay big and prevent any creative startup from happening. At the end of the day, big company still going to find a way to cheat tax while only the small and inexperience company suffer.


Ernest Brejtfus
Did you hear that loud noise? that was my mind blowing up.


Richard Couture
Because of the lobbying of pharmaceutical company and the physicians and others healtcare professional. So far in 2018 they spent over 421 millions. If it become government mamage like let say UK, Australia or Canada their profit will plummet.


Scott Welch
Of course those self-same people are slapping tarries on steel and subsidizing farmers to the tune of a couple billon per month.
The mind boggles.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Chris Everett
Why are healthcare costs in the United States so incredibly expensive?
Imagine this. You go shopping for groceries.
There are no prices on any items.
Adding certain things to your cart will add other things to your cart, but you won't know about it until checkout.


When you check out, you will get a bill, but it will have no real connection with what you pay, as some random discount between 0% and 100% will be applied.
If you go back to the same store, you can't use your prior trip as a guideline, as every element will be totally different. The prices, the discounts, etc.
That's the first problem with pricing. There's almost no incentive in the system for consumers to save money, and even if they want to, there's no way they can even tell what things cost. A fundamental aspect of a free market is price transparency. The US healthcare system has NONE of that. This really breaks the demand side of the supply and demand curve.


The supply side of the curve is broken by the excessive costs of training doctors, building facilities, and by the fact that consumers are totally shielded from this problem.
Into this mix, we throw in health insurers, who have little incentive to fix it all.
IMHO, we need to divorce health insurance from employment, while keeping the individual mandate created by the ACA. (But without the huge list of minimum requirements), and removing the demand that hospitals treat all comers, even if they can't pay/don't have insurance, while creating an expansion of medicade.
We would also do well by mandating an open system of medical records.


Marti LaChance
The grocery store is an excellent metaphor. In my experience, the HSA model does increase incentive for patients to do price comparisons, but it can take days to discover how much a service will cost, and sometimes you need services immediately.


Jacob VanWagoner
The only problem with the HSA model is that hospitals and other providers mark up everything like crazy, and in most states if you haven't met your deductible yet, then you have little to no protection against outrageous prices.
In Utah, Arizona and Idaho, though, if you're on an HSA you get the insurance-negotiated price before your deductible is met. Interestingly enough, those three states are among the lowest costs and both have very high quality care.


Marti LaChance
I don't care for the HSA. It's a pain in the ass. Still, I use a cost comparison tool that lets you hone in on costs. An X-ray I priced ranged from $50 to $300. Ha! You still have to cross your fingers when the bill comes, though. Sigh.


Martha LeDuc
Great summary. I completely agree, we need to divorce health insurance from employment. This made sense 50 years ago when costs were minimal. This system is so broken, it will ever get fixed. I remember when I worked for a firm and had some very minor medical test done. It was listed on the bill and I was exclaiming to everyone how expensive it was. Someone said, 'who cares, it's paid for.' Precisely why we are in this mess, and why employers shouldn't fund health care. It ought to be reasonable enough for individuals to purchase, as it once was. Never gonna happen again in my lifetime, though.


The Magnificent Jadzia Dax
I agree. I have worked for 40 years and in those years I have had employer based health insurance for only 12 years. I was working all for smaller employers or contract most of that time.
I love the fact that Canadians or Uk citizens can work at any job they like without worrying about company sponsored health insurance. They have already paid for their health care in their taxes and don’t have to pay again and again when they see a doctor.


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