2024-08-28 国外新鲜事 10228
Healthcare is often criticized as being subpar compared to America and the West—at least, that's what I frequently hear in my YouTube comments. But is this actually true? Healthcare is a fundamental aspect of any society, reflecting not only the overall well-being of its population but also the effectiveness of its governance. One of the biggest questions I get is about healthcare in China and how it compares to that in the West. Having lived in China for three years, I've had the opportunity to experience healthcare on numerous occasions. So, let's take a look at how it compares, the differences, and the common misconceptions surrounding it.


The first misconception I often hear is that healthcare in China is only for the rich or at least for a certain subset of the population. Many in the West seem to believe that quality healthcare in China is only accessible to the wealthy. While it's true that private hospitals in China, like in any other country, can be expensive, China's public healthcare system provides affordable care to the general population—a population of 1.4 billion people, let's not forget. China's healthcare system has evolved rapidly over the past few decades. Where it was once perhaps lagging behind the West, China has undergone a significant transformation in this sector, much like in other areas of the country.


But has this evolution made healthcare too expensive for the average person? From my own experience, I can say no. Recently, I paid around 30 RMB (about $4) to be seen at a public hospital. This wasn't some obscure hospital either; it was the best hospital in China for that specific field of medicine, located in downtown Shanghai, the country's largest city. Considering that the average salary in Shanghai is around 13,500 RMB per month, spending 30 RMB to see a doctor seems affordable for many people. And this doesn't even factor in whether the person has insurance, which many people in China do.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

In contrast, healthcare in the US is on a completely different level. Americans often criticize their healthcare system for its high out-of-pocket costs, even for those with insurance. Deductibles and other expenses can lead to significant financial strain, a point frequently discussed by politicians. In the UK, while healthcare is free at the point of use, it's indirectly funded through taxes—by some estimates, 40% of all income tax in the UK goes to the NHS. Despite this, the NHS is often criticized for being poorly run, with long wait times and operational inefficiencies.


However, even without comprehensive insurance, out-of-pocket expenses for treatments, consultations, and medications in China are often affordable, at least in my experience. And contrary to what some might believe, getting an appointment to see a doctor isn't particularly difficult either. In fact, appointments are relatively easy to secure, and the wait times are minimal compared to what I was used to in the UK. This efficiency is partly due to the digitization of healthcare services in China, where appointments, prescxtions, and payments can all be managed through a single app—WeChat. This integration of technology into healthcare has made the entire process much smoother and more patient-friendly.


For example, in the UK, you have to call at exactly 8:00 a.m. to try and secure an appointment. If you need prescxtion medicine, you must visit the doctor in person, get a signed paper, and then take it to a separate location to buy the medicine. In China, it's much simpler: you book an appointment, pay, and order medicine—all through your phone. I'm not entirely sure what the process is like in America, but I can't imagine it being as straightforward as it is in China.


Another common misconception is that Chinese hospitals are dirty. But in my experience, the hospitals I've visited in China have been clean and well-maintained. I understand this might not have always been the case, but modern Chinese hospitals appear to be quite clean.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

When comparing the healthcare systems of China, the US, and the UK, several key differences stand out. The US, with its private market-driven system, offers high-quality care for those who can afford it but leaves many struggling with the financial burden of medical expenses. The UK's NHS, while providing free healthcare, struggles with efficiency and access, leading to long wait times and varying quality of care. China, on the other hand, seems to offer affordable, accessible healthcare to its population while using technology to streamline services. China's system, while not perfect, represents a balanced approach that combines government oversight with market-driven innovation. The integration of tech in healthcare significantly improves access and efficiency, something both the US and the UK could learn from.


So, while the US may excel in certain areas of specialized care, its lack of universal coverage and high costs are significant drawbacks. The UK's NHS, though admirable and deeply ingrained in the culture, is struggling to maintain the level of care expected by the public. In contrast, China's healthcare system, with its affordability, accessibility, and technological integration, seems better equipped to handle the needs of its population. Based on my experiences and observations, I would say that China's healthcare system stands out as perhaps the most effective among the three. While it has its challenges, it seems to work well for the majority of its population, unlike the systems in the US and UK, which are burdened by inefficiencies and inequalities. Healthcare will always be a critical issue, so any lessons we can learn from other countries doing better are incredibly beneficial. Hopefully, we can take a lesson or two from China's approach and implement it in our own systems.


I was in China and my daughter got sick. Being foreigner visitor, I was helped by our guest to visit a Doctor in a small simple clinics. She attended in a second, checked and prescribed a bunch of medication. Cost us ¥ 15 all in all and in 2 days my daughter got well. Amazing system.


In France hospital begin to write on a wall of fame the name of people who waited more than 10 hours in the urgency corridor of hospital as this delay begin to be the standard.


I was afraid at first, now I would not hesitate to go to a hospital in China. Affordable, accessible, clean and efficient.


I was in the Yellow Mountain Anhui province. I twisted my ankle on the hiking and I went to the hospital to check my ankle. X-ray, consultation and I was asked if I want Chinese traditional medicine or Western medicine? For homeopathic treatment, I paid 83 Y including the medicine and taping. I had overseas coverage but for $12.00 dollar, it doesn't worth the paperwork. Everything was done in a hour. If this was in America it may cost $500 to $700 and waiting for hours.


I have many martial art friends in china . Most things people hear is untrue. I never had any problems when I lived in China.


Harvey is telling the truth. I was in China for a few months, ran out of medication and wanted to see a doctor. I got to the hospital, it was clean, efficient, and friendly. I saw the doctor within a hour and got may medication refilled. That was a nice experience indeed.


In the U.S. your doctor examines you request any test, and subscribes treatments. That request goes to the insurance company who reviews it and on many occasions will decline the request. You either pay out of pocket or suffer the consequences of not having the biopsy, colonoscopy, endoscopy, medication. You file a lawsuit. They drag it out until your dead. The people declining treatment are not doctors.


Only foreigners who have never been to Mainland China or Mainland Chinese who have never been abroad would think China has a bad health care system. Based on my own experience, Chinese health care system is the best or at least one of the top ones in the whole world.


I turn up at a Chinese hospital at 9am was seen got my tablets etc and was having dinner with my sister-in law by 12.30 in the UK this would have taken weeks


That part about phoning at exactly 8am in the UK is so true. This is crazy. I remember the days when you could just go to your GP and see them within an hour. Then you needed to make an appointment. Then you need to make one several days in advance. Then the wait got longer. Then you couldn't even see them during covid. And don't get me started on the wait needed to see a specialist in a hospital - from weeks to months!


Twenty years ago, when I was still in high school, I paid twenty or thirty yuan in insurance premiums every year. I was in a car accident and my calf was broken. It cost a total of 20,000 yuan, and the insurance reimbursed 17,000 yuan. Because I use a stent imported from abroad, I need to pay for it at my own expense. This is very satisfying to me.


When I was in the UK many years ago, abortion under the NHS is free but the waiting time for an abortion is 2 years!


I am an ED nurse in a public hospital in Australia so I can tell you that the waiting time in your case may be at least 4 hours in ED and may be 6 hours to see a specialist. I was in China in June and got skin rash and swelling following mosquito bites and hot weather, I arrived at the Dermatologists office on the 6th floor of a local hospital at lunch time, I left the hospital in half hour: waited for the doctor to come back from lunch, got seen and checked, diagnosed, then went down to the ground floor, the staff already had my medication in the basket. The prescribed treatment worked very well. Harvey is right, China is streamlining the healthcare efficient for 1.4 b people


This is specially impressive when you remember that China's population is 1.4 Billion


I had two occasions to see a doctor when I was in Chengdu last year. For example, a lesion on my forearm that I had brought with me from Australia got worse. 10 minutes after I arrived at the hospital, I saw a skin specialist who prescribed a treatment which worked, all at minimal cost (which I can't remember, it was that insignificant). On the other occasion, at a cost of RMB48, I saw the doctor twice, had blood and x-ray tests and finally, treatment by a nurse, all done in the space of a couple of hours in a morning. That particular hospital did seem a bit old but certainly it was clean and efficient. The system seems to operate very similarly to the hospital based public system here in Australia but without the long waiting times for non urgent cases. They don't seem to do the triaging of patients to nearly the same extent as our hospitals do.


Bought a pair of glasses in china, Titanium, fraction of the price, they did eye exam and produced the pair of glasses in 30 minutes. Their Robotic machine produced it like pizza hut produces pizza. Still wearing the glass. Sturdy frx


You can get that service in the USA but it's expensive. Normal time on getting glasses in the USA is about a week after exam to determine your prescxtion.


Here in Canada, my city (a capital city by the way), just to refill my prescxtion, I need to make an appointment with my doctor which can take up to 3 weeks, have a few minutes chat about the prescxtion I need renewed, then the clinic will fax the prescxtion over to the pharmacy before I can get my meds.


It’s a broken system. Here, some prescxtion meds can be renewed much easier




Same in the U.S. too, appointments are always 2+ weeks out, prescxtion takes another day to get at a pharmacy.


All of asia is ahead in healthcare not just china compared to west.


I have lived in Vietnam for the past 13 years. The health care here is the best from stitches, health check up to tooth implants. Caring professionals.


My experience with the GP practice in London was so bad, I switched to another one in another borough this week.


In Chinese hospital, you can get walk-in service without days or weeks appointment beforehand when compared with the US. Here in the US the medical insurance is exorbitant and the medicine price is like rip-off. My wisdom teeth removal costed $2,000 and the insurance covered 90% after hundreds of dollars insurance paid each month.


Go to Malaysia for holiday...$2,000 will have your wisdom tooth removed, paid for your hotel stay and enjoy two weeks of delicious street food. You still have enough money to pay for your taxi fare and insane tips home from the airport.


In Canada, one needs to wait 3 months to get an appointment to see a specialist.


China understands that it has to have a strong social foundation for its people to achieve high levels of development. In US, healthcare or medical services is treated as a favor for those who can afford it like owning a car. Even people with medical insurance are discouraged from using medical services for preventive care which is critical to achieve better healthcare outcomes. So health insurance is mostly used to treat diseases rather than preventing or identifying conditions before they get worse. It’s not uncommon to see people using Urgent care as a form of primary care so that they don't have to wait for a long time to see a Doc.


The medical here in the USA charge however they feel like. Special dental. I mean can you really tell your doctor you don’t want this service. I have full dental coverage, and it is still $180 per visit.


In the Netherlands each treatment has a fixed dental code, with a price tag on it. Maybe you could talk with politicians in your area to introduce these fixed codes.


I had an MRI done in China paid out of pocket. Cost $70. Wait time one hour.


so true


Once I got a toothache when I was in the UK, and I experienced the low speed from the public NHS system. Free treatment was available with a two-week long queue where in China I could sort out problem in two hours.


Medical in the USA has "gone digital" but it’s still in a learning curve phase, and there are multiple systems used by different medical groups and doctors. My GP belongs to a large group that does referrals and comingles medical records so any doctor in the group can access your medical history. The digital system is also used to send medication prescxtions to pharmacies so no paper system. Yeah, if you don't have medical insurance the costs can be outrageous, and medical insurance is best purchased through a group like your employment; buying an individual policy is crazy expensive, but still cheaper than going without insurance. The whole insurance system and medical costs in general are very 'murky', very 'gray', so it’s hard to figure out what actual costs of services are. Dental insurance is a separate service and only covers the most basic of services, but these days dentists are starting to turn into salesmen selling added services like teeth whitening, crowns, veneers, braces, tooth replacements, etc. for more income.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Singapore former PM and founding father Lee Kuan Yew had had personal experience of UK NHS SYSTEM when he was an undergrad at Cambridge. He was not a fan of it. When he became Singapore PM, he made sure that Singapore did not just inherit the system left behind by its former colonial master. These are recorded in his memoir.


I was in China my finger got infected from a wood door splinter same day cut out the infected part of my cuticle in hospital less than $5 USD. Now my mother in law local has been waiting in line for over 2.5 years appointment for surgery.


Service is a fundamental belief upheld by many people.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The healthcare system in Australia has worsened over the last decade. Long wait times for GP (general practitioner) have increased, and most clinics charge for appointments now (whereas it used to be bulk billed/free). The waiting times to see specialists and to have surgery is ridiculously long that you need to have private health insurance in order to have your health issues managed within a reasonable time frx (few months VS years). It's gone completely out of hand here.


I've been living in China since 2013. Mostly in Shanghai, but I've also lived in Nanjing and Nantong. I've had to use hospital services in all 3 cities and I have zero complaints. Even with language barriers, the service was efficient and effective. My latest hospital experiences were through both a public and a private international hospital in Shanghai this year and everything was done through my phone with excellent communication and record keeping, and I'm glad to say I 'lived to tell the tale' lol. TBH, I've never felt any apprehension about receiving excellent treatment while living in China.


What I can say is that while they are investing in schools and hospitals we are investing in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, and Israel. No money left for the schools, oops sorry we have money for the schools part of it from the lottery sale but TRILLIONS DOLLARS goes for the war game and in God we trust.


Not one politician say anything about out of control medical bill or that hospital and dental can just charge you as much as they like.


People are always encouraged to exercise to stay healthy, therefore the Square Dancing is such a phenomenon. Don't forget there is also the provision of Chinese medicine which, used properly, complements well with Western medicine.


The problem of Chinese medical system is that doctors and nurses aren’t compensated well enough to justify the quality of service the system provides.


Ignorance is bliss to the Americans until seeing is believing and knowledge becomes wisdom.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The provocative word "rationing" is often brought up in the US media whenever healthcare reform is on the agenda. There is nothing wrong with rationing any scarce resources in high demand. Nevertheless, it is a trigger word in public healthcare debates because of ethical issues. Should senior citizens be denied treatment? Rich people getting preferential services? Three years of the pandemic have burnt out many doctors and nurses everywhere. Many just quit their profession. In the US and Canada, many people could not find a family doctor. The concept of one's personal physician does not seem to exist in China. All doctors are pooled into hospitals. Is that true?


China travel is easier now, I'm afraid medical trips to China will be popular some day.


In America, you can get the best medical service with expensive price. In China, you can get average medical service with affordable price.


But how about people who live there and have major health issues like cancer or liver problems… those costs I believe are not covered in the public health system… anyone know?


Smart young man.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

After undergoing general anesthesia, do you wake up with all your organs present and accounted for?


Pay & get an appointment, pay, get treated, of course. ¥25, yes, not much to see a doctor, but how much after? From my experience, I cut my leg, needed stitches, every time I returned, before treatment, pay first (¥100+ each time), this is not affordable to many & was a pretty simple procedure. It's also worth mentioning, hospitals in Shanghai/Beijing (1st Tier cities) differ from inland. It's hard to compare to the NHS, which definitely has its troubles, but it's free to the point of service & not whether you can afford to pay.


Here in the U.S., cut your thumb on a chop saw, go to urgent care for 5 stitches, and you get a bill for $5k, and of course, you need to go to PC for stitch removal and pay for your own medication. That ¥100 yuan is definitely cheaper compared to $5000+ for similar type of service, and I have to wait 6 hours just to get the stitches.


The first of all, most Chinese people can afford it. And then if they have medical insurance, it will be cheaper.


I live in Shanghai, and 2% of my salary is automatically deducted for government medical insurance. In 2022, when I worked at a consulting firm, my salary exceeded the upper limit for the medical insurance payment base (35,000 RMB), so I paid 683 RMB each month. In 2023, I worked at a law firm where my salary was below the lower limit of the base (6,800 RMB), so I paid 142 RMB each month. Despite this, I can still use the balance in my medical account accumulated from previous years. I rarely visit the hospital. Recently, I bought a gel for treating acne that cost 28 RMB, which was fully covered by my medical account. The registration fee for a top public hospital is 25 RMB, with 19 RMB paid by the account and 6 RMB paid in cash. I'm particularly satisfied with the MRI price: 400 RMB for one part (ankle, knee, etc.), with 360 RMB covered by the account and 40 RMB paid in cash. I will get most of my body scanned before I go abroad next year; it will surely save me a huge amount of money. In fact, I think the low price we pay for medical care is based on the exploitation of doctors and nurses in public hospitals. They are so diligent with such small salary. To be honest, I cannot fully understand why they don't emigrate to other countries or work for private/international hospitals.


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