喀喇昆仑公路: 世界上最多样化的山口(2)
2024-08-30 IPmod 7052

'Nihao Ms Yan" This world of ours never ceases to amaze me. So much to see, so little time. You are my "eyes " I can visit far away places, I could only dream off. You meet the kindest people along the way it's fascinating. They open their doors of their home to you, offer food, warmth and sometimes gifts like the beautiful scarf. Things I, living in a big city, would never do. Fascinating your conversation with people in Tashkurgan. How you interact is mesmerizing, As I mentioned before, are a wonderful Ambassador to your incredible country. Thank you for teaching us the beauty beyond our borders, seas and continents. Your friend in Texas USA.



Yep she's my Saturday day fix, I eat breakfast watching her vlog(from Mauritius). Every time I discover some new places, it's like a dream fairy land especially the drone shots where people are happy, safe & genuinely so kind to strangers even inviting you to their house & offering gifts. Only in China what a great place to be. Great job Yan, 加油

Thank you for sharing, great job, so many different people of different cultural backgrounds, making up one nation
I feel the whole world would be a better place if we all could live under the flag of human earthly people
One nation, different people
It would be lovely


Iranian people once lived from eastern europe to all the way into eastern mongolia, turkic migration from the east since 500AD resulted in lot of admixture but the area around tarim basin is one of the homeland of eastern iranian people

伊朗人曾生活在从东欧一直到蒙古东部的地区,自公元 500 年以来,突厥人从东部迁徙,造成了大量混血,但塔里木盆地周围地区是东伊朗人的故乡之一。

What an awesome drone shots of the amazing place. It bring tears to my eyes to see the generous couple there to invite a complete stranger to his house and offer you food and show you around his house. Amazing.


I went backpacking on this route 18 years ago, in 2006, on my first trip to China. It was amazing, the most memorable part of my trip. We stayed in a Krygyz yurt at the base of Mt. Muztagata. I hitchhiked with some Pakistani truck drivers to Tashikurgan.


Ești minunată, deosebită, tot deauna informată. MERGI de una singură prin locuri grru accesibile.Esti tot timpul cu zambetul pe buze,nu profiți de oamenii saraci,plătești tot ce cumperi.Mii de mulțumiri pentru ce locuri minunate ne prezinți. Drum bun in continuare,te urmaresc cu mult drag din ROMANIA.


We have a saying here in Scotland Yan , - "we are all Jock Tampson's bairns " . Roughly meaning we are all one big family and going by your brilliant video ,it is absolutely true ..no matter where we are in the world. Great to see you indulge in the local dress fashion too ..the styles are exquisite. Do you know of the old adage Yan ..if you want to get a head ..get a hat ? Well , you are the way ahead for us viewers with your remarkable short story films . Be well .

我们苏格兰有句俗语:“我们都是Jock Tampson的孩子”,大致意思是我们都是一个大家庭,从您的精彩视频来看,这绝对是真的,无论我们身处世界何处。很高兴看到您也沉迷于当地的服饰时尚...风格十分精致。Yan,你知道一句老话吗......如果你想有个头......就得有顶帽子? 你用你出色的短篇故事电影为我们观众指明了方向。祝你一切顺利。

The Chinese people you meet on your journey are so kind and welcoming. That wedding was fun to watch and it was surprising to see the Greek influence in the dancing so far away from Greece. Thank you Yan for your wonderful series.


Amazing scenery - you know I have found it to be true that everywhere I go, people are kind and friendly and helpful. I am sure there are bad people in the world - but there are so many kind people too.


I've been watching your videos for a while now and so hoped you would make it out here! I did field work in Tashkurgan area 15 years or so ago and it was so cool to see the drive along the Karakorum highway again. The main highway infrastructure has improved a lot in that time. If you go beyond Tashkurgan into some of the mountain communities the Waqia Valley is, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful areas and worth getting drone footage of (if you didn't go on this trip, maybe it's worth a repeat visit). Thank you for bringing such great videos to us. It was wonderful to get to revisit the xinjiang region again, even if only in video.

我一直在看你的视频,希望你能来这里!15年前,我曾在塔什库尔干地区进行过实地考察,再次看到沿喀喇昆仑公路行驶的景象真是太酷了。这段时间里,主要公路的基础设施有了很大改善。如果你越过塔什库尔干,进入一些山区社区,在我看来,瓦其亚山谷是最美的地区之一,值得用无人机拍摄(如果你这次没有去,也许值得再去一次)。 感谢您为我们带来如此精彩的视频。能再次重访新疆,即使只是在视频中,我也感到非常高兴。

Wonderful to see, even the farthest places in China, the roads are in fine shape, electricity reaches throughout (I saw transmission lines in your video) and the ability to communicate electronically (using cell phones). All this infrastructure demonstrates the CPC promise to all the people within China to make life better for all. Your videos display all this.


Yan I avidly watch your videos and always look forward to the next episode. China is so beautiful and varied. The people are friendly and helpful. I hope to go back there again with my family and see the western regions that you have been to. Take care while riding your motorbike.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I cannot begin to express my gratitude for the way you document your travel and your positivity. The cinematography is wonderful and like many have said, you shine a light on places some of us will never have seen or know anything about. xièxiè.


I'm speechless ppl are so nice how peaceful and happiness, same with Malaysia, Singapore and etc if not better
China really is a majestic country with multiple majestic ethics people China you should be proud of yourself come a long way weldone. China definitely doing better than other other country in the world


This is so beautiful….the place the people…ur so lucky my dear …I heard that unfortunately china doesn’t allow Indian people to visit there ….i wish the world will be one home for everyone….love from india….take care of ur self….




Yes Indians can travel there, some Youtubers from India visited the region this year, you can find their videos. On the other hand, India has declined most Chinese visa including students, today there're only 7 Chinese students in entire India while there're thousands of Indian students in China. I think Indian government should be a little bit more "open", c'on we are big countries


India only gives Chinese less than 2,000 visas a year, while China is relaxed about Indian tourists. Indians can easily apply for a visa to travel to China


Your videos are always eye opening...its not something that is being taught in school...always interesting and places you chose are always the unknown or road less travelled. Keep doing what you do cos you are such an inspiration.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Another fantastic video from Yan. Every minority ethnic groups you've showed us from China are a very happy lot, full of life, carefree and free to practise their religions and cultures and also to speak their own ethnic languages. The same here with the Tajiks, the women are gorgeous and beautiful, the men are rugged and handsome and the children are cute and bubbly, their dresses are beautiful and colourful.
One has to wonder how the West conclude that minority ethnic groups in China are oppressed and suppressed. Thank you Yan.


Your videos are outstanding: they bring across the beauty of this planet and the beauty and variety of ethnic groups on earth. It is a joy to watch your videos. Congratulations on using your talent so wonderfully! You are able to show the beauty in everything and it's tangible how very much you enjoy travelling and seeing all these places and meeting these different people. Best of luck for your further travels!


Just found about your video 1 week ago. I am so amazed to see the beauty of China. I am teaching Chinese children online and hope to visit your country one day before I get old and can't travel.


You are so correct, I have never seen so many good looking and handsome people, no one is what we would call ugly, quite extraordinary. Certainly if I met one of them travelling overseas I would find it very hard to believe that they are Chinese.


Watching this was such an experience! I'll probably never get to see these places in my lifetime but the beauty of the landscape and people really touched me. Thankyou for what you do.


Beautiful view of the region. Fascinating how different ethnic groups interact and work together. A very real view of the region. Thank you


Amazing no words to express from your eyes of camera we seen beautiful surrounded by nature going back to School days we have been reading geography Pamir highest plateau in the world !! You are are so much awesome every one welcome & so friendly by locals and small kids ! Loves to watch your vlogs


Eye opening on the many different regions of China. I follow you and another biker who traveled the world (Itchy Boots). You both bringing so many new insights into my life. Always wanted to travel China by bike, but for foreigners to do it solo is practically impossible. Now I travel China through your experiences. Thank you so much for sharing.

中国不同地区的风土人情让我大开眼界。我关注了你和另一位环游世界的车手(Itchy Boots),你们给我的生活带来了很多新的启示。我一直想骑自行车游览中国,但对于外国人来说,单人骑自行车游览中国几乎是不可能的。现在,我通过你们的经验来游历中国。非常感谢你们的分享。

I love your travelogs! I get to know more about different cultures, and the way you interact with people it's so wholesome. Your videos fill my heart with hope. I hope you can continue making content and showing us amazing places , love from Argnetina ����


I find your videos absolutely superb. The hospitality with which they receive you everywhere you go warms my heart! I dream of someday travelling in such a meaningful way, actually making deep connections with people from such authentic backgrounds.
I do oftentimes wonder, aren't you afraid of taking some of these trips all alone by yourself, specially being a woman? It's true that people seem very well-intentioned and treat you so well, but I can't stop myself from wondering if you've ever had a scary experience when travelling alone.
Congrats on these beautiful vlogs. You're truly an inspiration and an example of a brave and kind-hearted woman to me.


I think their ancestors were an ancient eurasian people that have been living there since over 15,000 years ago like the Tarim Basin Mummies and the ancient Tocharians. In the past we thought they were indo-european but recent genetic studies done by international geneticist scientists conclude that they were local native population of North Eurasian.


I just discovered your youtube channel a few days ago and am binge watching your travel vlogs! You have a talent for interviewing the locals and an eye for cinematography.
The landscape in this vlog reminds me of my time in Mongolia. I even spotted a few gers (yurts) in your drone footage! Safe travels and i can't wait to see the next episode. Greetings from Vancouver, Canada.


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