2024-08-30 jiangye111 3469
Smoking could be banned in UK’s pub gardens and outdoor restaurants
-Leaked Whitehall documents reveal plans to extend indoor smoking ban to certain outside spaces, such as pub gardens


(Labour is considering tighter restrictions on smokers in a tougher version of the previous government’s tobacco and vapes bill.)


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Keir Starmer has not ruled out the idea of smoking being banned in some outdoor spaces, including pub gardens and outside restaurants, as ministers consider fresh tobacco curbs that hospitality groups say could adversely affect the sector.


It is understood Downing Street is in favour of a series of measures outlined in documents connected to the planned wider tobacco and vapes bill, details of which were seen by the Sun.


The bill would gradually make all smoking illegal by prohibiting the sale of tobacco to people born on or after January 2009, an idea first proposed in the UK by Rishi Sunak’s government, and taken on by Labour.


According to the Sun, it would also impose new restrictions on outdoor smoking, including outdoor spaces at, and pavements outside, clubs and restaurants, as well as at universities, children’s play areas and small parks.


Ministers could target vapers as well as shisha bars, it said. The restrictions would not cover private homes or large open spaces, such as parks, or streets.


As public health is devolved, the measures would apply to only England, with the other UK nations deciding if they wanted to follow suit.


Asked about the report during a visit to Paris, Starmer did not deny the plans. “My starting point on this is to remind everybody that over 80,000 people lose their lives every year because of smoking,” he said.


“That is a preventable death, it’s a huge burden on the NHS and, of course, it is a burden on the taxpayer. So, yes, we are going to take decisions in this space, more details will be revealed, but this is a preventable series of deaths and we’ve got to take action to reduce the burden on the NHS and the taxpayer.”

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The prime minister added: “It is important to get the balance right, but everybody … who uses the NHS will know that it’s on its knees.”


While precise plans for the curbs are likely to change after consultations, it is understood that ministers are in favour of many of the suggested ideas to limit outdoor smoking.


Last month’s king’s speech, which set out the tobacco and vapes bill, detailed the gradual age ban but made no mention of an outdoor ban.


While health experts backed the proposals, the hospitality industry said it could particularly affect pubs, and anti-smoking groups said it was important to allow some outdoor spaces for smoking, so people did not simply smoke at home, which creates even more adverse health effects.


Dr Layla McCay, the director of policy at the NHS Confederation, said she was “heartened” to see progress being made on abolishing smoking.


She told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “It is absolutely the health challenge of our time. It’s the leading cause of preventable illness in the UK, so we are heartened to see that progress is being made and that the intention is moving forward to really address one of Britain’s main drivers of health inequalities.”

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Kate Nicholls, the chief executive of UKHospitality, which represents thousands of pubs, restaurants and cafes, said a ban raised the prospect of “serious economic harm” to venues.


“You only have to look back to the significant pub closures we saw after the indoor smoking ban to see the potential impact it could have,” she said. Nicholls called on the government to hold a “detailed conversation” with affected parties on the impact of such a ban before any legislation was put in place.


William Lees-Jones, the head of JW Lees brewery, which owns and operates 150 pubs, inns and hotels mainly in north-west England and north Wales, said the idea was a “bolt from the blue” that had not been discussed with industry. He said it would be “really bad for business” and could “shut a lot of pubs”.

JW Lees啤酒厂的负责人威廉·里斯-琼斯表示,这个想法是“晴天霹雳”,没有与业界讨论过。该啤酒厂拥有并经营着150家酒吧、小旅馆和酒店,主要分布在英格兰西北部和威尔士北部。他说,这将“对生意非常不利”,可能会“关闭很多酒吧”。

“People who smoke are pretty determined and will walk 10 yards down the road and smoke there, which will annoy other people,” he added.


However, Tim Martin, the boss of JD Wetherspoon, said he did not think a ban would have a “big effect” on business: “The question is whether the government should interfere in individual liberties, where danger is involved.”

然而,JD Wetherspoon的老板蒂姆·马丁表示,他认为禁令不会对商业产生“大影响”:“问题是政府是否应该干预个人自由,因为这涉及到危险。”

A spokesperson for the Department of Health and Social Care said: “We do not comment on leaks. Smoking claims 80,000 lives a year, puts huge pressure on our NHS, and costs taxpayers billions. We are determined to protect children and non-smokers from the harms of secondhand smoking. We’re considering a range of measures to finally make Britain smoke-free.”


In 2007, under the Labour government, smoking in enclosed public places and workplaces was made illegal across the UK.


According to the charity Action on Smoking (Ash), in the year after the introduction of smoke-free laws there was a 2.4% reduction in hospital admissions for heart attacks in England, resulting in 12,000 fewer admissions to hospitals, which saved the NHS £8.4m in a year.


In the first year after the introduction of the indoor smoking ban there was a 12.3% reduction in hospital admissions for childhood asthma, equivalent to 6,803 fewer admissions over three years.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This seems impossible but having a separate outdoor area for smoking and non smoking people seems a lot easier to enforce as well as being more palatable than this.


The "garden" of my local is literally an allyway with some chairs in it, dividing that could be done but even then it wouldnt make a difference.


A lot of city pub beer gardens are like this and exist exclusively so that people can smoke. If smoking in them is banned, I've a feeling pubs will just stop offering them as beer gardens and make them de-facto public open spaces, where it'd be legal to smoke.


Everyone complaining about their inconvenience at smoking in pub gardens and that smokers should just quit smoking- well by that logic, maybe you should quit alcohol?
Pointless, utterly pointless policy. I can understand certain public areas but pub gardens should allow smoking. These are places that serve alcohol, the moral high ground is already lost.


Why is everyone acting like this is the only issue Labour are working on? I’m sure not every single Labour MP is currently working on this, it’s just one small thing in the pipeline. I’m sure they have enough MPs to also be working on the bigger issues.
As for the change itself, nothing worse than being anywhere in public and having someone nearby bellow a plume of smoke that clouds everything I can see like a fucking steam train.


I'm not a fan of being around people's smoke from cigarettes but a good amount of the time I can choose to move away from it. I agree that indoors I don't think they should allow it (only exception being if they have good secure smoke free areas for people to sit in and relax without the smoke coming through) but that's where I would draw the line. Anything more than that is too much.


LycanIndarysVote Cthulhu; why settle for the lesser evil?
I've said this elsewhere, but I actually think there's a much simpler explanation for this than anything that might be raised. Everyone will be taking about civil liberties, the cost of healthcare, the amount of tax smokers pay, the impact of second hand smoke, the practicality of enforcement, the impact on the viability of pubs as a business, and other related issues.
But I think it'll be popular for one simple reason; people don't like the smell.
And every argument about smoking is simply window-dressing for that basic gut reaction. People don't want to smell smoke (or weed, or vapes, or any other overwhelming aroma for that matter) when they're out socialising.


If it were just to be boiled down to that simple reason, then the solution is easy:
Smokers and people who don’t mind the smell can go to bars/pubs that choose to allow smoking outside.
People who don’t like the smell are free to go to places that don’t allow it.


But look at how much smoking rates dropped when we banned smoking in pubs/clubs. The fact is when smokers are disadvantaged and made to be more of an “out” group they tend to be more motivated to quit, which is better for everyone.
Disadvantage them as much as possible I say. I’ve lost a family member to a cancer likely helped along by her smoking and I don’t want others to suffer the same.
Sure people should be free to smoke if they really want to, but it shouldn’t be easy to do that in public places.


I think the age increasing law will help significantly, but I think that combined with the high costs, is plenty enough.
There is a point where people just need to decide for themselves if they want to stop. And we have good support in the NHS to help quit. Vaping (though not the disposable ones) can also assist.
Beyond that, taking it to extremes is too invasive on people’s lives and freedoms. This proposed outdoor ban would be a massive step too far.
Also, I don’t see any attempts to stop people drinking alcohol and that can be just as harmful to drinkers and others around them.


It's hard to say that the ban did that as the trend was falling massively anyway.


There was a large dip in the two years before the ban, true, but it combined with other measures meant that numbers kept falling dramatically for years. Plus the perception of smoking has completely changed.
It used to be almost that smoking was "cool" and people wanted to smoke just to be in that crowd, but now it's more of a gross thing that some people have to go off to the side to indulge in. I think we should do everything we can for it to be a marginal habit.


I worked in pubs for 10 years during unreconstructed smoking in bars.
It was awful. Every night I came home to my parents house with the smell of smoking not only in my nose and my clothes but also in my hair and I think nostril hairs.
I don’t like smoking, but what are we really saying- that people who are doing something that human beings have done for thousands of years can’t even do it in a garden?
Is smoking really that bad?
Also, thanks for focusing on our health in our lungs in a situation when we are outside but for fuck‘s sake the rest of the country is on fire.
Can we please prioritise?


Governments can multi task doing this does not mean they can’t fix the rest of the countey


Thousands of years? Cigarettes as we know them today are like a couple of hundred years old and are precision engineered to be as addictive as possible in every aspect. Most associations we have with smoking were entirely contrived by cigarette makers to make them seem ubiquitous so they could keep selling them. Tobacco was largely confined to ceremonial use(where it wasn't even inhaled directly) on the American continent until the Colombian exchange and only became the all consuming habit it is today when producers started curing it to make the smoke less harsh, allowing the smoker to inhale more deeply and absorb more nicotine.


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