2024-08-31 ◣靜♂候輪回 16385
@Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
The Chinese have always acknowledged that the BUDDHA came from India and Buddhism began in India


In the Journey ,Sun Wukong is one of three characters - the other being a Pig and a third guy who act as Bodyguards to a Buddhist Monk who wants to get Ancient Buddhist Texts back to China


The Game imagines and builds on what happens AFTER SUN WUKONG returns from the Journey and has been rewarded with Buddhahood and how he doesn't want immortality and wants to go to the mountains and live in peace


The Powers to be (Buddhist God's I guess) send someone called Erlang Shen to capture or force Sun Wukong into submission


Wukong fights, is defeated when the Gods subdue him through his crown and convert him into a rock
He splits himself into six pieces just before that and they all get hidden as various relics across China


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Millennia later someone called the DESTINED ONE goes on his journey to retrieve the relics and fight bad guys and RESTORE SUN WUKONG back Ancient China has always believed India was a great learning Centre


Buddhists from India were respected and admired in China including BODHIDHARMAN known as DAMMO in China
Chinese Buddhists believe that Indian Teachers brought knowledge to China and helped the spread of Buddhism


However like always - China nurtured and mixed parts of Feng Shui, Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism and created their own version of Buddhism
Initially it was corrupted greatly but slowly the corrupt elements were weeded out and China embarked on the full path of the Buddha


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

China never distorts History
Its one reason for their Greatness
They never rewrite History
The Chinese always have it that India is the place of Knowledge in many ancient texts


I repeat
India was ahead of China in many areas like Machining and Tooling and Steel Manufacturing in the 1960s and 1970s
Somewhere WE SCRWED UP
They did everything right
Today they are a Great Power
We are struggling even to be an Emerging Major Power

20 世纪 60 年代和 70 年代,印度在机械加工、模具和钢铁制造等许多领域领先于中国

there is another underlying meaning to the back story. The developers (wukong) quit from tencent (celestial palace) to seek freedom and would rather die than to conform to the rules (make money first before game design).


@Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
Wow that's a new angle So Tencent is the Google of China and stifles creativity?


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Although Wukong made crazy amounts of money; this simply pales in comparison in the pay to win scheme on mobile games. Tencent has a process flow of how much they can squeeze out of the user. The only measure of the success of a game is simply ARPU within Tencent!


@Peter Chan
Tencent is not 1 person. They will never say no to making more money. But they cannot approve risky moves that will undermine the company if “Tencent made a new AAA game but it crashes and burns”. Now, if Game Science crashes and burns … it’s just a nameless company. Nobody would care.


totally agreed, history is only written by victors


It says here in the history books that the good guys win every time, what are the odds? - Norm Macdonald.

历史书上说好人每次都赢,这概率有多大? - 诺姆·麦克唐纳德。

That is a Anglo world view of black and white. This is a stark contrast to Chinese Yin and Yang. There is a dot black/white within the contrasting sides but both resides in harmony. PEACE ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!


@Peter Chan
This may have been the inspiration. But it is not the rigid’s rule and conformity to Tencent that these developers quit. They simply wanted to expand Chinese game industry beyond live service games. Games that keep you playing forever while making you buy their digital products.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

They wanted to be an AAA game studio. Tencent was unwilling to accommodate. They broke out to form their own. But Tencent was also part of their investors.


This is a common business practice. The exec of a big corporation do not want to mess up their well oiled business. If someone is confident enough to start something new, then they need to start on their own, with or without the blessing of the main corporation. If they die, they die namelessly. The big corporation loses a few pennies, no big deal. But if they win big, like this game Black Myth, then Tencent is confident enough to invest more, or even become a publisher for them.


However, they will want to keep Game Science intact. This dream team delivered once, can deliver again. Don’t upset a well oiled machine.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Alset Alokin
There are a lot of philosophical nuances in this Chinese epic. Many people can relate to certain parts of the story if they really think about it.


@TC Quah
we’re going to see a new branch of academic discipline called “wukongology” and the wukongologists will be busy wringing out the philosophy of the monkey story


not sure about that but the team is definitely not happy with the rules within tencent. They quit jobs with FAT paychecks to jump into something unknown. The team was planning to hold back the release date a little more to finish up the final polish but the share holders simply couldn’t wait any longer. The last 4 years was monthly expenses not a single drop of income.


@Peter Chan
People quit their highpaying jobs for some visionary all the time. Many giant corporations like Apple, Google, Microsoft were once a garage startup. At some point they took on some very experienced executives from some big companies to join their tiny companies. This is how they succeeded: recruiting the right people.


@Guosong Zhao
I m curious why the majority Indian are not Buddhists .


@Nagraj Karanth
We were till the 8th century CE. That's when adi Shankara, the hindu monk traversed the length and breadth of India, established monestries and revived the hindu dharma. He was a great proponent of the advaitha philosophy.

我们一直到公元8世纪都是如此。那时,印度教僧侣阿迪·尚卡拉(Adi Shankara)走遍了印度,建立了修道院,复兴了印度教法。他是非二元论哲学的伟大倡导者。

Jainism more than bhuddism was prent until he arrived and changed the demography.


Jainism was never more prent than Buddhism.


@Nagraj Karanth
Atleast in the southern India where I am from. It had the patronage of the rulers .


@Chinmay Bhat
Adi Shankara lived in 2000 BC…he had nothing..zilch..to do with Buddhism…The white invader pushed this great man back in history by an astounding 2800 years, so that his philosophy could be stolen and attributed to the West as a measure of blatant racism—to prove that Indians are worthless…please read the below lix to know more about Adi Shankara(long post but worth it):


Buddhism was cooked up by J*w Rothschild before he created Communism to grab power…all Buddhist nations are communist…WHY?? Please read the below lix to know more about J*w Rothschild,Buddhism and Communism…


@Arundhati Shetty
your chronology is wrong


@Arundhati Shetty
After the 4th century BC which was the time of Buddha , following Ashoka Maurya’s intense propogation of Buddhism during the 2 century BC to almost to 6 century AD , almost the whole country had Buddhism with Jainism also strong especially along the Western coast .In fact when Chinese philosopher Xuanzang visited Buddhism in 7 Cent AD , it was still flourishing all over India , in fact both the Mahayana and the Theraveda schools of thought


Meanwhile hindusim did chug along the sidelines , but it has been always a evolving religion no strict commandments or laid down rules and regulations .when Adi Shankaracharya brought it back in 8th century, it borrowed many thoughts from Jainism and Buddhism ..today’s hinduism is vastly different than that practiced in pre Buddhist times


@Alset Alokin
The Chinese culture reveres knowledge and thus pays the highest respect to teachers. Great bringers of knowledge and wisdom are celebrated. They respected apple and tesla until they fuct the Chinese up.


@Peter Chan
The original 16th century novel borrowed a real story of a man Chen Yi, or Xuanzhang as his Buddhist name, and his 19 year of pilgrimage to India to obtain all source material for a proper translation. This was during Tang dynasty.


The 16th century writer Wu Cheng’en turned this story to a mythological novel. His main intention was to criticize his current Ming dynasty of corruption. Wukong (his rage) to bash the heaven (government). Heaven can no longer ignore his rage against injustice. The journey is where he exposed all the demons (corrupted people), all with connection to Heaven (government). Whether corrupted officials or spoiled brats of officials harassing innocent people. One by one, demons are either destroyed, or acknowledged and recaptured by heaven.


The game however took up the story after the original novel end. It has a different direction:

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Upholding great tradition: Destined one seeks to become the next great sage Sun Wukong.
Explore mistakes and regrets of the past: Confronting old friends and foes, make amends.
Write a brand new future with the wealth of old sage Wukong
Wukong is a Buddha already. Immortality is given. But he still wants to live his own life without lixing up to heaven’s rigid rules. This is what caused
Erlang Shen is a Daoist god. Most of characters in Journey to the West are based on Buddhist and Daoist real biblical characters.


Great times ahead, we will be back in glory for which people of a nation needs to be disciplined and growing mindset unlike when government aren't stable with their policies and regulations, growth cannot be achieved until real development and welfare to uplift is done by the people, for the people.


“China never distorts history”
China is the perfect country for commies in India
They blindly believe whatever china does


@Nagraj Karanth
Our commies are buffoons. Evident from the way they ruled kerala and WB.


Journey to the West is actually a novel that satirizes religion and institutions.


@Peter Chan
Institution yes, not religion.
Heaven is the institution. The journey itself is the foundation of religion, in which they are guided and protected. The novel maintains a solid faith in Buddhism. This is why they had to walk 3 years to India, experiencing all the demons and monsters all the way.
If I was Wukong, I would carry Xuanzhang on my back and fly him to India. Everyone else can fly along. We will be in India in 10 minutes. No need to fight any demon. This 10 minute journey is the true satire to Buddhism. But it didn’t happen.


@Do Chen
Journey to the West does satirize religion, not only Buddhism, but Taoism as well. After reading the original book of Journey to the West, don't forget the story of the two venerables asking Tang Priest for bribes at the end of Journey to the West.


@Jiang Hu
Chinese main philosophy is Confucian, emphasising an positive way of life, not the Buddhist outlook of afterlife.
if everyone is turning to a non productive monk, who will cultivate the field, build the dam, clean the streets?
that is why Buddhism never works, despite its brilliant teachings. luckily China does not embrace it


@Jonah Su
More accurate to say Ghautama Buddha was born in Nepal.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Lù Shèng An
Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Nikhil Kulkarni
Fun part: Buddhism started in Bihar, most underdeveloped state of India


@N Shan
We didnt screw up, they simply became better and better and better. Thats beauty of capitalism, you can have any government doesnt matter, capitalism unleashes forces of nature ie survival of fittest, your true nature/passions, improvisation. India was socialist , unxized, trade was controlled, knowledge and opportunities were restricted, corruption was rampant, competition was stifled. Chinese knew how to be an invisible hand in capitalist system after learning from US, Japan, Korea, Singapore and embraced it by adapting their systems and culture


@Rahul Sharma
What about their claim on Arunachal Pradesh & China's five finger policy? What's your view on it?


@Gooloo Ggg
And indians are narcissists & egostics, one eg they still insisting that their brit masters are the ones who built the tea industry which today created india national drink - masala chai!!
India never acknowledging the thousands Chinese workers sacrifices & expertise who were stolen, enslaved, forced by the brits to start the pioneering tea industry in india then - hidden history sigh
Now here arguments that indians have the better teachers, teachings, products, etc than the Chinese omg


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