阿曼斥资 26 亿美元的“智慧”城市巨型项目如何颠覆迪拜模式,“阿拉伯国家在沙漠中建造豪华城市就像在月球上建造城市”
2024-09-04 平平躺平 6854

Muscat is wedged between the Gulf of Oman and the Haajar mountains. It's home to about one-third of the country's rapidly growing population. Oman has a population of about 5.2 million people, but by 2040, it anticipates that number may increase by 50% to 7.7 million. To house them all, the country is investing in a lot of projects. One of the most significant that's underway is happening here: Sultan Qaboos City. It is designed to house 100,000 people across more than a dozen neighborhoods, along with 25 mosques and 39 schools. Though for a landmark project in a Middle Eastern capital, the scale and budget are relatively small. The Line in Saudi Arabia, for instance, is expected to house 200,000 people after the first phase completes with a projected cost of $100 billion. Egypt's controversial new administrative capital, designed to hold more than 6 million people, will cost an estimated $58 billion. Oman's smaller ambitions are both because the country has less money and fewer people, but also because the country highly values its local atmosphere, where native Omanis actually live in the city and work in service jobs. In Dubai, for instance, only 15% of the city's population are from the UAE. When I visited Muscat a few years ago, one thing that was crystal clear by my Omani hosts was that they do not want Muscat to become another Dubai. They were really insistent on that. It will take a while to see if the new model succeeds. Sultan Qaboos City won't actually be done until 2045. Oman needs time to convince local people they want to live here.


Dysfunctional housing policy: While Oman has a high home ownership rate—the government claims 89% of its citizens own their own homes—the country is still facing some major housing issues, and the government needs to figure out how to get people to live in denser cities. Under the current system, Omanis typically live in single-family homes in low-density areas. Citizens are entitled to free land via a housing lottery, but they often wait years for lots that end up being far from established developments in Muscat. This has led to a sprawling capital with lots of traffic—the biggest issue in the region and not just in Muscat or Ranis. Housing leaders in the region have gotten extremely rich off their country's soil, but they make sure to spend enough on their people to maintain stability. In particular, they've paid for things like free healthcare, education, and homes, and this is really how regimes in the Arabian Peninsula have been able to secure the loyalty of their citizens through housing policy. But lots of the land these countries have left to do is farther into the desert, which is expensive to develop and will become increasingly unsustainable as resources decrease. So there will have to be a sort of a reality check. Sultan Qaboos City is designed to put locals in much denser neighborhoods than most currently live in but maintain the privacy of individual villas. The government is also planning a mass transit system for Muscat that would go here, connecting the new city to the Old City. Metro systems have been a long-time goal for countries across the Middle East that want to reduce traffic and improve their international image, but many have found them exorbitantly expensive and time-consuming.


But this project isn't just about fixing the housing system for locals; much of the development's housing is for expats and visitors because the mega-project is also a key part of Oman's bet on tourism. Oman doesn't currently get as many tourists as some of its neighbors, but the country is hoping it can draw visitors with its picturesque setting and range of historic sites. It's one of the oldest cities in the Middle East; it's also safer and more politically stable than some of its neighbors. So in theory, it shouldn't need flashy and impressive projects to draw visitors. But some wonder how long it will be able to resist the temptation to imitate neighboring metropolises like Dubai. It is very difficult to resist theseductive allure of a place like Dubai—it really has this hold on people's urban imaginary in that region, and they see what is happening in Dubai and elsewhere, and they simply want to capitalize on that as well. But this approach often prioritizes international investment over local people. I've coined the term "Dubai-fication," which at its core means that there is a certain mode of urban development that Dubai is promoting where you basically start from a clean slate, you erase all that has existed in the past, and rebuild it in a different way that is based on transience and temporariness—on people not staying for the long term but for a certain amount of time. And of course, the building of all these skyscrapers and towers and spectacular iconic structures. Oman is already planning additional projects in Muscat like this $1.3 billion development on the city's waterfront. Early renderings show the development may include buildings much taller than the country has allowed in the past. It will significantly transform the Muscat skyline. So you have that skyline that was very low-key; now you have these 30-40 story high-rise towers in the center of the city geared towards high-end clientele. So this is not social housing; that is quite problematic. And while shiny new developments may attract investors and tourists, they often fail to help locals and can lead to more wealth disparity. This isn't as much of an issue in oil-exporting countries while resources remain plentiful, but it could cause issues long term when you have a society where inequality is high. Then this immediately will lead to social unrest, and social scientists will confirm that the Arab Spring was really a manifestation of that. Of course, it was brutally repressed and put down, so for the moment, things are sort of stable. But in the long run, I don't think that this will last for Muscat.


The question will be whether it can successfully maintain its local character as it navigates how to modernize, or whether plans like its new waterfront will fundamentally alter it in the direction of neighbors like Dubai. There is a way to try to reconcile these two tendencies—to both have the spectacular and the more intimate and human-scaled. I don't think that these have to be mutually exclusive. How can you achieve both? It's difficult.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

As someone who lived in Oman previously I am vehemently against this, Oman will lose its charm and adopt that fake Dubai aesthetic.


I disagree, I think it's a more modern twist of the original architecture style that's already established.


I think Oman would be more in line with European cities, just with modern architecture that would be more practical.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@oooshafiqooo Oman does not have the slightest intention to be more "European".


@Mayalovestosleep Well what I meant by European is their medium density grid system similar to Barcelona so saying European might be an overstatement.


You're not Omani. Your opinion doesn't count.


It will increase jobs, provide an alternative option for Dubai and Saudi and will increase GDP for the country. Yes, it will increase the number of foreigners into your city but unlike European countries, Oman is putting in place procedures to prevent overpopulation.


@shafsteryellow Can still voice my opinion mate there's nothing you can do about it!


@Mayalovestosleep Similar to European cities which have old city centers and such... So if you want to find answers on how to integrate modern solutions to these circumstances; find out which cities did a good job and copy a thing or two.


@oooshafiqooo Walkability is not exclusive to European cities.


Ye it's like going against the grain, which is more attractive in the long run. Also the Dubai-esque lifestyle isn't often very sustainable and does not possess the charming tranquility Oman has, the fact that there is purely just low rises makes it feel more earthly and in tune with nature.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If Muscat had Dubai's Metro it would be fantastic for easier access and global visibility, regardless of the character of Oman's future.


Dubai ironically needs to follow Doha with its subway's size and reach if the emirate wants to remain attractive going forward.


@Mayalovestosleep The renders showed mid-rise courtyard buildings laid out in a grid. This is literally what Barcelona is, as another commenter said.


Man Dubai is just a city. I am living in UAE now. This country is much more than DUBAI. It's just that western and European countries and social media is obsessed with DUBAI to a point many thinks DUBAI is a country. Ajman, sharjah even old Dubai still maintain its charm.


That looks simply amazing to live in.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Neighborhoods in Queens & Brooklyn NY would be great places to get inspiration for this country. They have blocks of multi-family homes (and a lot of Muslim occupants) while still maintaining the allure of a city.


Finally finally finally a video on Oman I can't believe and that too my fav infra tech topic and this too 4 hrs ago only I really love Oman and its comparison to Dubai Oman is better wow.


In Oman it's illegal to build a skyscraper.


No way!


May be in the past.


A capital crime?


if I was to build a mega project in Oman, I would build a mega city in Salalah.
its the most beautiful place.
I would make it 100% electric only too.
Most countries avoid mass projects in beautiful scenery but it kind of simplistic in saying not developing it because its beautiful. why not live there and help compliment it by building beautiful structure around it.
Look at lake Como.
The Italians have the right idea.
They built carefully and helping make it a paradise.
now lots of people enjoy it without damaging it. I think the housing and hotels make it even more attractive.


There's no point trying to keep it natural and not touch those areas. most countries have them so you cant really be unique in what you are offering in terms of scenery.
however hardly any city's except Como has it merged and therefore is unique.


Every country is different calling a certain city "anti Dubai " Is dumb .. Seriously.. Why obsessed with Dubai..

每个国家都不同,称某个城市为“迪拜的反面”是愚蠢的.. 说真的.. 为什么对迪拜如此着迷?

I love Oman!


this seems alot smarter than other planned cities, anything to stop sprawl


This reminds me of the Msheireb area in Doha, Qatar

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处



Oman is truly beautiful .
The previous king of Oman was a good man . Oman is the Switzerland of the ME. I reason why visitors stay away is the cost. Oman is a very expensive country to visit.


To me, Dubai is like the Metaverse have materialized and people go there to take pictures and post on social media.


But the truth is DUBAI is a city build for that purpose. But the country is much more than that. There are many traditional places in UAE. Even there is BUR DUBAI (old dubai) which has kept its tradition.


Nobody is going to want to hang around outside when its 45 degrees C outside


I would move to the city


A smart Idea for Oman may be to concentrate on tourist from the region who get tired of tourist and want a quieter vacation in a location with great things to do. What is needed is a Saudi Arabian road and rail transit corridor from the horn of Africa to Iran. That would solve the problems of tourists and still allow Oman and Yemen to keep the same look and feel (if they wish) while reaping far more financial benefits from all the passing traffic between Africa and Asia.


Regarding the railways, iirc Oman is planning to build railway lines to lix itself to the UAE and Saudi Arabia. So far Oman hasn't started any construction activities.


As an Iranian, it is really hard for me to see such a thing. I also live on the shores of the Gulf, I live in Bushehr province of Iran, maybe we have as much wealth as Qatar in this province. But because of sanctions and wrong policies, we cannot progress!!!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

They are fixing something that isn't broken


Looks better than Dubai and the wall thing in S. Arabia lol


What about the suitable homes for all the foreign workers???


Why Mid-east countries always do this? Weird SF city projects.


These Arab countries building fancy cities in the desert is like building cities on the moon… Nothing is going to change the geographic shortcomings.


What are you talking? Bro, their population is increasing, and they need all those infrastructures.


The western media knows Dubai & nothing else!
Educate yourselves about Omanis and their way of life, then speak about their development projects.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Looks better, European style, hope it succeeds

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It’s not European


The "European" style originated from Byzantine Syria


calm down boys here European meant it's focused on walkable and public transportation centric than car and huge skyscrapers like Dubai

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

These countries need to understand that to build a sustainable economy they need to produce/manufacture and form engineers who'll build their countries. Smart cities or tourist cities are good but it's not a sustainable model, invest on your people and you'll earn dividend from it after decades like south Korea and Taiwan!


Is it a requirement that you have to be negative in order to be 'an expert'? These experts will criticize the Dubai archetype then turn around and criticize an anti-Dubai archetype project for not doing what Dubai is doing.


Their job is to critique. As every project will have upsides and downsides and since the government already advertised the benefits of the project, it is only fair for the experts to say their piece.


​ @OrionTails yah so you should mention both not just negatives


It's like simcity game.


2.5 B is just peanuts


This guy talks about Dubai as if it broke up with him and chose someone else.


In the end why would anyone want to move to a freaking hot dessert with stuff predicted to only get hotter and worse


Oman undefeated. I really like their royal family.


Oman will always be the least developed country in the GCC by far. It will always be poor. So much Corruption and anti-modernization is at its peak. Their mega projects on paper never even start or even reach 5% of completion and this can be seen from as early as 2000. Oman is an embarrassment to the GCC.


Oman success is inevitable


I hope the last free city in Slavers' Bay can stay that way


Healthy Competition good for Nation.


Always bet on Dubai

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This is no surprise. They discovered Albegra 1 thousand years ago.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Did you mean ‘algebra’? And is that Oman specifically?


@AlexC-ou4ju the guy that invented Algebra is from the Quraish tribe, originally from Mecca Saudi Arabia


@keymot1491 interesting, he brought me much suffering in school lol.


The guy who discovered Algebra was neither Omani nor Arab, he was Iranian.


@amiramirani1040 are Iranians not Arab?


@Sharks3000 majority not


@amiramirani1040 yeah, but he was in Baghdad




Getting this task done is definitely achievable - Qatar has already proven that it can be done.

完成这项任务绝对是可行的 - 卡塔尔已经证明了这一点。

Isn't Qatar a lot richer?


Oman together with Bahrain and U. A E among the best counties in Middle East in terms of accepting and treating fair foreigner


Are the laborers locals or immigrants, how are they treated?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Dubai is the safest place to be...


Oman, the only oil country which does not waste money on useless things like artificial islands, skyscrapers and Ferraris as police cars for example.


Non of those things are useless since they did what they were intended to do


Dubai is tacky. This is so much better


My advice to the Middle East (Gulf), Learn from India .


Instead of shifting the capital away from Raisina Hills, the government used the existing landscape to build new structures, thereby using the existing real estate space. It’s called the Central Vista Redevelopment Project.

政府没有将首都从Raisina Hills迁移,而是利用现有地形建造新结构,从而利用现有的房地产空间。这被称为中央视野重建项目。

Whilst every other country around the world, developed a smart city from scratch, the government decided to modernise the existing cities with infrastructure that enables them to become a smart city using technologies such as 5G, IoT, Metro / Monorail. It’s called Smart Cities Mission.


Oh really. Please don't try to sound smart. Gulf countries are better then India. Why would we take advice from India? Take advice from us and build skyscrapers like Dubai Riyadh Singapore Hong Kong. This is how you make money. Not an old city with outdated infrastructure.


Better than indo's ikn


oman better


I love how full of propaganda this is. "Inequality can lead to social unrest" like Oman is a ticking time bomb. You want to see inequality? Drive through downtown LA.


Oman, the Switzerland of the Middle East


No even close


@L2002 It is Called Switzerland Because of neutrality


Oman’s ‘Smart’ City, HMM. Everything is running on oil there? That's ‘Smart’.


Why do people always look down on Arab oil selling countries? The U.S and Canada are one the largest exporter of oil, Norway is literally known to be rich only because of its gas. All countries sell resources...


@houseplant1016 Problem is the Middle Eastern Economies are literally running on Fossil fuel exports. You gave one example of a European economy that relies on crude exports.


Interesting fact: the Arabic word "ma'rakh" (مئرخ) means "a place with historical ambience". Learn Arabic good-wise! It's very good for your brain!

有趣的事实:阿拉伯语单词 "ma'rakh" (مئرخ) 的意思是“具有历史氛围的地方”。学习阿拉伯语是明智的!这对大脑非常有益!

You oversimplified things to a stupid degree there is a huge difference between the source of financing the construction and how the city will operate. The city yes will be financed by the oil money (which is not a flaw by any means) but will be energy efficient with modern services.


@houseplant1016 us and canada also have other things. their economy is not dependent on oil their people are smart.


​ @riderchallenge4250 People in UAE also Smart


@user-lz5dz1qx2q You do not know how the city will work because these are just plans and ideas, not a reality yet. Saudi Arabia shared a lot of beautiful plans about Neom, so what? But here's the fact: the oil and gas sector is about 60% of Oman's merchandise exports, so let's talk about reality, not fiction.

@user-lz5dz1qx2q 你不知道这个城市将如何运作,因为这些都只是计划和想法,还不是现实。沙特阿拉伯分享了很多关于Neom的美好计划,那又怎样?但事实是:石油和天然气行业约占阿曼商品出口的60%,所以让我们谈谈现实,而不是虚构。

Copy project from Saudi Arabia


Who is going to buy though? All jobs will be replaced by AI. People will have no jobs, no money!!!


are you refering your country


Why not just call it an L and accept the country is inhabitable


Yh except for the fact people have been living there for at least 3000 years lol


So what do you want them to do ? Abandoned their country and immigrate somewhere else ?


Will soon be uninhabitable anyway....


They have to diversify or else they will face serious consequences


Dubai is an absurdly tasteless place. Great to go for a trashy trip with trashy friends, but not dignified enough to take a nice woman out. That's Dubai.


Blah blah blah blah. It will just turn into another Dubai.


Useless endeavor unless you intend to modernize the culture.


Oman's culture is fine so far
It doesn't have the extreme fundamentalism of the Saudis and their main sect of Islam is a lot more tolerant than some Christian sects


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Don’t mean to be negative but isn’t global warming going to make these areas inhabitable fairly soon? I think these cities are really cool but I thought that I heard in the next 50 years places like this are going to be so hot that you can’t live there.


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