2024-09-05 辽阔天空 17906

Black Myth Wukong Is Getting Crazier


1:39:35, heres some context for the animation:
The ugly creature is actually yellow brow in the game. Yellow brow and JinChanzi (the master of Wukong) had an argument on whether human are inherently evil. Yellow brow believes human hearts are inherently evil, so he transformed into that creature to prove it to JinChanzi. If you look closely, in the animation, the person who stab the creature first is actually controlled by the creature to provoke others. All Yellow brow cares about is winning the argument, but JinChanzi focus on saving people from the pain of reincarnation, which is more important to him. That's why he said "You sow the chaos in hearts just for the sake of winning. How absurd and pathetic."


Yup, look closely at that slaughtering scene, right before the first man step forward there is some unknown force pulls both of his shoulder toward the turtle.


Your analysis is great but Jinchanzi is not exactly Wukong's master. Jinchanzi is one of the Buddha's disciple ,he made a reincarnation named XuanZang(The Monk Tang)because of a mistake. And The Monk Tang is actually WuKong(Monkey King)'s master.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The moral here isn't just about human greed, it's about just how dumb and even harmful it can be to try and win stupid arguments. Yellowbrow was obsessed with the idea that humans are greedy and wanted to prove it to Jinchanzi so he picked a poor fishing village on purpose, yet after he showed them he is filled with riches they didn't kill him but they worshiped him and established rules, seeing this he bewitched the first villager to attack him (you can see at 1:41:47 that he is being dragged by his collar by something, after that it seems Yellowbrow casts another spell to make the villager blind). Jinchanzi knew that, he did not blame the humans but Yellowbrow


It's both, it represents two different moral stand points l, from each the other one always sound hypercritical.


@rickyli5289 The other moral compass here is how the Yellowbrow and Golden Cicada (Jin Chanzi). Both were the same school brother in Buddhism.
But as time passes by, Yellowbrow becomes obsessed with the idea that mortals can't achieve true nirvana and that it is the privilege of only god and deity. At the same time, Golden Cicada says both Mortal and Deity have the same equal rights. (Most stories in Chinese show how sh*tty and ignorance heaven be and Kratos was right)
So the Yellowborw tries to prove his idea is right while Golden Cicada is wrong.
But as time passes by, YellowBrow's obsession only worsens and he no longer understands anything at all and fails to reach anything.


In the original Journey to the West (the Prequel story to the game), Yellowbrow cheats everything even stealing the holy relic to his own evil plan and interfering with Tang Sanzang (The incarnation of Golden Cicada) and in the end fail.
This time he tries to reach Nivarna with SuWukong fragment.
The small monk who helps you is the future Buddha


@rickyli5289 It is, but greed plays only a minor role here, the focus point here is yellowbrow's obsession which derives from his delusion (one of the three poisons in buddhism), basically showing how he strayed from true buddhism values, he believed that human nature is greedy and cannot be changed for good through Buddhist teaching and he did everything he could to prove that to Jinchanzi. "If not for winning, why debate means over ends" illustrates his obsession for winning the debate perfectly & "You sow chaos in the hearts just for the sake of winning" is Jinchanzi calling him out for manipulating the outcome of the events from the fishing village. Chapter 1 ending is all about human greed.


interesting detail on the collar being dragged. never wouldve noticed

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Thanks bro


@AndorranStairway I loved every single animation from this studio, they put so much thought into each and every scene, and there are plenty of subtle clues in them. One more example in this very cutscene is at 1:42:34 where if you pause the video and rotate the image 180 degrees you will see yellowbrow putting on the biggest grin on his face because in his mind his plan succeeded


@EN57981 Is that big fish Yellowbrow?


@cartonzproz4536 Yes, one of his avatars, powerful gods can change bodies like changing clothes.


I see Jinchanzi as a philosopher and Yellowbrow as a politician. One seeks improvement and progress for all, while the other only wants to win arguments for the sake of one's goals.



原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Dao(3) Guo(3) Wei(2) Yin(1)
arguing that the outcome of a certain matter as the reason of such. That's the moral of the story actually


@MHSyaoran Jinchanzi criticised him for “ inverting the effect and cause” aka daoguoweiyin which you mentioned, but that's not moral of the story. In this animated short they painted the picture of yellow brow's obsessive nature, and how harmful and fruitless it is to create a desired consequence in order to prove your own belief, that is the moral of the story.


@aintijustthecutest3863 And he manipulates people's mind, just like a politician


Yellowbrow is more obsessed with always being right and never losing an argument. Reminds me of a lot of people actually lol. They will go far far proving you wrong


@EN57981 he's the living embodiment of redditor, he's even look like one too.


It literally blew my mind when I found out how his demagogy in the story can turn your boys against you in the boss fight. That was sinfully poetic.


yep, Yellowborw used spells to induce humans to sin and prove himself.


The thing was both of them were somewhat at fault or not right in the end; each at the extreme end of an argument where they could just 'agree to disagree'.
But Yellowbrow was correct in some sense that human are humans, thus they belonged in different realms.


Yellow Brow and JinChanZi represent the extreme end of both spectrum.


The Yellow Eyebrow King believes that humans are born to be evil and should indulge their greedy desires, but the Golden Cicada does not think so. What Huang Mei did to win the debate was like fishing for law enforcement, because human will has its limits, and even the strongest will will will be destroyed in the face of sufficient interests. And in this debate, the Yellow Eyebrow King is bound to win, because as long as humans do not become greedy as he expected, the Yellow Eyebrow King will gradually increase his temptation until their will shatters like glass subjected to a hardness test, and then the Yellow Eyebrow can say, 'See, I'll say they are greedy and evil' (but in fact, both good and evil exist in the human heart, and correct guidance should be given to guide people towards goodness)


I just finished the entire game yesterday. The real story was hidden everywhere, even outside the game, and it's connected to the original 'Journey to the West.' Both the gameplay and the story are really amazing.


HUGE SPOILERS (don't read this if you dont wanna be spoiled) : The Fourth Sister likely had romantic relationship with our protagonist, the Destined One, but it was our former reincarnate. In Crane Man's dialogue, it's clearly mentioned that you have been reincarnated many times (a point that is also hinted at in the dialogues of many other characters). Fourth Sister's obvious kindness towards you (she saved you twice) and her obsession with leaving the Spider Cave are due to the fact that one of your former reincarnations was her lover.
Here are some details that might be too subtle to players unfamiliar with Eastern culture:

严重剧透警告(不想被剧透的请不要阅读): 四姐很可能与我们的主人公(天命人)有过一段恋情,但那是在前世。在鹤仙人的话语中明确指出,你已经经历了多次转世(这一点在其他许多角色的对话中也有所暗示)。四姐对你明显具备好感(她救了你两次)和她想要离开蜘蛛洞的执着,是因为你之前的某次转世是她深爱的人。

1. Among all the spiders, only the Fourth Sister and the Purple Spider wear their hair in a bun; the other spiders have their hair down. In ancient China, the bun hairstyle was unique to married women, and only the husband was allowed to untie the hair, symbolizing fidelity to the marriage
2. In Chinese wedding customs, the bride brings some jewellery, gold, silver, and clothing as gifts to the groom called a ‘dowry’ — the chests that the Fourth Sister tells you to find in a certain cave are exactly her dowry. The name of the gourd in the dowry (which increases resistance to fire, indicating that she even knows where your next destination is, also hinting that this isn't your first time on this path) and the descxtion of the belt hooks both carry clear symbolic meanings of love in ancient Chinese lore


Other details:
1. There were no tear marks on the Fourth Sister's face when you first met her. They appeared later.
2. The two talking human-faced lanterns kept shouting ‘big day’ (wedding) when they saw you and the Fourth Sister before she stroked one of them and shut them up (lol)
3. After helping you deal with the right-hand worm, the Fourth Sister says, "We are both on our own," which is something she's saying to herself. She decides to take a gamble to break free, to see the world beyond with YOU


4. Her line ‘Tell me, monkey’ is “Tell me, stinky monkey” in the original Chinese dub, which is a very affectionate and intimate way to address the protagonist
5. When you are chased by a swarm of spiders and fall off a cliff, she catches you in her spider form
6. Before you reach the location of the last talisman you can hear her screaming “Run” (instead of “Help”)


Tons of Chinese players are eagerly hoping that her story could continue in a DLC.
Edit: Original credit for this should go to u/Shangalarx in the Black Myth: Wukong subeddit.


I hope in the DLCs, we gonna break into celestials court, wreak havoc


Remember goty is handled panels of people that usually gets swayed by those so called “ game journalists “ and not the actual players and fans. You often hear that games that wins are the one that innovates the most. But while BMW didn’t technically did one thing new. When have players seen a game in a long while that did multiple things this good. Put them all together and having this great of an execution? Fun and engaging gameplay. Awesome stories and characters. Art style and different kinds of animation. Tons of content both hidden and not. New game plus on release and has an actual progression and reward for doing it. Last game that did all that was elden ring and that game just put together stuff in one package but already did them in their past games


Idk dude they gave it to Ghost of Tsushima instead of The last of us 2 that one year and gave it to Elden Ring. I think they base it on actual gameplay


@joshb8976 idk if you're joking since you got one part of that right, but Ghost lost against TLoU2


@brxaneta oh my bad lMao.


Unfortunately no, tlou 2 won goty that year.


The fans chose Genshin impact as players choice GOTY for 2023.
Yeah I’m not trusting those bozos.


if this would help, there were a movie called A Chinese Odyssey Part 1-Pandora's Box. It is very populor in China is 90s. And in the movie, Sun Wukong's human form have a romantic relationship with the White Bone called Bak Jing-jing while Bajie's human form have a son with the spider woman. I think the movie is loved by the creators of the game.


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