2024-09-06 yzy86 9017

Portugalbros cannot pick Brasil


Not a country but a province: Quebec. Love the Quebecois French and French is my mother language. We often affectionately call then our cousins from the other side of the Atlantic.


Speaking of; I always wondered what Louisiana French sounds like to French-speaking people in Europe


To me, the accent of Louisianians sounds a lot like the one of Quebecers, except they speak a more ancient-sounding version of French, like time has stopped there. It’s fascinating.


Fiji, because whenever I search for Finland in a drop-down menu Fiji is always next to it.


Not a country but a specific region, Southern Appalachia over in the US, growing up in Romania's mountains I found there to be so many parallels between our culture, struggles, landscape and theirs and that makes the whole place feel very homey to me, the people there are hospitable and warm much like the mountain people I grew up with.


The film Cold Mountain which was set in Midwest, was filmed in Romania because the environment are similar.


Coming from Cyprus, I feel a bit more connected with Lebanon than any other randomly sexted country.


Lebanese here. Cyprus is my favourite neighbour. (Or the only neighbour I actually like).


It's not like you guys have a lot of good picks.


Probably Japan. They love our Moomins, plus the language is easy to pronounce for us Finns.


I was also going to say Japan for this reason! But in real life terms, I would say our actual ”big brother from another mother” is Canada. Nice people, love ice hockey.


It's a bit sad that I don't feel real "kinship" towards Québec. Love the place and culture(s) of course but I feel France let them down long ago and no real effort has been made in the XXth century to establish strong and meaningful lixs with them. Of course they despise the arrogant French and we tend to giggle like morons when they speak.
They're more like distant cousins than close friends. We're happy to meet but we don't really stay in touch. Makes me a bit sad.


Argentina, mainly because a lot of Italians went to Argentina in the past and that created a connection

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

All of Latin America honestly


Japan, big island nation on the continent, drives on left, polite


Also; War crime and Tea


Honestly, it's scary how similar britian and japan are historically, in the broad strokes at least.
Both were originally considered backwaters compared to a much larger and mightier kingdom (france, china)
Both became infamous for being pirates (privateers, wokou)


Both were on the brink of invasion by an overwhelming force, only to be saved by a storm which emplanted the "gods chosen" Idea (Spanish armarda and Kamikazi)
Both have a neighbour that fucking hates them for occupying and abusing them (Ireland and Korea)
Both are now global cultural powerhouses


I think lots of Euro countries see themselves in Japan in different ways.
UK: island nations, monarchy, sometimes uneasy with their imperial history, tendency towards social indirectness, tea drinking cultures
Germany: Strong belief in the civic state, Axis in ww2 followed by pacifism, manufacturing
France and Italy: Sophisticated cuisine and aesthetics, very strong in design


Norway: importance of fish and seafood as a part of culture and economy


Hungary: Familyname Givenname, yyyy.mm.dd.


As a german i felt instantly at home when i first visited Japan.
We share the love for order, bureaucracy, punctuality, cash and public transit (although JR has clearly won the battle against DB).


As a Dane New Zealand feels somewhat like the twin on the other side of the planet.
There are many differences, but still also a lot of similarities.
Canada too.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Pretty much all of South America but if I had to choose one, Colombia.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

As a Brit: Australia, New Zealand, and Canada are all siblings.


But in order; New Zealand, Australia then Canada and then more distantly the USA.


Canada definitely feels to me a step further than Aus/NZ. Huge parts of Canada are no better than the US in terms of walkability and not being able to walk to the shops to get milk is just such a massive culture shock to me.
The most at home I felt in Canada was actually in Quebec City.


I'm English living in Australia and the Kiwi sense of humour is a lot closer to the English one than the Australian


New Zealand is very British. Australia is far closer to America.


Iceland has a unique kinship with Japan.
We're both fish loving islands, we gotta stick together


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Any from Latin America, for sure. I would say Argentina in particular as I play rugby and have had many argentinian teammates.
Other than that, I feel South East Asia has a kind of similar vibe, in some sense.


Not a country, but Minnesota, USA. Loads of people with Norwegian heritage, and it seems like they have a strong influence of Norwegian culture.


Mexico, we are essentially the Mexicans of Europe after all


Taiwan is the first to come to mind. And if we're counting nations and not countries, then Vietnam. We have a large Vietnamese minority here and I think most Czechs like them, but I don't think we have any special relations as countries.


We have good relationship, Prague and Taipei are partner cities, we donated them some Covid vaccines and they sent us money to help after the 2021 tornado, and there are some economical partnerships as well. Overall I'd say we're "friends" as countries.


Both seem to have a tradition of standing up to enormous, aggressive neighbors.


South Africa, cultural heritage and the language.


Another one is Singapore, which is more regional lixed than national for being a major port and the maritime hotspot of the region just like my area of Rotterdam


Korea. Relatively small / medium size country situated between massive empire that has always wanted to expand more and a smaller one on the other side but with equally ambitious plans. Had a long and painful history of dealing with both of them. Developed unhealthy relationship with alcohol but is full of amazing people with incredible humour.


You don't even need to say you are from Poland for this to be obvious xD


And in addition: the love of fermented vegetables?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Perhaps Taiwan. Some Lithuanians feel it with Israel though.


As a Pole it has to be Korea (Because in historical sense both applies to this.). Country between regional superpowers, constantly fighting for independance, conquered but never allowing for their culture and national identity to be crushed. Like Poland and Korea are basicly sharing mostly the same experiences.


I think most Norwegians would have to say the US here. A large part of our pop culture is influenced from there, people on the countryside prefer American cars and are heavily influenced by the redneck-culture, people travel there on vacation a lot and it is a major economic partner. In terms of similar countries, maybe New Zealand? It feels like a long-lost cousin that looks the same, but we don't really know or hear about a lot.


Spain loves Japanese culture and Japan loves Spanish culture back (not saying it's meant to be idealised or anything like that)


I get eerily well on along with guys and girls from China.


Taiwan great place. Just a shame it’s so far away. We should make them an honorary member of the EU. Maybe donate Hungary to China in exchange.


As a Welshman I feel most kinship with New Zealand
Rain, hills, rugby. Aaaaand a bigger, louder annoying neighbour


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