2024-09-06 jiangye111 4645
UK to suspend some arms sales to Israel, foreign secretary announces
-David Lammy said the ban was "not an arms embargo" - but there was a "clear risk" that some UK weapons could be used in violation of international law.


(Gaza has been largely destroyed.)


The UK will suspend some arms sales to Israel, Foreign Secretary David Lammy has announced.


Mr Lammy said the decision follows a review of export licences for UK arms, which found there was a "clear risk" they might be used to commit "a serious violation of international humanitarian law".


Around 30 of 350 licences will be suspended, Mr Lammy said, stressing that "this is not a blanket ban, this is not an arms embargo".


But the Israeli foreign minister Israel Katz said the decision "sends a very problematic message" to Hamas and its backer Iran.


Mr Lammy said the government had a legal duty to review Britain's export licences amid the war in Gaza.


Explaining his decision, he told the Commons: "It is with regret that I inform the House today the assessment I have received leaves me unable to conclude anything other than that for certain UK arms exports to Israel, there does exist a clear risk that they might be used to commit or facilitate a serious violation of international humanitarian law."


The suspension will include components that go into military aircraft being used in Gaza, including helicopters and drones, as well as items which facilitate ground targeting.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

However, it will not include parts for multinational F-35 fighter jets - something that has concerned opposition MPs and human rights charities.


The government said doing so would have a "significant effect on the global F-35 fleet with serious implications for international peace and security".


The UK does not directly supply Israel with weapons, but does grant export licences for British companies to sell arms to the country.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Earlier in the year, under the previous Tory government, civil servants overseeing arms exports to Israel requested to "cease work immediately" over fears they could be complicit in war crimes.


'Not a determination of innocence or guilt'


Mr Lammy told the Commons that after raising his own concerns while in opposition, he immediately launched a review upon taking office and "committed to sharing the review's conclusions".


He said the outcome does not mean that Israel has broken humanitarian law, as the UK government "have not and could not" arbitrate on that.


"This is a forward-looking uation, not a determination of innocence or guilt, and it does not prejudge any future determinations by the competent courts," he said.


He added that the decision will be kept under review and "the UK continues to support Israel's right to self-defence in accordance with international law".


'Vital questions unanswered'


The announcement drew a mixed reaction from across the House - with some saying the ban should go further and others saying there should not be one at all.


Green MP Ellie Chowns said the suspension is a "welcome and significant step, but leaves vital questions unanswered" - primarily, why so many licences are being exempt.


She said there is "no justification at all" for continuing to license F-35 fighter jets.


"There is an ongoing and clear risk and we urge the foreign secretary to look again and suspend these licences," she said.


The Lib Dems said they would scrutinise the export licences which the government has not suspended and that they are "concerned that the decision is made solely on risk of use in Gaza and not the West Bank".


'Decision we will regret'


But on the other end of the political spectrum, the DUP's Sammy Wilson said the only people overjoyed by this decision "will be the Hamas terrorists".


"This is a bad decision. It's a decision which we will come to live to regret, and it's one which unfortunately I believe has been a result of... pressure which Labour MPs have found in their seats, as a result of pro-Gaza protests," he added.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The war was triggered when Palestinian militant group Hamas attacked Israel on 7 October, killing 1,200 and taking about 250 hostages, according to Israeli tallies.


At least 40,691 Palestinians have been killed and 94,060 injured in Israel's subsequent military offensive in Gaza, the territory's Hamas-run health ministry said in a statement on Saturday.


US President Joe Biden said on Monday that a final hostage deal between Israel and Hamas is "very close" - but that Benjamin Netanyahu is not doing enough to secure an agreement.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It adds to intense pressure on the Israeli prime minister, who faced a general strike on Monday over the failure to secure a hostage deal and mass protests over the weekend after the killing of six of those held captive in Gaza.


I mean some is better than none…but if there’s a case to halt those, there’s surely a case to halt the lot.
This stopped being about fighting terrorism and freeing hostages months ago now. It’s pure aggression against everyone and anyone, driven on by an extreme ideology. There is no desire to show constraint, limit civilian casualties or even negotiate hostage releases. They just want to kill and flatten.


It's Netanyahu and the rabid right wing. Before this all kicked off he had passed the now struck down "reasonableness law" that would have essentially made him and his party God of Israel, allowing them to even sext the judges overseeing them. Obviously this had caused major backlash and there were mass protests, the biggest in history. Netanyahu was on the ropes with a outraged population and his dictator pass struck down.
This is why I would not be surprised if like Egypt said and other sources, that the Hamas attack was known about, and Netanyahu chose to allow it in order to give himself license to destroy Palestine and maintain power.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

They just found more hostages that were executed before being rescued, they rescued a hostage a week ago.


They had an opportunity to secure the release of all hostages in exchange for Israel not launching a war of aggression. Which did they choose?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

TheCommieDuckWiltshire -> Netherlands
So now they have admitted there is suspicion of war crimes being committed, and have stopped less than 10% of the sales which will do absolutely nothing to sway the anti-GENOCIDE crowd?
amazing. just amazing.


There's complexity as we supply components of some systems alongside several other states. The F35 is a multi-national programme and we simply supply components directly to it (not to Israel), we don't have the ability to control where it then goes, and we have obligations to meet that would seriously damage our reputation as a partner if we pulled out.
There's also some sales which are classified as defence but are actually for civilians - e.g. food testing chemicals
We're a key ally of Israel, so any suspension of supplies like this is still a strong message that they can't get away with anything they want


30 out of 350 licences, sounds like a drop on the water but it's impossible to tell - those 30 could be 90% my volume
I'd prefer it if we weren't allowing any exports given they are now very much the aggressors in this conflict.


I must have missed the hostage release. You know Gazans executed a group of hostages this week to avoid them getting rescued?


You mean Hamas did so. And said they would do so if Israel tried to come after them, this was after Israel killed like 80 civilians to save one hostage.
Maybe it's time for Netanyahu to stop wasting time and agree to the ceasefire. Even Biden just now has come out and blamed Netanyahu for failing the hostages.


When you keep hostages among your civilians, and start firing on people coming to free those hostages, then your civilians die. All the more reason to condemn Palestine and not give them an inch.
Israel will take a ceasefire that involves Hamas ending. If you'd take a ceasefire that involves Hamas continuing to exist then all that says is that you enjoy dead Jews more than living Palestinians.


"... we are going to suspend the sale of 7 bullets to Israel".


TheCommieDuckWiltshire -> Netherlands
we are worried that those 7 bullets may be used to commit a GENOCIDE, which would be bad if there is an investigation and it turns out to be true. however we are absolutely certain that these other 300,000 bullets are not being used for crimes because they said so.


iMatthew1990Black Country
And 300,000 dead is much better than 300,007 dead


TheCommieDuckWiltshire -> Netherlands
well yeah but now you are acknowledging you are killing people but it's less people so it's much better this way
it's not "we simply didn't believe that they were killing people" but "we knew they were killing people but we like money more and we didn't want to stop"


For context:
By April 2024, Israel was estimated to have dropped 70,000 tons of bombs on Gaza. That is more than double the bombing of Dresden, Hamburg and London combined during WWII.
There have been forecasts that crop yields in 2025 will be markedly down and climate danger points accelerated specifically because of this level of bombing. Israel is no longer just a danger to Palestinian citizens: it has become a danger to the world.
Multiple aid organisations including the Red Cross have talked about how their vehicles and workers have been explicitly targeted by Israeli armed forces in order to dissuade them from helping wounded and starving Palestinians. British citizens have been shot and in some cases killed by Israeli forces that are being armed by British manufacturers. This is not a new phenomenon either: Tom Hurndall was a British photojounalist who was shot and killed by an Israeli sniper whilst attempting to document Israeli crimes in the West Bank in 2004. He was 22.
The scale of the massacre is now beyond even the capability of Western governments to ignore. This is a GENOCIDE, and our Conservative and Labour governments have been actively aiding it by vetoing and then abstaining from UN resolutions to condemn Israel.
You could say 'enough is enough', but 'enough' was a long, long time ago.


We should have been at the sanctions stage months ago.
We shouldn't be enabling a GENOCIDE at all.


Governments are hypocrites.
If it was an enemy like Iran, we would have been condemning their actions in the strongest possible terms since day 1.
Since it's an ally, we just have a quiet word and finally suspend sakes of some items when the death toll hits 40,000.


Don't you wonder why there is polio in Gaza? Because of the systematic destruction of the health system in Gaza, the purposeful destruction of clean water sources and treatment plants, the destruction of Gaza to make it uninhabitable.
And in case you didn't know the current vaccination is being provided by the UN and WHO not Israel who have no way or desire to provide any real aid or administer vaccines.


Don't like it, but glad it won't make any difference to Israel's fight against Hamas.
If the Labour government wants to take token measures like this, fine.


Isn't it about destroying Hamas and returning the hostages?


These goals are incompatible, and Israel has chosen which it is prioritizing


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