2024-09-07 国外新鲜事 3334
Once a right of passage for most American families, theme parks like Disney World and Disneyland are quickly becoming out of reach for many middle class American families. Over the past 10 years, the average cost for a Disney World single-park ticket has increased more than 56%, above the national rate of inflation of 32% in the same period. And that doesn’t include the cost of food, merchandise, lightning lane, hotels and airfare. The average cost of a five-night Disney World vacation for a family of four in 2024, with all the bells and whistles, comes in at around $5,000, according to Wolfe Research.

迪斯尼世界和迪斯尼乐园等主题公园曾经是大多数美国家庭的必经之路,但对许多美国中产阶级家庭来说,它们正迅速变得遥不可及。在过去的10年里,迪士尼世界单乐园门票的平均价格上涨了56%以上,高于同期全国32%的通货膨胀率。这还不包括食品、商品、闪电通道、酒店和机票的成本。根据沃尔夫研究公司(Wolfe Research)的数据,2024年,一个四口之家在迪士尼世界度过五晚假期的平均费用约为5000美元,其中包括所有的花哨设施。

In its Q3 2024 earnings, Disney said its parks and experiences segment felt pressure due to lower consumer demand and inflation. This is a trend that is industry wide — Comcast’s Universal Studios also experienced a drop in attendance in 2024. Disney World is the most visited theme park in the world, but have recent price increases pushed inflation-weary Americans away? Will Disney trips continue to be a staple of American childhoods or is it becoming a luxury?


people want Disneyland to stop increasing their prices, but people still continue to flock to Disneyland. They continue to still sell out and hotels are still booked. Prices will never decrease at this pace


I don't mind the ticket cost if the food could be cheaper. Its cheap basic low quality snacks and they want like 4× outside price.


@asadb1990 the food is not low quality, it’s just very expensive

@asadb1990 食物并不低劣,只是非常昂贵。

Correct all it is, is supply and demand, and if you are company that has high demand why got get as much as you can?


Right. It’s all about supply and demand. As long as people continue to flock to Disneyworld or Disneyland, the prices will never decrease. It’s basic economics people!


@Lumber91 because morals. As a society every single business is operating with that motive and look where the value of our dollar is now.

@Lumber91 因为道德。作为一个社会,每个企业都是以这种动机在运作,看看现在我们的美元价值到了什么地步。

@asadb1990 yet you still go

@asadb1990 可是你还是去了

@stvdmc2011 i only went once as a novelty. We aren't really planning to go again. If it was better priced, i might include going multiple times more often.

@stvdmc2011 我只是作为新鲜感去了一次。我们真的没打算再去。如果价格更合理,我可能会多去几次。

Well, the attendance is down but people like it less crowded so it appears that what they’re wanting, is happening.


Don't worry I'm still investing into Disney land still a good investment


park attendance is still down from pre-pandemic (when it sells out, that’s just because they chose to cap attendance). they decided to choose higher-paying customers.


I love Disney for my daughter BUT I can't stand spending 6-7 hours on any given trip standing in lines for only 15 minutes worth of actual time on rides.


Stop complaining.


It's the experience of it all, even the waiting. It's the memories. Even in the 80s as child, I didn't like the long waits but still wanted to go. My parents took me and my brothers every year. They were some good happy memories.


Start complaining


Same reason I have not take my son yet. But I know it would be a great for him and miserable for me. The wait is crazy along with the ticket price


Why no one in my family has ever went there . Can get way more bang for your buck at a different park and not have to deal with that


We went on Tuesday. Skipped lines with the fast pass and we rode rides all day long. Sometimes we had to sit down for a breather.


Fast pass is expensive though for entire families, entrance fees, food. I can imagine people just quit coming and choose other parks.


Better question is “does a trip to Disney have the same value proposition as before?” For me, it’s a solid no. But everyone’s perception of value is different. Go visit Disney if that’s your thing.

更好的问题是,“去迪士尼的旅行是否仍然有以前的价值?” 对我来说,肯定没有了。但每个人对价值的看法都不同。如果你喜欢迪士尼,那就去吧。



The question of how this value went away. The same concept applies to many products we consume. In reality, sometimes prices have gone up simply because inflation over the past 30 years has driven up the cost of everything FASTER than the average real income of households has gone up. The bigger picture of why this has happened is key, not just looking at prices.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

True my sister just took her kids and payed a fortune but ima take my kid to silver dollar city its local park in my state save lots money.


they have more rides than before so why do you feel the experience is worse?


@caseypenk almost everything is old.

@caseypenk 几乎所有东西都很旧了。

@caseypenk The experience is not worse but the alternative you can do with that money is ever increasing. You can go skiing, surfing vacation, go to Europe etc. Airfare has gotten cheaper which enabled Americans to go beyond just USA. New experiences are competing for the same dollar.

@caseypenk 体验并没有变差,但你可以用这些钱去做的其他选择越来越多了。你可以去滑雪、冲浪度假、去欧洲等。机票变便宜了,这让美国人可以去美国以外的地方。新的体验正在争夺同样的钱。

Before what? The people who are at the age to take their kids to Disney now are the not same as the ones who went 30 years ago (as adults).

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The money that would be saved to go on vacation is instead going to the grocery store and rent/mortgages.


Exactly the brand of Mayo that I like (Mccormick lime mayo) used to be less than $3 not very long ago now it is $7... and that is just one small thing, let's not even talk about the prices of beef and chicken.


Exactly separate your wants and needs.


Rite of passage? Magic?
That's just consumerism culture/marketing speaking.
Plenty worthwhile things one can do that are cheaper and enriching.


Totally agree. Took my kids to Disney when they were five. They liked it, but they Didn’t love it. They actually preferred the rest day at the hotel with the water slides and lazy river.


It’s an overpriced shopping mall selling crap from overseas, & where guests are nickeled and dimed to absolute infinity.


No kidding! We went to Florida many times as children growing up. We went to Disney zero times. We went to the beach every time.


​Beach sounds way more relaxing than waiting in endless lines​ @fordisfurious

海滩听起来比在无尽的队伍中等待要轻松得多​ @fordisfurious

Yeah when I have kids I’d rather take them to free or low cost nature parks and teach them about the outdoors. That’s something that’s actually worth understanding, cherishing and protecting and is just as enjoyable if not more than sitting for hours in hoards of sweaty people for a two minute ride lMao.




It's disappointing that you didn't look at Disney park tickets in other countries. In Japan, a day ticket can be bought for the equivalent of $59 - $77 USD. Disneyland Paris tickets are $73 - $107 USD. These high prices are just at the US parks. They're charging more here because they know we're willing to pay the higher prices.


It's just more fun with Americans than with French or Japanese people lol


Labor cost in the US is far more than those you mentioned. People miss basic concept of earning and cost. American claim to be the top earners in the world yet you have the most debt.


Just like with medication pricing.


The video is about American families, as stated in the title. Most Americans aren’t flying out of the country to go to Disney, they want to go to Florida.


An eye opening for sure!


@africanfitnessconcept you have no idea what you are talking about! Japan price of labor and goods ARE RIVAL the US

@africanfitnessconcept 你根本不知道你在说什么!日本的劳动力和商品价格与美国相当。

Look at the average salaries in Tokyo or Paris. Its considerably lower than the average salaries in the US especially big cities.


That’s not how you compare prices. Netflix is $2 in India that doesn’t mean Netflix is overcharging in the US. Prices are decided based on costs, in a country where people earn less, everything will be cheaper and so the price will be lower.


Exactly. and they wont decrease the prices until people really stop going, but they keep going.


@rudetoy8264 the average cost of living in Japan is 55% lower than In the US. If you can't use your brain, use your phone smh

@rudetoy8264 日本的平均生活成本比美国低55%。如果你不会用脑子,就用手机吧。

from the West Coast, i priced out a 5 day, 6 night Disney hotel vacation to Orlando and Disney Paris. It was cheaper to go to Paris. The Paris Disney vacation even included breakfast and dinner! It's absurd how much Disney charges Americans.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yes! Loved going to Disneyland Anaheim, DisneyWorld, Epcot in Orlando years ago. It was like going to Hawaii, expensive to get there and being there. Glad to hear Disney Paris was a better deal. Was just at Tivoli Copenhagen and it was also much more expensive compared to past visits. People there continue to love it, but say it’s now way too pricey for families.


Yeah, but aren't Disney hosts speaking French there?


@phoenix5054 dual-language with English being spoken by all staff. Close to half of visitors to Disney Paris are foreigners. Brits make up a large chunk of the foreigners.

@phoenix5054 是双语的,所有员工都会讲英语。接近一半去巴黎迪士尼的游客是外国人,其中英国人占了很大一部分。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It's always cheaper to travel to other countries than to Disney, it's just not as good.


@phoenix5054 god forbid Americans broaden their horizons and learn a new language

@phoenix5054 天啊,美国人真是不愿意开阔眼界学习新语言。



@harrietdrums In case you didn’t know, Americans are required to take a foreign language in school if they don’t already speak something other than English. And at many schools in the USA, 30% speak 2 or more languages. But maybe you already knew that? My grandparents spoke German on one side and French on the other.

@harrietdrums 你可能不知道,美国人如果不会英语以外的其他语言,是必须在学校学习一门外语的。在美国的很多学校,有30%的学生会说两种或更多语言。但也许你已经知道了?我的祖父母一边说德语,另一边说法语。

​ @DeborahE7 I grew up in New York. There's a stark difference between learning a language in school because it's a requirement versus learning a language because it's part of the culture. I know so many people who to Spanish or French for many years in school, but now can't even put a complete sentence together. Now I'm in Japan, and almost everyone takes English class for years (and is almost like an unofficial second language), but most people don't speak at all.

@DeborahE7 我在纽约长大。在学校学习语言是因为需要和因为它是文化的一部分之间有很大的区别。我认识很多人在学校学习西班牙语或法语多年,但现在甚至不能说完整的句子。现在我在日本,几乎每个人都上了多年的英语课(几乎就像是非正式的第二语言),但大多数人根本不会说。

But getting back on topic, even though I loved going to Disneyworld in Orlando growing up, I wouldn't go again unless I got a major deal. Even though Disneyworld is far larger than the other Disney Theme Parks, it's a much better time (and cheaper) if you visit the on here in Tokyo. (I guess because it's not actually run by Disney, but licensed by another company). The quality of food, the attentiveness, cleanliness, attention to detail....it's like a dream. I wish they could expand it, but the area doesn't really allow for much expansion.


Industrywide problem. The problem is the industry is price gouging its customers and that’s basically every corporation over the past 4yrs.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I truly believe that if Walt were alive today, he'd be appalled by the cost of the parks. He built them for all families to be able to share the experience of a nice family day or vacation, while experiencing the "magic" of Disney movies / shows. This is NOT what he intended. SMH....................................


it is crazy , we went to the San Diego Zoo....100$ per head. Just me and the wife , imagine a family going there , you will spend $500 , plus snacks inside etc.


Disney is not about families anymore


That false , His goal was to make the best family experience possible.


I think Walt Disney always intended to be successful through creativity. He would be thrilled at the profitability of his legacy. Where I think he'd be rolling in his grave is the lack of creativity being allowed in imagineering by the financial directors of the company for the last 25 years.


He be upset alright for not jacking up the prices quickly enough. Because al he wanted was to monopolize his market.


You do know Walt Disney died a very wealthy man. He had to sell a vacation home and his life insurance to help build Disneyland. Told his wife her and kids would get percentage of all merch sales with his name on it when she found out. Yeah he wasn't about money LMao, you tell yourself that if it helps you sleep at night


Nope. Poor kids have never had the opportunity.


If you skip Disney you aren't missing much. It's a shopping mall you pay to get into.


for $8000 i'll just go to japan for 2 weeks


Rollercoasters with better landscaping around it


I make a very healthy six figures and have zero kids and I think Disney is way too expensive. Why spend $500+/day or so to stand in line for hours waiting for rides?


We live comfortably. And going to Disney or a cruise is a big expense for us. What I don’t get is that there are thousands of other families. How’s everyone else, presumably middle class Americans, affording all of this?


@Wasabi9111 Loans and debt, they're probably not affording it.

@Wasabi9111 贷款和债务,他们可能负担不起。

@Wasabi9111 I think most run up their credit card, or make other scarifies elsewhere in their life?

@Wasabi9111 我想大多数人是刷爆信用卡,或者在生活的其他地方做出牺牲?

Low 6 figures is poverty wages these days. You need to make 400k+

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@zybon777 I do make $400k+. And I still think Disney is too expensive.

@zybon777 我确实赚40万以上。但我还是觉得迪士尼太贵了。

Even six flag isn't appealing because of the lines


@Wasabi9111 Definitely not affording it. Credit cards and crippling debt.

@Wasabi9111 绝对负担不起。信用卡和沉重的债务。

@Wasabi9111 A lot of Americans makes a lot of money, and even if they put it on a credit card, they pay it off the following month.

@Wasabi9111 很多美国人挣很多钱,即使他们刷信用卡,他们也会在下个月还清。

And when the day is over, we were only able to get on 3 rides. Thats about $50 per 1 minute ride. What a bargain.


I'm someone who loved Disney growing up. It's now priced so high that I decided to check what it would cost to go to any of the four non US Disneyland parks. Including Flight, 'deluxe hotel', passes, and food the break even point is 4 days for one person. The flight expense is greatly offset by the much lower cost for a deluxe hotel and the daily ticket price overseas. That includes Tokyo. Once you're done with your disney vacation unlike in the US you have other destinations in the overseas locations. In Tokyo you could go to their universal, or Sanrio Puroland, or just explore Japan. In Euro Disneyland you're a quick train ride away from Paris.


Legoland became our default annual trip. Disneyland is just awful with the prices, crowds, lines.


My complaint is Disney has been taking profits from the parks to prop up losses from other departments. They need to spend more money on maintenance to clean the parks and to maintain rides so they don't break down. It seems like people are no longer guests, they are just customers. Don't go into debt to go to any park. Save up.


You nailed it. My last trip in August, after 20 years visiting I just felt like a customer. No longer that special feelings Disney once pride it self on.


@lele-vu1cr this is very true

@lele-vu1cr 这是真的。

Basic economics.
Supply and demand.
Just like with the cost of everything these days, people largely have themselves to blame.
You dont buy, prices would go down.


Because we are flooded with options that we can pick and choose from.


Many things are still cheap.


I'm 30 and I've never been to any Disney parks
People frequently ask me "how did you manage to never go to disney?"
Well I don't come from money....


My son saved over $5K for a trip for his family to go to Disneyland. After thinking about it, he came to his senses and cancelled the trip. They went to SeaWorld San Antonio and saved over $4K


When I was a kid, it was $25 for California residents and I knew my parents would get $40 out of the bank on a normal trip to the bank. If we went to DisneyLand, they could use their debit card and there used to be free lockers you could use to lock up your belongings, near a picnic area where you could pack up a cooler and have a picnic with sandwiches and things you brought from home. The balloons, ice creams or cookies were the treats and they cost just about as much as what you would pay at the grocery store except they were in the shape of your favorite Disney character. From my perspective, if using your debit card or a credit card you already have and not being able to pay it in full, is an issue; it isn't affordable. I have no idea what these people are talking about. It used to be anyone from any budget could visit Disney, if they planned and saved. It hasn't been affordable in decades. I will never consider Disney knowing I could go into similar Debt; possibly even cheaper for a well planned European vacation. I can take that same money and put it in my 401-k. Disney can go walk off a bridge.


Prices have gone up but the quality has not gone up. Use to go 1-2 times a year but lately the prices have gone up exorbitantly and the quality isn’t improving, food is mediocre, rides are constantly breaking down and everything is ridiculously overpriced


I highly recommend everyone to travel to Asia! Aside from the cost of the flight, everything is so much cheaper than in the U.S. Even Disneyland in Shanghai and Tokyo is more affordable than the ones in the US. Most Asian countries are incredibly welcoming to tourists, and the service in the hospitality industry is top-notch while still being reasonably priced. It’s definitely worth the experience!


I honestly believe that Walt Disney would be appalled to see what his company has become. The parks that were once the wonderful retreats for the middle class have now, instead, become the elite enclaves for the wealthy. The current Disney management looks upon the middle class with a barely concealed contempt in their efforts to squeeze every last dollar from them! At 70, I am old enough to remember when Disney management treated the park goers as welcome guests to be valued instead of as ignorant suckers to be ripped off. So sad to see a once respected and admired company turn into the poster child for corporate greed.


The same people who complain about $35.00 Co-Pays at the doctors office have no problem dropping $6,000.00 on a trip to Disneyland or Disney world.


4 of us went to Europe, cheaper than Disneyland.


It's just insane people who are willing to go into a $5000 debt for a 15-minute ride hope it's worth it for you


And way too crowded. They need more parks honestly. $1k day is way too much given how crowded they are letting it get. I remember when you could spend $200 for a really fun day with all the bells and whistles and not be in line too long for any single ride.


Higher prices leads to less people, which Disney tries to compensate by raising prices further, leading to even lesser people.


Disney, no one goes there any more because it’s too crowded. I like that joke


My 7 year old couldn't care less about going to Disney.


lol.. people keep purchasing the expensive tickets. I was not able to go anymore.


Supply and demand. Prices will continue to rise as more people are willing to pay for it.


Tickets were sold out when I went and I was willing to pay the expensive amount. How you sold out in October Smfh


Disney was a rite of passage for my generation, but now its hard to imagine running every person through their parks


This has been coming for a long time. I grew up in southern California and made many trips to Disneyland, growing up. But I got to the point, I have nothing but contempt for what Disney has done with their parks. I'm not bringing my kids. I read years ago about how Disney parks/resorts were intentionally focusing on the ultra rich, and offering luxury experiences, or intentionally pricing their parks to be a luxury good, a "once in a lifetime splurge."


I remember sitting at my computer in 2015 or so, listening to some Disney Resort VP in an interview explaining this mentality of raising prices and playing a 'luxury' experience, "if you're going to sell a car, it makes more sense to sell a Ferrari, than a used starter car. It takes just as much of your time, as the salesman, to sell a Ferrari as it does a used car. But your commission is a lot larger on the Ferrari than the used car. So if you can, you want to sell the Ferrari, instead."
If Disneyland wants to serve Saudi Prince's and biotech executives instead of normal families, they're more than welcome to do that. I'm done, dude,. I'm just sick of this s***.


Y'all keep paying it, they'll keep charging it.


What's so comical yet equally sad, are the amount of Americans who feel traveling to Disney is some sort of requirement. Its the same mindset of people who "need" a $90,000 2 ton pickup truck on a 96mo loan at 7% interest. "So much of their identity is associated with the park." Lol..


There’s a reason I’ve never visited Disney World despite being able to afford it. It’s just not worth the total price. Royal Caribbean is my Disney World.


We visited Disney a month ago and for the 5 of us for 2 days (just tickets) was $2600, we just did it because my youngest has never been there, but now with all the changes about the reservation thing for rides is definitely not worth it, we have decided as a family this will be our last time at Disney, from now on we will be taking cruises (for what we spend in the parks for 2 days, I will get a whole week including food, experiences and visiting new places for the whole family) sorry Mickey!!!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@motherlystyles2887 Smart decision. I am from Argentina and visited Disneyland in LA in the 90s. Even for me, it was affordable, similar to going to a theater. Now, as an adult with a decent income, I find the whole US very expensive. My last trip was to Australia and New Zealand, which were cheaper than a trip to the US.

@motherlystyles2887 明智的决定。我来自阿根廷,90年代去过洛杉矶的迪士尼乐园。即便对我来说,那也是可以负担得起的,类似于去剧院。现在,作为一个收入不错的成年人,我发现整个美国都非常昂贵。我最近一次旅行是去澳大利亚和新西兰,比去美国便宜。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Supply and demand. Disney only has so much capacity, so they either raise prices to keep more people away, or they expand the parks which takes years. They've been pushing new expansions out, which should help with this, but until these get built they almost have to raise prices to keep crowds lower.


Just came back from Disney the prices are insane I will never go back


Just curious how much was your trip?


I’ll tell something I always say that Disneyland is only for tourists only because is way too expensive for a local people


I like Disney live in NJ but the prices are just out of control $15 for a beer

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@joesphsnable6631 no one wants Drunk adults at disney, thus the $15 beer.

@joesphsnable6631 没有人希望在迪士尼看到醉酒的成年人,因此啤酒15美元。

You do know Prohibition ended 100 years ago? Adults having a beer is a problem for you?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@joesphsnable6631 that’s actually not bad. I would’ve expected 20-25 dollars.

@joesphsnable6631 实际上还不错。我本来以为是20-25美元。

We tried Dollywood and it was amazing for half the cost.


I'm lucky to have family in Florida so I can save on lodging, gas, and food. But even still it costs a lot for all four parks.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Absurdly high prices reflect corporate greed at its peak, driven by a lack of competition.


All I can say is that my child has passed the age of thinking going to Disney land is a dream come true. We’ve been to Disney land in the U.S. and Japan several times before the prices gone crazy. I really can’t imagine paying over $300 dollars just for two entrance tickets. Been there done that!


The optimal age is 6-10 (4 years) to take a child to Disney. Time passes quickly. We missed our window too. Oh well, we saved ourselves money and headache.


“….and we focus on the all (that can afford it)” is what the Disneyland resort president meant to say


I just went to Disney World with my husband and five year old last month. We went for three days and stayed at a moderate level Disney resort. Now, I am not "Disney adult" but I do have many happy memories of Disney in the 90's and 2000's. The company is becoming a shadow of its self. Everything is nickel and dimed and services that made vacations "magical" like the airport bus service "Magical Express" are gone. The food and room quality at Disney hotels has slipped. Charging 250.00 dollars a night whilst not offering daily room maintenance leaves a bad impression. We are expecting a second child and live abroad we aren't sure we will be able to afford another visit in the future or if we really want to come back.


I am blessed to say that I’m from an upper middle class family here in Anaheim. We had plans to go to Disney for our birthdays but cancelled them. Given that Disney donated $2 million to aid a GENOCIDE with over 40,000 Palestinians killed, there is no way I can support Disney unless they change their ways. Same sentiment echoed by my friends and family. I cancelled my Disney Plus subscxtion as well. There are people willing to spend, but for the right reasons. I had called customer service expressing my disappointment and the Disney agent hung up on me. Glad the boycott is working.


Boo hoo


people complain about Disney, but pricing out a SINGLE day for 2A and 2K at Universal Orlando, and it was over 800 dollars...its not any different.


The only time I was ever at Disney World was as a kid in 1974, I remember the small world, the castle, the riverboat, tiki birds, the submarine and some car ride. We stayed at the Hyatt House. We drove there and back in mom's 1972 Pinto station wagon and got a flat tire on the way there and had to stop at a Penney's auto center.


At Disney, prices are up and magic is down. Not worth it anymore when comparing value to dollar. I’m a SoCal native and used to go 2-3x per year. Haven’t gone since 2018…


Haven’t been to a Disney park since 2016, only went cuz my friend wanted to go. I have no intention of ever going back if I can help it lol.


We went to Disney World this spring. Including flight, car rental, 4 nights at Fort Wilderness, and 2 days at parks. For 7 of us, it cost nearly $15,000 dollars.


sure its expensive BUT its still packed. Imagine the crowd if it was affordable.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Disneys utter insane greed has just STRANGLED all of the love I had my ENTIRE LIFE for these parks…


Can’t think of anything worse than visiting somewhere thats full of queues, rip of vendors, full of kids and extremely expensive. Sounds like living hell.


To be honest, the cost of Disney is insane, but I took my 9 year old daughter and wife to Disney World parks for an 8 day vacation. The cost of the vacation was very high but the expression on my daughter's face when I told her we were going was worth its weight in gold and she enjoyed every minute of the trip. Was the trip outrageously priced? Yes it was. Was it worth it, yes it was. Between my daughter smiles and the way Disney treated my family while were there, I would have to say I would do it again!!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Disney is packed every time I go. The parks & the cruises are packed. Everyone complains about long lines but then they think lowering prices are going to improve that situation. You can’t have it both ways.


What’s missing here is the cost of air travel within the US. It’s often cheaper to fly to Europe on a European airline and stay in a modest hotel for 2 weeks with meals, museum fees, etc. than it is to fly within the US to go to Disney for 4 days.


One of the saddest thing is that most of the people who live next to Disneyland cannot afford to visit. The prices at the Disney parks in the US have increased much more than inflation.


"Vote with your wallet." That's the key. Corporate greed and price gouging have gotten out of hand. I've been doing it at the grocery store. No, I'm not paying double the price--I'll go without or buy generic. Just now, they're starting to admit to price gouging and bring prices down.


My daughter will figure out 20 years from now why I never took her there…


As a family of 4, we originally planned to go to Disney once every two years, after our last trip that burned a huge hole in our pocket, we decided to change it to once every 5 to 10 years. It's your loss, Disney.


50 year, lifelong Disney nerd, with AP for at least 2 of those decades, until Disney made it clear that customers aren't "guests" (because who would allow a host to be so abusive to themself?), but rather walking sacks of money just waiting to be separated from our hard earned money. Hope those kind souls that continue to offset the revenue lost from the massive attendance drop never catch on!


The craziest part to me is my girlfriend’s friend's husband is on their pricing team. He said there is no mathematical model for price increase, they literally just increase every year at whatever they FEEL like people will pay.


There's no way anybody can be happy going to Disney. The prices are outrageous.


We grew up in southern California and loved going Disneyland four to six times every year because it was fun that my working class parents could afford. I took my kids to Disney World three times total, and one time to Disneyland because that's all we could afford. Now we can't afford to take our grandkids to either park, and neither can their parents. An adult $100 one day, one park entry fee with no perks is not affordable.


I live 5 miles away from WDW - didn't renew my annual pass. The magic is gone. Took an awesome trip to Yellowstone!


Growing up in Southern California in the 90s and early 00s we went to Disneyland multiple times a year. I couldn't imagine taking a family on today's prices.


40 year home mortgage, 7 year car loan, food, college tuition, gas, entertainment, and of course Disneyland are crushing the average American consumers. Debt debt debt.


The stories of crushing high prices, terrible crowding, and lower earnings for the park doesn't make sense. I have many memories of wonderful times at Disney in the late 80's through early 2000's. Prices weren't that bad. It could be crowded, but was manageable. I won't be going back.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I agree with most of these comments. I flew my family of 6 to FL for a week. 2 days at Disney was more expensive than the rest of the trip, including airfare COMBINED! Disney was fun, but we had just as much fun with our other activities and the only days our feet hurt were Disney days.


My first trip to Disneyland cost $28 in the early 2000s. The promo was for southern California residents that adults get in for the kids price.
Every year the price went up without any relief and I wondered when it would stop.
It never did.


Imagine going several times a year. You would never get that music out of your head!


I grew up by Disneyland, remember going all the time in 70s and 80s. Once I had kids we went at least 2x a year as a family. Our last time was 2019. Kids are in early 20s now but it's too much to go back. Feels like we lost a part of our childhood


I've lived in SD for decades and I haven't gone to Disney in 12 years (despite wanting to) because visiting Disney is now the cost equivalent of an airplane ticket somewhere and I rather fly somewhere new

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I love going to Disney, but what used to be 2-3 times a year visits, is now once every 2-3 years due to costs. But I still love the parks.


Homes being so unaffordable is a much bigger issue. USA is full of people who don't care about one another. Too concerned with distractions like Disney.


Disney will slowly fade away.


Once knew a family who went to Disney World and to save money they booked rooms at a "nearby" (relative term) nudist resort to stay at night. They'd done it on a lark, but much to their surprise the kids enjoyed being able skinny-dip more than they did standing in line at Disney. They did end up making their trip to Florida an annual tradition, but only included the Disney component that first year. After that their trips focused on undressing and unplugging.


Spent over $5K to take my kids to Disney World. They ended up hating it. I was miserable the entire trip. Never again...


Disney has strayed so far from what they once were. For people who have been going for a long time the change is jaw dropping.


I took my kids to Disney World until they got sick of it. During their teens they preferred Universal Studios! Definitely an American vacation especially for kids.


Spent 10,000 for my family of six last year. Was not worth it. Will never go again.


The worst consequence of this is that over the years I've watched the park shift from being for kids to catering to adults because they know who has the money. A magical experience for children isn't as profitable as a park for adults. This is what's ruined the magic of Disney.


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