2024-09-08 jgscllp 9884

India's warships are the most advanced out of all South Asian countries.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


How strong do you think Indian warships are?


Brother, not to mention You forgot two active Aircraft Carriers, Delhi class destroyers were not enhanced Godavari class Delhi class are Destroyers while Godavari class are frigates.


There indeed was an order for enhanced Godavari class but it was named Brahmaputra class designated to build frigates.


And you forgot these ships currently active in service : Rajput Class Destroyers , Brahmaputra Class Frigates , Khukri Class , Veer Class , Abhay class Corvettes and Arihant Class , Kilo Class , Type 209 Class and Scorpene Class of SSBNs and SSKs respectively


you didn't include submarines and aircraft carriers of INDIAN NAVY


From a technical perspective, the Indian Navy is not a match for Japan or South Korea.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Your question at 0.45 'India just a regional navy or one that can take on a superpower like China?' is answered by a recent news event.


When the Houthis attacked the Chinese fleet, it was the Indian navy which rescued the Chinese, despite China having a naval base in Djibouti and full supplies and naval power, close by. China had neither thanked India nor will it acknowledge the incident.

(笔者按:以下‘新闻’ 情节纯属虚构和臆想)当胡塞武装攻击中国船队的时候,是印度海军挺身而出,成功解救了中国人,尽管中国在吉布提设有一座海军基地,而且附近有充裕的物资补给以及强大的海军力量。中国方面不仅未对印度表达丝毫的感激之情,甚至矢口否认曾经发生过这一事件。

The same happened with C UN peacekeeping troops in South Sudan. They fled and took shelter in the UN mission. Indian forces saved the C troops from local militia fighters who they were supposed to fight! Having numbers is not the same as having the will or courage to fight


Yeah India still has a regional navy. No presence or influence outside of Arabian Sea, northern Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal. Yemen coast is a lot closer to India than China.


@galluer @hokieplaya
​What's your point? Conflicts exist where they exist. India responded and consolidated. Listen to some of the FPV accounts of those pirates when IN arrived.


@hokieplaya @galluer
my point? I was responding to the youtuber’s question if India is a regional navy or a blue water force that can take on superpowers like China or the US far from its shores.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Taking out militias relatively close to its shores is a regional power level achievement. We’ll talk superpower level blue water force when IN can duke it out with adversaries in the Atlantic and Pacific.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@aarthirajaraman7453 @hokieplaya
​India isn't trying to project power, what's the point of pushing around Iraq when China and Pakistan are at our door


Next to Japan, India is only asian country which used aircraft carrier in real war


Japan carrier can't take aircarft for operation as it is only design for helicopter operation...


yeah man i forgot that great nation , once upon time imperial japanese navy dominated pacific ocean, but after ww2 it lost it's potential to usa as self defence, precisely india can be 1st in south asia


We have one old aircraft ,one new aircraft


Post WW2 Indian Navy has used Aircraft Carriers in war & imposing successful Naval Blockades not Japanese Navy. Also it's the Indian Navy which is armed with Nuclear Weapons and not dependent upon foreign Navy for Nuclear Detterence or Offense.


I think you forgot Aircraft Carrier's of India


China knows India is not of 1962 and Britain and America knows India is not 1971, now is very powerful.


very powerful with the mouth


India's Warships | How Strong is it?


@KaushikSarkar-uo2lt @ClashWithArthur
​very strong, so strong that US is satisfied to find IN taking on Chinese navy in Indo-Pacific.


Just launched the 2nd nuclear powered submarine yesterday. One more being manufactured.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

That's not under indian navy. That's completely different segment.


That's under the Indian nuclear triad not the navy


@chinmayfuloria6589 @josephgeorge641
isn't submarines the part of navy means I know that ins arihant and arigat comes under nuclear traid directly reporting to pm but still??


@atharvzemse6599 @josephgeorge641
​Those submarines are operated by Indian Navy. And are part of Strategic forces command and not under eastern or western fleet like rest of the warships.


Indian Navy will soon become the world's second largest Navy.. Mark my words. Comeback here on june 2026


I have been following defense news for about 4 years for now , and I don't think there's any way we can achieve that by 2026 unless we start inducting fishing boats in our fleet .


Next gen. Distroyers will have Japanese tech. Radar which look like pole which reduce radar cross section of ship.


India has two operational aircraft carrier , third soon be under production.


India also has two super deadly Nuclear Submarines which can Nuclear strike anywhere in the world completing nuclear triad of India.


India already has MIRV based ICBM which has global reach.


What about nilgiri class frigates


Nilgiri is not made by India go and do your studies


@riffgbvssdf @GuillotineDestroyer
​​the one you are talking about maybe its the Talwar class frigate half of them are being built in russian and the other in india for fast construction

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Aircraft carriers one Indigenously devloped with Indias technology and Second is A Russian one!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Construction of 3rd Aircraft carrier will start in next 2 years which will be Nuclear powered and very advanced technology!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Also india have 2 nuclear anti stealth submarines aswell by 2030 anothe 4 Nuclear submarines will be added!


U should have included indian made nuclear ballistic missile submarines and aircraft carrier.


no cruisers are a risky affair in todays time and india cant quite afford them right now


Future destroyers will be a size of cruisers as future frigates are planned to be of same displacement to that of current destroyers in the Indian navy.


can anyone explain me why indonessia and north korea is ahaead of india in naval power when literally both don't even have a aircraft carrier and mcuh destroyers and indoneesia is not even nuclear capable then wh??


If it's not battle proven we won't know it.


@okman9684 @Rizky3095
​by that logic f35 aircraft and Nimitz class aircraft carriers are not battle tested.

照这么说的话,f 35飞机和尼米兹级航空母舰也没有经历过实战检验。

During war countries economy will be more of an important factor than its arsenals because no country puts its army at full capacity all the time.


During war a country shifts into a war time economy where they produce the same weapons in mass which they have now in less number. Look at Russia it is producing more tanks now than it had before with upgrades appropriate for the war.


So no weapon can be battle tested for all terrain. In a war the country modifies and mass manufacturers its weapons that can change the quantity and characteristics of the weapons. Russian weapons before and after war are very different even though they have the same core design


@sankalp344 @okman9684
​they will give any point without thinking once .... We can even say that american equipment is inferior because we defeated pakistan many times and they were the user of american equipment


Since cold war no country has combat experience..

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

India has fought 5 wars with multiple conflicts where Indian Navy has played critical role in the independence of Bangladesh and Destroying Pakistani Warships and Submarines which was helped US and UK


Who protected ships from Houthis? USA failed to provide security. It was India.


Still it cannot counter US


We don't need to counter the US because we are not hostile towards the US on the other hand US is our strategic partner


Why is there a poop emoji in your comment does it represent that you're a poop?


@andrewlin6136 @Omnitaku7
Yes, I can see them clearly, just like Indian standing outside Taj hotel, saluting anyone going inside

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

just being the largest Democracy is a big thing. And if we become hostile towards the US then the US will lose its single friend in Asia who can rival China in growth rate, economy and military power.


India cannot solve the issue between china and India without US helps


@kthapa9697 @andrewlin6136
nd we don't trust usa at all few decade ago usa 7th fleet was here nd in today's world u r talking abt cooperation thts god india Russia friendship is still intact


@kthapa9697 @andrewlin6136
Russia is okay but not usa why india is building it's military 4 largest military 5 largest economy one of biggest manufacturing country india doesn't want be on usa side thts for sure


@andrewlin6136 @kthapa9697
why don't you trust us Americans

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@kthapa9697 @KhebozkihoSwu-lo5eq
back few decades ago we never thought tht the 7th fleet of usa who came to bay of Bengal to attack india now in 2024 ll be talking abt partnership so anything can happn

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@sankalp344 @KhebozkihoSwu-lo5eq
​We shot down F16 with a 50 year old Mig 21

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@AnkitKumar-dl2oo @andrewlin6136
​Have you completed high school??We have managed a Chinese problem for 5 decades. There can be some conflict in the world without involving the US, don't you think?. Let's say you help us. Let's take out the US track record of solving wars


Iraq war(not necessary), Vietnam War (Lost miserably), Afghanistan war ( Lost miserably). So with this track record thanks for offer but we are going to reject it. Byeee


@wwehighlights2879 @andrewlin6136
​oh are you talking about that American airforce who lost against Vietnam and afghanistan. I think Americans have to know about their gender.


You seem to be an illiterate in international diplomacy and alliances.


@parthamahanty8260 @andrewlin6136
​Sorry I think You Have Forgot About 1971.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Your Us Navy Along with UK Can't come close to Our Navy. Lost their face on International Domain. We Move our Army and navy We Made a New Country Bangladesh and You Move your navy And Army Still They Fled From Afganistan and Somalia.


Why should we counter US? We have no issues with US.


You make it sound like these warships are made in India? All the key components are imported.


Not exactly. 70% of the products are indigenous including Sonar, Radar, Navigation and weapons, but not the engines


It should be 70% of the weight.. Indeed, the hull is made in India


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