2024-09-09 汤沐之邑 4625

Why are Indians hated by some?


Gregory Maddison
Why some people hate Indians?
The main reason why I think people feel distrust and hatred towards indians is because India is known for having a lot of scammers, especially tech-support scammers who work at call centers.
I do not hate indians at all but I also think that many indians can sometimes be a little bit annoying. For example, I have noticed that indians have a pretty weird but extremely annoying habit (which may be one of the reasons some people dislike them): They like to give their youtube videos english titles and descxtions (even their the thumbnails have english texts), however, the videos themselves are either in hindi, tamil, bengali, punjabi etc. or (in the best case) with a thick hindi accent. Again, I do not hate indians but do I find this really annoying, frustrating and very scammy.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Billy Bob
Why some people hate Indians?
I’m a programmer from the Bay Area, California. It’s been my experience that many Indians hate programming marginally less than they hate the reasons they immigrated in the first place. There is strong familial pressure in Indian culture to become “engineers”. As such most Indians in the IT field, I’ve seen, lack the basic competency to exceed in their respective fields. This is different from western cultures where we tend to self sext our chosen professions. With all of the above, what I find is the typical Indian “engineer” will push to become a manager ASAP because


1. They suck at programming and 2. Management is perceived as more prestigious to them. Once one of these incompetent managers has say in the hiring, the company is quickly overrun with the manager’s friends, family, and whatever region/caste he comes from. All of the people he hires are as incompetent as him. I’ve seen this happen half a dozen times. A company will go from a reasonably competent team to a bunch of H1Bs who have lied and greatly exaggerated their skills. The team inevitably converts to a Java shop with a bunch of intolerant incompetent boneheads.
Now, it’s not fair of me to claim this for ALL Indians. There are exceptions. I have had team mates whom I’ve respected greatly and were great programmers. These people, however, would likely have chosen a job in programming regardless of familial pressure.


Prasad Rao
Why some people hate Indians?
the argumentative indian - this isn't a cliche, nor am i being facetious. we indians love to argue, many a time unnecessarily and baselessly.
too often, under the pretext of "freedom of expressing an opinion", do we indians criticise, disrespect, and dismiss other people's honest opinions. we simply are unable and unwilling to comprehend the difference between an opinion and an argument that is antagonistic, confrontational, and divisive.
little wonder that other cultures scorn us so. it has nothing to do with our laughably perceived greatness and successes.

好争论的印度人 - 这不是陈词滥调,我也不是在开玩笑。我们印度人喜欢争论,很多时候是不必要的,毫无根据的。

Patricia Pitsel, Ph.D
Why some people hate Indians?
The answers your received so far astound me.
My initial response - which I will give - was to answer a general question of why people may hate other nationalities (not people from India specifically).
People often hate a nationality or a race because:

我最初的回答 - 也就是我将给出的回答——是为了回答一个更普遍的问题,即为什么人们可能会对其他民族抱有仇恨(而不仅仅是针对印度人)。

Their parents taught them to hate this type of person
2. They had a bad experience with one representative of a total group and generalized to think that everyone in this group would behave this way
3. There may have been historic conflict between your own and the other group and schools only teach one side of the conflict (England and Scotland; Israel and Palestine)
4. Fear that the other group may hurt your group
5. Religious differences (Hindu and Muslim; Catholic and Protestant).
I don’t suppose there is a single nationality in the world that is not actively disliked by some other group


SMA Aousaf
well in bangladesh we dont hate indians
but have some concerns
some indians call us beggars and we get offended without realizing that these people are in up bihar assam and madhya pradesh who think lots of bangladeshis are in india
some indians are anti islamic but mainly in bihar uttar pradesh madhya pradesh
most bangladeshis dont know that india is divided into right and left wing and indo aryan and dravidian
bangladeshis fint lots of anti bangladeshi comments online by indian bengalis and dont realize that they are abroad indian


Sekhar Goteti
Why do people hate Indians?
Indians mostly are sentimental.Means brains are ingrained with religious norms and practices.They are not in a position to verify difference between religious practice and cultural events.Mostly hang with ones self made ethiopia's .There are multiple segregations between people like caste creed status and so on.Mostly fight for opinions over recollections.


Dharini Singhal
Why some people hate Indians?
There is no particular reason. Indians are human like anyone else, so will get loved and hated like anyone else. But I don't think Indians are as hated as middle eastern people.
the only reason I can think of is that they are self righteous, preachy, hypocritical, closed group. On a positive side, they are very ambitious, hard working, successful. You may get hated even for your positive qualities.


As a Pakistani, I’ve just found them to be extremely disrespectful, especially Indian men, they have some serious anger issues and they're really sensitive, like even if you joke about something small, they're gonna make a huge deal out of it, they might have a better literacy rate but I really don't see any literacy in them, they have the poorest argumentative skills yet they will still continue to be stubborn and say that the other person is wrong, Indian woman on the other hand are slightly more friendly but they also have a huge attitude problem. And another hard to swallow pill is that their news channels show Pakistan in a negative light, Pakistan is far better than how they perceive it


Rihaan Tove
Why some people hate Indians?
Mostly because they are very aggressive while driving and they lack consideration for others. It's a bit of prisoner's dillema. When enough people are inconsiderate everyone needs to become inconsiderate, even normally considerate people.
Also Indians don't clean-up, they litter too much and they don't give enough personal space and will intrude into your personal space.


I usually like the Indians I meet outside India, especially those who permanently left. They dislike many aspects of their home country and try to change some of the bad behaviours, by adopting the more considerate manners, civic sense and courtesies of foreigners.
I do respect the Indians who live in India. I think they're incredibly smart to survive in such a challenging and competitive country. I don't think I could handle it.


Mia Dodson
Because MOST Indian people living overseas are untrustworthy, they practice lying in their daily life, which is an accepted part of life in Indian culture and society. The average person in India most likely tell several lies from the time they wake up until they go to sleep; this is the opposite of how the average person lives in Western society, where honesty highly valued, and people treat each other with respect….something the average Indian has no understanding of.
Indian society needs to change and teach the value of honesty, truthfulness and fair treatment of each other.


Salman Iqbal
Why some people hate Indians?
"Why [do] some people hate Indians?" This is an a2a request from a worthy calling himself "heyy ya." The name has a unique sound.
My answer, dear heyy ya, is that I really don't know. I haven't met anyone from amongst those some people. On the contrary, there are a great many Indian writers (not though on Quora) whose genius and breadth of vision deserves admiration even where I might personally not share their points of view.
What I enjoy reading most from Indian Quorans is when they are being entirely and truly themselves. Then, shorn of acquired prejudice, you get to hear the true ring of the human voice, speaking of the tribulations and the occasional joys of life as it's actually lived in India, and by extension, in the sub-continent.

“为什么有人讨厌印度人?”这是一个名为“heyy ya”的提问者提出的问题。这个名字听起来很特别。
我亲爱的“heyy ya”,我真的不知道。我没见过那些讨厌印度人的人。相反,我见过许多印度作家(不过不是在Quora上),他们的才华和视野的广度值得钦佩,即使我可能不认同他们的观点。

Nandan S Rao
Why do people hate Indians?
People can hate others for many reasons, jealousy is the usual cause of most hate from individuals and or groups in most cases. Others just crave the attention from others, and because they are unhappy with something in there own life and putting others down somehow makes them feel better.
Hating someone for no reason according to me is not having better to do in life, maybe it's because they don't have something that you have etc. It is actually rare for anyone to hate . Hate is a strong word. To hate someone for no reason is even more rare. Always remember that everything we think and every opinion we formulate in our heads is all the product of our own perceptions and experiences.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mohit Pandey
Why some people hate Indians?
what you mean by some people and what you mean by hate.also it depend on what they teach there children.


most of countries consider india as filthy and unsafe. these both things have reasons filthy because we are poor or as percevied by people of west that we are poor but when you just check data of india or indian sub continent contribution to world health in last 1000 years you will see a massive decline in indias contribution that is beacuse of first muslim invasion then becoming a british colony.but west will never teach you that.any person studying this could urgue if they think i am wrong many image building and perception were created by churches and british together to justify india as their colony is better to their masses.


coming to unsafe ya its a challenge a big problem we need to do a lot of work even today and things are decresing but not the way it should reason our laws are not so strict second our education system dont include things like manners,communication skills and many other social things which children should be taught but its not gonna happen i think parents teach their children is a more better idea and its beign done as per me 2050 is the stage we would be able to do far better in these things due to better economy and literacy rate and todays generation taking over the role of parents. so ya we have this is not even tip of iceberg but major problem have to do with last 1500 years of parts which is a mystery as per me most of things are written by western authors who never ever consider indian things as authentic.


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