2024-09-09 热心小哥 9129
XPENG AEROHT is the ecological enterprise of XOPeng Motor and the largest flying car company in Asia. In October 2023, XPENG AEROHT first announced the split flying car "land carrier" under development, and now less than a year later, XPENG AEROHT's first flying car "land carrier" debuted in Guangzhou and conducted public test flights. TA not only looks cool, but also hides full of "black technology" behind it, claiming to be "the only car in the world that can hold a 'plane'"!


XPENG AEROHT founder Zhao Deli announced the product commercialization schedule on the spot, it is said that the flying car will be in November this year in the "China (Zhuhai) Air Show" for the first public manned flight, the fourth quarter of this year to start pre-sale, 2026 to achieve mass production delivery, a single price of no more than 2 million yuan.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The "land aircraft carrier" as a whole adopts a minimalist and fierce cyber mecha design, the vehicle length is about 5.5 meters, the width is about 2 meters, the height is about 2 meters, it can be parked in a standard parking space, it can be driven into the basement, it can be driven by land according to C license, and the user of the flying body needs to hold a C license + flight license. At present, the domestic low-altitude airspace is not fully open, and low-altitude flight needs to go through more complex application procedures, so the application scenario of flying cars is still being explored.


Zhao Deli said that the company is accelerating the construction of application scenarios, and plans to cooperate with the flight camp, with the help of the flight camp's own airspace resources, so that users can fly in a specific area without having to apply separately. Up to now, XPENG AEROHT has completed the cooperation signing of more than 70 flight camps, and plans to complete the layout of more than 200 flight camps by the end of the year. At the same time, in addition to providing personal travel, XPENG AEROHT is also expanding the application scenarios of flying cars for public services, including emergency medical rescue, short-distance obstacle rescue, high-speed accident rescue, high-rise escape pods, etc.


Zhao Deli said that based on the exploration of application scenarios, XPENG AEROHT will implement the "three-step" product strategy, the first step is to launch the split flying car "land carrier", which is mainly used in the flight experience and public service field of limited scenes; The second step is to launch high-speed and long-range eVTOL products to solve air traffic problems in typical scenarios. The third step is to launch a land and air integrated flying car to achieve door-to-door, point-to-point urban 3D transportation.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Looks like a 70’s Saturday morning cartoon fever dream


China has become center of innovation. They innovate and sell their products at affordable price.


The future is here..


Looks way way better than Cybertruck.


The initial purchasers are likely to be commercial operators eg helicopter hire companies and some companies who need a helicopter regularly for their operations e.g. inspecting grid cables.


@eclecticcyclist or Taylor swift


Xpeng have got their 'hand on it' with this one...

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This design is pretty nice! I didn’t think I’d be saying this but like the design of the car part more than the Cybertruck. Glad they took inspiration from the Cybertruck - shows the promise of that design language.


At first I thought it was a fake. Someone trolling us but I actually really like the concept. Wonder what another 10 years of battery and autonomous technology development will do to this concept?


I can't buy an Xpeng car in the states because we have 199% tariffs. So instead of being forced to buy an inferior car here in the states I bought xpeng's stock.


Without the drone loaded at the back, this vehicle can be made into a pickup truck that looks much better and cooler than the Cybertruck!


This will be very good for Search & Rescue missions.


The future is coming along fast


They can keep that! When you’re talking about flying craft, it needs to be a well maintained craft. With that said, this is for the rich or commercial use ONLY!


FSD in the air is the future. Like Back To Future 2. Just give it 10 more years maybe.


Imagine every tattooed yobbo with one of these in their backyards. The horror!


There are quite a few companies working on flying cars and flying motorcycles.


No Pilots licensee required for 'Jetson' drone aircraft in US, so I'm assuming same for the Xpeng.


I think it could, but you would have to build a city with that in mind as chargers would have to be on the roof of buildings or the top floor of parking garages.


I was interested in Blackfly when it was shown a few years back but the problem with these vehicles is they always run out of money so who knows maybe this will be the one to break the mold.


This XPeng car is destined to be a commercial success. Simply because highways already have too much traffic. Because of induced demand, if you double the highway lanes, it means that in 3 to 5 years, people will purchase three times more cars. In the end, it's practically impossible to reduce traffic congestion and there's no where to park.


The cavernous van/truck would be a useful vehicle if AWD with that kind of range


It's more of a van with a quadcopter in the back. There are plenty of transforming flying car concepts. Aeromobil is more of a flying car, but it doesn't take off and land vertically. You must driving to an airstrip to take off. Prototypes have been produced. The Terrafugia Transition is similar and received a lot of attention a few years ago. The PAL-V transitions into a gyroplane, so it doesn't take off vertically, but it requires a very short runway. It was supposed to be produced, beyond prototypes, this year. Don't know if it will be.

这更像是一辆后部带有四轴飞行器的面包车。有很多变形飞行汽车的概念。Aeromobil更像是一辆飞行汽车,但它不能垂直起降。你必须开到跑道上才能起飞。原型机已经生产出来。Terrafugia Transition类似,几年前得到了很多关注。PAL-V变形为旋翼飞机,不能垂直起飞,但只需要非常短的跑道。原计划今年超越原型机进行量产。不知道是否会实现。

Flying cars are definitely closer to reality than humanoid bots, and I'd rather have one, but I'm not expecting either anytime soon.
If three hundred grand seems incredibly cheap to you, your channel is doing very well.
If you want it to seem more realistic in only a few years, get Elon to pitch it.


Yes, I think EVTOLs are coming sooner than people realize. The technology convergence is happening to enable them: High speed internet everywhere, Battery tech, Autonomous AI.


Cool but i can only imagine the liability and insurance. This thing breaks down, fails and the occupants are goners....along with people below them. Maybe you live on a farm and can build a landing pad but what about your destination? Over here land is at a premium in town and even car stalls are undersized. Nobody is going to set aside the space to clear those rotors. That would make for massive parking spaces. I love blade runner as much as the next guy but I cant see flying cars occuring anytime soon.


Modern electric motors are extremely reliable, almost fail proof! And there are 6 of them, even 2-3 motors fail at the same time it’s still able to land safely.


I would live in Shenzhen, get this monster and then fly to Kunming over the weekends.


In China, 'XPeng' prounced 'xiao peng', (yes, same Chinese charactor as 'xiao' in 'xiaomi'), after the name of the founder 'He xiao-Peng', who is also from same province as Lei Jun, founder of xiaomi. Lei also helped him at the very critical starting stage of XPeng.

在中国,“小鹏”发音为“xiao peng”,(是的,和“小米”中的“小”是同一个汉字),取自创始人“何小鹏”的名字。他和小米创始人雷军来自同一个省。雷军也在小鹏初期的关键阶段帮助了他。

If it's self driving you might not need a pilot's license, if they are legal at all. Also, note that there are already other electric planes now being used for pilot training in a couple of European countries, and being an EV makes it much cheaper to get in the flying hours needed for a license.


yes its the future


I wonder what would happen if even only one of the motors packed in?
It looks like you'd head south pretty quickly if it did.


Those Evtols would be mostly computer controlled without a wind or wing mode. Does it do the transformer thing ?


Looks better then a Cybertruck


It looks like a cobbled-together copy with add-ons of the Cybertruck. I like the look of the Cybertruck better, because it's at truck, not some combo of SUV and truck and drone delivery thing.


I can see one important use for it; "Honey have you seen Mother?" "I've sent her on ahead in the Copter".......................


30 hours training for a sport license and you are flying.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I just want the van, you can keep the multirotor.


So would the "aircraft carrier's" oversize battery be used to charge the flying craft?


There's no way this thing will be allowed to take off from public streets. There's overhead power lines, cellular towers, other aircraft, all kinds of stuff that it could collide with. The only way anything like this will ever be available to the public is if it's 100% automated and flies only in designated areas and at certain altitudes. They are not going to let the masses fly around in these. Imagine the mayhem if you take off and didn't realize your neighbour just took off at the same time and was flying in your direction. You'd need eyes in the back of your head.


The vehicle looks way better than the cyber junk could be used by emergency services. Flying cars will come in about 50 years.


So when you're stuck in traffic and need to bail, you pull over and get in the whirly bird, come back when the traffic is over. Pretty nice.


...you don't come back...the car drives itself to you.


Why wait till you get stuck in traffic??


With AI looking after air traffic control this will be safer, quicker and quieter than existing road cars. It could free the roads for walking and cycling.


Yes & China will lead the way with autonomous flight. Haven't you heard of Ehang?


The idea has been on and off for decades. Technology has advanced a lot. Maybe it is time for it now.


IMO flying in your private car will stay an exception. Like owning a Ferrari, but more so.
I'd rather some brand develop solar panels that cover your EV and can load 80% during 1 day.
Then we'll have folks scrambling for parking spots in the sun, instead of the shade!


1:48 a couple eating and drinking wine on a snow covered mountain plateau. The woman is wearing summer clothes. Not Fake.


Non-CGI version. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YblfnQRsuA . There are lengthier videos on Chinese social media.


In the spring there are days in the snow covered mountains where tee shirts are fine. Most of sun shine is reflected so it can be very comfortable. I had a home at 6000 feet in the Sierra Nevada Mountains and often had 8 feet of snow well into the start of outdoor BBQ season, entering on the second floor entrance until early June when one could drive to the house. That was T-shirt and shorts weather and all the girls started on their tans wearing bikinis when 4-5 feet of snow was still on the ground. The light reflecting off the snow would accelerate tanning.


I saw it at CES. Looks awesome. It would have to be fully automated for mass adoption.


It only takes a year to be a commercial helicopter pilot, 50 flight hours and some tests.


Take my now!


Likely you won’t be able to fly the drone like heli. It’ll all be autonomous so you won’t need a license.


Can you imagine the road toll once these are all over cities.


I doubt they would ever be permitted over cities. These are open country side air vehicles. Losing power over a city in an airplane still can land but those tiny rotors would offer no options of autorotation in full size helicopters. These would just go down.


It should start with point-to-point transport of goods, pilots and humans only after the tech has been proven.


It would be good if they had an option with a bigger battery pack to allow you to recharge the flying car when it's docked.


@timfehlberg9051 why you thing it doesn’t ?


I don't know if there are multiple battery options or not, it would be good if there was though. If not, it's still good!


I would to get a license to fly this.


I think they may have bought this vehicle from another company. There are YT videos from 2 years ago showing something very like it called the Jetson One.

我认为他们可能是从另一家公司购买了这辆车。两年前的YouTube视频显示有一种非常相似的东西叫做Jetson One。

I would never purchase a mode of transportation that I would be afraid to get into.


Any flying cars would have to be Full Self Driving with no manual override so no pilot license needed.


Did they just scaled up a hexa-copter and put people in it? BTW Is my drone license enough to fly it? Erm, the only difference is that i won't be flying it remotely with flight controller :D

他们只是把六旋翼无人机放大然后把人放进去吗?顺便问一下,我的无人机驾照够用吗?呃,唯一的区别是我不会用飞行控制器远程操控它 :D

You won't need a pilot's license in the future. AI will do everything for you. You can use a joystick to set a destination/direction, and AI will take care of the details for you.


AI had better be told that I don't want some flying machine making a very annoying racket flying over my house and invading my peace and privacy.


The main hurdle is system of air lanes so they are not free to fly anywhere which would be ok only for the first year or two but after 10s of thousands are in the air and probably at modest altitude to save power by not having to climb into open air, about any towers or hills. Climbing to 1 thousand meters would really shorten the range. So staying low, under 100 meters would greatly increase of collisions with towers or tall buildings.


So a system of sky lanes would be needed between more active routes. That system and pilot training could allow less intensive training as required for a private pilots fixed wing craft ticket. If the guidance system keep the flying car a programmed sky sky lane and prevent free flight over say, 300 meters above ground level and out of airport approaches, The tech is hear now to do all that. Can it fly with 2 oe 3 rotors operating? If they all have independent controllers it should be pretty east to decend safely wiith one oe 2 failed rotors.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

When I took my basic pilots training in my Piper Arrow I had to take greater number of hours flying because it was classed as a Complex High Performance because it had retractable landing rear and Constant Speed prop. That had one 350horse power engine so lots of practice descending and landing without power. But a plane has wing lift passively. So One can lose power and stay in the air a long relatively long time to get to an airport or low traffic secondary road if is had no trees or power lines near the roadbed. A helicopter's wings are the blades of the pros and tiny blades would not provide much lift if one lost power. so seperate power supplies would be needed for each motor.
All could be done but remember planes are powered gliders and helicopters are powered bricks. Tiny rotors would offer no option for autorotation like a real helicopter has but each with some left, it is still going down

当我在Piper Arrow上接受基础飞行训练时,我必须增加飞行小时数,因为它被归类为复杂高性能飞机,因为它有可收放起落架和定速螺旋桨。那是一台350马力的发动机,所以我有很多在没有动力的情况下下降和着陆的练习。但是飞机有被动升力的机翼。所以即使失去动力,也能在空中停留相对较长的时间到达机场或低交通次级道路,如果路边没有树或电线的话。直升机的翼是螺旋桨的叶片,如果失去动力,微小的叶片不会提供太多的升力,所以每个电机需要独立的电源供应。所有这些都可以做到,但请记住,飞机是动力滑翔机,直升机是动力砖块。微小的旋翼不会提供像真正的直升机那样的自转选项,但即使有一些升力,它还是会向下掉落。

Noise nuisance will kill it if nothing else does.


I think is is highly unlikely this will be a mainstream thing in the near future. Maybe 30 years from now. Flying is pretty inefficient and people tend to adapt slowly. I think evtol taxis are realistic though (just as helicopters are, but evtols will be more popular) and there are some companies working with that in mind.


If the drone-like flying machine is regulated by the FAA it'll never be used in the USA.


Or in pretty much all of the developed world. Far too dangerous. Furthermore the range is going to be pretty low. A conventional aircraft uses far less energy to go the same distance as a comparable helicopter and battery powered fixed wing aircraft are still in their infancy.


Xpeng with flying car is much better than Tesla Cybertruck.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Rich mans toy , before the accidents.


Fast and the Furious already giving it a scxt.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You can fly aircraft like Jetson One in the US without a license because it meets the specifications for an ultralight aircraft.

在美国,你可以驾驶像Jetson One这样的飞行器而不需要执照,因为它符合超轻型飞行器的规格。

what will traffic control for air vehicles look like? .. what about collisions - loads of debris crashing round the ears of folk below.


a real transformer


The crazy looking truck might make it to market but the drone will not.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

we have enough bad human drivers. not looking forward to bad flying drivers too. i'd rather wait for all vehicles to be self driving/piloting. vehicle ownership in general is simply overrated. i rather just pay a flat monthly fee for car-as-a-service. i don't have interest or time to deal with car ownership.


I actually think it looks more like a Canoo, but I can see the Cybertruck too. Anyway, yeah, not a flying car.


In my opinion flying cars will not take off before the major issues of traffic control and guidance and routing are solved. Any current air traffic control system would collapse if even a moderate number of flying cars were added to it and I really wouldn't want to trust a random guy or girl off the street in a flying car, even with a pilot's license. Additionally, no current aircraft routing network is currently set up for flying cars (or helicopters) in large numbers.


Absolutely right.


Absolute wrong! Over the last hundred years the aviation industry has developed rapidly and will continue to improve with AI and autonomous flying vehicles completely possible for our immediate future.


Optimus Prime when?


that's not a flying car. Its a van carrying a drone. nothing ground breaking.


Well it's something interesting and cheap for that price point, even if it's "deep fake". Compared to that Bugatti Bollide strap on extension that a supposed genius is in charge of which retails for 4 million bigguns.


If you think what the roads are like with congestion and noise do we really want to replicate that in the air?


There is a lot more space to avoid congestion. Different heights for each direction and speed and no obstacles.


It's known as a flying salami slicer death trap. No control surfaces for a power outage. Use at your own risk.


If one propeller motor fails, the consequences are?


@mikewallace8087 They can fly on 3, possibly to just land.


@Y2Kvids I don't think so. A lift force diagram with the craft C.G. will create a corner drop and prevent a successful landing.


@mikewallace8087 xpeng has a test video, it has 8 propellers, 2 for each wing, it could handle up to 2 failed propellers. Yes you are right, on one side full propeller failure deploys parachute.


Like every helicopter?


Yall can fly illl stay on the ground.


It reminds me of the Chariot from Lost In Space. All of the flying car footage is CGI.


"Flying Car": turns out is simply a "Van" with a helicopter in the trunk... What a joke.


This is kinda cool, but it’s not really a flying car. It’s a combination of an EV drone/helicopter and a separate EV drone carrier, possibly sharing a battery pack? I don’t see much advantage of combining the two technologies, and at a cost of US $280,000, this doesn’t make sense to me. Why not buy the EV of your choice and if you can figure out regulations and licensing, a separate drone/helicopter you launch from your back yard or rooftop. That’s got to be cheaper, faster, longer range, etc. for both vehicles. I grew up reading Popular Mechanics, so I get it, but why?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I don’t think it’ll be any time soon. People are having a hard enough time accepting electric cars.


Not at all a flying car, a car with a drone. A flying car would be able to drive around at the destination which is the whole reason for it. Don't know what's in the marketers coffee but they should simmer down.


Ever notice how many near collisions that occur with regular airplanes under the direction of Air controllers at airports. Stick a few thousand of these in the air and it will not be safe to go outside, the sky may fall on you. People crash everyday in automobiles that operate in one plane. Add the ability to move up and down as well as sideways, front and back. Good grief.


If that's a "flying car" then Yachts with helipads are flying boats. Come on, people. That thing between your ears is for much more than storing a hat.




It is not a flying car, it is a quad copter. A flying car can be driven on the road and can also fly, this doesn't even have wheels so how can you call it a car!


Flying cars have never succeeded and never will. Traffic on the ground is already bad enough but traffic in the air would be chaos.


Yeah, it’s not like we have flying buses taking people all around the world with over a million people in the air at any time.


Will this be a thing? No!


Looks more like a helicopter. Reminds me of the Joby vehicle which flies 150 miles at 200 mph.


Looks terribly unpractical for everyday use. Could be great for some emergency or military applications, though.


I predict that most of the 3,000 will be destroyed in two years time from accidents.


Looks bloody good for the rich.


What could possibly go wrong? I'm sure it's perfectly safe and only "Qualified Pilots" will fly these aerial death machines. Imagine strolling down an average street in Bel air walking your favorite exotic dog breed with a diamond encrusted collar and silk leash when suddenly a 1500 pound carbon fiber lithium powered head chopping whirly bird lands on your head and ruins your vacation plans for a gambling jaunt to Monaco. Tsk,Tsk indeed! Sounds like a great plan!


You should take out insurance against that scenario.


Airspace is controlled, yes in China also. There's your answer, the general public can not fly it. Flying cars whilst technically possible, regulatory restrictions will classify them as a rotor aircraft. = public no fly.


And rockets will never get to the moon.


Tesla is behind again! Elon needs to keep up.


Xpeng flying COFFIN.


Noise galore. Horrible!




This is from a major car company that has been developing this through a series of prototypes. At the electric vehicle show in Melbourne they had one on display. I saw it and then I saw the Electric Viking. Both were real.

这是来自一家大型汽车公司,通过一系列原型开发出来的。在墨尔本的电动车展上,他们展示了一辆。我看到了它,也看到了Electric Viking。两者都是真实的。

toy for a few rich snobs.. nothing usable.


It’s going to fall apart even before it leaves the assembly line. They won’t keep these on the roads.


It is a toy of the rich. It is stupid! Helicopter licence needed! Complying to air traffic control. Might get away with it in really empty remote places mostly used in the promo.


If it’s Chinese made, of course it’s scary. I can’t trust the quality.


They are trying to copy Tesla’s’ a roadster. DUMB.


I'm sure you need a flying licence to buy this thing.


There is already a company in the U.S. that is producing and delivering certified electric Fixed Winged, and VTOLs. BETA corporation located in Burlington Vermont. You might want to do a story on them and see how far behind your Chinese hype is.


很赞 10