

They easily make 1 billion dollars this company is gonna fly and Thier next game will have such a budget with genius developers on board
They easily make 1 billion dollars this company is gonna fly and Thier next game will have such a budget with genius developers on board
Don't be so sure after deducting costs
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Don't be so sure after deducting costs
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Black Myth: Wukong release selling 10 million copies within three days, triggers PS5 sales .
PS5 sales more than doubled on its platform in the week leading up to Wukong's release. The sales surge triggered a spike in Sony rocketing
《黑神话:悟空》发售三天内销量达1000万套,带动PS5销量。 悟空发售前一周,PS5在其平台上的销量增加了一倍多。这波销量激增导致索尼股价暴涨。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Black Myth: Wukong release selling 10 million copies within three days, triggers PS5 sales .
PS5 sales more than doubled on its platform in the week leading up to Wukong's release. The sales surge triggered a spike in Sony rocketing
《黑神话:悟空》发售三天内销量达1000万套,带动PS5销量。 悟空发售前一周,PS5在其平台上的销量增加了一倍多。这波销量激增导致索尼股价暴涨。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
well Sony lost over $200 million on their failed project Concord. game is dead on arrival.
not to mention the cost of running the servers that less than 200 people are playing online.
呵,索尼在他们失败的《星鸣特工》项目上亏了2亿多美元。那游戏一上线就凉了。 更别提维护那个(只有不到200人同时在线的)服务器的成本了。
well Sony lost over $200 million on their failed project Concord. game is dead on arrival.
not to mention the cost of running the servers that less than 200 people are playing online.
呵,索尼在他们失败的《星鸣特工》项目上亏了2亿多美元。那游戏一上线就凉了。 更别提维护那个(只有不到200人同时在线的)服务器的成本了。
Western media be like: "Black Myth: Wukong has sold 12 million copies across all platforms. But at what cost?"
Western media be like: "Black Myth: Wukong has sold 12 million copies across all platforms. But at what cost?"
The products coming out from China are world class now. Looking forward to more products from China
The products coming out from China are world class now. Looking forward to more products from China
CNA do not need to end off with a sour grape even if you are so anti-Chinese. So obvious isn't it?
(新加坡)亚洲新闻,就算你再反华也不用摆出一副吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸的样子吧? 这么明显不是吗?
CNA do not need to end off with a sour grape even if you are so anti-Chinese. So obvious isn't it?
(新加坡)亚洲新闻,就算你再反华也不用摆出一副吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸的样子吧? 这么明显不是吗?
Balanced reporting means anti-Chinese?
Balanced reporting means anti-Chinese?
Balanced? Not even anywhere near neutral. It demonstrates your lack of knowledge about worldviews. There are other trustworthy sources of information available
Balanced? Not even anywhere near neutral. It demonstrates your lack of knowledge about worldviews. There are other trustworthy sources of information available
My son already completed the game yesterday. Not easy considering he is working now.
My son already completed the game yesterday. Not easy considering he is working now.
Proud with Chinese Game Designer success in producing the Black Myth Wukong. We Asian enjoyed the game. Cheers! to all gamers WORLDWIDE
Proud with Chinese Game Designer success in producing the Black Myth Wukong. We Asian enjoyed the game. Cheers! to all gamers WORLDWIDE
Try Wukong at cyber cafe. Love it. Upgrade pc and play at home.
Try Wukong at cyber cafe. Love it. Upgrade pc and play at home.
Black Wukong can be played on a TV box in China , which is the so-called cloud computing technology, that is, renting an advanced computer from a computing server. Players can play games by logging into the TV box. The monthly rental fee is about US$15 to US$30, depending on the speed of cloud computing and cable connectivity.
Black Wukong can be played on a TV box in China , which is the so-called cloud computing technology, that is, renting an advanced computer from a computing server. Players can play games by logging into the TV box. The monthly rental fee is about US$15 to US$30, depending on the speed of cloud computing and cable connectivity.
Goldman Sachs previously projected that "Black Myth: Wukong" could achieve sales of 12 million copies on Steam, generating over 3 billion yuan (about 420 million U.S. dollars) in revenue. In a bullish scenario, the game could reach 20 million units sold, with revenue topping 5 billion yuan.
Goldman Sachs previously projected that "Black Myth: Wukong" could achieve sales of 12 million copies on Steam, generating over 3 billion yuan (about 420 million U.S. dollars) in revenue. In a bullish scenario, the game could reach 20 million units sold, with revenue topping 5 billion yuan.
Demand for hardware will lead to revenue for manufacturers, which will in turn push for new technological advances.
Demand for hardware will lead to revenue for manufacturers, which will in turn push for new technological advances.
Sorry, the Chinese are no longer poor, who is Yu Hai Qing? Outdated professor from Rmit?
Sorry, the Chinese are no longer poor, who is Yu Hai Qing? Outdated professor from Rmit?
CNA, why interview an Australian university professor instead of a more qualified Chinese mainland university professor, especially when you have a correspondant in Beijing? CNA somehow seems to put more weight on non-mainland Chinese interviewees on mainland made products.
CNA, why interview an Australian university professor instead of a more qualified Chinese mainland university professor, especially when you have a correspondant in Beijing? CNA somehow seems to put more weight on non-mainland Chinese interviewees on mainland made products.
You know why. It's so obvious.
You know why. It's so obvious.
Chinese has some of the highest savings rate. They just want to spend on things they can enjoy and relate to
Chinese has some of the highest savings rate. They just want to spend on things they can enjoy and relate to
So interesting. 60 dollar is a lot of money for Chinese.
So interesting. 60 dollar is a lot of money for Chinese.
Dude, 60 dollar is nothing to Chinese cities nowadays.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Dude, 60 dollar is nothing to Chinese cities nowadays.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
The game is sold about $30 in China. That being said, when I told my friends from China the game is about $60 USD, they replied "that's pretty cheap".
The game is sold about $30 in China. That being said, when I told my friends from China the game is about $60 USD, they replied "that's pretty cheap".
Chinese gamers pay more for chests in game than that
Chinese gamers pay more for chests in game than that
In 2024 people outside China still think we Chinese are poor & can’t afford $60. Hilarious !!!! . No wonder they believe what CNN, BBC, DW NEWS, REUTERS & CNA report about China
2024年了,中国以外的人还以为我们中国人穷得连60美元都付不起。笑死!!!难怪他们相信CNN、BBC、DW 、路透社和亚洲新闻关于中国的报道。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
In 2024 people outside China still think we Chinese are poor & can’t afford $60. Hilarious !!!! . No wonder they believe what CNN, BBC, DW NEWS, REUTERS & CNA report about China
2024年了,中国以外的人还以为我们中国人穷得连60美元都付不起。笑死!!!难怪他们相信CNN、BBC、DW 、路透社和亚洲新闻关于中国的报道。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Hahaha, they still think Chinese earn 3$ a month
Hahaha, they still think Chinese earn 3$ a month
America is slowly trying to use politic to take down this game.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
America is slowly trying to use politic to take down this game.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
The ancient Chinese Taoist philosophy is embedded on this game, wonderful, I'm indian but I find Taoist philosophy far better than anything out there.
The ancient Chinese Taoist philosophy is embedded on this game, wonderful, I'm indian but I find Taoist philosophy far better than anything out there.
Meanwhile those western woke and DEI games launched at the same time sold less than 1000 copies.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Meanwhile those western woke and DEI games launched at the same time sold less than 1000 copies.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I don't like when people in US put their nose in everything
I don't like when people in US put their nose in everything
11:38 You can tell that she always wanted to say that line on a news channel without getting fired.
11:38(“游戏热度持续时间还有待确定”) 你能看出来她一直想在新闻上说这句话,为了不被炒鱿鱼。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
11:38 You can tell that she always wanted to say that line on a news channel without getting fired.
11:38(“游戏热度持续时间还有待确定”) 你能看出来她一直想在新闻上说这句话,为了不被炒鱿鱼。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I am in the USA and Black Myth: Wukong is the reason I got a PS5
I am in the USA and Black Myth: Wukong is the reason I got a PS5
Im one of these people who bought a new GPU to max out this game. Only i live in Canada
Im one of these people who bought a new GPU to max out this game. Only i live in Canada
Using here GTX1070 and Ryzen 7. Running smoothly at High settings. So nope you don't need 30 or 40 series. Most important is the last two digit.
我这儿的英伟达GTX1070和AMD的Ryzen 7。高画质设置下运行流畅。所以不,你不需要30或40系显卡。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Using here GTX1070 and Ryzen 7. Running smoothly at High settings. So nope you don't need 30 or 40 series. Most important is the last two digit.
我这儿的英伟达GTX1070和AMD的Ryzen 7。高画质设置下运行流畅。所以不,你不需要30或40系显卡。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Nvidia and AMD stock also went up. Which is good for retail investors
Nvidia and AMD stock also went up. Which is good for retail investors
just got a rtx 4080 prebuilt pc this summer, recently bought this game, man this game is beautiful in 4k 60fps
今年夏天刚买了台预装RTX 4080的电脑,最近又买了这游戏,靠,这游戏在4K 60帧下简直美呆了。
just got a rtx 4080 prebuilt pc this summer, recently bought this game, man this game is beautiful in 4k 60fps
今年夏天刚买了台预装RTX 4080的电脑,最近又买了这游戏,靠,这游戏在4K 60帧下简直美呆了。
china need to build its own gpu's instead of relying on the west, that way gpu will be more affordable for everyone around the world.
china need to build its own gpu's instead of relying on the west, that way gpu will be more affordable for everyone around the world.
They are coming, we just need to be patient
They are coming, we just need to be patient
As long as the US keeps on putting embargos for certain goods to enter China, they will find a way to make their own. Not only that, they will find a way to sell it for cheaper too.
As long as the US keeps on putting embargos for certain goods to enter China, they will find a way to make their own. Not only that, they will find a way to sell it for cheaper too.
US had the upper edge in GPUs because AAA big budget games weren't popular in China all this time until now. People normally owned only standard laptops or smartphones for home games. Meanwhile in the west, $2000+ gaming PCs were all the rage. It's also why Nvidia had the headstart in the AI industry
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
US had the upper edge in GPUs because AAA big budget games weren't popular in China all this time until now. People normally owned only standard laptops or smartphones for home games. Meanwhile in the west, $2000+ gaming PCs were all the rage. It's also why Nvidia had the headstart in the AI industry
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
really ? gpu is not really a easy thing to tap into , even handphone chipset , they dont have any
really ? gpu is not really a easy thing to tap into , even handphone chipset , they dont have any
you info is out of date by a factor of 10yrs
they already have cpu,gpu and phone rival apple they may not as fast yet
but just a matter of time.
you info is out of date by a factor of 10yrs
they already have cpu,gpu and phone rival apple they may not as fast yet
but just a matter of time.
U$A will never able to compete in Chip manufacturing.
All the country that do well in chip manufacturing , has Confucianism culture.
For chip manufacturing, a high level of discipline is the key, and most Americans today don't possess it.
They call it "forced labour""
Taiwanese media reported on August 2 that TSMC claimed the production holdup at its Arizona facility was caused by a shortage of trained American labour and that they had sent staff from Taiwan to assist with the factory's development. Labour unx officials in Arizona, on the other hand, criticised TSMC for exploiting this as a justification to bring in "low-wage foreign labour."
所有在芯片制造上做得好的国家(地区),都是儒家文化。 对于芯片制造来说,高度的纪律性是关键,而现在大多数美国人都缺乏这一点。 他们把这叫做“强制劳动”。
U$A will never able to compete in Chip manufacturing.
All the country that do well in chip manufacturing , has Confucianism culture.
For chip manufacturing, a high level of discipline is the key, and most Americans today don't possess it.
They call it "forced labour""
Taiwanese media reported on August 2 that TSMC claimed the production holdup at its Arizona facility was caused by a shortage of trained American labour and that they had sent staff from Taiwan to assist with the factory's development. Labour unx officials in Arizona, on the other hand, criticised TSMC for exploiting this as a justification to bring in "low-wage foreign labour."
所有在芯片制造上做得好的国家(地区),都是儒家文化。 对于芯片制造来说,高度的纪律性是关键,而现在大多数美国人都缺乏这一点。 他们把这叫做“强制劳动”。
There won't be any advanced chips without the Dutch which I'm sure doesn't have confucianism culture.
There won't be any advanced chips without the Dutch which I'm sure doesn't have confucianism culture.
We are talking about chip manufacturing , not equipment /design.
We are talking about chip manufacturing , not equipment /design.
LOL, without the Dutch, there won't be a TSMC.
Intel made chips way before TSMC and now they also bought advanced chips machines, just like TSMC.
呵呵,没有荷兰人,就不会有台积电。 英特尔在台积电之前就在制造芯片了,现在他们也买了先进的芯片机器,就像台积电一样。
LOL, without the Dutch, there won't be a TSMC.
Intel made chips way before TSMC and now they also bought advanced chips machines, just like TSMC.
呵呵,没有荷兰人,就不会有台积电。 英特尔在台积电之前就在制造芯片了,现在他们也买了先进的芯片机器,就像台积电一样。
I concur, the Americans don't have the stomach for the hard work required in wafer manufacturing. While the Taiwanese relied on the dutch to produce cutting edge Lithography machines. It was the Taiwanese tenacity and discipline that allowed them to produce bleeding edge chips.
I concur, the Americans don't have the stomach for the hard work required in wafer manufacturing. While the Taiwanese relied on the dutch to produce cutting edge Lithography machines. It was the Taiwanese tenacity and discipline that allowed them to produce bleeding edge chips.
Intel bought ALL of ASML High NA EUV machines for the current year. That would enable Intel to achieve technology parity with TSMC.
The high NA EUV machine is the latest and most technically advanced lithography machine in the world.
英特尔买下了今年所有的ASML高数值孔径EUV光刻机。这将使英特尔在技术上赶上台积电。 高数值孔径EUV是世界上最新、技术最先进的光刻机。
Intel bought ALL of ASML High NA EUV machines for the current year. That would enable Intel to achieve technology parity with TSMC.
The high NA EUV machine is the latest and most technically advanced lithography machine in the world.
英特尔买下了今年所有的ASML高数值孔径EUV光刻机。这将使英特尔在技术上赶上台积电。 高数值孔径EUV是世界上最新、技术最先进的光刻机。
Feel so bad for the Xbox players crying in the corner.
Feel so bad for the Xbox players crying in the corner.
60 bucks China software needs 1000 buck GPU chip from US.
60 bucks China software needs 1000 buck GPU chip from US.
The USA remains a major player in AI chip architecture and licensing. It is illegal to produce ARM and AI chips without a license. This is why China is still lagging in the technology to produce its own GPUs or CPUs.
Even if they opt for the license-free RISC-V architecture, it is still far from perfect for day-to-day tasks and operations.
美国在AI芯片架构和授权方面仍然是主要玩家。没有授权就生产ARM和AI芯片是违法的。这就是为什么中国在生产自己的GPU或CPU的技术上还是落后的。 即使他们选择免授权的RISC-V架构,对于日常任务和操作来说,它仍然远远不够完美。
The USA remains a major player in AI chip architecture and licensing. It is illegal to produce ARM and AI chips without a license. This is why China is still lagging in the technology to produce its own GPUs or CPUs.
Even if they opt for the license-free RISC-V architecture, it is still far from perfect for day-to-day tasks and operations.
美国在AI芯片架构和授权方面仍然是主要玩家。没有授权就生产ARM和AI芯片是违法的。这就是为什么中国在生产自己的GPU或CPU的技术上还是落后的。 即使他们选择免授权的RISC-V架构,对于日常任务和操作来说,它仍然远远不够完美。
having the tool doesnt mean you can create something great out of it…
Logic: you have a saw, hammer and woodcarving tools doesnt mean you can make a magnificent wood artwork out of it…
This is also why Samsung cant keep up with TSMC even with advanced EUV machines and also why the US is so eager to control Taiwan…
有工具不代表你就能用它创造出高品质的东西… 举个例子:你有锯子、锤子和木雕工具,并不意味着你就能用它们制作出精美的木雕艺术品。这也是为什么三星即使有先进的EUV也跟不上台积电的步伐,也是为什么美国如此急于控制台湾(地区)的原因…。
having the tool doesnt mean you can create something great out of it…
Logic: you have a saw, hammer and woodcarving tools doesnt mean you can make a magnificent wood artwork out of it…
This is also why Samsung cant keep up with TSMC even with advanced EUV machines and also why the US is so eager to control Taiwan…
有工具不代表你就能用它创造出高品质的东西… 举个例子:你有锯子、锤子和木雕工具,并不意味着你就能用它们制作出精美的木雕艺术品。这也是为什么三星即使有先进的EUV也跟不上台积电的步伐,也是为什么美国如此急于控制台湾(地区)的原因…。
yet Intel share is falling, yield is decling, and engineer are being let go after buying your so call ASML miracle machines.
they can't produce the chip despite having the machine, thus proving the machine is not the limiting factor.
然而英特尔的股价在下跌,良品率在下降,工程师被裁员,这一切都发生在他们买了你所谓的ASML神奇机器之后。 尽管有了这些机器,他们还是造不出先进芯片,这证明机器并不是限制因素。
yet Intel share is falling, yield is decling, and engineer are being let go after buying your so call ASML miracle machines.
they can't produce the chip despite having the machine, thus proving the machine is not the limiting factor.
然而英特尔的股价在下跌,良品率在下降,工程师被裁员,这一切都发生在他们买了你所谓的ASML神奇机器之后。 尽管有了这些机器,他们还是造不出先进芯片,这证明机器并不是限制因素。
Does anyone think another game will be as successful as Wukong?
As great a game it is it’s the story and cultural significance that is also carrying a lot of the success.
Unless there is another famous story that can be turned into a game I don’t see this happening again anytime soon.
这游戏确实很棒,但它的成功很大程度上也得益于故事本身和文化意义。 除非还有其他能改编成游戏的著名故事,否则我觉得短期内不太可能再出现这种现象。
Does anyone think another game will be as successful as Wukong?
As great a game it is it’s the story and cultural significance that is also carrying a lot of the success.
Unless there is another famous story that can be turned into a game I don’t see this happening again anytime soon.
这游戏确实很棒,但它的成功很大程度上也得益于故事本身和文化意义。 除非还有其他能改编成游戏的著名故事,否则我觉得短期内不太可能再出现这种现象。
Unreal Engine 5 really utilizes the gpu pretty much to its max. On average it uses 99% of gpu while cpu hovers btwn 10-25%.
Unreal Engine 5 really utilizes the gpu pretty much to its max. On average it uses 99% of gpu while cpu hovers btwn 10-25%.
Will Chinese tomb raider/uncharted like mojin series get a game adaptation too? It's very interesting to explore Chinese ancient dynasty tombs.
Will Chinese tomb raider/uncharted like mojin series get a game adaptation too? It's very interesting to explore Chinese ancient dynasty tombs.
West: does china have an overcapacity in games?
West: does china have an overcapacity in games?
Angmohs and jia kantangs have a book only, and they cannot challenged it.
My Chinese ancestors built a library for me, and I can disagree with the authors of all the books in this library. Freedom?
If you see Chinese culture as a dinner setting, then Wukong is just the toothpicks. Ha ha ha!
洋鬼子和香蕉人就一本破书,还不容人质疑。 我中华先祖给我留下了整个图书馆,我可以随意质疑里面任何一本书的作者的观点。这才叫自由! 要是把中华文化比作一桌盛宴,《悟空》充其量就饭后的牙签。 哈哈哈!
Angmohs and jia kantangs have a book only, and they cannot challenged it.
My Chinese ancestors built a library for me, and I can disagree with the authors of all the books in this library. Freedom?
If you see Chinese culture as a dinner setting, then Wukong is just the toothpicks. Ha ha ha!
洋鬼子和香蕉人就一本破书,还不容人质疑。 我中华先祖给我留下了整个图书馆,我可以随意质疑里面任何一本书的作者的观点。这才叫自由! 要是把中华文化比作一桌盛宴,《悟空》充其量就饭后的牙签。 哈哈哈!
nah.... i rather buy other things.... this game is the same as other game..... it will be bored after 1 week - 1 month...... meh.....
nah.... i rather buy other things.... this game is the same as other game..... it will be bored after 1 week - 1 month...... meh.....
Since when CNA becomes a gaming new channel. Just because it's the first AAA game from china? There are other games that broke the sale record before. How come never get to report in cna news before? Free ads for the game, is it? it is not worth reporting as headline new
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Since when CNA becomes a gaming new channel. Just because it's the first AAA game from china? There are other games that broke the sale record before. How come never get to report in cna news before? Free ads for the game, is it? it is not worth reporting as headline new
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Yes because its the first AAA standard game (IMO just graphics). The packaging limited edition is also damn cool (didn't cover in this news) check out the figurine of Wukong haha. Typically in Asia the only expected AAA are to originate from Korea, Japan. Not like we don't have good developers in Singapore or even other south east asian country. Just that nobody ever pays them well enough to want to work locally. So yeah, its a big thing since China is doing that, we might see other parts of Asia follow suit. AAA is not hard to make these days with all the game engine availability, you just need a good story and gameplay. Check out the credits of other games and you will see quite a handful of south east asians in the dev works.
Yes because its the first AAA standard game (IMO just graphics). The packaging limited edition is also damn cool (didn't cover in this news) check out the figurine of Wukong haha. Typically in Asia the only expected AAA are to originate from Korea, Japan. Not like we don't have good developers in Singapore or even other south east asian country. Just that nobody ever pays them well enough to want to work locally. So yeah, its a big thing since China is doing that, we might see other parts of Asia follow suit. AAA is not hard to make these days with all the game engine availability, you just need a good story and gameplay. Check out the credits of other games and you will see quite a handful of south east asians in the dev works.
A Chinese game that appropriated Hanuman
A Chinese game that appropriated Hanuman
they just modified some of the code and the animation is the boreal dancer one. But the timing rhythm is still the same. As expected from TenCent engineers copy and paste working ethics. I approve ,since they cannot work on Actual AI stuff anymore. Except cutting and pasting source codes from gits and face huggers.and Amazon cloud. Kinda sad really.
他们就是修改了一些代码,动画还是抄的《黑暗之魂 3北方山谷的舞者》。节奏还是一模一样,不愧是腾讯工程师的复制粘贴工作作风。我表示认可,反正他们也不能搞真正的AI了,除了从git和face huggers以及亚马逊云上复制源代码。真的有点可悲。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
they just modified some of the code and the animation is the boreal dancer one. But the timing rhythm is still the same. As expected from TenCent engineers copy and paste working ethics. I approve ,since they cannot work on Actual AI stuff anymore. Except cutting and pasting source codes from gits and face huggers.and Amazon cloud. Kinda sad really.
他们就是修改了一些代码,动画还是抄的《黑暗之魂 3北方山谷的舞者》。节奏还是一模一样,不愧是腾讯工程师的复制粘贴工作作风。我表示认可,反正他们也不能搞真正的AI了,除了从git和face huggers以及亚马逊云上复制源代码。真的有点可悲。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
You know nothing about tech and hallucinating. The motion system in wukong is top notch especially for 4 legged monsters.
You know nothing about tech and hallucinating. The motion system in wukong is top notch especially for 4 legged monsters.
Yeah, Dustborn and Star Wars Outlaws are so much better! Top notch stuff. You should definitely get them.
Yeah, Dustborn and Star Wars Outlaws are so much better! Top notch stuff. You should definitely get them.
At least Asian games quality is top notch compared to western released unfinished and unpolished games with full of bugs and graphic cards compatibility issues where they forced players to be an alpha testers since launch day.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
At least Asian games quality is top notch compared to western released unfinished and unpolished games with full of bugs and graphic cards compatibility issues where they forced players to be an alpha testers since launch day.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
japanese don't have a single 5th gen game to copy from. Wukong is in fact the first 5th gen game in the world, no game use lumen technology before wukong. and the 2nd game to do so Immortals of Aveum: Magic Shooter was released 2 days after Wukong. many singaporean like me work in the game development industry. Singapore had wanted to make it big by attracting george lucas to open his studio here, but after disney buy his company, they shutdown the studio here that was working on starwars game, now starwars are outsource to 3rd party studio and Singapore lost the chance to be a game development hub.
japanese don't have a single 5th gen game to copy from. Wukong is in fact the first 5th gen game in the world, no game use lumen technology before wukong. and the 2nd game to do so Immortals of Aveum: Magic Shooter was released 2 days after Wukong. many singaporean like me work in the game development industry. Singapore had wanted to make it big by attracting george lucas to open his studio here, but after disney buy his company, they shutdown the studio here that was working on starwars game, now starwars are outsource to 3rd party studio and Singapore lost the chance to be a game development hub.
Agree, Asian video games are premium-quality products/services that in combination with the necessary pc hardware would make me feel like I am an A-list actor inside of the video game and would also trigger my interest in showbiz because the recent western video game releases are mostly garbage content that are not worthy of my time and money.
Agree, Asian video games are premium-quality products/services that in combination with the necessary pc hardware would make me feel like I am an A-list actor inside of the video game and would also trigger my interest in showbiz because the recent western video game releases are mostly garbage content that are not worthy of my time and money.
The game is not that great. let's get real.
The game is not that great. let's get real.
Really? Sales says you are wrong. Which is better than the Dei and western crap coming out now...
sound like you cant afford a the game and dont have a decent pc to run it
真的吗?销量可不认可你的说法。反正比现在那些西方的觉醒垃圾强多了…… 听起来你是买不起这游戏,也没有像样的电脑来跑它吧。
Really? Sales says you are wrong. Which is better than the Dei and western crap coming out now...
sound like you cant afford a the game and dont have a decent pc to run it
真的吗?销量可不认可你的说法。反正比现在那些西方的觉醒垃圾强多了…… 听起来你是买不起这游戏,也没有像样的电脑来跑它吧。
tell this to the 14 million gamers who already purchased it.
tell this to the 14 million gamers who already purchased it.
No want care about that game
Philippines people dont play that game made in china
No want care about that game
Philippines people dont play that game made in china
To me, it's great! Going to play it again.
To me, it's great! Going to play it again.
Looking at the current scenario, gamers have less options when western games already infested with woke and DEI propaganda
Looking at the current scenario, gamers have less options when western games already infested with woke and DEI propaganda
It's not a classic and nothing revolutionary, but it's still one of the best games to come out this year. You don't need RockStar level of perfection for a game to be good.
这游戏不是经典,也没什么革命性的东西,但今年出的游戏里它绝对是最好的之一。一个游戏好不好,不一定非要达到RockStar 公司那种完美的程度。
It's not a classic and nothing revolutionary, but it's still one of the best games to come out this year. You don't need RockStar level of perfection for a game to be good.
这游戏不是经典,也没什么革命性的东西,但今年出的游戏里它绝对是最好的之一。一个游戏好不好,不一定非要达到RockStar 公司那种完美的程度。
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