2024-09-09 辽阔天空 13499
Black Myth Wukong Is Getting Crazier


I swear growing up I heard a story of wukong being transform into a human with his memory lost. Then one of the spider sister fell in love with him but he did not feel the same so she was married off to the demon King. But she had a twin sister who swap place with her and help wukong free her twin sister who was in love with him.


What does the animation in Chapter 3 want to express? Greed? No, it's just appearances. That monster is Yellowbrow. He uses extreme means to induce greed. He wanted to prove to Jinchanzi that he was right. Jinchanzi said he reversed cause and effect. And the chapter 3 is still Yellowbrow wants to prove himself right.Although the methods are still extreme


Which is ironic the animation shows that the villagers shared the treasure with each other, the soldiers maintained order, ppl worshiped him as a kind god and taking treasure one piece for a family and they weren't even asking for more , everything was in perfect order, and all that does not prove "human born with kindness" for him. Then finally that one greedy drop breed chaos and destroyed all, he take it as his wining that "human born with evil".


It's nice that he's letting ppl guide him to all of the secret bosses, you don't know how awesome the game is without fighting everything and getting the true ending.


Jin Chanzi is Tang Sanzang. The master of Sun Wukong in Journey to the West. And the Yaoguai in the CG is Yellow Brow. Yellow Brow is Tang Sanzang's senior brother.
Yellow Brow believed that human nature was evil, while Tang Sanzang believed that human nature was good, so the two made a bet that Tang Sanzang would travel the mortal world, While Yellow Brow would transform into a YaoGuai that could grant wealth and health to humans.
When wealth and health can be easily obtained, it will make humans greedy and eventually turn into a tragic ending. The YaoGuai was killed by humans and his body was also divided to obtain more wealth. In fact, the first person who rushed out was also bewitched by Yellow Brow's magic.. In order to prove that human nature is evil and to win the bet with Jin Chanzi, Yellow Brow used a very dishonorable method.


When they met again, Tang Sanzang thought that Yellow Brow's desire to win was too strong and he used the wrong means. It was very ridiculous and sad to prove the cause with the result.
Each chapter of this game has some stories, and each story explores the good and evil of living beings.
Chapter 2 talks about Buddha, YaoGuais, humans, and beasts. Lingji Bodhisattva believes that the fate and class of each living being are determined from birth, and no one can change it at will. The fox in the CG believes that people who are afraid of YaoGuais are more terrifying than the YaoGuais themselves. The subtext is that whether a living being is a human or a beast, a Buddha or a YaoGuai, Is determined by his heart. (After the CG, go back to find the fox and you can hear the last paragraph.)
Chapter 1 talks about greed. Money brings glory to the little monk, and then he begins to lose his original heart and eventually becomes a YaoGuai who abandons Buddhism.


I would clarify that Yellow Brow is Tang Sanzang's "Dharma Brother", rather than brother by blood which can be confused with english translation.
they may have shared the same Shifu (Mater/Teacher) in Buddist Practice.


@lan-hwang They are all in the Buddhist sect. Yellow Brow is a disciple of Maitreya Buddha, while Jinchanzi(Tang Sanzang) is a disciple of the Buddha. They are in the same school but have different mentors.


Wukong does not need GOTY.
GOTY needs Wukong.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Wukong needs no awards or fancy titles, Wukong just wanna live, laugh, fight for fun game.


Honestly, what IS the TGA GOTY Nomination roll going to look like? All Asian games? Cuz the only Western AAA games put out are... checks notes Star Wars Outlaws and Assassin's Creed Black Shadow? Helldivers 2 if we're counting multiplayer. Asian contenders we're looking are FFVII Rebirth, Elden Ring SOTE, Black Myth Wukong, Dragon's Dogma 2, Stellar Blade?Palworld if they want to really stir controversy.
An Asian game is taking TGA GOTY 2024.

说真的,今年的TGA年度最佳游戏提名名单会是怎样的?难道全是亚洲游戏吗?因为目前西方推出的3A大作……看看记录,也就《星球大战:亡命之徒(Star Wars Outlaws)》和《刺客信条:暗影》;如果我们考虑多人游戏,可能还有《绝地潜兵2》。在亚洲的竞争者中,我们期待的有《最终幻想7:重生》, 《艾尔登法环-黄金树之影》,《黑神话:悟空》,《龙之信条2》,《剑星》》。如果他们想要引起一些争议,可能会加入《帕拉世界》(Paraworld)。


The Chapter 3 end cutscene is actually like a Zen Kōan 禪宗公案 in animated form, they are morally and narratively ambiguous in nature, there are many layers and angles of how one could interpret it: Is this really about a debate of how humans are inherently good or evil? Is this about how Yellow Brow sealed his own fate by his propensity to manipulate karma, as demonstrated by this episode? Or is this about revealing something deeper about the lore and the events leading up to the unravelling before we launched the game? The interpretations are endless and unique to everyone who experiences it.

This game is not just fun to play, with nice art and most importantly make you think... I won't say this game will 100% get the GOTY but this is definitely a big milestone in the game industry.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Action game of the year for sure


After playing the game, the story it tells, 15M sold, culture exported, does the GOTY title actually matter?


For me the only downside is the bullshit rng you need getting some curios, gear pieces and plant seeds

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I would give it the GOTY for sure, but a Chinese game for an American reward, don't count on that to much.


Probably not GOTY, but Solid best action game of this year


Once I saw the stop motion animation..... I knew, that hasn't been done in a game imo I don't think. So that made me know.


It’s ff7 rebirth for me. It’s a different type of combat system but still one of the best ones ever made. Also amazing characters and insane story


Tf you mean not GOTY, what else is there in 2024? Metaphor is a huge candidate but i still say Wukong deserves it because of the story.


@caseyblankenship987 If ff7 rebirth is even a candidate i'll laugh at the goty awards show, i mean it's already a joke but come on.


space marine 2 next week well see wont we, its the only real competition i think


The downside is that its linear and not open world and so many invisible walls ruining immersion abit but its a classic and goty for sure


I love playing sim games, this game is extremely boring to me, but I wouldn't say it's not fun because I'm not the target audience
Also GOTY will never be a Chinese game for sure, especially with such high political tension between the US and China

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Big milestone how? It’s a fun action game with some solid and flashy boss fights
. It does absolutely nothing innovative though. Nothing that pushes the industry forwards. Does nothing that hasn’t been done before. It’s combat isn’t complex. It’s level design is amateurish, I’ve seen better level design in indie souls likes. It’s bosses are the best part and still it’s not like they’re groundbreaking.


@maxchen9185 Rebirth has 92% critic score. You’re delusional if think think Wukong will win with a 81% critic score when the lowest rated game in game awards history has a 88%. Hell, the lowest nominated game has a 83%, Wukong would literally be the lowest rated game ever in game awards history


Honestly if this isnt GOTY then I dont know what is. Everything else out there at the moment is either Woke rubbish or generic crap.


Just wish it had the movement of Elden ring in the sense of me being able to jump over a pile of snow. If the game could do that it would be literally perfect still goty tho


They won't give Wukong Game of the Year just on principle. You'll see. Because this game and its developers don't give a damn about "modern western values".
Who takes these awards seriously anyway.


The cutscene was deep! It captured the term "greed" so well.


As a Chinese player, I don’t give a fk on GOTY, but more on how players from other countries feel like the game. It means more for us to know that western players enjoy the game and you understand the story. It really makes me feel like we are all the same. I hate all that shit about politics and stickers making fun of our leader( Cus I think he is doing well on his job). There’s a lot of suffer from us Chinese tortured by Japanese army, to a peaceful society that people can able to making a 3A game which pleasure the world. I think western countries should aware that this is a country that it’s age younger than Trump, but we jumped really fast. There might be some historical mistakes between, but no one ignored or denied it, and we will make it better.


It's more adjacent to the debate of "nature vs. nurture" imo.
"Are human inherently bad, i.e. bad by nature, regardless of the outside conditions? Or is the problem being the absence of a decent environment (i.e. presence of temptation, as Yellowbrow has posed)?"
I recall some sociological studies I've read about correlation between zipcode of birth and well-to-do in adulthood. Are we just going to conclude that those born in such-and-such zipcodes were predetermined to be poor, that being poor is in their nature, or is there something more to it? Something overarching and structural that's beyond individual's reach?


Although Huang Mei's method of proving that humans are greedy is despicable, the fact that countless people became even more greedy because of the first person's behavior is also a powerful proof. The latter people could have arrested the first person according to the law, but their greed overcame morality.


? @warren567 no it's not a powerful proof. By that point everyone's already pushed to their limit. Didn't you see the subtle manipulation the turtle was doing? He deliberately made them dependent only to him. He even destroyed their source of living, the fishing boats. He made them desperate because he wants to win. He wants to be proven right. At first, the people were good to him but he didn't take it as proof of kindness. So he pushed and pushed until he got what he wanted. That's why the monk at the end said that what he did was "absurd and pathetic".


? @warren567 i'll give you examples:
1) i accused you of being violent. So to prove it, i antagonized you and punched you. Then you punched me back in retaliation/self defense. I shouted "see? I am right that you are violent".
2) i put bread in front of a beggar who's been starving for days now. I said "you beggars are shameless and are all glutton". The beggar not caring ate the food. I said "see? I am right".
Those scenarios i only cared about being proved right. That's what the turtle did.

我对一个饿了好几天的乞丐说:“你们这些乞丐真是不知羞耻,都是贪吃的人。”然后在他面前放了一块面包。乞丐因为饥饿不顾一切地吃了面包。我随即说:“看吧?我说的没错。” 在这些情况下,我关心的只是证明自己的观点是正确的。乌龟做的也是类似的事情。

@warren567 i dont think his method is despicable. Humans are like that by nature and he prooved it fair and square.
I mean, what would happen if i leave my account number nad ccv in this comment section... another proof. You can say i was being dumb or setting up others to steal, but at the end of the day if people arent greedy i wouldnt have anything to worry about.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

很赞 36