2024-09-12 jgscllp 7613

India possesses one of Asia's most formidable air forces.



I being in defense and geopolitics . I would suggest u to do some more research boz equipment's only doesn't win the WAR . can anyone explain what has USA Military and NATO achieved after WW2 except regime changes. ???


In Asia 100%, in the world it should be in the top 5.


No Chinese and Russian airforce are far ahead then India


"Not the strongest but definitely one of the strongest and biggest in Asia.


Yes, if it’s for the video click rate, he is the best. The reality is that he can’t even beat Pakistan.


You forgot 120 Jaguars

你忘了那 120 架美洲虎战机。

Jaguars is mainly used in role of ground attack aircraft..they are equipped for low level penatration strikes inside enemy territories (bombings and ground forces support missions etc.) but still it is supposed to be included in the list here..


@percentbigfoot @OsinakiKun
​they are ground attack planes and have freaking won us crucial positions during a war. Your opinion about them based on games isn't something I am going to take seriously


@OsinakiKun @percentbigfoot
no need to take it seriously... Its not that deep... Also Jaguar is a British fight jet Jaguar GR.1 which is is nit good either... And if you look at the paper. Thrust, turn time, payload weight etc are all very low compared to what we have...


Its overall a bad aircraft. Sure it will win us wars against nobodies like Pakistan but after they upgraded its no good.


@percentbigfoot @OsinakiKun
Bro a war with even a nobody is very critical. We aren't planning to invade Europe are we? The plane has a role, if it does it well enough then that's great.


Sure there are better ground attack planes such as A-10's and Su-25's but not all will be able to operate in high altitude and perform with same precision as well.


They were brought for a purpose and they did it when it was needed.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Concerned_one @OsinakiKun
jaguar is pretty much outdated now irl.


You Forgot Tejas MK2 You Forgot 120 Jaguars You forgot TEDBF You Forgot ORCA


TEDBF ORCA are gone , AMCA is in focus navy might get marine AMCA , or 57 lots of Rafale M

TEDBF和ORCA已经消失了,第五代隐形战机AMCA 已成为焦点,海军可能会获得海军版的AMCA,或者 57 架阵风战机。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

IAF fleet is aging. They have potential but they aren’t strongest at present. Though they have some of the best pilots in the world.


Best pilots like how tea was fantastic? Bollywood vs reality


@senthil1987kumar @Rav01508
Hope you know India's mig 21 shot f16 in the recent past years....

希望你能够了解到印度的米格 21 在过去几年里曾经击落过 F16。

​How many countries in Asia makes their own aircraft 100% without relying on any foreign components? Russia does coz they inherited the erst while USSR tech a Superpower.


Major part of Chinese air forces are Sukhoi 27, 30, 33, 35 and their derivates or copy and they are still reliant on Russian jet engines in many of their own designed aircrafts although they claimed to have developed their own jet engines a year or two ago but its reliability is still a question

中国空军的主力机型是苏霍伊的苏27、苏30、苏33、苏35 及其衍生型号或仿制品,尽管在一两年前,他们声称已经开发出了自己的喷气式发动机,但其可靠性仍然存疑,他们在许多自行设计的飞机上仍然依赖俄罗斯的喷气式发动机。

as they still rely on Russian jet engines for most of their fighters. Even your J 17 engines are Russian.

因为他们在大多数战斗机上仍然依赖俄罗斯的喷气式发动机。就连你们的J17 发动机也是俄罗斯的。

The equipment is only as valuable as the user. The user's skills and training are what can turn the tide of war


@r185ya @Rav01508
​tea was actually really fantastic, we will visit soon again so this time prepare toast in advance as it will cost half gdp of pakistan


@MindEditz. @ashhash8973
​killed a crow and some trees


@MindEditz. @shankaralfassa
​India is in national debt of 3.32 trillion so they will go broke if someone ask back

印度的国债高达 3.32 万亿美元。所以如果有人要求还钱的话,他们会破产的。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@ashhash8973 @MindEditz.
If that's the case then why didn't ur govt allow press to enter the place for a week?


LCA Tejas will replace all the ageing fighters and AMCA will replace Mig 29s when they retire by 2037

光辉战机将全面取代那些老旧过时的机型,同时AMCA战机将逐步替换掉米格 29 战机,后者计划于 2037 年正式退役。

IAF's biggest weakness is their Old Equipments because of which they are kess technologically advanced.


The aircrafts body remains the same technology keeps getting replaced by the new one


Indian fighters although some are ancient can beat up any modern fighters as demonstrated in shooting down pakustan F16 by aging indian MIG21.

印度的战斗机虽然有些老旧,但照样可以击败任何现代化的战斗机,就拿印度米格 21 战斗机击落巴基斯坦 F16 战斗机来说,就足以证明一切。

If ancient indian fighters can do that, can you what can tejas and AMCA do to enemy fighters.


You didn’t mention Tejas MK2


Still in design. Long way to go before mk2 rolls out. Mark 1 A isnt even complete yet


@shadowjackson6135 @MuhamedAlthaf-tm1xl
it’s done just waiting for f404

已经完成了,只是在等 F404 发动机。

Exactly. It isnt complete. Only 1 flying prototype


@Dhirend12522421 @MuhamedAlthaf-tm1xl
​nah couple of them might be ready but obviously u don't deliver 2 at a timr


Aging Mirage, Mig29, Jaguars.Su30 is getting upgrades with AESA radar, good missiles and engines.Tejas is getting iterarive development so no issues.

老旧的幻影、米格 29、美洲虎,苏-30 正在进行升级,包括有源相控阵雷达、先进的导弹以及发动机。光辉战机正在进行迭代开发,所以不存在问题。

Rafale is only 36 while Indonesia has ordered 42.So its not the best in Asia but has some power to deter enemies due to quantity and Good missile defence systems which is also in good numbers.


Our IAF pilot in 2019 brought down a Pakistani F-16 with his Mig21-Bison

2019 年,我们印度空军的飞行员驾驶米格 21“野牛”战斗机,击落了一架巴基斯坦的 F-16。

Newer jets are more capable and also now a days squadrons number is also decreased , a squadron can have 14 jets also rather than 18 so , 35 squadrons needed

新型的喷气式飞机性能更为卓越,而且现在每个中队所配备的飞机数量也有所减少。过去一个中队通常有 18 架飞机,而现在只有14 架。所以需要 35 个中队。

We should concentrate more on AI controlled drones it's better to have 10 drones that totally cost as much as one fighter jet ..

我们应该给予由人工智能掌控的无人机更多的关注,最好有 10 架无人机,其总成本与一架战斗机相差无几。

It's not. Any active combat drone anywhere in the world can't do some jobs a regular fighter jet can

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

they would cost almost same and dromes are usfel in uncontested airspace we don't have such roles.


They have few Raphael for meeting emergency. Their backbone is Sukhoi 30 Mki, but it’s aging and getting outdated soon. They need some strong fighters to counter f35.

他们有几架阵风来应付紧急情况。他们的主力战机是苏30 Mki,但这款机型正在老化,用不了多久就会过时。他们需要一批强大的战斗机来抗衡F-35。

Sadly, HAL Tejas has no foreign buyer!


HAL Tejas mk2 has a chance.

光辉mk2 或许有机会。

@marimuthu14 @Pain-zd5uo
​Bottleneck is availability of GE F414 engine.. foreign customers will not put trust in placing orders if crucial components like the jet engine is imported from a 3rd country. Any supply disruption will be out of India's control.

光辉战机的瓶颈在于GE F414 发动机的供应问题。如果喷气发动机等关键部件只能从第三方国家进口,那么外国客户会因为缺乏信任而难以下单,毕竟任何供应中断都不是印度所能掌控的。

An obsolete and lightweight design which was designed for 23 years ago.....not to mention the over cost involved. Well, you should know why!

光辉战机是23 年前设计的一种比较陈旧、轻量化的设计,更别提这里面还涉及到高昂的成本,你也应该清楚其中的缘由吧!

Worst yet, no major parts, weaponry or systems of the jet are India made except the the body shell. So do anyone want it, not even the Indian Air Force tho.


AMCA is coming

AMCA 要来了。

This is 21st century were is the 5g fighter jets

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Don't forget old age mig 21 down f16 of Pakistan. So don't underestimate capability of Indian Air force JAWANS.


No one would believe that lol

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

westerners can never comprehend bharat.


India will induct 5th generation STEALTH FIGHTER (AMCA) IN 2898AD

印度预计于公元 2898 年引进第五代隐形战斗机(AMCA)。

IAF need to focus on advanced drones and advance missile system, need more aircraft careers, we need to have lot of varieties like russia and america


indian made jets are a joke


Pakistan airforce will be getting their hands on 5th gen fighters much before India and that's concerning. To all those who oppose agniveer scheme this is their answer.


True.india should get f35 immediately

说实在的,印度应该马上获得 F35战机。

@AdityaAryan-ox4vk @Rohit-dl7xr
​sadly that's not the option


At least we are building our own they are taking from China


Hey We are also powerful!


They can barely project power beyond the airbase they are stationed at!


Bruh they dont have a single Tejas Mk1-A in service Yet!

老兄,他们还没有一架光辉 Mk1a服役呢。

According to a Pakistani By the way for your information, all tejas mk1 are already inducted and now it's time of mk1a.

据某位巴基斯坦人士透露,顺便告诉你一声,所有的光辉Mk1都已经投入使用,现在是Mk1a 的时代了。

We should buy 5th generation jest from US if possible.


Any video with Western voice praising India bound to get racist comments; only solution is head down and work hard


I smell some jealousy here . Whatever sh!t you have mentioned is past. With the present GDP growth rate, the rise of India is inevitable now.


Where is this smoke coming from what is burning bro ? Is that your arse ?


Thts old data my frnd india has developed so fast u can't even imagine plz bro check some factsnindia lifted millions out of poverty indian poor hv bank account health insurance govt benefits etc


We should have the technology of what we produce, even if we have to compromise a little .


This is the most biased analysis and ridiculously optimistic India will be a generation behind PAF very soon


India can't match air superiority even with Pakistan. Too many variants from different countries and no good for effective maintenance and operational efficiency.


MBDA meteor:- IAF has one of the best air to air missiles in the world currently.


@makahmed7130 @rupeshjha0
​best missiles in world only works in training & Nepal


Hahahaha Zero Knowledge on air power but still have to comment for the sake of it !!


We need to compare Tejas vs J-20


@user-mt1xj1zd8u @ThSa5312
you comparing china's best fighter jet with our lightest, that makes me proud .I love my India.


India is still 10 years behind our arch rival Pakistan and let's not compare ourselves with China and Korea they are already 20 years ahead of us.

印度仍然比我们的主要竞争对手巴基斯坦落后十年,更不要与中国和韩国相提并论,他们已经领先我们 20 年了。

In what sense mate ??? Just a simple google search can tell which country has more and latest tech and weaponary.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

r u crazy ,only JF 17 is good,even M16 is a old American jet.
It's just slightly better than Mig 29 plus their numbers r very low.
We have huge numbers ,only threat is j f17 .

你疯了吧,只有枭龙战机才是最好的,就连f16战机也只不过是一架老旧的美式飞机而已,它无非就是比米格 29略微强那么一点点,加上米格 29 的数量非常少,我们的数量非常多,真正能构成威胁的也就只有枭龙战机了。

Are u kidding? Where is China then?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Their strength lies in their radars, which is quite comprehensive. They've really made progress with in-house radar tech.


And missile and air defence systems, like Russians.


很赞 10