2024-09-13 jiangye111 4149
Survey showing UK’s loss of pride in its past is encouraging, says historian
-Public choosing ‘Shakespeare over invasion’ and becoming more discerning about Britain’s history, says Alan Lester


(A production of Shakespeare’s Henry V at the Globe theatre.)


A striking fall in pride in Britain’s history, but widespread support for the arts, shows the public are choosing “Shakespeare over invasion, exploitation and occupation”, a leading historian has said.


The findings from the British Social Attitudes survey, published this week, show that while levels of pride in Britain’s achievements in sport and the arts remained high over the past decade, there was a 22-point fall in the proportion of people saying they were proud of Britain’s history.


Prof Alan Lester, the editor of a new book on empire featuring guest essays from the eminent historian Liam J Liburd and the journalist Sathnam Sanghera, described the results as an “encouraging sign” that the public were becoming more discerning about Britain’s past.


“It shows an awareness that history is complicated, that Britons have done both admirable things and deplorable things in the past, and we need to break down history into the kinds of things that we see as sources of pride and those which we need to move beyond.”


He credits this shift in public consciousness to the Black Lives Matter movement and Britain’s changing demographics.


The demonstrations that erupted in the US in 2020 after a white police officer killed George Floyd were a catalyst for the largest wave of anti-racism protests in British history, taking place in more than 260 towns and cities that summer.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Statues of slave traders, such as Edward Colston’s in Bristol, were toppled, streets renamed, and venerable British institutions such as the Bank of England were forced to reckon with their ties to the slave trade.


“Black Lives Matter helped to crystallise the issue of slavery, antislavery, and ongoing racism in British society,” said Lester.


“There is still pride, virtually unchanged since the last survey, in artistic and cultural achievement, and in sporting achievements. And what that suggests to me is discernment about how we look back on our past; that we’re choosing Shakespeare over invasion, exploitation and occupation.”


Lester, the editor of the new book The Truth About Empire: Real Histories of British Colonialism, believes some of this trend is also down to the UK becoming more ethnically diverse since the last survey. Those who are descendants of people who were enslaved or colonised by Britain may have a different relationship to its past than many other British people.


Others have suggested that the decline in the number of people alive today who lived through or fought in the second world war may have also contributed to the drop in pride in Britain’s past.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

But Lester believes this would have had a minimal impact, as the survey show a decline across age demographics and a broader shift in public consciousness, “thanks, in no small part, to the activism of Black Lives Matter and others who keep drawing our attention to the complexities of the past”.


The Black Lives Matter movement was met by a ferocious response from the right, who attacked protesters and historians alike for interrogating Britain’s imperial past. Lester said: “Sathnam Sanghera wrote the foreword for The Truth About Empire, in which he talks about how unacceptable it is that we’ve reached this stage of fervent denialism about the past, and such a fervour about Britishness and patriotism, that historians just doing their job are being called woke and attacked.”


The historian David Olusoga had to employ a bodyguard at some speaking events; Prof Corinne Fowler, who co-authored a report for the National Trust in 2019, was often forced to call police for protection, and Sanghera stopped doing public events with adults due to the severity of the abuse he received on a regular basis.


The survey also showed a decline in the proportion of people who believed that Britain was better than most other countries, or that people should support their country even if it was in the wrong.


People were also less likely to express pride in Britain’s democracy, its economic achievements and its political influence in the world.


While the report authors note these survey results have happened despite Brexit and the toxic debates around immigration, Lester suggested they might be a reaction to it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

“Pride in the British political system and pride in the British economy have both taken a big hit. I suspect that’s because of disillusionment directly as a result of Brexit,” he said.


“People have simply had enough of what Brexit has done to Britishness, to the identity of Britishness and to the reputation of Britain overseas, and they’ve had enough of the hatred and the bile being directed towards people seeking asylum.”


I wouldn't mind if this were actually what was happening.
The trouble is, it's not. The tubthumping "aren't we the greatest" attitude hasn't been displaced by a more complex look at our history, it's been replaced by a discourse that is just as simplistic and one-sided - it's just negative rather than positive.
I've had multiple conversations on this subreddit with people who genuinely believe that Britain invented the slave trade. That the British Empire was some unique evil in history, with no other nation even considering actions as barbaric as ours. And who refuse to acknowledge any of the positive things that we may also have done (such as the West Africa Squadron, or defeating the Nazis). You get the impression that these people genuinely believe that everyone was peaceful and friendly until the British turned up and started murdering people.
And I would argue that such a negative perspective isn't just incredibly historically inaccurate, it's just led to an incredible amount of self-loathing. And that's simply not healthy.


Without pride in the history, accomplishments, values and historical institutions of your nation then what kind of unity is there? Why should people in a welfare state agree to pay to help others in that state? Without that sense of shared identity who cares about those people? An if attacked by a hostile state, why should you care? Why defend a state you have no pride in and people you don't feel any sense of shared identity with?
Small wonder the Russians and Chinese are pushing very hard on this throughout their social media efforts at destabilizing the West.


Ancient history is, well ancient history. I’m not going to feel bad for the deeds my (?) ancestors committed. Get fucked.


Danqazmlp0United Kingdom
Nobody has said you should.


It's not about feeling bad. It's about recognising our history and how we should learn from it.
There are many who say we should go back to our old values, they use our past as a model for all that is good. That's where it becomes dangerous.


The right-wing nationalism that exploded during Brexit was frightening to see and it's still echoing around the country today.
It's not "remember we did this so you're made to feel bad", it's "remember we did this so we don't fucking do it again".


It's not about feeling bad about it it's about understanding how it happened, why it happened, and, where applicable, the way it's legacy continues to shape things today.
More importantly it's about not repeating the mistakes.
The UK right now is assisting in two GENOCIDEs by its allies (Israel and Saudi Arabia). This is not the UK being scumbags in the past, this is the UK being scumbags now.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

History is complex, millions of people living, trading, fighting, stealing things and people for hundreds of years. Really can't be distilled into a few sentences of right and wrong, good and evil.


Danqazmlp0United Kingdom
Yup. Historians can write books hundreds of pages long on one tiny part of history, yet the general public and media seem to think it can be done in a few hundred words.
In reality, history is so complex and with so many viewpoints, that one historian's view can be completely different from the next.


One problem with history is people's inability to look at it from different viewpoints. Why we believe something is right or wrong was shaped in the past so to judge people of a different era based on our own modern morality is wrong because normalcy was different then. For example people mainly think slavery is bad because the British decided it was bad and enforced a ban, before that slavery was just normalcy. People are also massive hypocrites, they'll complain about a long gone empire having slavery but the same people happily support modern day slavery and forced labour. Most big sporting events are really just adverts for companies that use modern day slavery, at least in history people were more honest about their arseholery.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If you look at the survey comparing 2003 to 2013, everything goes up, aside from economic achievements. Economic achievements likely being heavily influenced by the global recession still being in the memory of people. 2013 is one year after the London Olympics which had a fairly big impact on a number of people. While you might think that just equates to sport, I'd argue it goes beyond that based on the nostalgia many people have for the opening ceremony.
However, from 2013 to 2023, history goes down alongside a number of other things, including democracy and political influence. So, while I don't doubt some of the arguments around BLM and the ethnic makeup of the country, is some of it not just down to people generally being quite sour about the state of the UK in 2023 and the fact history can often get associated with things like government? You'll tend to find most people don't actually think about these things regarding empire and the British history.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I'm 32, not proud to be British. I do appreciate that in many ways Britain is a great place to live and is much more progressive than many parts of the world buuuuuuut there are serious problems in this country NOW, forget the past. Sure we should learn from our past and recognise how some things good or bad affect l lives today but surely a country should be judged by it's residents and outsiders on how it is here and now


The thing is if the British should look back at its history with shame, then so should everybody else? It only seems to be Europeans being told they have nothing to be proud of and their history is defined be conquest and colonialism (and in some cases that we literally need to apologise and pay reparations...).
But then who can be proud of their history? All the pre-Spanish, South American civilizations practiced slavery, violent conquestz sometimes ritual human sacrifices; every single major African power practiced slavery and violent conquest; the Arab empires did violent conquest and slavery; Ottomans, the South Asian empires...
Wherever you look it's the same story: conquest and slavery. The Europeans were no different. The scale was larger but does anyone seriously believe that if the African or South American civilisations had developed advanced military technology first, that they wouldn't themselves have conquered distant lands? They had conquered nearby lands so the only difference is the mileage.


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