2024-09-14 侧对飞雪 4958


Imagine that across the length and breadth of America, working-class wages grew much faster than the incomes of millionaires. Rustbelt states started catching up with their more prosperous coastal counterparts. But these developments came with a caveat: greater income inequality in Beverly Hills. The pay cheque gap between Leonardo DiCaprio and his supporting cast increased. Superhero sequels crushed indie movies at the box office.


Taken as a whole, these developments would be cause for joyous celebration. Few would shed a tear for the Golden Globe nominees falling further behind their Oscar-winning colleagues.


Something analogous to this happy fiction has been happening at a worldwide level over roughly the past half century. While the public discourse focuses overwhelmingly on rising domestic inequality in western countries, global inequality has fallen sharply, primarily due to the rise of two Asian giants, China and India. In 1980, the two countries accounted for almost 40 per cent of the world population but only 5 per cent of world income. Today they still make up roughly the same share of global population, but account for a much larger 25 per cent of global income. The global income distribution remains unequal, but not nearly as unequal as it used to be.


Since they started liberalising their economies in the late 20th century, both China and India have been utterly transformed from the plodding and insular economies they used to be. In neither country was liberalisation a once-and-for-all event; reforms gathered speed at times and subsided or even went into reverse at others. Nonetheless, the overall trajectory has been unmistakable.


Both countries registered a step-increase in GDP growth post liberalisation compared with previous decades. More important, the new economic dynamism lifted all boats. Although both countries saw an increase in inequality after liberalising, there was nonetheless rapid income growth even at the bottom of the income distribution. The steep fall in the number of people living in absolute poverty in China and India must count as one of the most dramatic improvements in human welfare in the history of the world. Together, the two countries were responsible for lifting an astonishing 1.1bn people above the international poverty line over the past four decades.


Over the same period, income inequality rose sharply in the west, so much so that it now dominates the political discourse and is one of the chief culprits behind a resurgent populism on both sides of the Atlantic. In most OECD countries the labour share of income has declined substantially in recent decades, with the gains from economic growth accruing disproportionately to the owners of capital and the highly educated. A vivid illustration is provided by the US, where GDP per capita has more than doubled since the mid-1980s, but median household income has risen by only about 30 per cent.


These numbers are disturbing and politically consequential. They have fuelled populist attacks on what might be called the liberal economic order: a system of free(ish) trade and cross-border investment, substantial immigration from poor to rich countries, and a rules-based international order adjudicated by institutions such as the World Trade Organization.


But they need to be put in perspective. The US and western Europe collectively comprise about 11 per cent of the global population. Their deteriorating domestic income distributions must be set against the gains made by much vaster numbers of much poorer people. The economist Branko Milanovic has pointed out that the Theil index — a standard measure of global income inequality — has shown considerable improvement since the 1980s, with widening within-country inequality more than outweighed by narrowing between-country inequality.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

How should a universalist — somebody who holds that human life has equal worth irrespective of location — regard the overall trajectory of the past half century?


The philosopher John Rawls suggested that questions about the just ordering of society should be considered from behind a “veil of ignorance”. If you knew nothing about your own attributes — whether you were rich or poor, male or female, Chinese or American — which society would you choose to inhabit: today’s world, or the world of 50 years ago? Given that your chances of being Chinese or Indian are roughly two-fifths, while your chances of being a westerner are about one-tenth, you would almost certainly choose the present. Trouble in Beverly Hills should not obscure the much wider progress of those who live on less elevated ground.


The Western working class was dumped - without its consent - into a global working class in which workers in Indiana and Tyneside were forced to compete for jobs with workers in China, India and elsewhere.


This was great for owners. They played-off workers in different countries in order to maximise their own incomes.


Nor could governments force owners to share their spoils. Globalisation also made it very easy to shift profits and taxable incomes into jurisdictions where normal governments couldn't touch them.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The globalists who created this situation now curse the names of "populist" politicians who for some reason don't think the above situation is all that great.


Given the enthusiasm with which Thatcher and Reagan were elected and re-elected, and the indifference modern citizens have towards the alternative to their cheap clothes and holidays, I'm not sure you can say it was entirely without consent. Self defeating to be sure, but not exactly forced on them


I'd say that in the UK context, the biggest lurches into hyper-globalisation were conducted by Tony Blair, who oversaw the massive expansion of the EU into poor Eastern Europe without imposing even transitional controls on migration, and by George W Bush, who engineered China's entry into the WTO (1).


That's not to exempt Reagan and Thatcher, but operating as they were in a Cold War context, their opportunities for hyper-globalisation were perforce more limited.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

In that case inequality in the UK must have reduced massively since leaving the enlarged EU? Why all the far right rioting then??


Because the drug Blair used to calm the people called BENEFITS ran out. People simply have to accept that they are poorer now, riot for benefits, or learn in demand skills.


Isn't this a lot fairer. The western working class can no longer rely on luck of birth to be in the top 5% globally. Its only fair that an Chinese entrepreneur now has equal or better quality of life than a UK school drop out.


Isn't the evidence suggestive that the vast majority of blue collar jobs were lost to automation rather than offshoring roles? Maybe somebody can point us to the data??


@Mr Hat
Well said. To complain about hundreds of millions being lifted out of poverty because the average American can't buy an even bigger SUV is grotesque.


Well said. It’s up to the individual to even know they want a bigger SUV than they need.


@Ian Slater
If living standards were broadly equal across the world, large scale migration would be much less of an issue for developed countries.


We are clearly scrapping the bottom of the BS-spin barrel to justify the massive inequalities in western society, and sadly, the unwillingness (disguised as impossibility) to tackle it. So, it will be a revolution then. Oh, well.


Spent some time in India recently. Even at 40 degrees the heat in cities was unbearable, and I stayed in air conditioned rooms so had some relief. It’s been over 50 in Delhi this summer. That is just too hot.


And how much poverty reduction is a result of urbanisation leading to slightly higher incomes? Because I think I’d rather be poor in a rural village than a Mumbai slum, even if my income was lower. The atrocious conditions in cities are a form of extreme poverty in themselves. The traffic noise alone is almost unendurable.


The cities are already way past bursting point and with rising heat are becoming unlivable hellscapes. I’m not sure this is progress really.


One thing that often strikes me, particularly from my India travels, is how joyful people are. Whether it’s the guy who picks me up from the airport or the chap who brews the tea by the roadside. Puts paid to per capita based comparisons. Cannot quite put my finger on what drives this philosophy, but does make you feel alive.


@Le Gun
India is a country on the move. The UK mos def doesn't feel like that to me. I love it.


Ah yes the "noble savage", Rousseau's romantic conception of man enjoying a natural and noble existence until civilization makes him a slave to unnatural wants and corrupts him.I too traveled to India and I'm pretty sure those millions of people sleeping on the street would choose a home, a modern and comfortable life, and writing snarky remarks in the comments section of the FT - if they had that option. Saying "but they're so happy" is just for you to feel better about the condition of the world's poorest - but maybe we all need our delusions.


I travel through India regularly. Generally speaking, the people are courteous, smiling, and eager to help. Doesn’t matter if you’re at a 5 star hotel or a roadside eatery. At least that’s my experience….


When were you last there? Haven’t seen a cheery taxi driver in ages!


Ah, then it’s much like Budapest in the recent years. Bad gov’t wears on everyone.


What drives it is values. Life values. An understanding more precious than gold. But it it’s culturally derived.


India itself has a lot of poverty, yet its billionaires are busy spending on lavish weddings with western celebrities

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Claudius Donnelly
Indeed. If anything were to make me favour a maximum income it would be the revolting travesty that was that wedding...


Incredibly insensitive is it not? And yet, it is just this insensitivity that leads to this understanding that if I do not follow my instincts to be the most rich, the only thing that happens is that someone else will do it. So why not me? Samsara and the wheel of it all. It keeps turning and going.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Lies, big lies and statistics. The quality of life at the bottom got a lot worse, even though they have an income that -statistically- counts, instead of barter trading in rural communities. Or wouldn’t you trade a quiet life, yet poor, in the country over struggling to get by in the slums?


great point- been thinking about this.


This is somewhat of a meaningless and misleading feel good statistic. While global inequality may be decreasing marginally, since the 1980s many developed and developing countries have experienced increases in within-country inequality . There has been a recent acceleration of inequality. This fact will continue to cause social instability within countries.


@Martin Wolf
It has not decreased marginally. It has decreased dramatically and so the proportion of the human population in extreme poverty has collapsed from about 50 per cent in 1960 to below 10 per cent now. This is NOT “meaningless and misleading”. It is the most remarkable transformation in human economic history.


According to the UN studies, since 1990, income inequality has increased in most developed countries and in some middle-income countries, including China and India. While global decreases in income inequality are to be welcomed, the global figures mean little to individuals in specific countries suffering the consequences of their country specific income inequality.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

That is all meaningless to the residents of Gary, Indiana. Martin you live in a bubble of theory and never touch the ordinary citizen


@Development Economics44
Martin Wolf will be well aware that all measures of poverty and sources of poverty data need to be approached with a degree of caution, particularly data from fragile and conflict-affected countries, if it is even available.

@Martin Wolf将清楚地认识到,所有贫困衡量标准和贫困数据来源都需要谨慎对待,特别是来自脆弱国家和受冲突影响国家的数据(如果有的话)。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

As measures of poverty and inequality are based on survey data, they are only really sample statistics and need to take into account the type of sampling and weighting given to the data. What also needs to be remembered is that measuring poverty at the household level neglects the individual poverty of its members. For example, unequal resource allocation within a household can mean that women’s levels of poverty differ from the household average. The same applies to children, and people with disabilities.


There is also ample evidence to suggests that urban poverty in low-income countries has been misunderstood and under-estimated as a result of models and measurement methods based on rural poverty. Indeed, poverty lines used by the World Bank have often not been fit for purpose as they define a lot of people living in urban areas as not poor despite their malnourishment, premature deaths, poor housing, lack adequate water and sanitation.


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