2024-09-15 辽阔天空 3942

If education in Germany is free and good, then why doesn't everybody go there to study?


Lucas Karl Hahn
If education in Germany is free and good, then why doesn't everybody go there to study ?
I assume you are an American (because university there is very, very expensive yet many graduates work low-paying jobs).
Few Americans would feel comfortable flying alone 4,000 miles across the Atlantic into another country where they don't speak the language, even if the language of instruction is in English as it is in some programs. Many programs will require some German language proficiency, and few students have had 4 years of German in high school (which is rare now, as some schools are scrapping German classes). Even if one was fortunate to get into a program where the instruction was exclusively in English, life would be awkward having to ask every shopkeeper or bus driver they come across "Do you speak English?"


I doubt the parents of many 18-year-olds in the US would be ok with this, even when the student showed them the potential cost savings on tuition. Many are sad enough when their son or daughter goes to university a 3-hour drive upstate or a few states away, let alone 4,000 miles away across the Atlantic.
Most people tend to prefer to live in the country if not state and town where they were born. Moving to a new country is a huge undertaking, even knowing that Germany is closer to America culturally than Sri Lanka or Egypt or Korea. A lot of things are different; everything from shopping to dining to working. It isn't for the faint of heart.


How many extremely courageous, German-speaking students with parents willing to let them go study in Germany for three or for years graduate from American high schools every year? My guess is not very many.
To summarize
Language Barrier
Different Culture and Lifestyle

Ho你 1wever, I strongly recommend studying or visiting or working in Germany to those who are interested.

Johan Masreliez
If German universities are like Swedish they will only give admission to students who pass stringent tests. If they don’t pass they cannot go to any state financed university. This may seem harsh but since the education is free it makes sense.


Mihai D
Every form of education comes at a cost, even if it is free of charge as far as government is concerned. Choosing wisely the profession you are going to supposedly spend the next about 40 years being immersed in, is quite challenging when you are a teenager. In Germany or in the USA, studying for something you are not cut for, is the same. I have met soooooo many idiots with academic qualifications that I have lost some degree of faith with regard to how a university degree can help an individual fulfill her/his potential. I am 55, I have a degree in mechanical engineering and an MBA, both of which I worked my ass off for. 30 years after I graduated and I still use under 5–10 % of the knowledge I gained throughout my academic studies. Many people will disagree with me, but it is not what the school gives you, but what you make of it after the school has given it to you. I happen to have to deal with inventions; I hold a few patents and because of that I have had the “opportunity” to meet mostly people/professionals who would rather apply academic dogmas when faced with challenging professional situations rather than use their own judgement.


School is dogmatic by definition, every school, be it German or American. I have found that , most often than not, school gets in the way of free (technical) thinking. I do not blame the system; I just want to point out that school teaches people how to become average. The best ‘’A’’ student is the best average future professional. Who wants more than that, they need to really love what it is that they are studying and study a lot outside the curricula. For that, you do not necessarily need to go to a German or American university. You just need to make sure you like what you are doing and 80% of your REAL work will be outside of your university curricula. Regardless of which university you go to, find your passion first and then you will do great. Do not find your passion and no amount of Ivy League Master’s Degrees /PhD will ever save you from 40 years of gradually getting to hate your professional life.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It is YOU who makes the difference to yourself, not THEM. School is nothing more than a mental gym; you go there to train your mind in a way the “trainers” tell you to. You will have to do that outside of school too. I work in mechatronics and in my line of work physics are of utmost importance. I happen to have watched on Youtube some 20–30 hours of physics classes at MIT , which is THE PLACE for whoever dreams of becoming an engineer (and not only), taught by a renowed professor. He was doing a great job trying to make students get a sense of experimental physics; yet, I was not impressed, because the act of teaching is so much intertwined with the teacher’s own personality, so that you cannot like the matter at hand and not like the teacher, or the other way round.


Somehow, the “message” gets hand in hand with the “messanger” . In school, the filter between a student and his future knowledge about a subject is the teacher. If the teacher is great, you will like what he teaches, regardless of wheter you are good at it or not. If the teacher is not right, you will not like the subject he teaches, even if you would likely be cut for it. IT IS AS SUBJECTIVE AS THIS ! Basically, most of your future decisions lie in the personality of 50–100 or whatever number of school’s staff you have to deal with during your school !


If I were 20 again and I would have to choose where to go, I wouldn’t go anywhere to study unless I’ve found what it is that I would love to do for the next 30–40 years. It is this passion that will help you go through bad times, bad teachers, or any other crap during your studies, or later in life, through bad bosses or bad co-workers . I would work first in as many companies as possible until I have found out what I could be very good at. Only then would I go to the university, not before. If that would take 5 years to find out, so be it ! But not before.


School can be an excellent upward pushing force in life if the right person learns the right stuff, or it can be a massive waste of time if the person learns what is not cut for. It’s not the school, it’s not the knowledge, it is the person that acts upon either of them. That means the student and the teacher. Everything else, Germany or USA or UK or India, is just context. Yes It matters, but No, it is not the heart of the matter. The only two exceptions that I know of are the extremes, which is either Ivy leaque schools (where the right person who learns the stuff he/his is cut for, will really thrive) or really -really bad schools. The rest of them are just various shades of grey that you can work on/with.


Andreas Schmidt Mumm
You did not really study in Germany, did you? You would have found it quite different to the US. A lot less schooling and a lot more responsibility to the student. One of my professors ( Physical Chemistry) said “I don’t expect you to remember all of this, I want you to know what else there is.”


Marco Ash
Free education, but limited only to those that qualify so as not to cost very much. Same principle can be applied to other free government programs such as health care, housing, transportation, and utilities.


Izwan Ishak
Healthcare are given to everybody, I dont know what you are talking about. So is transportation and btw public transport in Sweden is far more reliable than America. Limited places for universities is good actually. America or the world actually have an oversupply of graduate. That is why you see so many graduates unemployed for months if not years. Many employers would went on to say that graduates are not good worker. Certainly not better worker or smarter than graduates. To me it make sense to only recruit students who are smart, hardworking, discipline, etc. That is what deffirentiate you from other students. If everybody can go to university, even lazy people can go to university. It just destroys the whole purpose of hiring graduates.


Peter Evans
A pity they don’t do this in the U.K. A lot of mediocre students would be spared a pointless exercise.


Rolf Meyer
This descxtion is absolutely right. Just recently I talked to a German-botn and educated MIT Professor. He claimed that more than half of his US students would not make it through a German university. He claimed that they mainly would fail because of the „swim or sink“ mentality of the German system. In his opinion most of them were completely disorganized.
A young woman with dual citizenship, the parents are German but live in the US, told me that she almost gave up during the first 3 semesters. Although the classes were mostly taught in English she felt like she was on another planet because the curriculum started with things she had never heard in highschool. She was lucky to find a tutor who helped her to catch up. And her grandmother helped her to get organized.


A US student in Hamburg told me that his parents came over almost every month during the first year to check on him. When he went out with them to the „Dom Festival“ and ordered a beer his mother almost collapsed as he was just 19. He joined a group of foreign students that hired tutors during the first 2 years to coach them in almost every subject. When he got his Bachelor degree he wanted to go back to Penn State. But then he noticed that the work for his Master there was already part of his Bachelor thesis. So he is finishing his Master in Hamburg now and plans to get a PhD too there.


Studying in Germany is not easy. But for students fron the US who want to succeed and are willing to overcome some serious roadblocks it is worth it.
The student now working towards his Master told me that his parents started saving half the saved tuition after they stopped travelling to check on him and will give him a substantial check when he starts his first job.
Great deal!


Ed Troup
“ ordered a beer his mother almost collapsed as he was just 19. “
Yeah, who ever heard of a 19 year old American student at an American university having a beer…..?


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Markus Montkowski
Well in germany a 16 year old can legaly buy a beer, wine or champagne or mixed drinks base on these 3. And he can drink that in public too. At home you can drink these under parantal supervision legaly if you are 14. (You need to be 18 to get stuff which is sprit based.)

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ay Jr
I totally agree with you I'm not a German but married to one, I did some schooling there it's totally different from what you see in UK or USA. That's the reason you see one person having masters in 3 or 4 different studies.
German trained engineers and handy people are much better than most English speaking countries. My opinion


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