2024-09-17 龟兔赛跑 4192
Why did USA allow slavery?


Stephen Saintonge
Why did America accept slavery?
Because the American colonies, and the later U.S.A., was composed of human beings.
Slavery has occurred in every society known that was in a position to hold slaves, from pre-history to medi Europe. Christianity gradually killed slavery in Europe, but the discovery of the New World gave it a big opportunity to get going again.
Xenophobia is also universal in all known human societies. “Other, therefore lesser” is everyone’s natural attitude.


Even so, note that the first slaves sold in colonial Virginia were treated as indentured servants, and freed when their term of labor was over. But once Virginia and other colonies started buying them, more were brought in, and one day the southern colonists realized they were going to be inundated by freed Africans if they kept freeing them, and deprived of cheap labor if they stopped buying them. So they did the morally indefensible and very human thing, and turned them into slaves for life, and made the children of slave mothers slaves for life automatically.
“Gradually it was disclosed to me that the line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either - but right through every human heart - and through all human hearts.”—Alexandr Solzhenitsyn in The Gulag Archipelago.


Anders Wahlberg
Why did America accept slavery?
The North American colonies really needed labour resources to produce their products and to be viable.
Slavery, as such, had pretty much died out in Europe in early medi times (about 1000AD) replaced by serfdom which carried on in various ways until the black death reduced numbers of labourers and it was realised that labour had a “market value”.
The American colonies were funded and formed to produce agricultural products which were labour intensive.
Initially, it was hoped to provide this by criminals sentenced to transportation, but they were found to be difficult to managed and unsuitable for the conditions, and so most were shipped to Australia.
Slavery was endemic in north Africa and Berber pirates often raided England, Ireland and other European Coastal villages to take slaves fr the North African markets - see : Barbary slave trade - Wikipedia
Slavery was also endemic in West Africa , esp. in sub Saharan areas, mainly the SeneGambia regions and so a ready resource was available and the need was in he North American and West Indian colonies.


Steve Dutch
This is a perfect example of people thinking the Constitution is a list of things they want to be true.
The Constitution did not ban slavery. If it had, it wouldn’t have been ratified. It contained the famous, or infamous, “three fifths” compromise that had slaves counted as 3/5 of a person. It did prohibit importation after 1808, which had negligible impact on slavery itself.
The constitution says what it says, not what you wish it said or think it should say.


Elizabeth Renee Gauer Graham
Why was slavery allowed in the United States?
Slavery was “allowed” in the United States at the time of it’s founding because slavery as a form of getting workers to do manual labor had been in force for tens of thousands of years…back to the beginnings of recorded history, when it was taken as a “given” in existing societies of that day.
Anyone might be enslaved. Got defeated in battle? You ore your whole village could be enslaved. Couldn’t pay your taxes? You or your children could be enslaved. Couldn’t pay your debts, you or your family could be enslaved. Couldn’t find work? You might sell yourself into slavery to get food.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Slaves might not get lots of food - but just like you fuel your car today or charge the battery on your phone, if you want it to work, a slave owner fed his slaves so that they could work. They were the social equivalent of machinery…they might be plowing fields, planting crops, spinning thread, weaving, or sewing - or working with other materials, depending on the technological level of their civilization and the needs of their owner.
The Roman Empire’s bureaucracy was run by the Emperor’s slaves and freemen - they were the ones he’d had taught to read & write and to some degree, the ones that he’d trained as to when to interrupt him and when to do what he’d told them to do “in that situation” in the past.


Niklaus Hostettler
Why did America accept slavery?
What about “Why does America accept sweat shops?” Or all other worse than slavery work condition that exists only because we want what gets produced?
Nothing has changed except that today we “demonize” slavery fashionably ignore from the conversations what is going on today and we don’t see anything wrong about it - not our problem, doesn’t happen in our country, when in reality it exists because of us.


Nick Cellino
Slavery was allowed in the USA and elsewhere for centuries before the founding of this country primarily because it was not expressly forbidden in the Bible and other sacred texts. Among the 10 commandments are fundamental principles such as “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods” but none that clearly read “Thou shalt not enslave others”.
If the biblical writers, many of whom the descendants of people enslaved in Egypt, had been inspired enough from their own history to include those five clear and enlightened words within the original 10 commandments, slavery could never have been introduced into this country.


Alexandra Miroshnikova
You reckon?


Holly Olver Hertig
Why was slavery allowed in America?
It started out as indentured servantry in the beginning and down right greed in the middle. Enlightenment of the words of the constitution and conviction brought an end to it with the Emancipation Proclamation and the Civil war In the 1860s. At least in USA it has ended. International child trafficking is all over the world and trying to bring it back into the USA Today. We have realized that children are coming through our borders NOT with their parents hence separated. This has been going on for some time now.


Eric William Bast
Why did America accept slavery?
Because they were a colony of England, which employed slave labor to exploit their overseas possessions for maximum profit. American colonists had no choice but to accept slavery, but there were many that had no problem with slavery because slavery had always existed in European society up to that point.


Gary Hensley
Primarily greed, and the belief that the white Anglo-Saxons were the superior race. Many religious people believed that God condoned slavery because the Bible (New Testament) tell slaves to be obedient to their masters. The slaveholders of the time interpreted this to mean that slavery was God's plan for the 'inferior races”. What bothers me the most is that it exist...


Scott Casey
When the first colonists arrived there was zero infrastructure, life was precarious and the journey to get there was dangerous, so few people wanted to go through such hardship. Initially the colonies relied on indentured servants (Convicts from Britain -mainly Irish) who were forced to go there and work for free. After independance this supply of free labour was cut off so they needed a new source.
Many of the Caribean islands and South American plantations, particularly those controlled by the Spanish, were using African slaves and initially these were the source of American slaves


Following the abolition of slavery the US still needed workers, so they had an open door policy on migration ( The statue of liberty says give us your tired, your poor etc.) Many believe that slavery would have ended anyway because it was no longer economically viable. It costs more to buy, feed, house and provide medical care (despite what you see in the movies, slave owners needed to protect their investment) than it does to pay a low wage to an unskilled immigrant who has to take care of all those thing out of their salary.


George Hutto
Why did America accept slavery?
Because it wasn’t seen as wrong by the majority of the people at the time it was instituted. Remember, there had been forms of slavery throughout the world and throughout the ages - no country escapes unscathed or thinking their ancestors didn’t practice slavery. It was (and is) just as common in Africa as it was in the fledgling USA.


Think of it, the Europeans and others were more technologically advanced than most of the natives of Africa. Folk in African wanted the guns and such the Europeans had to offer so the Africans would capture and sell other Africans to the Europeans for the baubles and such that they coveted. If Africans were willing to sell Africans, is it any wonder those sold in to slavery weren’t considered to be quite human?
I am not saying it was right; I am saying those actions helped form the opinions of the people of that time.


William Bradshaw
The U.S. didn’t so much allow slavery as we inherited it. Slaves were brought to the future U.S. mostly by the British but also by the Spanish, Dutch and French. The slave economy was so entrenched by the time of the Revolution it was a secondary issue compared with establishing a new country. The Founders realized the issue would have to be dealt with eventually, but put it off in favor of more pressing issues. In that respect, the Founders “allowed “ slavery but not as a preference


Azariah (Abednego) Israel
They allowed it because of their greed and demonic spirit behavior. Not just America; all European and some African nations are guilty of slavery as well. European nations were the worst. Greed, hate, and thinking no one would notice or do anything about, is what it is.


G. B. Smith
The American question should be written, “What would have been the Constitutional reason for the States to agree to preclude slavery in the unx?” Americans traditionally are not much on the government “allowing” the people to do things.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

ProfV Randall
Allow sounds like Slavery just happened and the United States was negligent in not stopping it.
The United States (Federal and State governments) used the law to promote and maintain slavery for over 400 years.
Capitalists needed lots of cheap labor they tried to use indentured servitude (contract employment) but that wasn’t working. As early as 1500, the Transatlantic Slave Trade meant captured Africans were being shipped to the Caribbean, Central, and South America. In 1600 the American colonies decided to meet their own labor needs with enslaved Africans.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jeremy Hammerstein
The U.S. allowed slavery because slavery at the time was seen by the government people as moral. Moral thinking hadn’t evolved past that. This was partially a result of Christian thought. Don’t let Christians try to tell you the bible goes against slavery. The bible supports slavery.


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