2024-09-19 CError102 5874
Caleb Chai
My friend and I were patiently waiting for our food at the table. As it was a self-service cafe, we got a number showing our order, and when it was announced we needed to collect it ourselves.


The number came up, and we went to collect our dishes.


Lo and behold, as we turned our backs a group of ladies gracefully lowered our bags on the floor and sat at our table.


Mind you, the whole process was less than a minute.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

When we went back, we gently but firmly asked them to move.


"Oi, how am I supposed to know you guys are sitting here? You think by putting your bags here it's your space?"


"Excuse m…"


"This is a public space and we can sit anywhere we want. Don't think tha.."

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

BAM. I put my bowl down loudly. Everyone who wasn't paying attention before turned their heads. She froze in shock.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

"You saw our bags, you saw us take our food, and you threw our stuff on the floor. I will make a larger fuss of this unless. You. Move. From. My. Place."


They sheepishly left, leaving my pal and me to eat peacefully.


If you use your privileges to justify rude behaviour, you are just waiting for trouble to erupt.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Do not mess with a hungry person.


Dennis Manning
I worked in a factory that made wall insulation (polystyrene).


They wanted to start up a new line that made panels for garage doors. A piece of foam with a laminate glued to it. We were trying to set up the machine so that when the piece came through, the machine would cause a knife to trim the laminate exactly at the end of the foam panel. However, the machine was old and the eye would not work properly. The knife either cut in the wrong place or not at all. Even though we hadn’t gotten the machine set yet, the company was already taking orders for door panels. We were working 16 hour shifts to get the machine to work right, but it just wasn’t happening.


Orders had to be filled, and I was tired of working excessive overtime. I suggested to my supervisor that instead of trying to use the eye to cut, one of us would stand ready at the end of the line with an exacto knife and cut it by hand. He said no….we had to make the eye work. Three more days of 16 hour shifts and a truck due out Monday…the boss was frantic.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Finally Friday came and the boss said, “Okay. Do it your way.” I stood at the end of the line, and when a piece came out I cut it by hand. It was perfect. And the next, and the next. Something we had been working on for a week of double shifts and were only a quarter of the way done now had the other three quarters done in a couple of hours.


The plant manager came out and congratulated us on getting the line productive, and getting the truck out on time. He then asked who came up with the idea of cutting the panels by hand. My boss without batting an eye said, “I did. I figured we had nothing to lose.” He got promoted.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

What sort of person angers me the most?


People who present your ideas as their own, and benefit from it.


Few days back at the groceries store, I was standing in a que, waiting for my turn in the billing counter.


There was one person in front of me and he was almost done and was paying the money. So I started to keep my items on the counter.


Suddenly from no where a couple ( seemed to be very well educated) came in between, blocked my way and kept two cool drinks on the counter and asked the person to bill it, and left.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I just didn't know what to say and stared at them


I know its just two items and it took less than a minute to get their bill. But the thing is they didn't have a basic courtesy to atleast ask me before coming in between my way. I would have definitely let them go first.


These kind of people make me angry.


Ankit Vani
Girls who brag about recent marriage proposals they receive and unfortunately, there is a whole bunch of girls who do this stuff. I will give one such instance:


She: I received a marriage offer. Boy earns package of 12 LPA based in Mumbai.

她:“我收到了一个求婚。男孩在孟买工作,年薪 12 万印度卢比。”
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Me and my friend were at first surprised and then felt sad for that guy who gave her the offer.


I: Then, what's your decision?


She: It's no from my side.


Totally surprised, we asked her the reason.(We were surprised because she used to say my husband would be my credit card)


But she had a different story. Let's see how it went..........


She: His in-hand salary might be 80k. Now we will rent a flat nearby Marine Drive or in Bandra and would cost us around 25k.(She had no idea about the prices but was trying to refute by making shit stories)

她:“他的到手工资可能是 80k。我们会租一间靠近海滨大道或班德拉的公寓,租金大概是 25k。(她对房价一无所知,只是在编故事)”

Both of us silent, she continued: We would own a car, daily groceries and other monthly expenses will cost us around 25k more. (This was her list of all the basic expenses like fuel, mobile phone etc) We would be going to dine at some best places in Mumbai, would explore places nearby Mumbai and it will eat up another 10k. You know I am an adventurous girl.

我们都给整无语了,她继续说道:“我们会有一辆车,日常杂货和其他月开销大概还要 25k。(这是她列出的所有基本开销,比如燃油、手机等)我们会在孟买的一些高档餐厅用餐,探索孟买周边的地方,这还会花掉 10k。你知道的,我是个喜欢冒险的女孩。”

In the end, if he can't buy a 15k Kanjeevaram Saree for me, there is no worth living with him.

最后,她总结道:“如果他不能给我买一件 15k 的坎吉布兰姆丝绸纱丽,和他生活根本没意义。”

We were shocked, totally dismayed by whatever she said but felt really happy for that guy who was saved from a hell life with this girl.


P.S: This actually happened and another time she rejected a guy because she was 1 inch taller than him and rejected saying it doesn't make a perfect match. That story also started with Package thing.


Abhishek Tr
People who talk about people. They are like cockroaches. They are everywhere. Especially in government offices and corporates. Seriously people, is that the sole purpose of your life ? Talking about everyones life when they aren't around. Why can't you just shut that hole in your face.


The cool dudes. You know, everytime I spot such a person ,I feel like punching their perfect teeth. These people are so damn pretentious, that they have forgotten their real identity. They imitate celebrities, talk like they know everything and act like everyone are just useless except for them. Look out dear.


Whatsapp peace killers. That app is already pretty much messed up with all those groups. Then we have these super intelligent species who still forward chain msgs saying that'll bring us luck. The other peace killers are the ones who forward msgs like “ Free 3gb data sponsored by Govt”. Go sleep people. The world is already in great shape.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Facebook kings and queens. Feeling lonely. Happy. Excited. Bored. Dead. Okay dear, what do you expect us to do ? Can't you just keep your emotions for yourself instead of advertising it to the world? Did you just burn down your house? Oh wow! Now that's something exciting. Here, take my like. We aint bothered about anything else though.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Lovers from another planet . Alright now, I'm not jealous people. What pisses me off, is when these cupid struck love birds talk about their better half all day long to us ( The stags). Okay, I agree she's hot, cute, and the best in the world. But how many times am I supposed to listen to the same shit again and again -_-. Enough. My ears are bleeding.


People who ask interesting questions like these on Quora. I am a 12 year old guy in love with a 14 year old girl who broke up with me last night, because I said that I didn't like her dog. What should I do? Is there any hope? Nope. The world is coming to an end. No hope at all.


Advisers ( read relatives) . These gentle angels were created by the almighty just to make us lose sleep. Opinions. Opinions everywhere, on everything, in every direction. Well, we're sick of you people. Please understand. If we need something, we'll come asking for it. Don't butt in everytime and ruin our life.


Péter Tamas
I am going to a restaurant with my family.


We’re dining quietly and nice and we’re enjoying our meals.


Then a group of 7 sit down next to us.


Four adults and three kids.


The parents are obnoxious and loud.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Their kids are running around like they are in a playground.


Our experience is ruined.


Loud, disrespectful, and obnoxious people annoy me.


There are all kinds of people who piss me off. Here’s a list:


People who are willfully ignorant and who try to promote a lifestyle of willful ignorance on others.


People who adhere to a philosophy of constantly taking all they can from others while never giving anything back. These people see no problem with taking the piss out of other people’s kindness and generosity. Yet they themselves look down on and discourage others from doing anything nice for other people.


Victim blamers.


People who kiss up to others when they have nice things or when things are going well for them, but are the first to tear others down when times are rough.


Narcissistic people who think that the world revolves around them and think of everyone as pawns to be used and manipulated for their own personal gain. Said people see other people as nothing but obxts, and don’t give a damn about their feelings.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

People who take joy in other people’s suffering.


Arrogant, patronizing charity workers, so-called philanthropists or other people displaying any form of conspicuous compassion. These people don’t really care about making the world a better place, and are only helping out for the sake of publicity or some other ulterior motive. Not all philanthropists or workers/volunteers in non-profits are like this though. I wouldn’t even say that most are. But some are, and this kind of behavior that some of them display, really bothers the living daylights out of me.


People who think that there is nothing wrong with lying, cheating and stealing to get ahead. Also, people who idolize liars, cheaters and thieves who got rich this way.


People who unapologetically have double standards when it comes to how they judge the actions of different groups of people.


People who think that their one favor or sacrifice made for someone, entitles them to be a total jerk in other ways. People who lord their favors or charity over others in this manner.


Jim Davis
People too lazy, ignorant or entitled to use their turning signals when driving. I can't read your mind, fool.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

People who spit in public. You really HAVE to spit right now? Really? I know you feel the immediate need to remove the excess saliva and mucus from your body, but if I pick my nose in public people look down on me. Why is spitting any different?


People who throw trash or cigarette butts out their car windows as if to say, "Oh it doesn't matter. I'm too lazy or important to place it somewhere in my car and then remove it later once I'm at my destination." When I'm driving behind you those cigarette butts get sucked up into my grill and make my car smell like yours; which stinks.


People who walk through doors with no peripheral awareness of the person walking behind them, letting the door slam on them.


People with a general obliviousness to the existence of other people. Usually in a supermarket or similar crowded area where one just leaves their cart in the middle of the aisle, blocking everyone else, to go grab a bag of cookies. Then they inevitably stand for twenty minutes deciding between the double stuf Oreos and the super-extra double stuf Oreos with no regard to anyone else trying to pass them.


Those same people are the ones too lazy, ignorant or entitled to return their carts to the conveniently located "cart return" corrals in most supermarket parking lots. Takes a lot to walk that extra 30 feet I guess. Might make you produce extra saliva and therefore have to spit.


I guess all mine are just people with no concern or awareness for other people. That about sums it up.



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