2024-09-23 国外新鲜事 8564
Samsung Electronics has faced accusations of design plagiarism following the release of its new Galaxy Watch Ultra, Galaxy Buds 3 and Galaxy Buds 3 Pro products, which are widely believed to be highly similar in design to their Apple counterparts. Especially in the Galaxy Buds 3 Pro, there are user feedback that its silicone earplugs will tear when they are removed, which has caused consumer dissatisfaction and concern.

​三星电子在发布新款Galaxy Watch Ultra、Galaxy Buds 3和Galaxy Buds 3 Pro等产品后,遭遇了设计抄袭的指责,用户普遍认为,三星的新产品在外观设计上与苹果的对应产品高度相似,尤其是在Galaxy Buds 3 Pro方面,有用户反馈称其硅胶耳塞在取出时会出现撕裂问题,这引起了消费者的不满和担忧。

According to Aju Korea Daily, Samsung Group and Samsung Electronics Chairman Lee Jae-yong expressed his dissatisfaction with the "plagiarism incident". This change in attitude reflects the importance of Samsung's top management to the company's image and product innovation. Insiders said that several senior executives, including Roh Tae-moon, head of the MX mobile division, were disciplined as a result, reflecting Samsung's strict requirements for design originality and product quality control.


Lol every CEO knows WTF is going on, he’s just mad at the reactions.


He's not a CEO, though!


Copying Apple in software features or ecosystem, I won't knock, but doing everything down to their look is distasteful work.
But at the same time, I understand showing everyone we can make the same product better than you.
However, Samsung in the bigger picture, this chairman is correct.
Get back to what you do best: innovate and keep working under the hood of these phones to be top-notch.


Well, this chairman is the one that got a special exemption from jail by the president himself.


Honestly, with these earbuds, the smartwatch, and the UI, Samsung's mobile division needs to be fired. If I wanted an Apple experience, I would buy Apple products. Samsung is losing its way again.


I've noticed that a lot of Samsung users, including myself, choose Samsung because it stands out from Apple. But lately, it feels like Samsung is losing its uniqueness. Take the Buds3 Pro for example, they look just like AirPods! I miss the days when Samsung and Huawei were competing to come up with the most innovative designs and features. That competition really pushed the boundaries and benefited us, the consumers.

我注意到,很多三星用户,包括我自己,选择三星是因为它与苹果不同。但最近,我觉得三星正在失去它的独特性。以Buds3 Pro为例,它们看起来就像AirPods!我怀念三星和华为竞争创新设计和功能的日子。那场竞争真正推动了边界,并让我们这些消费者受益。

I loved my Galaxy Buds 2 Pro, and as soon as I saw the announcement for the Buds 3 Pro, I sold my current buds and bought some Sony XM5s. I refuse to wear a toothbrush out of my ear, lol.

我很喜欢我的Galaxy Buds 2 Pro,但当我看到Buds 3 Pro的发布时,我马上卖掉了我的耳机,买了索尼的XM5。我拒绝戴着牙刷一样的东西出门,哈哈。

Things Samsung copied from iPhone:
Removing the charger head in the box
Removing the 10x telescope zoom because of the 5x on the 15 Pro Max
Having a flat display which is ugly, it's not like a gold bar
Putting the Titanium design
It's just embarrassing

因为15 Pro Max只有5倍变焦,三星也取消了10倍变焦

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Chairman: Greenlights Apple clones.
Media: Hey, those are Apple clones!
Chairman: Blames his employees for products he greenlit.
Anyone else noticed this?


I saw One UI 7 leaks. Not a fan at all. Not gonna upxe if it changes the aesthetic just for it to look worse.

我看到了One UI 7的泄露内容。我一点也不喜欢。如果它只是为了让外观变得更糟而改变美学,我不会更新的。

I left Apple years ago for Samsung, and I wouldn't go back. I definitely don’t want them to copy Apple.


When they introduced the Note 20, then the S21, with plastic back, I knew that TM Roh guy had been lost. After trying all kinds of silly tricks, he decided the best one would be to copy Apple.

当他们推出Note 20和S21时,采用塑料后壳,我就知道那个TM Roh(三星移动体验部门总裁卢泰文)已经迷失了。在尝试了各种愚蠢的招数后,他决定最好的办法是模仿苹果。

Cutting cost but not lowering the price.


After Steve Jobs left, Apple has not innovated, it got stuck.... it just became more and more expensive.


This is a good point in time for Samsung to turn things around and make their own identity like when they were doing with the S10, Note 10 series.

这是三星扭转局面的好时机,像他们当初在S10和Note 10系列上那样打造自己的身份。

Exactly! They just need to go back to their roots.


I'm South Korean and it is first time in my life to see Lee Jae-yong get mad. He is famous for his kindness.


If it's OK to ask, what do South Koreans think of the recent new Samsung mobile products like the Watch Ultra or the Buds3 Pros?

如果可以问的话,韩国人对三星最近的新移动产品,如Watch Ultra或Buds3 Pro,有什么看法?

Pretty much every Galaxy watch user preferred the rotating bezel used on previous GW series. It is also the same for the buds; the round earbud shape of Galaxy Buds was preferable for certain fans over the AirPod-like shape with a stem. Very disappointing, to be honest.

几乎所有的Galaxy手表用户都更喜欢之前GW系列使用的旋转表圈。耳机也是如此;Galaxy Buds的圆形耳机形状比有柄的AirPods形状更受某些粉丝的青睐。老实说,非常失望。

I’ll never understand how Samsung always mocks APPLE, but then copies them! Makes no sense!


Cause Samsung is a cheap company, man.


He should fire them.


They have to hire a former Bugatti/BMW designer to make real innovation instead of imitation.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@ricianobommel4298 Don't hate me, but I guess BMW should hire their former designer.



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@Krishna_W16 nah that's true lol.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Samsung copying Apple is the best thing they could do.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Apple is popular because of its reliability and consistency of their product and software, because of its touch screen sensor being 100x smoother, more responsive, and consistent than Samsung, because of simplicity, and because of its ecosystem.


@yourwifewasinmedms5137 you are living in 2010 I think.


How didn't he know about this? It smells like he was trying to get complacent until people called out Samsung.


While it's true that high-level executives like chairman Lee are often involved in the development process, they might not see every detail of every product. Samsung is a massive company with many different divisions and layers of management. It's possible that the designs were approved at a lower level and presented to him later in the process. The chairman's reaction could also be due to the negative feedback from consumers and the media after the launch.


He may have not seen the end day product or most likely, he was assured that this was a good idea and he felt it wasn't a good idea but went with it since several people vouched it would be a good idea yet now it is imploding and he is on his "I told you so" run.


@kamikazehound3243 I agree this is just to save face that’s all it is, he knew.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

He oversees tanks, ships, TVs, fridges, chemicals, etc., etc. He cannot afford to inspect every single item or division. That's why they have department heads and sub-division leaders.


He may have trusted their judgment.


Fun fact: Samsung started out selling fish and is now one of the biggest electronic/appliance companies in the world. Absolutely insane.


@TechTalkTV Just admit it, he's right. What kind of CEO doesn't use their own product? Moreover, it's copying their competitor, Apple. Or maybe the CEO knew, but he was just waiting for the right timing to tell the press. So much BS, even teenagers knew. Well, some teenagers.


I've worked for tech companies. Often the CEO has absolutely ZERO involvement in the products produced. It's not even slightly unusual for them to never see the product before it is ready for launch. They are constantly busy in meetings with other companies, investors, regulatory bodies, etc. Most CEOs work 80-hour weeks and don't even have time to look at the product once you get to the larger companies. Probably didn't even see them until it was too late to restart.


Please Samsung, don't lose your spark, your spunk, your roots. OnePlus is the BEST example of this... now look at them...


OnePlus are on the ascendency, which started with the OP 11. They released the OP Open, which trashed the Z Fold series. This trend is continuing with the OP 12. Samsung just got greedy and complacent.

一加正在崛起,从OP 11开始。他们推出了OP Open,击败了Z Fold系列。这一趋势随着OP 12的发布在继续。三星变得贪婪和自满了。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

And bring back the SD card slot and the headphone jack! In 2024, the only smartphone line left that still has these features are the Xperia phones, and sadly, Sony is pulling out of the US market. I had to replace my Xperia 5 III due to the dreaded green line issue, so I swapped to an Xperia 1 V, the last Sony phone left available here in the US. This phone is one of the best I've ever used, and it'll be a sad day when I have to change phones after this one. The Galaxy S2, S9, and S10 were brilliant phones. I want Samsung to go back to that era of design.

把SD卡槽和耳机孔带回来!到2024年,唯一还保留这些功能的智能手机系列是Xperia手机,但遗憾的是,索尼正在退出美国市场。我因为可怕的绿线问题不得不更换我的Xperia 5 III,所以换成了Xperia 1 V,这是美国市场上仅存的索尼手机之一。这是我用过的最好的手机之一,当我不得不更换它时,真是令人难过。Galaxy S2、S9和S10是出色的手机。我希望三星回到那个设计时代。

Only the Galaxy Buds 3 Pro look like Apple knock-offs, the rest of the new products had their own unique design besides the orange watch band.

只有Galaxy Buds 3 Pro看起来像苹果的山寨品,其他新产品除了橙色表带外都有自己独特的设计。

The other issue with copying Apple is that you are no longer innovating. No bold designs. Fold 4, 5, 6 are just copy-paste designs with marginal improvements on specs. What about an Ultra that is 8.5 inches open and has a decent camera suite? They are certainly pricing it that way!

模仿苹果的另一个问题是你不再创新了。没有大胆的设计。Fold 4、5、6只是规格上略有改进的复制粘贴设计。为什么不做一个展开8.5英寸并有不错相机配置的Ultra呢?他们的定价确实是那样的!

I also really hate the new Watch Ultra design... it has a square footprint yet round display. Make up your mind. Waste of real estate if you ask me. I went and got a Garmin.

我也非常讨厌新的Watch Ultra设计……它有方形的底座但却是圆形的显示屏。下定决心吧。如果你问我,这是浪费空间。我去买了Garmin。

Lol, innovation doesn’t mean only changing the look of it. It can also mean internals and things that are not visible—something which fandroids can’t seem to grasp.


I've been waiting for the Fold 6 after the minimal improvements from the 4 to 5, but sadly, the 6 seems to have followed suit. Looks like I will be sticking with my S21 Ultra until the S25 Ultra releases in January or February 2025.

在4到5只有少量改进后,我一直在等Fold 6,但遗憾的是,Fold 6似乎也没有大变化。看来我会继续使用我的S21 Ultra,直到2025年1月或2月发布S25 Ultra。

The Fold 6’s fold technology is way better than the 4’s.
I've owned both phones. This message was sent from a Fold 6. The sleek fold and super slim bezels are a huge improvement from the 4.

Fold 6的折叠技术比Fold 4好得多。
我拥有两部手机。这条消息是从Fold 6发送的。光滑的折叠设计和超薄边框比Fold 4有了很大的改进。

What Samsung should do:
Include charger in every package
Include MicroSD slot in flagship phones
Change the design of Galaxy Buds to original style
Change color scheme of Watch Ultra
Fix newly occurred QC problems

将Galaxy Buds的设计改回原版样式
改变Watch Ultra的配色方案

Original style of the Galaxy Buds was low-key trash. They kept falling out of people’s ears.

Galaxy Buds的原版设计其实很差劲。它们总是从人们的耳朵里掉出来。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Well, I hate the original so-called design, and that's why even as a Samsung user for many years, I’ve never owned any Galaxy Buds. The Buds 3 Pro are just perfect. After all, Apple isn't the inventor of stem-style earbuds.

我讨厌所谓的原版设计,这就是为什么即使作为多年的三星用户,我从未拥有过任何Galaxy Buds。Buds 3 Pro非常完美。毕竟苹果也不是柄式耳机的发明者。

I highly doubt this man did not see the products before they were manufactured and announced. How is he mad now?


While it's true that high-level executives like Chairman Lee are often involved in the development process, they might not see every detail of every product. Samsung is a massive company with many different divisions and layers of management. It's possible that the designs were approved at a lower level and presented to him later in the process. The chairman's reaction could also be due to the negative feedback from consumers and the media after the launch. Sometimes, executives might not fully grasp how a design will be received until it's in the hands of the public.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yea, he's mad at the consumers' reactions. Time for them to start doing something different.


They make basically any and every consumer good, appliance, and electronic in Korea, not only products but services as well. Larger than Google in the US, they own South Korea.


Samsung peaked in 2019. I hope they find that tier of glory again.


Imo they peaked in 2020 with the S/Note 20 Ultra and that zoom never seen before in a smartphone.

在我看来,他们在2020年达到巅峰,S/Note 20 Ultra的变焦功能在智能手机中前所未见。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Their foldables are perfected, the Ultra line is refined and perfected too. They are by far the default Android option. By what standard did they peak in 2019?


I really don't get why TM Roh likes Apple so much. Samsung already had such a good product identity with the stemless earbuds and One UI, but both of these are getting scrapped. Hopefully now they realize copying Apple isn't it.

我真的不明白为什么TM Roh(三星移动体验部门总裁卢泰文)这么喜欢苹果。三星本来已经有了很好的产品标识,比如无柄耳机和One UI,但这些都在被废弃。希望他们现在能意识到模仿苹果不是正确的方向。

Well, look at Huawei, their CEO only bought Apple products for himself and his entire family.


You're spot on with what you said about Samsung users picking Samsung for being Samsung, and that they'd look to switch if Samsung keeps trying to mimic Apple. As a long-time fan, I'm getting quite fed up with Samsung and have been considering alternatives. Hopefully, this recent event turns things around and Samsung goes back to being the good old Samsung we all loved.


If a product is released and people at Samsung are surprised about the design choices, then it's clear they aren't communicating with each other often enough.


When the chairman gets mad, you know the employees really messed up.


The boss has every right to be fuming at his team. Why? Because they spent all that time and money to mock Apple in their ads, but in the end, they copied them.


I’m a foreigner living in Korea. I noticed that everyone moved to an iPhone. Two years ago, when I got into the subway, everyone had Samsung. Now, everyone uses iPhone.


.... Android security is bad.


Who are they kidding, bro? They expect us to believe that the CEO didn't know about that? Especially when there's such a radical change in the design. Come on! That's pure show in my eyes.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Hope Samsung takes this to heart…


Maybe, just maybe, this is the shake-up Samsung needs in order to be what they were known for. Ten years ago, Samsung would have never thought of having the same design in their flagship phones year after year, with the most minimalistic "upgrades."


When I heard that Samsung hired an ex-Mercedes designer, I already knew it wasn't gonna pan out well. For the last decade, Mercedes has had pretty bad designs for its cars, exterior and especially interior.


Why wasn't the boss raging when Samsung dropped the headphone jack, SD card, and charger in the box? Why is he raging now?


Now that you’re there, make them bring back the headphone jack and a MicroSD card slot in their phones too.


It has taken too long for leadership to react. I'm not using any recent Samsung product except the S24 Ultra.

领导层反应太慢了,除了S24 Ultra,我没有用任何最近的三星产品。

Samsung flagship is good, but their mid-range and entry-level kind of sucks compared to other brands...


@meteuteu No they don't, too much bloatware on other devices.


Same here, gotta stick to using the old products till they make some products that are worth the money.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

They should fire Roh. He is a big Apple fanboy.


True, he should go work for Apple instead if he likes Apple so much.


This is what happens when companies take customers for granted and stop listening to them. Everything that Samsung made fun of Apple for has been done by them eventually. Many things that customers loved in Samsung devices have been taken away by them. I love Samsung but wouldn’t mind seeing them fail for once and rise from their ashes anew.


Every company copies each other. Prime example is the iPhone. It's basically an Android now with an Apple logo on it. They literally took every feature Android has created: dark mode, PIP, customizable lock screen/home screen, wireless charging (which Apple fans made fun of when Android first introduced it), crAsh Detection, OLED displays, 120Hz displays, Dynamic Island (Honor Magic brought this design out several years ago), etc... Honestly, I don't care who copies as long as they copy the good features.


Samsung has been ripping off other companies' designs and marketing for a very long time. They did it to Sony with the BRAVIA TVs and to Apple with the iPhone 3GS design, even using the same marketing graphics.
People say, "Oh, they copy each other." No, they don’t. Apple adds features that Android (not Samsung) had years ago and tries to put a spin on them to make them better.
Samsung straight-up copies other companies and sometimes rushes ideas leaked from others just to say they did it first. That’s how they operate most of the time. Your “innovations” are mostly rushed features.

三星已经抄袭其他公司的设计和营销很久了。他们对索尼的BRAVIA电视这样做了,对苹果的iPhone 3GS设计也这样做了,甚至使用了相同的营销图形。
人们说:“哦,他们互相抄袭。” 不,他们没有。苹果增加了安卓(不是三星)几年前就有的功能,并试图通过改进使它们更好。

My 5yrs old S10+ has built-in heart rate sensor and micro-sd card slot... Samsung was dominating that time...


me with s10 5g

我还在用S10 5G。

I am still using the Note 10 Plus, I was very pleased because the base model has 256GB, not 128GB, and 12GB of RAM. Even now, many Samsung flagships come with 128GB as base. There isn't a big cost difference between 256GB and 128GB.

我还在用Note 10 Plus,我很满意,因为基础版有256GB,不是128GB,而且有12GB的RAM。即使现在,许多三星旗舰机型的基础版还是128GB。256GB和128GB之间的成本差异并不大。

Same with my Note 20 Ultra, switched to S21U earlier, and the phone was so bad that I really regret swapping my phone. After all that happened, I sold it and bought the Note 20 Ultra again. S21U was an expensive handwarmer, I'd say.

和我的Note 20 Ultra一样,我之前换成了S21U,这手机太糟了,我真的很后悔换了手机。结果我又卖掉了S21U,重新买了Note 20 Ultra。我觉得S21U就是个昂贵的“暖手宝”。

To this day the 10 Plus is my backup phone to my iPhone 15. It was a great phone.

到今天为止,S10 Plus还是我iPhone 15的备用手机。那是个很棒的手机。

Design peaked at S10.... Shame I smashed mine, S24 just isn't quite as nice....


S10+ was peak Samsung design and hardware!


很赞 3