
Germany lies in the center of Europe in more ways than one. Not only is it the geographical center, but all of European history seems to revolve around it. In German there is the term Mitteleuropa, which aptly conveys Germany’s pivotal role in Europe. To be honest, to some extent France and Italy also need to be considered part of that concept, especially those parts of France and Italy bordering on Germany. European civilization has essentially been shaped by Germany and those two “junior partners.”
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Germany lies in the center of Europe in more ways than one. Not only is it the geographical center, but all of European history seems to revolve around it. In German there is the term Mitteleuropa, which aptly conveys Germany’s pivotal role in Europe. To be honest, to some extent France and Italy also need to be considered part of that concept, especially those parts of France and Italy bordering on Germany. European civilization has essentially been shaped by Germany and those two “junior partners.”
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
From a holistic point of view, Germany’s central position may help to explain why during the past century the Anglo-Saxons (England and the US) have twice tried to destroy Germany, and with considerable success! Obviously, the US is not a European nation, except perhaps indirectly as a result of mass immigration from Europe. Nor is England, which is at best part of Europe’s periphery. Europe’s actual periphery consists of Scandinavia, Russia, the Iberian Peninsula, Southern Italy and the Balkans. England’s insular position physically and mentally sets it apart from Europe. After all it is well known that the inhabitants of any island, no matter how small, tacitly see themselves as the center of the universe. In a fundamental and very tangible sense, England’s geographical position gives it a separate status, rendering it a lot less European than it likes to pretend.
Together with its American ally and relying on the resources and manpower of its vast colonial empire, England has been a moving force behind the first two efforts to destroy Germany during World Wars I and II. The first, especially through the Versailles Diktat, resulted in the destruction of German military power, the second led to the destruction of its political power. On a continent where, since 1918 Fascism and National Socialism had apparently taken root quite firmly, Germany, on account of its economic and demographic weight, was once again the core element.
英国与其盟友美国一道,依靠其庞大殖民帝国的资源和人力,在第一次和第二次世界大战期间一直是摧毁德国的两次努力背后的推动力量。第一次,特别是通过《凡尔赛条约》的强制规定,导致德国军事力量的毁灭,第二次导致其政治力量的毁灭。自 1918 年以来,法西斯主义和国家社会主义似乎已经在这个大陆上扎下了根,德国凭借其经济和人口实力再次成为核心因素。
英国与其盟友美国一道,依靠其庞大殖民帝国的资源和人力,在第一次和第二次世界大战期间一直是摧毁德国的两次努力背后的推动力量。第一次,特别是通过《凡尔赛条约》的强制规定,导致德国军事力量的毁灭,第二次导致其政治力量的毁灭。自 1918 年以来,法西斯主义和国家社会主义似乎已经在这个大陆上扎下了根,德国凭借其经济和人口实力再次成为核心因素。
After Germany’s second defeat by the Red Army, the USSR made sure National Socialism was thoroughly eradicated. In the occupied western portions of Germany the Anglo-Americans set up an entire frxwork to prevent the Nazi party from resurrecting in any form whatsoever. Denazification of Western Germany was supervised by the US, with its extensive, well-developed propaganda (“PR”) agencies. Since about one in every ten Germans was a member of the Nazi party, the first step in this process was obvious: to declare the Nazi party illegal and to punish those who had been a member.
Then to scrutinize those former party members and decide whom to kill (for “Crimes against Humanity”) and see who might be useful for rebuilding Germany according to US specifications. For both the US and the USSR it was crucial to avoid any confusion caused by any overlap and similarities between National Socialism and Fascism on the one hand, and Socialism (Communism) and Capitalism on the other. Thus the German Democratic Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany in the west were in a sense showcases for the empires they were part of as vassal states.
After the collapse of “Real Existing Socialism” in between 1989 and 1991, leading to the implosion of the USSR, for some time the US could cherish the idea that it was the sole surviving superpower and that the entire world was at its feet. There were few Americans to realize that their nation was facing a new and unsuspected challenge. What could possibly serve as a frx of reference, as a guide, as signposts for possible new directions to follow? A very tricky question indeed, because the US regards itself as outside history, as a unique civilization not subject to the laws of history.
1989 年至 1991 年“现实社会主义”崩溃,导致苏联解体,此后一段时间,美国一直认为自己是唯一幸存的超级大国,整个世界都臣服于它。很少有美国人意识到,他们的国家正面临着一场新的、意想不到的挑战。什么可以作为参考框架、指南和可能的新方向的路标?这确实是一个非常棘手的问题,因为美国认为自己是历史之外的,是一个不受历史规律约束的独特文明。
1989 年至 1991 年“现实社会主义”崩溃,导致苏联解体,此后一段时间,美国一直认为自己是唯一幸存的超级大国,整个世界都臣服于它。很少有美国人意识到,他们的国家正面临着一场新的、意想不到的挑战。什么可以作为参考框架、指南和可能的新方向的路标?这确实是一个非常棘手的问题,因为美国认为自己是历史之外的,是一个不受历史规律约束的独特文明。
Realizing that Fascism, especially in its economic aspects (with big corporations enjoying almost unfettered liberty while at the same time exerting undue influence on all policy decisions) was actually quite an attractive model. Some political aspects of Fascism (like centralization of decision making and full media control) were also attractive. When soon after the fall of Socialism, the US empire fully embraced neoliberalism, a number of Fascist policies were also factually embraced in the process.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Just as after 1918 and 1945, it fell upon Germany to pay the price for the collapse of Socialism in 1989-91. Initially, however, it seemed that Germany benefited from that collapse, because after four decades of separate existence, the two German states could fuse into one. But in exchange, the Federal Republic had to sacrifice its powerful national currency, the German Mark, and allow the establishment of a European Central Bank that introduced a new currency: the Euro (2002).
就像 1918 年和 1945 年之后一样,德国为 1989-91 年社会主义的崩溃付出了代价。然而,最初德国似乎从社会主义的崩溃中获益,因为经过四十年的分离,两个德国国家可以合并为一个国家。但作为交换,联邦共和国必须牺牲其强大的国家货币德国马克,并允许建立欧洲中央银行,引入一种新货币:欧元(2002 年)。
就像 1918 年和 1945 年之后一样,德国为 1989-91 年社会主义的崩溃付出了代价。然而,最初德国似乎从社会主义的崩溃中获益,因为经过四十年的分离,两个德国国家可以合并为一个国家。但作为交换,联邦共和国必须牺牲其强大的国家货币德国马克,并允许建立欧洲中央银行,引入一种新货币:欧元(2002 年)。
In hindsight, the reunification of Germany could not have been prevented. It was bound to happen as long as each of the two Germanies had a strong, competitive economy and a robust social fabric and as long as they were needed as showcases in superpower rivalries. Therefore, the new attacks on united Germany (with the ultimate goal of reducing it to the status of a third-rate little country with at most a bit of cute folklore to amuse groups of foreign tourists) focused on the economy and society.
The attack on society reached a new level in the summer of 2015. “We can do this,” Chancellor Merkel said as she opened the doors widely for “asylum seekers,” the 21st century’s “poor, huddled masses” from Third World nations destroyed by NATO bombs and cheap agricultural imports from the EU. (It is often overlooked that the agricultural economies of many African nations were destroyed by imports of cheap surpluses produced by heavily subsidized EU farmers).
2015 年夏天,对社会的攻击达到了新的高度。“我们可以做到,”默克尔总理说,她向“寻求庇护者”敞开大门,他们是 21 世纪第三世界国家中“贫穷、拥挤的人群”,这些国家被北约的炸弹和来自欧盟的廉价农产品进口摧毁。(人们经常忽视,许多非洲国家的农业经济被大量补贴的欧盟农民生产的廉价剩余产品摧毁)。
2015 年夏天,对社会的攻击达到了新的高度。“我们可以做到,”默克尔总理说,她向“寻求庇护者”敞开大门,他们是 21 世纪第三世界国家中“贫穷、拥挤的人群”,这些国家被北约的炸弹和来自欧盟的廉价农产品进口摧毁。(人们经常忽视,许多非洲国家的农业经济被大量补贴的欧盟农民生产的廉价剩余产品摧毁)。
Since many of these newcomers were young, single and often muslim males, the effects are devastating, especially for the safety of women. Entire sections of German cities are now muslim ghettos, with Arabic street signs. Many schools have high percentages of non-German kids, born from illiterate parents, while literacy among the younger generations has been declining at alarming rates. In other words, Germany is rapidly being “de-Germanized.”
The US government had long been irritated by Germany’s growing reliance on cheap and plentiful energy from Russia. The completion of Nord Stream 2, a new gas pipeline through the Baltic, in September 2021 opened vast new possibilities for German industry and German-Russian cooperation, that the Biden regime decided to make good on its threat to sabotage the new pipeline: on 26 September 2022 it was blown up. It is part of a three-pronged coordinated attack on the German economy. The first element is to force Germany to abandon Russian energy and to switch to more expensive US imports, the second to destroy the lucrative German-Chinese business relationship, and the third to force Germany to increase its military spending.
美国政府长期以来一直对德国日益依赖俄罗斯廉价而丰富的能源感到恼火。2021 年 9 月,一条穿越波罗的海的新天然气管道“北溪 2 号”完工,为德国工业和德俄合作开辟了广阔的新可能性,拜登政府决定兑现破坏新管道的威胁:2022 年 9 月 26 日,该管道被炸毁。这是对德国经济三管齐下的协同攻击的一部分。第一要素是迫使德国放弃俄罗斯能源,转而使用更昂贵的美国进口产品,第二要素是破坏利润丰厚的德中商业关系,第三要素是迫使德国增加军费开支。
美国政府长期以来一直对德国日益依赖俄罗斯廉价而丰富的能源感到恼火。2021 年 9 月,一条穿越波罗的海的新天然气管道“北溪 2 号”完工,为德国工业和德俄合作开辟了广阔的新可能性,拜登政府决定兑现破坏新管道的威胁:2022 年 9 月 26 日,该管道被炸毁。这是对德国经济三管齐下的协同攻击的一部分。第一要素是迫使德国放弃俄罗斯能源,转而使用更昂贵的美国进口产品,第二要素是破坏利润丰厚的德中商业关系,第三要素是迫使德国增加军费开支。
But the toughest nut to crack has been German popular culture and the sense of pride that comes with it. Hence the long-lasting American offensive against German popular culture. It has succeeded in forcing most Germans to listen to American-style music with English lyrics on their radios and TVs. The attack on popular culture is essentially a war on the German spirit, since popular culture is only the immediately visible part of the collective spirit.
As a first step in the attack on German popular culture, the Americans began to reeducate them. For instance, propaganda movies (rather “clips”) were made telling the Germans not to march and how to walk briskly without making too martial an impression. Eventually such reeducation efforts managed to convince German men to pee sitting on the toilet. The Americans did not immediately flood Germany with Hollywood movies (as they did in France in an effort to displace French competitors), perhaps also because the UFA studios in Berlin had been producing popular movies according to similar concepts, with movie stars that were far more popular than any from the US.
作为对德国流行文化的攻击,美国人首先开始对其进行再教育。例如,他们制作了宣传片(更确切地说是“剪辑”),告诉德国人不要示威游行,以及如何快步”行走”而不会给人留下过于军事化的印象。最终,这种再教育努力成功说服了德国男性坐在马桶上小便。美国人并没有立即用好莱坞电影占领德国(他们在法国这样做是为了取代法国竞争对手),或许也是因为柏林的UFA 工作室一直在根据类似概念制作流行电影,其电影明星比美国的任何电影明星都受欢迎得多。
作为对德国流行文化的攻击,美国人首先开始对其进行再教育。例如,他们制作了宣传片(更确切地说是“剪辑”),告诉德国人不要示威游行,以及如何快步”行走”而不会给人留下过于军事化的印象。最终,这种再教育努力成功说服了德国男性坐在马桶上小便。美国人并没有立即用好莱坞电影占领德国(他们在法国这样做是为了取代法国竞争对手),或许也是因为柏林的UFA 工作室一直在根据类似概念制作流行电影,其电影明星比美国的任何电影明星都受欢迎得多。
Until the 1970s, German audiences continued to flock to movies made by German directors such as Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Werner Herzog and Wim Wenders. German TV channels produced many highly popular series such as Derrick, that were even successfully exported to distant places like China.
直到 20 世纪 70 年代,德国观众仍然蜂拥观看由德国导演制作的电影,例如雷纳·维尔纳·法斯宾德、沃纳·赫尔佐格和维姆·文德斯。德国电视台制作了许多非常受欢迎的电视剧,例如《德里克》,这些电视剧甚至成功出口到中国等遥远的地方。
直到 20 世纪 70 年代,德国观众仍然蜂拥观看由德国导演制作的电影,例如雷纳·维尔纳·法斯宾德、沃纳·赫尔佐格和维姆·文德斯。德国电视台制作了许多非常受欢迎的电视剧,例如《德里克》,这些电视剧甚至成功出口到中国等遥远的地方。
Immediately after the war, the Germans were too busy clearing up the rubble of their bombed cities and getting their lives back in order to develop any interest in American music and English lyrics. Instead they had dreams. About faraway places where life was easy and where the sun was shining, such as Tampico in Mexico, as in the 1946 Schlager (“loads of liquor everyday, every man has three women and can afford to build a house.”). For a long time, Germans dreamed of such places and until the 1960s, tried to find these especially in Italy, like around Lake Garda, during their summer vacations. American music did not become the norm in Germany until the early 1990s.
战后不久,德国人忙于清理被轰炸城市的废墟,恢复正常生活,无暇对美国音乐和英文歌词产生兴趣。相反,他们怀揣着梦想。梦想着遥远的地方,那里生活安逸,阳光灿烂,比如墨西哥的坦皮科,就像 1946 年的 Schlager(“每天喝很多酒,每个男人都有三个女人,而且有能力盖房子。”)。很长一段时间以来,德国人一直梦想着这样的地方,直到 20 世纪 60 年代,他们还在夏天度假期间,试图在意大利加尔达湖附近找到这样的地方。
战后不久,德国人忙于清理被轰炸城市的废墟,恢复正常生活,无暇对美国音乐和英文歌词产生兴趣。相反,他们怀揣着梦想。梦想着遥远的地方,那里生活安逸,阳光灿烂,比如墨西哥的坦皮科,就像 1946 年的 Schlager(“每天喝很多酒,每个男人都有三个女人,而且有能力盖房子。”)。很长一段时间以来,德国人一直梦想着这样的地方,直到 20 世纪 60 年代,他们还在夏天度假期间,试图在意大利加尔达湖附近找到这样的地方。
Sometimes it was even the other way around, as when American Gus Backus in 1962 became a German Schlager star, singing German lyrics, of course. This in itself was a powerful signal of how attractive the German language and culture were. Along with Backus, there were Italian, Israeli, Greek, Croat, Dutch, French, Belgian and Czech singers all singing Schlager in German, and welcomed by an appreciative public. This is no longer the case now that musical and popular culture have become almost fully Anglicized.
直到 20 世纪 90 年代初,美国音乐才成为德国的常态。有时甚至相反,比如 1962 年美国人 Gus Backus 成为德国 Schlager 明星,当然,他唱的是德语歌词。这本身就强烈表明了德语和德国文化的吸引力。除了巴克斯之外,还有意大利、以色列、希腊、克罗地亚、荷兰、法国、比利时和捷克歌手用德语演唱了这首曲子,受到了观众的热烈欢迎。如今,音乐和流行文化几乎完全英国化,这种情况已不复存在。
直到 20 世纪 90 年代初,美国音乐才成为德国的常态。有时甚至相反,比如 1962 年美国人 Gus Backus 成为德国 Schlager 明星,当然,他唱的是德语歌词。这本身就强烈表明了德语和德国文化的吸引力。除了巴克斯之外,还有意大利、以色列、希腊、克罗地亚、荷兰、法国、比利时和捷克歌手用德语演唱了这首曲子,受到了观众的热烈欢迎。如今,音乐和流行文化几乎完全英国化,这种情况已不复存在。
Apart from music, for a long time German sports enjoyed broad popularity, and international successes by West-German, East-German and all-German sportsmen, sportswomen and sports teams would electrify the republic and the nation and strengthen a certain sense of Germanness. In 1954 the German national football (soccer) won the World Cup defeating the famed Hungarian team. I have always suspected that somewhere up in the hierarchy the decision had been made to let Germany win. No better way, short of a victory in war (that had twice escaped Germany), to restore national self-esteem, or at least soften the pain. In 1974 the West-German national team again won the World Cup when the tournament was organized in Germany.
除了音乐之外,德国体育长期以来也广受欢迎,西德、东德和全德运动员和运动队在国际上的成功让这个两个国家为之振奋,增强了德国人的某种意识。1954 年,德国国家足球队击败著名的匈牙利队,夺得了世界杯冠军。我一直怀疑,高层的某个人决定让德国队获胜。除了在战争中取得胜利(德国曾两次逃脱战争),没有更好的办法来恢复民族自尊,或至少减轻痛苦。1974 年,西德国家队再次夺得世界杯冠军,当时世界杯在德国举办。
除了音乐之外,德国体育长期以来也广受欢迎,西德、东德和全德运动员和运动队在国际上的成功让这个两个国家为之振奋,增强了德国人的某种意识。1954 年,德国国家足球队击败著名的匈牙利队,夺得了世界杯冠军。我一直怀疑,高层的某个人决定让德国队获胜。除了在战争中取得胜利(德国曾两次逃脱战争),没有更好的办法来恢复民族自尊,或至少减轻痛苦。1974 年,西德国家队再次夺得世界杯冠军,当时世界杯在德国举办。
In the 1960 Olympics at Rome, the united German team (both FRG and GDR) ended in fourth position, with a record of 12 gold medals. In the 1976 Montreal Olympics, the FRG and GDR teams put together ended in first place with 50 gold medals and a total of 129 medals. Since then, Germany has dropped in the overall medal ranking, taking only 9th place in the 2020 (2021) Olympics. In soccer, the (West)-German national team only won the UEFA (European) championship a mere three times in so far eighteen tournaments. The current German national team, once in its moments of greatest glory exclusively composed of real Germans, has a Turkish captain and half a dozen “black” Germans. For many native Germans it is rather difficult to identify with such a national team. However it is a faithful reflection of a population of which 30% has a “migration background.”
在 1960 年的罗马奥运会上,德国联队(包括德意志联邦共和国和民主德国)以 12 枚金牌的成绩排名第四。 1976 年蒙特利尔奥运会上,联邦德国和民主德国两支队伍共获得 50 枚金牌,共 129 枚奖牌,位居第一。此后,德国在奖牌榜上排名下滑,在 2020 年 (2021 年) 奥运会上仅排名第 9 位。在足球方面,德国国家队在迄今为止的 18 届比赛中仅三次赢得欧洲足球锦标赛冠军。目前的德国国家队曾是一支由真正的德国人组成的辉煌球队,但如今却有一名土耳其队长和六名“黑人”德国人。对于许多德国本土人来说,很难认同这样一支国家队。然而,这支国家队忠实地反映了德国 30% 的人口具有“移民背景”。
在 1960 年的罗马奥运会上,德国联队(包括德意志联邦共和国和民主德国)以 12 枚金牌的成绩排名第四。 1976 年蒙特利尔奥运会上,联邦德国和民主德国两支队伍共获得 50 枚金牌,共 129 枚奖牌,位居第一。此后,德国在奖牌榜上排名下滑,在 2020 年 (2021 年) 奥运会上仅排名第 9 位。在足球方面,德国国家队在迄今为止的 18 届比赛中仅三次赢得欧洲足球锦标赛冠军。目前的德国国家队曾是一支由真正的德国人组成的辉煌球队,但如今却有一名土耳其队长和六名“黑人”德国人。对于许多德国本土人来说,很难认同这样一支国家队。然而,这支国家队忠实地反映了德国 30% 的人口具有“移民背景”。
The destructive attack on Germany would not have yielded any tangible results if the Anglo-Americans had not succeeded in subverting German collective consciousness, or the German mind, if you will. By constantly hammering on the German guilt for World War I, World War II and for every real or imagined misdeed to any group of people, the Germans were talked into having a true guilt complex. This is especially noticeable among German millennials and the German Generation Z.
如果英美未能成功颠覆德国人的集体意识,或者说德国人的思想,对德国的破坏性攻击就不会产生任何切实的成果。通过不断强调德国对第一次世界大战、第二次世界大战以及对任何群体犯下的任何真实或想象的罪行的罪责,德国人被说服产生了真正的罪恶感。这在德国千禧一代和德国 Z 世代中尤为明显。
如果英美未能成功颠覆德国人的集体意识,或者说德国人的思想,对德国的破坏性攻击就不会产生任何切实的成果。通过不断强调德国对第一次世界大战、第二次世界大战以及对任何群体犯下的任何真实或想象的罪行的罪责,德国人被说服产生了真正的罪恶感。这在德国千禧一代和德国 Z 世代中尤为明显。
Unlike their counterparts from elsewhere in Europe, these young Germans almost break under the weight of their guilt feelings. They are so guilt-ridden as to be even unable to support any jokes on these issues, no matter how innocent. Not one of them can grasp the notion that they are absolutely not accountable for the real or imagined deeds of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers. Add to that the fact among those younger German generations wokeness, climate and gender lunacy have taken root more firmly than anywhere else in Europe, and it is obvious Germany is heading for the exit.
In addition, with a government composed of incompetents, imbeciles and traitors faithfully carrying out orders from Washington DC, it is obvious that Germany is fast becoming the very antithesis of the country it once was. Even the trains no longer run on time!
After two wars and about a century of sabotage, the Anglo-Saxons have finally been able to get the better of Germany. Theodore W. Kaufman’s 1941 exhortation has almost been executed: Germany Must Perish!
经过两次战争和一个世纪的破坏,盎格鲁-撒克逊人终于战胜了德国。西奥多·考夫曼 1941 年的劝告几乎已经实现:德国必须灭亡!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
After two wars and about a century of sabotage, the Anglo-Saxons have finally been able to get the better of Germany. Theodore W. Kaufman’s 1941 exhortation has almost been executed: Germany Must Perish!
经过两次战争和一个世纪的破坏,盎格鲁-撒克逊人终于战胜了德国。西奥多·考夫曼 1941 年的劝告几乎已经实现:德国必须灭亡!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Italus says:
The destructions of both militarized Prussia and the ‘spiritualized’ Holy Roman Empire seem to be the condition precedent of what we are witnessing afar here, namely the disfigurement of Bismark’s Germany of 1871.
As for England being at best a periphery part of Europe, this is very much debatable both from the Norman and Roman points of view. Provincial Britain and northern Gaul seem to have been the epicenter of the soldiers who followed and supported Constantine till he reached the Milvian Bridge and beyond. The Normans, as Gallicized and Romanized Scandinavians, pulled England politically back to the European continental orbit.
On the premise that nations are not simply a group of shopkeepers, it’s apparent that both modern German and British nobles, leaders and ‘patres’ have given up on their ‘myths,’ and with it their identities.
As far as shopkeepers go, well…
The destructions of both militarized Prussia and the ‘spiritualized’ Holy Roman Empire seem to be the condition precedent of what we are witnessing afar here, namely the disfigurement of Bismark’s Germany of 1871.
As for England being at best a periphery part of Europe, this is very much debatable both from the Norman and Roman points of view. Provincial Britain and northern Gaul seem to have been the epicenter of the soldiers who followed and supported Constantine till he reached the Milvian Bridge and beyond. The Normans, as Gallicized and Romanized Scandinavians, pulled England politically back to the European continental orbit.
On the premise that nations are not simply a group of shopkeepers, it’s apparent that both modern German and British nobles, leaders and ‘patres’ have given up on their ‘myths,’ and with it their identities.
As far as shopkeepers go, well…
Odyssey says:
@ItalusWhere did you learn that history? In Hollywood movies? What kind of provincial Britain? Northern Gaul?
Constantine was a Serb, like a dozen Roman emperors before him and a dozen after him. This is possible because the soldiers were almost exclusively Serbs and they and they elected the emperors. The defender of Rome on the Milvian Bridge was Maxentius, also a Serb, whose younger sister was Constantine’s second wife. His older sister was the second wife of Constantine’s father, who was one of the Tetrarchs, where other three were also Serbian emperors.
Maxentius’ father Maximian, was co-emperor with Diocletian who was also a Serb. The capital of the Roman Empire was also in today’s Serbia, where there were 12 mints where money was minted for the head of the empire. A dozen Roman emperors were born there.
Before the Serbophobe on duty protests against the frequent mention of the Serbian name, let him first point out the information that is incorrect in my comment. This is my humble contribution to the true history of the Roman Empire.
马克森提乌斯的父亲马克西米安是戴克里先的共治皇帝,戴克里先也是塞尔维亚人。罗马帝国的首都也在今天的塞尔维亚,那里有 12 个铸币厂,为帝国元首铸造货币。有十几位罗马皇帝出生在那里。
@ItalusWhere did you learn that history? In Hollywood movies? What kind of provincial Britain? Northern Gaul?
Constantine was a Serb, like a dozen Roman emperors before him and a dozen after him. This is possible because the soldiers were almost exclusively Serbs and they and they elected the emperors. The defender of Rome on the Milvian Bridge was Maxentius, also a Serb, whose younger sister was Constantine’s second wife. His older sister was the second wife of Constantine’s father, who was one of the Tetrarchs, where other three were also Serbian emperors.
Maxentius’ father Maximian, was co-emperor with Diocletian who was also a Serb. The capital of the Roman Empire was also in today’s Serbia, where there were 12 mints where money was minted for the head of the empire. A dozen Roman emperors were born there.
Before the Serbophobe on duty protests against the frequent mention of the Serbian name, let him first point out the information that is incorrect in my comment. This is my humble contribution to the true history of the Roman Empire.
马克森提乌斯的父亲马克西米安是戴克里先的共治皇帝,戴克里先也是塞尔维亚人。罗马帝国的首都也在今天的塞尔维亚,那里有 12 个铸币厂,为帝国元首铸造货币。有十几位罗马皇帝出生在那里。
Ernesto Che says:
@anarchyst Good comment, but I am afraid it is too late for Germany, even if, Inshallah, ZioNazistan ceases to exist. The damage has been done and young generations are traumatized by what the Jews have foisted onto them.
@anarchyst Good comment, but I am afraid it is too late for Germany, even if, Inshallah, ZioNazistan ceases to exist. The damage has been done and young generations are traumatized by what the Jews have foisted onto them.
inspector general says:
@Ernesto Che The German heroic myths may make a comeback.
@Ernesto Che The German heroic myths may make a comeback.
Ernesto Che says:
@inspector general I don’t know if they will, but the Germans deserve to be liberated from ZioNazi strangulation. So far, not a single one of their leaders have been anything other than sycophantic, ass-licking creeps vis-à-vis the ZioNazi scum.
@inspector general I don’t know if they will, but the Germans deserve to be liberated from ZioNazi strangulation. So far, not a single one of their leaders have been anything other than sycophantic, ass-licking creeps vis-à-vis the ZioNazi scum.
Shala says:
@Ernesto CheIt’s extremely sad. Israel has devastated many countries so far.
@Ernesto CheIt’s extremely sad. Israel has devastated many countries so far.
mulga mumblebrain says:
@Shala And corrupted others internally to the point of spiritual death.
@Shala And corrupted others internally to the point of spiritual death.
CelestiaQuesta says:
@Ernesto Che I don’t blame the German folk, I blame those heads of state allowed Zionist parasites to demean, destroy and replace a great German culture with traitorous Zionist asshole crawlers (Angela Mercal, Schultz,etc.) that allowed masses of mohammadans and Gypsy thieves to invade after Zionist Jews and their white hating US/UK/EU ZOGs pillage what remains.
The same ZioCoup that’s taking place in US, Canada, EU, UK, etc…..
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
@Ernesto Che I don’t blame the German folk, I blame those heads of state allowed Zionist parasites to demean, destroy and replace a great German culture with traitorous Zionist asshole crawlers (Angela Mercal, Schultz,etc.) that allowed masses of mohammadans and Gypsy thieves to invade after Zionist Jews and their white hating US/UK/EU ZOGs pillage what remains.
The same ZioCoup that’s taking place in US, Canada, EU, UK, etc…..
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
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