2024-09-26 echoeso- 10020

The US trade war is starting to backfire, this time on America's very own farmers. Trump's manufacturing tariffs on John Deere will be a devastating blow. Meanwhile, China just dropped a stimulus bombshell. Over $200 billion dollars in support is flooding into the Chinese markets.


200% tariff, so American farmers can't afford to buy Farm machinery. Genius move.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Putting tariff? Who in the right mind will continue doing business with such arrogant empire? Good luck!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

China is trading BRI projects for agriculture goods through out the world. Africa, South America, Eurasia, Russia. Those regions simply asking China to build roads and railway to complement transportation. Win win strategy.


John Deer will just say this "Ok Mr Trump. Go ahead. Put 200% tarif on our products. We will increase the spare parts for our products and put 200% on it. Make sure you are prepared when the farmers block of your cities as a protest. I'm sure you will be popular."


The U.S think the world revolves around them. There are 7 billion people on this planet

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Who wants to buy US glyphosate drenched GMO foods? (Wheat, corn, soy, etc) naw illegal in many places.


If no farm machinery available, can't the Americans use the bullock and plough method instead? I am sure India will be very happy to export that technology!


The world markets will be split into two.. it seems America should have a planet for themselves to trade among themselves and no one else..

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

That's the whole idea, food shortages and other ways to more control.
US and EU are going down.

这就是整个想法,粮食短缺和其他方式来加强控制。 美国和欧盟正在走向衰落。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

John deer isnt allowing farmers to fix their own equipment. This isnt just deer moving overseas.


I bet most of these farmers are the same ppl who cheer Trump when he talks about putting tarrifs on "Chaiina"


The trip a few weeks ago by US national security advisor Jake Sullivan went to China to urge the Chinese leadership to continue to buy US agricultural grains to help lessen the hard conditions ongoing in the US domestic agriculture sector, on the pretext of the trip to discuss about national security matters with China!


If Trump is to tariff John Deere for 200%. They might as well allow Chinese farm equipment manufacturer in at 200%. Cause no one can afford 200% tariff on John Deere. That might even drive food price lower since 200% tariff on Chinese farm equipment is cheaper than John Deere equipment without tariff.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Well this is US own problem. The rest of the world must be mad to buy anything US made...when they can dictate what you can do with their product bought from your own money.


so where is the freedom US always brag about?


200% tariff is a genius move, he will created a huge number of workers for farm to replace John Deere equiptment.
Back to 100 years ago, using horse, cows, maybe bisons.
He is a genius president.


Something I heard from the Aussies the other day was that US-made Teslas suffer reliability problems, but the same cars from China factories are faultless. Aussies are their neighbours so they would know.


It’s not only all over for US farmers, US consumers would see inflation similar to the Great Depression. As Elon Musk correctly pointed out, interest payment on government debt is already at $1 trillion every 3 months. Soon it will be every 2 months and then every month. The only way the government can afford to repay its debt is by inflation. Brace yourself for economic chaos. Trump’s tariffs would simply lead to higher prices, thus fuelling inflation. He has no clue.


slap 200% tariff on made in china iphone. do they have any other candidate?


All those tariffs just to fund wars? The US is a mystery in self harm. Unless d war is d reward cos we now know Anato is a weapons selling company


Remember when Trump threatened Carrier AC when they moved jobs to Mexico? Carrier still moved those jobs.


USA farmer We’ll have to become real farmers and start growing all types of crops instead of just slamming corn down every year With a load of fertilisers in insecticides and chemicals


Large American corporations being greedy has created many problems. Rather than using their money to fight government interference to competitive practices, they just pocketed the money. The American corporate mindset went from creating quality innovative products, to being no more than an investment industry. Maximizing investor profit without regard to the product or the people who buy the product is the norm. Destroying a company is okay as long as the right investors can bail out early with a ton of cash. Leaving the USA to exploit cheap labor rather than addressing these problems, is another way to keep this flawed practice alive. However,these things are unsustainable.


We need a small reliable affordable electric vehicle. Let the world compete.


American made products are just too expensive. Probably only European market is the only other place can afford them.


The Chinese are quite adaptable and responsive. That’s almost a contradiction in terms. No one would have thought any government as big as China be that nimble. It really is an insane time Sean.


Farmers already started to dislike John Deer because they made their tractors unrepairable the way Tesla did with their cars


US farmland has about 40 seasons left before it will not be able to grow food.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Well wages in the US haven't kept up with reality. If people were paid real wages every thing would work out better. But keeping wages down to extract profits is actually stupid. If people can't buy,you can sell, The stupid American economic strategy. low wages higher profits. It's a downward cycle.


China can sell elsewhere but US can't import from another location like that.


China should just decoupling from US and let this country go bust. China must not be soft or lenient with US. China can get all it needs from friendly countries and within BRICS countries.


the US is so deluded, they can't even see their own implosion!


The CEO and Blackrock want profit, and could care less about keeping tractors and equipment simple and cheap for the small and family farmers.


China has a major backstop in the ever-expanding BRICS economic bloc. What backstop can the US rely on now?


How is Trump going to get around the USMCA free trade agreement? The US is just going to renege on treaty commitments?


China has a huge advantage in that it writes off debt as necessary. They finance the stimulus themselves and then dexe the debt.


You are wrong, John Deere faced huge boycotts here in the US, for the same reason Bud Light was, that is why they are moving their production to Mexico


China has organized "forced quantitative easing", it looks like it. China pays bills from Russia within 3(!) weeks. They pay, and they say they are afraid of sanctions but they are dragging it out for three weeks. Maybe if they restore order here, there will be order with stocks.


Protectionism is great, it causes people to value their neighbor more. The con is also great, decades of lower profits and manufacturing re-transformation. Can Americans stomach the short term (30+ years) cost of making thew country great again or will they whine and cry?


Isn't outsourcing and offshoring to maximize profits a core tenant of capitalism? Is Trump the product of capitalism now suddenly anti-capitalist?


Really to send manufacturing overseas then put high tarrifs on those goods. the govt stopped equal economies went to sanctions and tarrifs.


china is doing what is good for their people, why USA always have to feel threaten with other countries advancement, cant they just be happy if more people in the world enjoy better life together ?


The Chinese are holding back from buying properties for fear of further price decline. Properties in China actually have very low rental yield. I'm not sure if the rich sees properties as an investment vehicle anymore.
All the properties in China are leasehold with about 65 years lifespan. It's just not wise to hold on to properties hoping they'll appreciate in such slow market.
Just my 2 cents.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Now that they are importing food, there's some pandemic that will break out relating to food. Forcing the world to abandon the said food.


200% tariff, the farmers are going to suffer more then am i wrong,because farmers wont be able to afford equipment and will lead to job losses right?


Trump is an experienced successful businessman. He will not lay all his cards on the table so early in the game. He has said many times that countries must do what is in their best interests. It’s more likely that in the end President Trump will sit down with China and establish trade agreements that benefit both countries. This is what Trump has a history of doing.


US farmers and the Atlantic northwest states will split off and join with Quebec to form a separate country after the 2nd American Civil War in either 2025 or 2026.


If the only thing the US is good at is punishing people for not doing as they're told, what do you think those countries will do?


The return of trump will set in motion high volatility and uncertainty in geopolitics and geoeconomics. Some variables with higher predictability is rise of nationalism, entanglement and less diplomatic resolution of international disputes leading into contested battlefield of self assertion and dominance in attempt to maximize one's leverage blinding business sentiment all over the world.


I don't understand why many Chinese manufacturers set up plants in Mexico to avoid the US tariff. They should know that the US will always move the goal posts. Forget the US, China should start to build up their presence in other markets. It takes time but great for their future.


There are 2 choices. You can either bring labor costs into parity with the United States in other countries or you can deal with tarriffs. The American worker will no longer allow large companies to move to other countries and save money on labor at our expense and still sell in our markets. They can sell to China

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

"I'm a US farmer. I make a living selling my crops. When I offer to sell my wheat for $6/bushel, and China says 'okay', I feel like my livelihood is being threatened. That's why I ask Mr. Trump to help protect our food from China. "


USA/ Mexico has no free tax treaty. How will Trump impose the tariff? The mechanism of how he intend to do it and posted here will be appreciated


I'm not entirely sure if it is wise to pump up real estate prices now as well as simultaneously do same for the stock market. These are via artificial financial procedures which will only increase productivity in the wrong sectors. Better to have kept on the original course of investing in real industrial growth & rely on global south (BRICS, SCO, etc) for commerce. It's also well established that the US & West generally want to take their own ball back & not play under fair rules, so why knock yourself out trying to please them?


I live on a farm in Iowa. We rent the land out to a local hog farmer who raises corn on it to feed hogs. I talk to farmers who raise and sell corn and soy beans. A lot of them are concerned about the low price of grain and the higher cost to grow crops. For farmers that rent land to grow and sell crops it might not make sense to do so. I've known people that just flat out quit and sell all of their equipment. If the farmer owes money to the bank and the banker sees that it is not going to work out the farmer might not get a loan to put the crop in next spring. Where I live if the farmer is hurting a lot of other people will be hurting too.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Well the problem is also the china stock market really isn’t open like the us stock market that allows others to buy. So if you are only relying on our own people to buy. Thats a little tad less than having also the rest of the world buying. Not to mention the pboc is also a control freak. They went around chasing the tech firms like alibaba ma yun even disappeared for awhile. Also their games and also their tuition.


The greater tragedy is that the US can't realistically hope to now defeat China on the economic front. Co-operation with China would be more of a win-win option for the US at this point.
But the current US administration has displayed a dreadful habit of ignoring sound advice from the experts, thinking it alone can arrive at the best solutions for hugely complex problems. So it will plough on ahead with its severe protectionist policies, and when that inevitably fails it will turn to a military solution that will doom us all.


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