2024-09-26 Kira_Yoshikage 4989

What methods do you have for coping with anxiety?


Meditation and Physical activity. I'm more active into these activities somehow I'm doing great and feeling good of what I've accomplished and I am proud.


Physical activity is the best mental health life hack ever


I've been followig guided meditations from various sources and of various lenghts (from 5 min to an hour) and all I ever get is frustrated. I have no idea how to "empty my mind" and just relax. I don't think I'm capable of it (anymore).


Hey! My therapist taught me meditation over the last few years, and it's been immensely helpful. He prefers something called "Transcendental Meditation", or TM. There is some mystical and exclusive stuff that he dismisses about it, but the actual process of meditation with a mantra rather than simply "empty your mind" has tons of research supporting it. I actually don't know "formal" TM so apologies to anyone if I get something wrong lol.


But basically, you find a comfortable place to sit, feet grounded, hands loose, and take deep breaths while slowly letting muscles relax. Then, you close your eyes and say a mantra, out loud if you want but generally I do it very purposefully in my head. Sometimes I start out loud, then get quiet as I settle in. The mantra is just one word, generally your TM teacher "bestows" it upon you and it's special, but mine is "sha-ring" lol. I don't assign any mystical value to it; it serves as a somewhat meaningless word to focus on.


For 15 minutes, the goal is to continue to breathe, check in on muscles and consciously relaxing them (I often start tensing my thighs or tightening my shoulders), and think-speaking the mantra at a comfortable cadence. There isn't a "right" way to say the mantra, I struggled with feeling like it should be a certain way for a while. If your mind wanders, like worrying about stressors or getting distracted, you observe your thoughts, then gently and nonjudgmentally guide yourself back to the mantra. I imagine walking my cat in a harness! My goal is to walk straight, my cat prefers to wander off to the side, attack a leaf, roll around, plop down etc. But yelling at him or getting frustrated doesn't make him walk better! Instead, I slow myself down, gently nudge him along, and let go of any "should be"s.


Sometimes, my thoughts won't quiet. It's basically a string of stress stress stress sha-ring stress stress sha-ring stress stress.... But the key is to keep going back to the mantra. Eventually, things calm down. If one session isn't successful, setting aside the time to sit there is important anyway! It can also be a little disconcerting when you are having a successful session, because the physical relaxation can be immense. When my timer goes off I have to wait another minute or so before I open my eyes or start moving or else I fall over. I used to struggle more with vertigo during it, but that improved with time. It's important to not get mad at yourself! You are human. You can't just shut off your mind. That's why I like meditation where your mind retains a degree of activity, while your body relaxes and blood pressure lowers.


Anyway. Not sure if this is helpful, but maybe it's something you can try!


The trick is not to "empty my mind". The trick is to not participate in the random thoughts flowing through the mind. Let them come and go, while you keep your focus on the obxt of your meditation. The mind will quiet itself eventually.


Also, it's important to not get frustrated. Getting distracted is normal and expected. When it happens, just refocus and continue. Dwelling on the fact that it happened is just more distraction.


I used to go to the gym to help with anxiety but it usually just got me more worked up. I’d get under the squat bar and get flooded with negative thoughts. You’re weak and always have been, you’ll give up on this just like everything else, you’ll never improve, people are looking at you and see you as a joke. I know it’s all in my head and entirely untrue, but I can’t seem to get them out of my head. By the end of my workout I’m exhausted physically and emotionally. Anyone else get this way and have any advice?


Meditation and ...

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

One of the most important benefits of meditation is learning how to control where your mind is focusing.


Journaling has been a game-changer for me. It's like having a low-budget therapist who's available 24/7. I write down everything that's bugging me, and somehow seeing it on paper makes it seem more manageable. Plus, doodling in the margins is a nice bonus stress-reliever.


I've always found this difficult because I'm a fairly self conscious person so immortalising my thoughts and feelings is tough. But maybe it would help, I'll give it a try


immortalising my thoughts


Doing this is exactly what you need to do, so that you can revisit those thoughts later and reflect on them with a clear mind.


Maybe you're right. I often feel embarrassed about seeing how I felt about things at the time. Like my feelings were irrational or stupid and not valid. Maybe that's some of the reason I don't gravitate towards this naturally


Me: rips page out two months later when I revisit because "girl you were tripping and everything was, in fact, ok"


Or burn it. New year, let it go. Make it a ceremony, even if solo.


Exactly this. My therapist just recommended this to me recently. Write everything out.. but you don’t have to keep it. Rip it up, throw it away, or burn it. I choose It’s quite therapeutic.


I feel exactly the same. I’ve tried journaling, but the fear of dying and having my loved ones go through my stuff and reading all my most secret and dumb thoughts keeps me from being 100% honest.


I get around it by typing out an email to myself and saving it as a draft to be dexed later.


My daughter found my journal when she was maybe 16ish. It was all just me saying how worthless I was, how I wanted to die, how much pain I was in. She came to me crying, and I felt horrible that she saw that part of me. I don't journal any more


I do this but never read them back.


First I did it in a notebook now I do it in a notes app on my laptop and lock the notes so it feel secure.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I like doing it on the computer cos I'm quicker at typing so I just unload my thoughts and don't worry about grammar or caps and just let it fly. If it's about someone fuck it I'll write it if it's deep and dark I write it.


Another tips I got with anxiety is a technique called take the thought to court.


If your worrying about everyone hating you for example (a pretty common one) take that thought to court and write down thr evidence for the case and against it.


For example, "everyone hates me your honor".


The evidence for this is I sometimes say stupid things or I don't text back.


The evidence against this says "they never said they hate me, they invite me to things and I enjoy myself when I'm there."


So in conclusion they don't hate me.


Cognitive restructuring, my favorite being looking for evidence of my worries/thoughts being unlikely, incoherent or incorrect.


For example: my friends probably hate me. What evidence do I have that could prove this? What evidence do I have to prove that they, in fact, do not?


When I'm sitting in the moment of anxiety, I do this:


I breathe. A deep, long inhale; a comfortable, collapsing exhale.


I focus on my breathing and my working lungs and not on whatever problem has triggered my anxiety.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Once I feel calmer, I look at the problem that's causing the anxiety.


I imagine the worst case scenario. What if my deepest worry actually materialized?!?


I then figure out what I would do IF that actually happened.


Once I realize that, even though it's not something I wish to go through, that there is a path out of it, I feel calmer and in more control.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I think back to other times I've felt this way and the eventual outcome wasn't as difficult to deal with as I had imagined.


For me it's the loss of control and the unknown that causes my mental and emotional discomfort. Once I have an idea of a possible plan forward, it doesn't feel so scary.


Hope this is of some help to you.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My therapist always tells me to reword “what if” to “even if”. Meaning even IF that thing happens, I will be just fine.


I'll go out and get groceries/something I've been meaning to get for my place. Not like impulse buying, but like something I NEED that I've just been putting off. Gets me doing something productive, I'm outside, and then I feel "one step ahead" of where I was when I was feeling like ass.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Playing music, gym, or just any hobby really.


Acutely or aggregately?


-Acutely : Try to focus on the present moment. Look around, take some deep breaths, and assess that nothing is currently wrong or disastrous etc etc in that moment. Additionally it may be helpful to engage in something such as a hobby, a walk, etc to distract yourself.


-Aggregately - and hear me when I say this - Do something that will fill your ‘bucket’ daily, weekly etc. Your bucket will fill 2-3% each day, and be emptied out 1-2% from life’s stupidities. 6 months will go by and you’ll be 30-40% better. 12-18 months will go by and you’ll be 90% better. Just trust the process and take care of yourself and never give up.


I don't understand the bucket filling analogy. Please explain


Of course.


If you feel like sad, angry, lonely etc, your bucket is empty. If you feel great, fufilled, happy etc- your bucket is full.


Another example may be as simple as toxic people or traits are putting holes in your bucket.


surroundings and nature.


Control something you can control. Feel like life is slipping and you’re overwhelmed? Pick one small thing you CAN control and do it. I usually start by cleaning my room til it sparkles. Hey, now I feel good because I accomplished something. Then I find something else I can control, maybe my exercise, and I go for a 2 mile walk to get some good air and see people going about life. Then I come home to a perfectly clean room. Next I’ll control what I eat. Maybe cook a healthy or cozy meal like some pancakes, eggs, sausage, and fruit or some baked fish and veggies.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

After all that, I’m in a mood believing I can do whatever I want to, and whatever I need to. Just start small by controlling something you can control.


Spend time with friends or meet other people through activities such as volunteering, sport or social clubs, or peer support groups. If you're able to talk to people about how you feel, it can help to reduce your anxiety. Sometimes saying what's worrying you out loud can take away its power over you.


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