2024-09-27 兰陵笑笑生 11253
I moved away from Korea after living there 3 years. Some thoughts and feelings.


From my experience, my main takeaway is "Korea is a place to live, but not a place to make a life", if that makes any sense.
Korea has some great stuff, and Korea has some terrible stuff. I look back fondly on a lot of it, and I look back on some other things and get this sense of dread. I miss the food, my friends, the vibe of Hongdae on weekend nights. I do not miss the winter, the concrete-and-green-glass architecture, or the drab daytime living. Korea loves new things but also is extremely insular, more than Japan or China in my experience, to an almost suffocating degree.
Not sure where I'm going with this but I just wanted to say it was great, but also I'm glad I moved on. Best of luck to anyone who is staying there.


Everybody's journey is different, but what I would have said after my first three years in Korea and how I feel now would probably be significantly different.


3 years is a long time though and the world is big.
It will take some time to break into a homogenous and insular culture such as South Korea. So this sounds like a deep investment.
Would you say you plan on staying there permanently, and would you have any more zest & curiosity to experience other cultures outside of South Korea?

3 年时间很长,但世界很大。

I'm going on 2 years now and will be leaving after my current contract.
Like you, I've been unable to relate to Korea and Korean culture. There's been good parts and bad parts but overall I didn't like living here.
I kind of see that as more on me though. Not a failing on the part of Korea - rather that my personality didn't suit the place.
We all have to make our way. We come into places and they're for us or not. Part of life.


Maybe just a personal opinion of mine, but if you did not grow up in a fast pace Asian culture besides Korea, I’m talking other Asian countries like Singapore, China, Japan, then I can see why some people cannot relate to Korea and Korean culture.


I lived in Japan a couple of years, have been there a lot and I had the feeling I could live there forever; I didn't feel that at all living for a year in Korea. To me the vibes are entirely different.


Korea is an okay place to live.
close to other asian countries for travel
not too chaotic. Things work most of the time.
cost of living is okay relative to salary
Air quality and the weather: freezing in the winter and hot in summer
materialistic culture

1. 靠近其他亚洲国家,便于旅行
2. 不太混乱。大部分时间都能正常工作。
3. 相对于工资而言,生活费用还可以
1. 空气质量和天气:冬天冷,夏天热
2. 物质文化

When I first arrived in Korea way back when, I got paid 2.1 million plus housing. I think hagwon people are still getting that same salary. LMao

我刚来韩国的时候,工资是 210 万,外加住房。我想现在补习班的人还在拿同样的工资吧。笑死

i honestly don't know who bothers travelling around the world for a minimum wage job


Minimum wage will go further in Korea than in the U.S., especially with provided housing. That’s why


I paid the deposit for the mortgage on my apt in my home country ($10k) with money I easily saved up working minimum wage in Japan, $9/hr.
Living in a country with a living minimum wage means you can easily set aside a few bucks every month, and it adds up. Whereas minomum wage in my country is neither a living wage, nor do you save up a lot on $2/hr.

我用在日本挣最低工资(9 美元/小时)时好不容易攒下的钱支付了在国内买房的押金(1 万美元)。
生活在一个有最低生活工资的国家,意味着你可以很容易地每月留出几块钱,而且这些钱会越积越多。而在我的国家,最低工资既不是生活工资,也不是每小时 2 美元就能攒下很多钱。

People who want to experience another culture with free travel there and lodging. Unemployed people wanting a fresh start in a new country. People into k-culture, K pop, k dramas who see it as a chance to live their dreams. Plenty of people will travel across the world for a minimum wage job if it can get them closer to their wants and dreams.


Mostly the rejects of society, sprinkled with the few ppl who want to hookup, party, travel and experience something new for a year or two...
What's crazy is these Venezuelen migrants in the US are getting more than these poor fcks smh...


Very Shallow Culture, unfortunately. It is difficult to have a meaningful conversation other than people constantly talking about status and materialistic things. Other than that, it's a great safe place to enjoy.


freezing in korea? bro i live in canada and ti goes down to -20 celcius to -30

韩国很冷吗?兄弟,我住在加拿大,气温低至零下 20 摄氏度到零下 30 摄氏度

But the winter in Korea is especially nasty because you have bad air days when the dust and pollution mix together. I remember taking a road trip to Montreal in winter and getting out of the car to stretch my legs and the air felt so crisp and clean.


As a Korean it's interesting to see foreigners debating over whether Korea is a good place or not. That's all useless. It's just a country, neither a hell nor a heaven. It has good thing and bad things. Even I, a Korean, who fully understand it and truly love it have complaints and wish it was better, then why would we expect foreigners to embrace all the problems that it has? I wish all the good luck for you, OP, and for others who have ever been to my country. Sorry for any bad things that happened to you here. I just want you to know a lot of us have been trying and will keep trying to make this place better.

作为一个韩国人,看到外国人争论韩国是否是一个好地方是一件很有趣的事情。这毫无意义。它只是一个国家,既不是地狱,也不是天堂。它有好有坏。即使是我,一个完全了解它、真正热爱它的韩国人,也会有抱怨,也希望它更好,那我们为什么还要指望外国人去接受它的所有问题呢?我衷心祝愿 OP 和其他来过韩国的人一切顺利。对于你在这里发生的任何不好的事情,我深表歉意。我只是想让你知道,我们很多人一直在努力,并将继续努力让这里变得更好。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

People are too caught up on their expectations of korea instead of seeing the reality of the country. Those kinds of people constantly live in their own brain so…

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I’m Korean too and I agree with you at some degree but OP has got some valid points such as some people can be quite insular. I love my country too but sometimes people can’t take criticism and “if you don’t like us then get out” attitude doesn’t make the country any better. Yes, as someone who have lived in many countries there are pros and cons, but that doesn’t mean that we can be complacent about our problems.

我也是韩国人,我在某种程度上同意你的观点,但 OP 的观点也有道理,比如有些人可能很孤僻。我也爱我的国家,但有时人们不能接受批评,“如果你不喜欢我们,那就滚出去”的态度并不能让这个国家变得更好。是的,作为一个在许多国家生活过的人,我们的国家有利有弊,但这并不意味着我们可以对我们的问题沾沾自喜。

I lived in Korea for nearly 10 years (mid 2000s to mid 2010s). I did plenty of growing up and maturing there, and it took me nearly all of that time to come to the exact same conclusion that you typed out above. I wanted Korea to be different. I wanted it to be better. I eventually realized Korea has much of the same problems but just in a different wrapper.

我在韩国生活了近 10 年(2000 年代中期至 2010 年代中期)。我在那里经历了许多成长和成熟的过程,几乎在所有这些时间里,我都得出了与你上面所打出的完全相同的结论。我希望韩国与众不同。我想让它变得更好。我最终意识到,韩国也有很多同样的问题,只不过换了一种包装而已。

This captures exactly how I feel. I used to think I wanted to live here after the military, but then I began to sense that this place would never be home. I might come back for another year, but I don't think I can lay roots here.


I understand you. At least you can leave to anywhere else or your hometown. I am Korean and have to live here. I am trying hard to look for good points here and be a good person myself. I wish you could be find happy life in somewhere else.


I wonder why many people are leaving bitter comments here for no big reason? If you are content with your life and like it here then why this condescending demeanor towards a person who says they didn't particularly like Korea and Seoul and moved on? IMO those same people have a feeling about the flaws of life in SK, but don't consciously accept it because that'd lead to trying to change their life and change is hard. That's why when somebody does so and moves on it causes this bitterness and resentment I noticed.


I lived in Korea for 15 years. Two years in Seoul and the remainder in Gangneung. In 2023, I moved back to Northern VA and stayed at the Mosaic for 14 months. The restaurants have gone downhill but are expensive as hell. Healthcare sucks but the doctors suck worse. Customer service in every industry has gone downhill. The America I grew up in doesn't exist. It's a potluck of the worst kind. The only good things that stood out were the jiujitsu academy and the draft beer at Sweetwater Tavern. I couldn't stand it so I moved back in August.

我在韩国生活了 15 年。其中两年在首尔,其余时间在江陵。2023 年,我搬回弗吉尼亚州北部,在 Mosaic 酒店住了 14 个月。这里的餐馆在走下坡路,还贵得要命。医疗保健很糟糕,但医生更糟糕。各行各业的客户服务都在走下坡路。我成长的那个美国已经不存在了。这是一个最糟糕的大杂烩。唯一让人眼前一亮的是柔术学院和甜水酒馆的生啤。我无法忍受,所以在八月搬了回来。

I don't know what you mean by 'drab daytime living'.


I can't imagine anyone who lives in Seoul wouldn't know. Something about the city just feels very soul-sucking in the daytime. The night time is wonderful, I loved hitting up samgyupsal joints and clubs and even just walking around the parks, but at 9:30AM on a Tuesday in February... yeah. It feels void, lacking beauty, or energy, and just seems like kind of a existential pit. I get it though, the country was bombed and invaded and pushed around for hundreds of years. I think that's why Korea has a vibe of "build" rather than "create", if you know what I mean.

我无法想象住在首尔的人会不知道。这座城市的某些地方在白天有一种让人毫无灵魂的感觉。夜晚是美好的,我喜欢去韩式烤五花肉小吃店和俱乐部,甚至只是在公园里走走,但在二月星期二的上午 9:30......是的。感觉空荡荡的,没有美感,也没有活力,就像一个存在主义的深渊。不过我明白,这个国家被轰炸、侵略、蹂躏了几百年。我想这就是为什么韩国有一种 “建设”而非“创造”的氛围,如果你明白我的意思的话。

What you are trying to say is there is no spirituality or SOUL in SEOUL.
Whether you individually believe in Eastern spirituality or not, Japan and many other asian places that weren't thoroughly westernized/colonized by western capitalism retain a spiritual zen or Daoist or shinto vibe.
However in Korea, it was so thoroughly pummeled by Slavery, Imperialism, wars, and intense Americanization/industrialization, that in many places all the Eastern spiritual vibes were destroyed.
Thus you have a soulless lack of beauty (which you call "energy" or "void") Just pure mechanical efficiency vibe that robotic workers here in the reddit are not able to understand what you are talking about here.
You are trying to explain a beautiful sunset to someone that does not understand beauty. They only understand clean and organized. They are disconnected from their spirituality.

因此,你看到的是一种缺乏灵魂的美(你称之为“能量”或“虚空”),只是一种纯粹的机械效率的氛围,在 reddit 上的机器人工人无法理解你在这里谈论的是什么。

English teacher ?? Even before I get the “how does that matter “? As a tech guy working in a startup, a Tuesday morning ( no different to another morning) meant geeking on tech projects, meetings, office shenanigans, it’s a lot of drama and life. Not NULL. Not Void. When I used to work in Gwangju with a more “ ass of a boss “, i used to dread going to work . So I’d say your work determines a lot of the mood. But I do also see what you are trying to imply. From my work trips abroad, in comparison, Korea is more introverted during daytime when everyone is rigid and adheres to rules and then let loose when the day comes to an end with all the drinking and partying.


I think this is normal way of thinking. Korea is incredible… short-term. Being a tourist, study abroad, but living and working is a completely different story. I would not recommend living long-term.


I also found Japan and China even much more comfortable. Japan the quality of life is better (more polite, cleaner environment etc.). In China people are super friendly and chill.
I’d pick either place over Korea any day.


Same. I've lived there for a while and while I miss some things, I don't regret leaving overall. Mainly because of the ruthlessness of Korean society. It's quite sad, because the Koreans are among the nicest people I've know, albeit extremely superficial. But I always had the feeling that someone smiling at me could stab me in the eye because they got slightly annoyed by something.


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