2024-09-28 平平躺平 9200

Nio is a Chinese electric vehicle maker who has taken a radical approach to selling EV's: sell cars without the battery, and allow their customers to swap for fully charged batteries whenever needed.
Nio has spent the past five years building a comprehensive, and expensive, network of battery swapping stations. Buyers of Nio vehicles lease the batteries, and instead of charging them they take them to a station where they are replaced.


This strategy allows Nio to sell at a price far below competitors. Swapping a battery takes only minutes, while charging requires hours.
Though it's early, customers thus far report a strong preference for the option of battery swapping, compared to fast charging. What's more, providing a fast and convenient charge positions Nio to directly challenge gas-driven cars.


Nio is partnered with BYD and CATL, the world's top producers of electric vehicle batteries. All three firms are now fully invested in the battery swap strategy, and believe that their sales growth is limited only by how quickly they can build more charging stations. And if they are correct, they will transform the transportation industry with little chance for rivals to catch up, for decades to come.


NIO has done over 50 million swaps successfully. NIO vehicles will be the only EV with resell value because after 5yrs you can have the latest battery technology installed in less than 3 minutes. Swap stations support the grid and also use solar panels on the roof. NIO is the future.


NIO will derive multiple plans with different premiums to milk the customers too like the internet service providers. Businesses are not the government, customers always have to pay cost+profit to get what they get, and there is no free lunch in the business world.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

​ @joechan3388 no one is forcing anyone to buy a NIO.


@joechan3388 how is NIO charging upgrades beforehand? They are not charging for the batteries at all, it’s just loaned out with the charge. You still can charge at home and buy the batteries if you don’t want to use their swap stations.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Without a battery, the purchase price is much lower, therefore more affordable than any EV or ICE car.


Yea, but that business model only make sense if it take hours to charge. Car batteries today only take less than an hour to charge enough for a moderately long journey and it is going to improve. However, it could still work if it really does cost far less upfront because you are renting a battery, not owning it. But Nio will need a huge network of battery swap stations for this to really work and that might be its Achilles' heel.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@gelinrefira 2min:40sec to swap, 50M swaps total. 1M swaps every 14 days now. 2529 swap stations! More than 9 car brand already joined the swap “moat”. Balancing the grid, health check every swap, no need to worry about your turn, as you book the swap your turn will be shown in the car. The car is cheaper because you rent the battery. The insurance is cheaper because you buy the car without the battery, because the battery is already covered by $NIO!


We were told that the Chinese only Copy Paste American Tech.
Which American Company has NIO Stolen this Technology from...


​ @StipanRamon The name is Better Place. It was not american, it was european. Regretfully, it failed, more due to poor management than business model. People still have good memiries of that car...

名字叫Better Place。它不是美国的,是欧洲的。遗憾的是,它失败了,更多的是因为管理不善,而不是商业模式。人们仍然对那款车有很好的记忆...

The American military had all kinds of electric vehicles in the 1980s. It's true, China just recently learned about this old US tech of electric vehicles.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ahahah..hahaha,good one!

啊哈哈... 好笑!

@topsuperseven7910 the entire world had electric vehicles before the 80s, don't brag american military had..... lol, that was 1980 tech, mostly lead acid batteries, no comparison, today america is learning how to make ev, copying Chinese... get over yesterday!

整个世界在 80 年代之前都有电动汽车,别吹嘘美国军方有......哈哈,那是 1980 年代的技术,主要是铅酸电池,没法比,今天美国正在学习如何制造电动汽车,抄袭中国...忘记昨天吧!

NIO took the inconvenience, wait time out of consumers hands and if there is problem with battery back to NIO to fix. the most expensive of an EV is its battery.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This solves the charging anxiety and range anxiety problem. As long as there are laws in place preventing Nio and other similar companies from rent-only models of battery ownership, i.e. customers must have the option to also buy batteries, then I don’t see a problem.


@madsam0320 NIO gets paid for the battery when the car is purchased by the battery leasing company. The leasing company is separate from NIO. Neil makes money regardless please do some research.


So in order to get the benefits of the latest battery tech you don't need to buy a new car, just switch to the latest battery? .. now that's smart!

所以,为了获得最新电池技术的好处,你不需要买一辆新车,只需要换成最新的电池?.. 现在这真聪明!

If the NIO standard is met by other makers it's a win. Else not.


Nio is stuck with standardized battery packs that will be based on old technology in terms of form factor and interfaces to be backward compatible with the original cars. In China, they already have mass fast charging, so e-taxi drivers simply charge during their lunch break. Everybody else will have the luxury of charging at home, or at one of the many public fast charging stations.


Batteries are so good as opposed to 5 years ago there’s no need.


As a NIO driver for more than 3 years, I am very satisfied with BAAS service, I always swap, something that I did recently is I change the battery from long range to standard one since I switched jobs and no need for the big battery, save money on battery rent.


Sounds interesting. How much to rent a battery?


My biggest take away is how far ahead China is with regard to EVs, battery technology and battery use. In the US military in the 80s, we always claimed that the USSR was a 3rd world country with nuclear weapons. Now, my country is rapidly becoming a 3rd world country with nuclear weapons.


Now China is the running rabbit, America is the turtle in slumber.


We are in Asian century


Battery swap makes an EV a perpetual machine. The car can last many decades! What an environmental friendly approach countering the anti-EV side.


@quoc28mytube your statement is only true if the battery swap station is cheap and fast to build which they are not. Imagine building hundreds of thousands of these accross Americas, Europe and China just like Tesla has done with their superchargers. Not a chance! Its totally useless if the swap station is scarce and far between.


The US was once a pioneer of EV. Case in point: the moon rover from the Apollo program - its technologies were decades ahead of the world. Now i have no word for it, their EV i mean.

美国曾经是电动汽车的先驱。例如:阿波罗计划中的月球车 - 其技术领先世界数十年。现在我不知道该用什么词来形容它,我的意思是他们的电动汽车。

@rova3308 I do not care of the swap stations are scarces, would be good if it wasn’t. The thing that you swap battery and future proof that without spending $15k or so in a repair shop for a battery swap.

我不在乎换电站是否稀缺,如果不是这样就好了。你可以更换电池,并且可以确保将来不会在维修店花费 15,000 美元左右进行电池更换。

@quoc28mytube Remember: no. 1 turn off for majority of people about EVs is Range Anxiety.


@rova3308 Nio has range of 1000km WLTP. Either you can charge or swap.


@rova3308 Nio ET7 has range of 1000km WLTP. Of course you can either charge or swap with Nio depending which is nearest.


@quoc28mytube don't forget it's online software controlled, it may have age limit aka forced obsoletion


We have this in Norway, works perfectly and more and more stations open….


Sadly not in the U.S.


@DMVC721 Sadly the same in all the US vassal states.


@trekpac2 It is the opposite of the way to go, because it's massive infrastructure cost by a single niche OEM. BYD, AITO, Geely, Changan, Polestar, Tesla, etc. all use the same common charging infrastructure, so it scaled up BIG in China.


you have NIO in Norway?


Nio's biggest overseas market is Norway, and Norway is the first country to achieve 95% of all new cars sold to be electrically powered. I think Nio is betting right.


NIO is testing its latest generation of battery swap stations in China. Due to record temperature across the country causing energy blackouts, NIO has explained that some of its swap stations already have the technology equipped to act as “virtual power plants” supplying energy back to the local grid during peak hours, read during peak energy cost.


win-win for NIO and power grid.


@ZweiZwolf ... with which you forgot, China has installed its own gigantic industrial grid storage. Shenzhen alone has 8 of them (that I know of) and they store up huge amount of energy overnight to supplement the power grid of their city in the daytime.


@verypleasantguy Minor correction, grid storage supplements the grid during the evening, due to the "duck curve", where solar power generates a LOT of excess power from 9 am to 4 pm, but people continue to draw a lot of power from 4 pm to 9/10 pm. Grid storage charges during sunlight hours for use during after-work / dinner hours.


A swappable battery just solves so many problems that EV's have.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

But makes it more expensive for either the carmaker or the consumer as someone has to pay for the extra batteries that are lying around in expensive swap stations. All of this to shave 5 minutes off the charging time if you don’t want to charge at home.


@stevewise75 How is that different from petrol in a tank under the petrol station forecourt?, when you've got to get a warrant of fitness on your battery after 8yrs you'll be loving battery swap.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@marccourtney5565 huh? a petrol tank in your car doesn’t cost 30% of the car. The tank under a petrol station holds energy that is much cheaper by energy density costs. Each car serviced requires an expensive spare battery to be sitting, charged and ready for a customer. Multiply that by hundreds of cars a day. MUCH cheaper than a tank that holds the raw energy for hundreds of vehicles. A battery swap station may cost $280k but the number of batteries required to have on hand will be massive. And those batteries will depreciate over time. Who will pay for those? Eventually the company will go bankrupt or increase the charging costs. In the short term the customer might win but in the long term, there’s no such thing as a free lunch (or battery) so you’ll end up trapped in an expensive proprietary ecosystem.




Battery swapping is the only way by NIO.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Nio already has a 150kwh semi solid state battery weighing the same amount as their 85kwh battery. It's already being rolled out in China. Even if you bought a car four years ago, you will now be able to use this battery.


You know how advance and in how short period of time those Chinese automobile manufacturers manage to get to this position if you know the fact that, even Chinese consumers were not willing to buy most of those China-made cars six or seven years ago and now they sell like hotcakes domestically and outside the border.


This idea of swapping the battery is a very good idea and will be the future of the EVs. These batteries can be sold at every shop and swapped with an “empty” batteries at a small costs. An EV can be sold at a very low price without the batteries which are the cost drivers. NIO Will be one of the biggest EV manufacturer in the world when it cooperates with another like CATL to create the “infrastructure” of the battery swapping network. This investment is smaller than creating a dedicated network of recharging stations around the world.


Swapping the battery is the future of long distance trucking and inland container transport. It's definitely not the future of passenger EVs. If batteries are so cheap, they will be integrated into the chassis, as all non-NIO OEMs are doing today. Nobody else is doing what NIO did, or even partnering with NIO to leverage NIO's investment. NIO is stuck investing profit into low margin swap station infrastructure.


@ZweiZwolf you may think it is not the future, but I think it is because the battery is the cost driver and recharging a battery takes time. Swapping batteries can be done in a minute and when you are driving all day swapping the battery at a “swapping station” is a big advantage. The fact that nobody else is doing it is an opportunity just like the old days of gasoline, the pioneers were people with visions.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@ZweiZwolf well dude, I would buy NIO with replaceable battery if it has established the network of swapping stations. The reason is simply low price for a car which depreciates rapidly and the flexibility and convenience of not having to look for a recharging station when I take a long drive through the mountains, just carry a spare battery.


As long as the batteries come from China and not from any Western country or their vassals like JPN or SK.


Everybody is thinking about the explosive now


I think Nio's bet will fail. Each of the battery sawp station ia a massive money drain. They wont be able to grow fast enough. Also battery tech is improving fast. Soon charging time will be 5 minutes or less while range will be in the 1000s of miles.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@ChinaSongsCollection exactly. NIO is betting heavily on battery swap system as oppose to charging one. This will fail because:
1. Battery swap station is expensive to build and slow. See Tesla. They opt for superchargers so they can build fast, cheap and wide spread around the globe.
2. Battery tech is fast improving. Soon charging is not gonna be an issue. People will charge in 5 minutes to 80% and be able to travel 1000s of miles (instead of 100s) making battery swap obsolete.

1. 换电站建设成本高昂且速度慢。看看特斯拉。他们选择超级充电站,这样他们可以快速、便宜地在全球范围内广泛建设。
2. 电池技术正在迅速改进。很快充电将不再是问题。人们将在5分钟内充至80%,并能够行驶数千英里(而不是数百英里),使换电过时。

@rova3308 No, I was replying to you because your notion of charging 1000 miles in 5 minutes defies the current ability to transfer power safely. The fastest EVs currently charge around 250 kW, gaining not quite 200 miles in 15 minutes, but you want to charge 10x that in 1/3 the time, so 30x higher at 7.5 MW. 7.5 MW is way past industrial power draw and approaching utility levels, where an error and mistake instantly frys a person. There's no way to make something like that safe for an ordinary person to handle.


@ZweiZwolf well you forgot that I said "battery is fast improving and SOON people will charge in 5 minutes" pay attention to the word SOON. It means later in the near future. NOT NOW, not yet. If you say thats impossible, remember that people said that too when Elon said rockets can be made re-usable.


@rova3308 You need to work on your reading comprehension, because "soon" doesn't change the laws of physics or the lethality of high voltage and high current. 7.5 MW is over 300 times what a Master Electrician sees in a typical 25 kW residential setting with a 240V 100A panel. 7.5 MW draw is so far beyond what could be reasonably considered "safe" for an ordinary consumer that it will be regulated or litigated out of existence.


@ZweiZwolf This is EXACTLY identical as to what people back then said to Elon when he said he could make rockets fly backward and then land itself safely on the ground. People said it was impossible, it was against everything they knew, they came up with all sorts of logic to explain to Elon that it was impossible. Thats YOU buddy. You're a naysayer.


That's Chinese entrepreneurship on display. Imagine a few hundred million of them all competing to be the first mover in everything in every field whether it be space, tech, manufacturing, services, finance etc. There's no way the rest of the world can compete with the rise of the Dragons as such skills and talents were developed and evolved over more than 5,000 years of civilization.


I drove from Shenzhen to xinjiang in my AITO M5 and only came across 2 Nio swap stations on the Highways.. NIO will sink too much money into these charging stations.. Other EV brands don't have that overhead.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Maybe the nio app will have geo locations of more swap stations.


Unless batteries are standardized and become successor of gas stations (all car makers essentially doing swap), Nio risks going bankrupt. Imagine gas stations being exclusive to certain car brand. And this isn't crazy idea, most car batteries sold on the Chinese market are either made by CATL, BYD or Geely's in house (i'm aware there are smaller players but these 3 are over 70% of the market) they could implement some standards for battery swaps and start a joint project.


I expect the Chinese government to subsidize these charging stations and implement a standardized battery for all EVs so the charging stations work for all vehicles. These charging stations are where the future of EVs is.


Well, Changan, Geely, Chery JAC Lotus have joined the Nio standard and according to a Nio insider, Changan will be the first to come out with a swappable car which is in a couple of months time. They will all build the swap network n pay royalties to Nio who will manage the network.Nio also sells electricity back to the government when the load is high thus earning through multiple revenue streams.


NIO and BYD can merge and really take over the EV market.


Thanks I was waiting for such news for a long time now, as I first heard about battery swap from CATL maybe 2 years ago. So, NIO is a very interesting car maker.


I predicted long ago that battery swap was by far the smarter choice given that a large infrastructure and some format standardization are widely adopted among the main cars manufacturers. That's probably why Nio teamed up with BYD rather than CATL itself. Such a strategy offers definite advantage for their grid as the charging can be handled by the swapping stations during optimal hours and at peak efficiency. Unfortunately the USA has no clear vision of what the EV switch can do for its economy and is slowly reverting to fossil fuel as a better alternative. In conclusion, only a government like China with proactive ideology for efficiency is able to turn such concept into economic reality. We just missed the boat on a cruise we originally advertised as our next revolution. Too bad, but "c'est la vie!"


And all those batteries at the charging station will also function as grid energy storage. Solar's excess production can be stored.


In the future, couldn't charging a battery take only couple of minutes. If that's possible, then nio is done for.


@yassineakermi5525 charging is not only limited to tech its limited by how many high voltage power line you could put up....for everyone to have access to 2 minutes charging you would need high voltage powerline every where...that is not going to happen ever....


@yassineakermi5525 Today, fast charging an e-taxi in China takes less than an hour during a typical lunch break. Taxi drivers find public charging to be cheap, fast, and convenient because there is a LOT of it and it's in good repair. This is why BYD and AION e-taxis are doing very well with fixed batteries. The fact that none of the other dozens to hundreds of Chinese EV OEMs have partnered with Nio means they're done for. Nio won't have the scale and revenue growth to keep up with the larger EV market.

@yassineakermi5525 今天,在中国,快速充电一辆电动出租车(e-taxi)在典型的午餐休息时间内不到一个小时就能完成。出租车司机发现公共充电既便宜又快速方便,因为有很多充电站,而且维护良好。这就是为什么比亚迪(BYD)和埃安(AION)电动出租车使用固定电池做得很好。事实上,其他几十到几百家中国电动汽车制造商(EV OEMs)都没有与蔚来(Nio)合作,意味着他们已经完了。蔚来不会有规模和收入增长来跟上更大的电动汽车市场。

@martynjames5963 Exactly so. Nio is Betamax, and fixed battery is VHS. You know how this turns out.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@martynjames5963 While theoretically anything is possible, it's so unlikely when Nio is having to go it alone with a business model that requires them to sink so much profit into low margin infrastructure when their competitors can spend it all on new product.


If you believe EV is the future, NIO will be the standard to have for EV sustainability and efficiency. NIO will be a household name!


The correct natural solution is to mandate all cars be plug-ins with some minimum range that increases every year up to the typical round trip commute distance. For example, you might start with 10 miles and increase by 5 miles every few years until you get to 50 miles. The EV motor can be integrated into the transmission or differential, and the battery is about the size of spare tire, so it's not hard to incorporate. This creates instant scale and demand for charging, which drives the EV feedback loop.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Battery swapping is the best solution.
The fuel station will fully support it. Their business model protected. And they got the best real estate for those swapping station.
The renewable power producer will also support it.
The power grid will also support it.
The car buyer's pocket will also support it.


It seems too good to be true. I have 3 questions:
1- It only takes 3 minutes to replace the pack, really?
2- At 400 swaps for 30 yuan the total income of a swap station will be 12,000 yuan per day. Is that enough to cover the overhead, labor, cost of batteries and the cost of the station itself, plus any other costs?
3- If the packs are only good for 20 switches and a taxi driver needs to change the battery everyday, won't that make the battery pack useless in about 20 days? How will the cost of the pack ever be recovered?
One extra thought, if the swap station costs 2,000,000 yuan, to recoup that cost over 30 years, without interest, it would cost 5,555 yuan per month just to recoup that investment.

1- 真的只需要3分钟就可以更换电池包吗?
2- 如果一个更换站每天有400次更换,每次30元,总收入将是每天12000元。这足以支付开销、劳动力、电池成本和更换站本身的成本,以及其他任何费用吗?
3- 如果电池包只能更换20次,而出租车司机需要每天更换电池,那岂不是在大约20天后电池包就报废了?电池包的成本如何收回?

NIO always arbitrages the excess energy acquired from wind and solar during high peak demand hours. This is another revenue generator


FYI Early 1st generation Tesla model S vehicles have battery swap capability, however, the design & infrastructure were phased out because the statistics showed that it was heavily underutilized, and the charger/supercharger network had more flexibility, seeing that any location with electricity, had the potential for at least a Level 2 charger, and people on long range drives didn't mind using the supercharge stop time to stretch their legs and use rest stop facilities.

供参考,早期的第一代特斯拉Model S车辆具有电池更换功能,然而,由于统计数据显示其使用率极低,设计和基础设施被逐步淘汰,而且充电器/超级充电网络更加灵活,因为任何有电的地方,都有可能至少有一个二级充电器,而且长途驾驶的人不介意利用超级充电站的停留时间来伸展双腿和使用休息站设施。

Finally a company with the guts to pull the swapping batteries idea off. It's self evident that it's full of advantages and the only disadvantage is the huge investment needed. I hope they succeed.


Replacing a Tesla battery will cost more than buying a new car. No brainer.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Maybe BYD will strike a mutually advantageous deal with Nio to start producing some of its own BYD cars without a battery too. After all, along with CATL, they're already making the batteries.


By that Time Nio will be earning royalties from Chery Changan jac Geely who are all onboard the Nio swap network

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

With China's innovation speed. A lot of things can happen in 5 years. Hang on.


Battery swapping! Now, that’s really thinking outside the box! If it works, NIO will look like a genius; if it doesn’t, NIO will implode.


The charging problem isn't as acute as you might think. It all depends on where you live.
The latest models can charge to 80% in about 15-20 minutes, so if you have your own charger and rarely make long hauls, it's a complete non-issue. The problem is if you are out in the sticks or don't have access to or have space for a charger.


been reading about a new byd car with a 600 mi range lifetime battery and 9 min charge time. is that true?


If other brand car manufactures want to integrate with battery swap, they need to work with Nio for battery swap program and battery reservation program, that is Nio's moat. That will also help to last battery life. and the battery efficiency and economy.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sounds like battery swapping is the future. But why do CATL and BYD need NIO? Seems like CATL and BYD can just copy the idea from NIO and do battery swapping themselves, when they have way more capital resources than NIO.


@antediluvianatheist5262 I am not an expert, but you are completely misinformed. All 3 companies CATL, BYD and NIO are private multinationals. Sounds like you have never been to China.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Gen4 swap stations, swap is done under 3 minutes. :)

第四代换电站,换电在3分钟内完成。 :)

The rate of battery improvement is much higher than the rate at which people replace their cars, and that rate will only increase.


Combining with NIO floor stock batteries in the swapping stations and those in NIO vehicles, can the swap station recharge batteries faster than the time it takes to swap each unit?


Swapping beats charging hands down in terms of time spent.


Your wrong very wrong . NIO is not all or nothing on baas . Baas is a option to help the car be more affordable and it makes sense to not pay for the battery which is the most expensive part of the car but if you want to you still can own your battery .. when you review the benefits most understand why baas is better For the company to maintain.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Biggest competitor to this battery swapping idea probably is the recent quasi announcement that CATL is close to finishing development on a 15 year or maybe even a 30 year battery. If CATL has indeed developed such a battery, then the battery will last the lifetime of the vehicle addressing all issues related to battery like ferine and replacement.
AFAIK no further details have been released about this long life battery like its energy density, capacity and estimated range of any vehicle using this battery but the battery might be available as soon as next year.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Tesla just got knocked out in term of pricing.
The idea that you don't need to cough out so much money for the battery would help all new car owners.Rental for battery is like the cost of petrol/charging fee so it means the car cost is cheaper.


It would not surprise me to see other Chinese cars, as BYD itself making cars with batteries compatible with NIO, and even make NIO charging stations business split from car manufacturing, in order to allow entering other carmakers as shareholders or with franchised or chained swapping stations.


Make sense for China not the USA no infrastructure just like the cordless power drill very practical just swap batteries and continue working


Israel tried a taxi fleet with quick swap out batteries about 22 years ago. Don't know the end result, but battery tech was very primitive.


Charging speed for EVs has improved drastically since 2020. It can take as little as 15 minutes for some models.


per google search : How long does a NIO battery swap take?
3 minutes
Currently, NIO's 2,000 battery swapping stations have an energy storage capacity of 4GWh, some of which are already feeding power in a "virtual power plant" manner. Swapping is faster. Battery swapping takes 3 minutes. The whole process is comfortable and automatic with no need to disembark from the vehicle.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

NIO has the only winning business model in the EV industry. Going to be huge!!!


Not only NIO... CATL, the world's biggest EV battery producer, aims to have 10,000 battery swap stations by 2030 (Nio currently have 2500+ swap stations in China). So China bets big on battery swap stations.
That's great news both for clients and the industry! Every EV should offer an option of easy swap battery - this is crucial to resale value.

不仅仅是蔚来... 宁德时代,世界上最大的电动车电池生产商,目标是到2030年拥有10,000个换电站(蔚来目前在中国有2500+换电站)。所以中国对换电站下了很大的赌注。
这对客户和行业来说都是个好消息!每辆电动车都应该提供一个轻松换电池的选项 - 这对转售价值至关重要。

Can we stop call model Y, the most popular selling EV it is so unfair, because it has three big markets (and receiving subsidies in all three of them) and BYD only have one big market‼️

我们可以停止称Model Y为最畅销的电动车吗?这太不公平了,因为它有三个大市场(并在这三个市场都获得补贴),而比亚迪只有一个大市场‼️

Good video thanks. NIO started working on battery swapping back in 2014 not 2020. They now have nine other car manufacturers partnered to eventually build cars that accept NIO batteries. Having the option to swap and or charge is brilliant for many reasons, many of which you mentioned. One other big upside to swapping is the ease of battery recycling. Even if consumers purchase a car from any of the other car manufacturers NIO will make money from the massive swapping network. And don't forget NIO also has the biggest supercharging Network in China, yes even bigger than Tesla. NIO is the gas station of the future. Rechargeable/swappable/upgradeable.


Nio going to cover all over China with battery charge station and swap system.


很赞 10