2024-09-28 辽阔天空 9634

Is India a superpower country?


Anshul Mishra
It’s not uncanny to find recommendations on YouTube that have titles like- “What do Chinese/ Israelis/ Germans/ Australians/ Martians,etc think about Indians?”
These videos are interesting, funny and sometimes resonate the stereotypes that people consciously/ subconsciously have about Indian culture. But on a serious analysis, they tell us a lot about how certain aspects of our culture have made a strong impression on the minds of the foreigners and how these aspects can be utilised to promote the idea of Brand India.


Yes, I am not talking about our economic power, military might or highly efficient diplomacy. The single most emphasis of this answer of mine will be on India’s growing Soft Power. What essentially is Soft Power?
Soft power is the ability to shape the preferences of others through appeal and attraction. A defining feature of soft power is that it is non-coercive- the currency of soft power is culture, political values, and foreign policies.


AYURVEDA AND YOGA: I remember once talking to an Austrian friend on a social networking app (for research purposes, strictly) and much to my surprise, the Austrian knew more about Ayurveda and it’s practicability than me (ofcourse, I’m not an Ayurveda practitioner but hey, I’m an Indian). Even more surprising was the fact that Made In India Ayurveda products are in high demand in Austria and other European nations.


We all have seen how enthusiastically the world responded to International Yoga Day on 21st June. It was exhilarating to see visuals of people practising Yoga Asanas from Miami to Melbourne. Yoga has proliferated in almost all societies owing to it’s benefits and lucidness. In USA alone, Yoga has developed into a multi- billion dollar industry and is evergreening.
Yoga and Ayurveda are two precious gifts of our ancient Indian civilisation to this world and we must not act passive when it comes to dissemination of these ancient practices across the globe.


SPIRITUALITY: Another niche area of Indian influence is spirituality and meditation. Actually the influence was so much that our Osho Rajneesh ended up habilitating 100 square miles of rugged Oregon rangeland and turned it into a ‘Wild Wild Country’. Jokes apart, the tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism have attracted Westerners in vast number and led to a spiritual connect between East and West.


THE INDIAN DIASPORA ABROAD: As per the data given on Ministry of External Affairs website, there are 13,113,360 Non- Resident Indians,17,882,369 People of Indian Origin and 30,995,729 overseas Indians abroad. This 30 million strong Indian presence outside India is a mighty force that harmonises the Indian culture with the natives of the foreign lands. These oversees Indians are representatives of our Indian culture and a prized resource to our nation. It is this diaspora that has made our festivals, culture and traditions known and accepted throughout the world.


Thus, India’s SOFT POWER has touched many lives in India and outside with it’s love, affection and acceptibility for all. The time is propitious to start a new epoch by harnessing our soft powers and making more friends across the globe than foes in our neighbourhood.


No, it is not a super-power. Right now only the USA is a super-power.
You have first rate powers that can project their economic, military and soft power overseas - the UK, France, Japan (not military), Germany (not military), Russia, China and with India easing into that role (plenty of soft power, growing economic and military).
India has inclusive political and economic systems and should reach a first rate power status, but there are many decades to go before it can be considered a superpower and there are lots of things that can go wrong before that (internally and/or externally). So hope and focus and we can reach there!


Naresh Vasani
There is no doubt that India is a superpower.We can't cheat ourselves. It's a sign of inferiority. The whole world has acknowledged this fact, and only some of us Indians are still arguing.
In fact, under the leadership of the great Mr. Modi, India has become a superpower like the United States. Americans have to admit that India is a powerful developed country. We have a strong military force, perfect infrastructure, good social security system, advanced science and technology,
unparalleled education system, and low prices. In the eyes of the world's poor, India is heaven on earth. Therefore, India is the most livable country in the world. No matter working, studying or living, India is the best choice.Today's India is only a little worse than the United States in terms of material, but in terms of spirit, India is the real superpower. By 2030, India will become the most powerful superpower in the world, and the Indian Rupee will replace the US dollar as the most popular currency in the world.
As an Indian, I have to be proud of such a great country. Long live India! Long live Mr. Modi!


Do you believe in India as a superpower state?
Absolutely no.super power is not having enough conventional weapons to contain a super power with nuclear deterrent.it is economically in good position,enough resources,industrialization in progress,the GDP shall sustain you at least for next year without GDP,industrial progress in such way that you get almost all essentials in indigenous production,enough foreign reserves to make a bulky purchase over a time,inflow of investment and self sufficiency.
We have contained China a super power in conventional conflict ,that is our achievement ,nothing else.


What about our industrial output?how do we export and what do we export,projected supply for fixed time frx with good growth rate. and increase and rate of increase in reserves,.
We do not meet these yardsick.
We import heavy machinery,we import arms ,we import medicines,we import industrial items,our research labs are only show pieces ,they never produced anything worthy of notice,we are dependent for IT requirements,we do not manufacture many but import many ,export only limited basically agricultural produce.medicines we use banned drugs in west we do not have any efficient body to monitor health care, .


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

We under licence manufacture some armament.our indigenous manufacture though not bad ,but not even average ,our finished products are inferior in quality.
It is ridiculous even to dream of such status unless we get to work in all fields and start manufacturing of quality to make export, and to attain self sufficiency in.many field,like machinery,medicines,arms,finished products in many fields of quality.
If the governance is good ,it takes minimum 10 to 15 years of hard work and it requires skilled workforce with commitment ,concentration and planning.


What is India's biggest superpower?
For Indians, religion is most important. For Chinese, economic growth is important.
They always forget that you can't fight with swords when you facing nuclear bomb…
Sure the Chinese system of governance might not appeal a European, with limitations on individual freedom. But, that government has brought hundreds of millions of people out of poverty, through sheer pragmatism, logical planning and perseverance.


Any concept is not fixed for life time. It changes from time to time. As economists say, in olden days, when there was no much technology, and agriculture being main occupation, people needed more children. Where as food, resources are surplus. Also due to some epidemic like cholera, etc they used to loose children. Much change now in our ppl, limited to one or two. But some never change as they still believe fools for wicked reasons. But now more ppl means more needs, their future and survival. Today many things are available, what our forefathers dreamed, like good medical services, living conditions, good communication, employment, housing. But not easy for many. Competition. Resources went down. Our stomachs don't know what is technology, it needs only food.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

“As technology grows and devoloped by humans itself. Now 1000 Humans work can done by single computer or Industries are runed by machines robotic arms “
Now More hand , more People ≠ MORE Money , MORE resource
Now More hand more people= less resources , no More money to feed
People below Poverty brings MORE children to starvation..


In India when medical facilities provided to people and making pregnancy easier than ever before, they continue use the medical facilities without following it fully..
Following Everything partially
Contraceptive , condoms , Anti pregnancy pill , but they won't follow that because old Religious teaching based on 7th century , when Mother and Childern die in pregnancy..


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I know there are a lot of Maulanas, who come almost daily on TV debates and say: “Bachhe to Allah ki den hain, unka birth control na karein” (Kids are Allah’s gift, don’t control their births). But when you wouldn’t have enough food to feed them and you will have 4–5 kids in your home asking for food, God won’t step down to the earth and feed your children. It’s a human’s own responsibility for the maintenance of his motherland and to do his/her best sustain the resources. Because God helps those who help themselves. Some of those Maulanas also say birth control is not allowed in Sharia which is completely stupid. The ones who wanted Islamic rule already went to Pakistan. India was never meant to run on Sharia, then why this?
Why can’t we look up to China as an example? They put a ban on making more than one baby for a couple. And also, used their existing large population so well. And the population control law, there, was such a success that now the population has started to decrease on a massive rate and also the government has started to encourage people to build up the population to a decent level.


Asking “do we need such a bill?” is just a waste of time. Instead, protest against the government for not bringing this bill. We should have done that long ago, but now the water is above our heads. It is high time to take action.
Also, it has to be unbiased with respect to religions and castes, otherwise it might alter the demography of the country to a large extent.
Educated , logicall Europeans understand that term that's why they living good life ….
That's why less religious logical People are rich!!!


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