2024-10-02 辽阔天空 4225
Has the United States always had problems or was it better in the past?


Chris Thomas
Better for whom?
Most of the “back in the day” stuff you see today idolizes the 1950s and 1960s. These were, unquestionably, America’s “golden age.” Any long view of history will tell you that golden ages happen for countries or regions or cultures from time-to-time but that they don’t last. The prosperity of the American golden age didn’t fall equally an all Americans and while the 50s and 60s might have been a simpler time, they weren’t prosperous BECAUSE of that simplicity.
Let’s unpack what made the 1950s and 1960s such a great time for the United States and what we mean when we say that.


What Made The American Golden Age
When we think about the golden age of the 50s and 60s, certain ideas come to mind. Let’s take this meme which I pulled off a right-wing Facebook account for example:
Now, ignoring grandpa who presumably has some stories from World War 1, there are some insights here. Yes, home ownership was within easy reach for a lot of Americans and families could live comfortably on a single income.
All across 1950s and 1960s America, small towns clustered around local industries. Those factories paid good wages for fundamentally unskilled labor. People who worked there could support their families, even if they didn’t have a high school degree. And landing that job wasn’t unusual; those factories were always hiring.


But… why was that the case?
Well, for starters, from 1939 to 1945 the focus of the industrial might of the entire world was on converting European and Asian cities into burning rubble. If you wanted to make ANYTHING in the post-war world you had no choice but to do it in the United States. This advantage really can’t be overstated. There was a whole world that needed rebuilding and the only place that could make the tools, materials, and supplies it needed was the United States… and that meant that the factories and ports and mines doing all that work had no choice but to hire American workers.
So the golden age of the American middle class was also the golden age of the American labor movement. Fully one-third of American jobs in the 1950s were unxized. Those unxs fought for worker rights including generous pay and benefits.


Unequal Prosperity
Of course, this prosperity didn’t fall equally on everyone. The 1950s and 1960s was also a time in which participation in the American workforce was very limited. Racism and Sexism kept black people and women either out of the workforce or in low paying jobs. If you were a white man, this worked out very well for you indeed.
Women’s exclusion from the workforce meant that many women were economically dependent on their husbands for their and their kids’ survival. This power imbalance was behind much of the “domestic tranquility” that we recollect from the 50s and 60s. With divorce requiring demonstration of “fault” and with women economically handicapped, getting out of a broken or even abusive marriage was extremely difficult.


Likewise, the exclusion of black people from the work force acted to benefit white people and especially white men. If you were white, the fact that you didn’t need to compete against black people for those plum factory jobs meant higher wages and better job security for you. If you were black, however, it meant that your earnings were limited and you were at the mercy of your white employers.
So… I think the answer to your question is that the past probably was a better time for white, male America. But that “better” was built upon the devastation of a global war, the marginalization of the other sex, and the systemic oppression of an entire race of people.
On balance, probably not a better or simpler time for everyone.


Will I Am
Also, the belief that the 50’s were a golden age only works if you accept that most middle class people at the time had a lifestyle that we would today consider to be lower class or poor.
No air conditioning, probably no washer or dryer, one family car (if any), much smaller houses (think family of 5 or 6 living in a 800 square foot house), very little travel, if living outside a major city like NYC - no culture, very little disposable income for most, mother of the house handmakes your clothing (which is only nice if she’s really good at it), etc.


Shaun Hastings
The problem with this argument is that it doesn't account for the fact that technology gets cheaper over time.
When TVs and washing machines first came on to the market they were luxury goods, but over time the process of manufacturing them became more efficient and less labour intensive which led to them becoming commonplace. In 1954 you were lucky if you could even afford to rent a TV, in 2024 it's something you might not even bother taking with you when you move.
The idea that it's harder to get by on one income today due to modern life requiring technology is false. Pretty much every household amenity has become exponentially cheaper over the last few decades. The notable exception being the house itself, which combined with stagnating wages is the real reason for the shift.


Will I Am
Not sure how this is a problem with my argument. If washing machines are cheaper in 2024 than they were in 1954, that is just more evidence that it is better to be alive in 2024.


Fredric Henning
This was also the era when the rich actually paid taxes — and that goes for corporations, too. So, the poor and the middle class did not have to carry the whole fuckin’ load.


Skye Santiago
the poor pay nothing. The top 10% earners pay 49.5% of the income tax collected.
Corporations had higher taxes, and you could also expense anything, even strippers.


John Manning
Check your facts. What % of tax is paid by the top 10%? The top 20%? The bottom 50%?
Not saying life’s a bowl of cherries for the poor and middle class, but you are utterly and completely wrong about who’s paying taxes.


Ken Zee
What percentage of income are they paying?


Danny Taborda
What's a distinctly American problem?
Just my opinion, but I think the continued criminality surrounding paying for sex (prostitution) is, by this point, a uniquely American issue. And by American I mean in the U.S.A. Paying for sex stopped being a legal issue in Europe and Latin America long ago. The institution of putting a man through legal hell just because paid a woman to have sex with him is now solely an American problem.


Anthony Ibbott
What’s a uniquely American problem?
Too many choices.
My wife sends me shopping for hair dye or nail polish or shampoo. And I think, OK, I can handle that. I’ll type a list into my note pad on my phone. No problem.
So I get to the supermarket, pull out my phone and call her on FaceTime and point to each of 5 thousand similar products and ask: This one? Or this? How about this? No, they don’t have what I got last time, or maybe they do but they moved it or it’s in a new bottle now. Go back to the left? Up a shelf? This looks familiar, but it’s unscented and doesn’t have the applicator cap. Is that close enough?
Ok, I’ll get that.
Double tap, dexe. That’s one off the list.


Tim Elliot, Valuable Antique
What are Americans biggest problems?
Scams by medical insurance companies, where they demand premiums but weasel out of providing cover.
Result: bankruptcy for the person who falls ill.
2. As a result of item 1, 4 years less life expectancy

医疗保险公司的欺诈行为,他们收取高额保费,却在理赔时找各种借口推脱责任。 结果:患病者因此而破产。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Josh Breshears
What are Americans biggest problems?
In regards to the average citizen?
Under funded schooling and a huge decline in our educational system. Idiot non-Americans for some reason think this is something that the average American wants. Its not. Most think its a huge problem.


Lack of separation between political and corporate entities. Seriously America is not and has not been a true democracy for a very long time. That argument could have been legitimately made at one point, but this is America’s single largest problem, and the reason behind our piss poor medical care system, where decent and necessary care costs astronomical prices, its the reason the education system is underfunded, its the reason why when America’s market crashed and millions of Americans were thrown out of their homes, only two people went down for it. Its also the reason why 90% of the countries wealth is owned by 10% of its population, leaving 90% of the population to live off of just 10%. Its the reason why the vaping industry is being aggressively attacked so that tobacco/pharmaceutical companies can make more money, clearly showing the public that general health is not as important as state money, and those are just a couple examples.


Collapsing bridges, crumbling roads, new industries and companies being shut down which could greatly aid the American economy and new job growth, simply so that the current powers-that-be can retain their wealth rather than allow it to slip away to more modern and capable companies.


Paul Noel
What’s a uniquely American problem?
Every nation has a unique set of people. The set the USA has the most unusual population in the world. These people live in a land that is so diverse in climates natural resources and landforms. Governing such a nation in an orderly and reasonable way requires balancing and compromising situations simply not analogous to other nations. Even the very concept that the USA is one nation is wrong. The USA is actually 50 nations with unique people, history, resources and environment. This makes managing affairs in the USA very complex.


The situation is amazing that it works at all. The success of the USA in history and the world is testimony to the founders who constructed a constitution that was based not upon any physical or technical reality but rather on human nature. The amazing fact is that they fitted so well to the people and conditions that it has successfully handled a myriad of stresses over 200 years.


The success of the USA has produced a major problem not well understood by people around the world. It is incumbent upon a people who seeks to rule themselves to rule over peoples who will not rule themselves. This has caused a people whose only desire on earth, is to be left alone and to ignore the rest of the world, to have to manage so many affairs on earth involving both military and civilian issues. This burden places great stresses on the USA. This is because it is completely outside of our desires and character to do so.


We in the USA manage so many issues in and for the world that a tiny incomplete listing will give a hint as to the diversity of problems caused by this situation.
The USA manages everything from Rights of Navigation, Prevention of Piracy to regulation of telecommunications frequencies, to managing health and safety issues such as vaccinations and the manufacture standards for drugs. It manages things involving Fish and Game. This manages Weather Forecasting and monitors Earthquakes and Volcanoes. It manages Farm processes, food purity and so much more.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The project of bringing human beings around the world who are in all degrees of civilized and uncivilized status and providing for their safety, food supply, medicine and defense security are things completely out of our desire and character as Americans is pressed upon us by the disorganized and awful condition of the rest of the world. You asked a uniquely American problem you got the biggest we face.


You may rest assured that while this is expressed by many parties in the USA in so many different ways, this is a universally held opinion that Americans simply do not want to mess with the rest of the world. We have our own life to live and we would rather be about living it than messing with (the rest of the world) you.


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