2024-10-04 阿煌看什么 12667

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

There is a saying that was very popular in the first decade of this century that the Pacific Ocean is wide enough to accommodate two great powers, China and the United States. In particular, around the time of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, there was a very hot concept called the ‘G2’, meaning the club of great powers in the world, with only two members, China and the United States. At that time, the relationship between China and the United States was much better than it is now.
Although a military alliance between China and the U.S. was not possible due to China's neutral foreign policy, China and the U.S. still tended to co-operate in various fields. the U.S. Navy even invited Chinese Navy to take part in the ‘Rim of the Pacific’ military drills, which is something that would seem to be impossible now.


The big part of reason for the change stems from the United States, which believes that other rising power within the current international system will not be tolerated, as it will surely lead to the Thucydides Trap. Such reasoning is faulty but understandable, and such logic works in the Western culture of realist diplomacy. Even if China reiterates many times that it has no intention of changing the current international order, the U.S. continues to insist that China is a revisionist of the current order and meanwhile, a suspicion that is reinforced by a different political system.


In China's diplomatic culture, multipolarity is possible, which comes from Chinese philosophy and culture, especially for the current China, which, after 100 years of aggression and colonization, has ‘Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence’ as the bottom line of foreigner policy, and where prosperity and peace are the primary policy obxtives of the Chinese Government. China is not interested in such things as world domination. Although the Chinese Government had reiterated that point many times on official diplomatic occasions, the United States seemed unable to believe China's sincerity.


China's neutrality foreign policy indicates that it has no intention of engaging in any global affairs with military overtones or of expanding beyond its territorial boundaries. It is more important for the Chinese government to ensure that every Chinese person can live a prosperous life, which is the wisdom from China's long history. For global affairs, why should China, as a beneficiary of the current system, challenge it? Nowadays, The United States and China have become two of the most important countries in the world, and the relationship between China and the United States has a bearing on the destiny of the entire human race, so if China can be friends with the United States, it will be a great thing for the benefit of mankind. China has the ambition to do so, but at the same time, this can only happen if the United States also moves in the same direction.


Tsitsi Chanetsa
So here is the thing,yes as much as china wants to be allies with the United states so badly, the United states certainly doesn't want to become allies with China, especially with the current status of both countries around the globe and you will end up seeing why this is impossible.
1st- USA is known as the super power around the world and yet China seems to be becoming the next big super power,in other words there is a conflict of interests.
il explain this better,China is now being seen as sort of new beacon of peace by many countries and because of that other nationals are beginning to side with China over the USA, which leaves USA in a vulnerable disrespected position.
2nd-USA is a basic bully,pushing over weaker countries in order to get things their way,causing unnecessary mayhem amongst countries,take for example the execution of Leaders,LIBYA and IRAQ ,China then comes in with its peace troops and actually brings peace and not more mayhem,the total opposite of what USA is doing.
3rd-USA works so hard to demonize China in every sense,its way of doing business,its produce and products,its population,their tourists and yet China does the exact opposite,and when civilians realize this you cant help but wonder why America is demonizing another innocent bystander who is trying to make everything else better for everyone.
4th -USA comes with Sanctions,CHINA comes with working together for a better cause
5th-China implements environmental awareness USA pulls out
6th-Yes everyone might say China is the new colonizers of the countries they trade with but in the end its better to be colonized peacefully than to be brutally murdered on your own land and left as destitute,honestly who would you choose if push came to shove.The USA knows this is what is happening and this is why they try over and over to provoke china in hopes to turn them into the monsters they want them to be.
7th-China seeks to be friends and allies with everyone ,aiding countries,offering services without a hidden agenda of sorts,USA however any presence of the Americans in a country is guaranteed to bring bad news sooner or later.
So why have i mentioned all these things,i’m basically trying to show to you the way China has become a visible threat to America despite USA’s efforts to keep it down.USA wont become allies with a country that risks their superiority being taken away from them,unless and until China does NOT pose a threat to the throne of America only then can they be allies,unless and until USA can actually bully China as they please, only then can they be allies.

1. 美国被认为是世界超级大国,而中国似乎正在成为下一个超级大国,换句话说,两者之间存在利益冲突。我会更详细地解释这一点,中国现在被许多国家视为新的和平灯塔,因此其他国家开始倾向于支持中国而不是美国,这使得美国处于一种脆弱而不受尊重的位置。
2. 美国基本上是一个欺负弱小国家的恶霸,以便按照自己的方式行事,导致国家间不必要的混乱,比如利比亚和伊拉克的领导人被推翻。而中国则派出维和部队,真正带来和平,而不是更多的混乱,这是美国所做的完全相反的事情。
3. 美国努力从各个方面抹黑中国,包括其商业方式、产品、人口和游客,而中国则做着完全相反的事情。当普通人意识到这一点时,你不得不怀疑为什么美国要抹黑一个试图为所有人改善情况的无辜旁观者。
4. 美国使用制裁,而中国则提倡为了更好的事业而合作。
5. 中国实施环境意识,而美国却退出。
6. 虽然每个人可能会说中国是他们所贸易国家的新殖民者,但最后,被和平地殖民总比在自己的土地上被残酷杀害并沦为贫民要好。老实说,如果情况恶化,你会选择谁?美国知道这是正在发生的事情,这就是为什么他们一次又一次地试图激怒中国,希望将他们变成他们想象中的怪物。
7. 中国寻求与所有人友好结盟,援助国家,提供服务而没有隐藏的议程,而美国在任何一个国家的存在都必然会带来坏消息。

Todd Topolski
It's called politicians. As a group, world wide and throughout history, these are parasites who live off the strife and problems they themselves create all for greed to obtain power and money for the political class.
Consider every war, every atrocity, every recession, famine, hatred, racism, slavery, conquest, invasion, tyranny, oppression, GENOCIDE and every other problem between groups of humans is directly caused by politicians. Doesn't matter if the politician was a tribal elder, shaman, priest,imam, president,king,caliph,premier, price minister, the local city mayor, the head of families or anyone else claiming to be the government or acting like one, they are the cause.
It is genetic imprint of this political class, to cause problems. They can't exist in a world where humans freely and fairly cooperate. Politicians simply can't conceive of something like China and the US getting along, because the politicians of both countries would have No reason to exist and No way to use the conflict as a means to obtain power or money.


Joseph Kingsley
I can’t say with any certainty what is Truly stopping our countries from becoming allied, But I think part of it has to be the deep mistrust Many Americans, especially older Americans, have for China. Communism has been our bugaboo for good part of the past 80 years, and It is still capable of instilling a sense of fear, uneasiness and distrust in many of us. In short, for many Americans, China = Bad. Now, Whether these inclinations are being used by our politicians For their own political gain, or it is simply a case of a representative government expressing the desires of the people, I’m not certain. But I would love to see the United States soften it stance towards China. Instead of seeing China as a competitor, perhaps Seeing them as a potential collaborator that Could benefit both countries. I’m fine with America being a beacon of freedom, But that doesn’t mean we should be forcefully exporting our ideology, or refusing to play with those Who aren’t matching our standard. Maybe the best way to spread this ideology is by befriending some of these countries and working alongside them in the coming decades. Maybe this is all naïve, but I am a citizen of the United States, and I Firmly believe our best path forward as a country is befriending nations like China, not wagging our finger at them.


Vladimir Prostran
It’s the US hostility towards China. China has always been much friendlier to the US than the other way round. The US sees China as an enemy and a rival, and there is nothing China can do about it, except accept it and deal with it appropriately. It’s the same reason why the US cannot be allied with Russia and why the US will never agree to EU armed forces independent of the US and NATO. Having enemies has always been a great business in the US - that allows them attacking other countries and supporting, while selling stories to their own people that the US is a “leader of the free world” that their “enemies” are jealous of. In reality, no country in the world wants to have the US as their enemy - for most it's their worst fear. Too bad the US always needs enemies - their economy runs on this premise.


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