2024-10-04 汤沐之邑 4135

How big a problem are migrants for Germany?


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Andreas Klein
With no claims of completeness:
Many schools can no longer fulfill their obligation to provide physical education to kids, and many sports clubs can no longer train, because a great many gyms have been converted into shelters for refugees, with no indication of when they will be available again.
Some places that give out food to homeless and the poor (Bahnhofsmission, Tafeln) are having troubles because of refugees using these services (despite being provided for by the government).
Many Germans discover that it's really nice to help people in need, and that people of other colour and culture are actually pretty normal, too.


The rate of crime in 2015 was as follows: about 8.6% of all people in Germany were non-Germans, out of which about 50% were non-EU. For severe crimes (robbery, theft, sexual assault) a percentage of 20-35% of suspects were non-Germans (pickpocketing: 66%), which is way more than the population percentage (numbers from the Statistisches Jahrbuch 2015, pretty much the most official and neutral source you can possibly get). So, statistically speaking, foreigners in Germany are more likely to be criminal, or of being suspects. Now that 1.1-1.5 Mio. additional non-Germans are in the country, of which about half are migrants, not refugees, crimes rates can be expected to go up (or are already, no data on that found). Note: Above numbers are for suspects, not for convicts, for which the numbers are somewhat more hidden in the statistics and need some statistical juggeling I am not inclined to doing right now. Racial bias might be present, but is unlikely considering that all hell would break loose over the police in Germany if it were so (think: history).


Financially: Cities, not the federal state, have to pay for a lot of the services for refugees, and that's with most cities already being near bankruptcy. On the federal level, the surplus of the budget has been set aside to help refugees, and such is no longer available for investments or paying back debts. It is likely that this is no sufficient, and that Germany will have to take on new debts to care for the 1.1-1.5 Mio. migrants of 2015, plus the x migrants of 2016, plus the y migrants of 2017, plus the z migrants of ....
Those are some of the primary effects. The secondary effects, triggered by these, might actually be far more severe:


Increase in health insurance costs: Refugees receive free medical service for effectively every and any ailment. In particular the costs for dental services are at a very high level due to this, and the corresponding officials have already indicated that the costs for those that actually pay (aka, Germans and legal migrants) will increase quite a bit as a result.
Loss of trust in state safety: After Cologne, many people no longer believe that the police is able to protect them. Airguns and pepper spray are sold out in a lot of stores around Cologne, and republicwide the demand is ever increasing. Vigilante groups are forming as well. Additionally, Angela Merkel said in one of her rare interview a few months back, that the German state can not protect its borders. The severity of such a loss of core competency of a state should be apparent.


Loss of trust in demoncratic process and debate: The centre is dwindling right now, with people that usually are reasonable-thinking flocking to the right-wing party AfD. Even though many disagree with their rhetoric or their leaders, they see this as the only option to voice their opinion, as the usually central-right party CDU has veered to the central-left under Merkel's rule. At the same time, the left-extremists (Die lixe, which, ironically, is the very same party that ordered people trying to flee from East Germany to be shot, back in the day - they renamed themselves a couple of times in an effort to have people forget that - and the Green Party) are attacking (verbally and physically) AfD politicians and branding everyone right of the centre as racists. The more moderate left party (SPD) is trying to figure out what they want, and are constantly changing course. The right extremists think they now have the backing of the majority, and are becoming more aggressive, with numerous attacks on refugee shelters. So both left and right are radicalizing, and in many instances the politically moderate refuse to talk to each other, in particular the ones central-left and left extremists. As respectful debate with your political opponent, even if you think he/she is a moron, is a core principle of democracy, this is bad. Very bad. Think 1930s bad.

对民主程序和辩论失去信任;:目前,中间派比例正在缩小,通常思维合理的人纷纷转向右翼政党AfD。尽管许多人不同意他们的言论或领导人,但他们认为这是表达意见的唯一选择,因为通常的中右翼政党CDU在默克尔的领导下已经转向中左翼。与此同时,左翼极端分子(Die lixe,具有讽刺意味的是,这正是那个下令射杀试图逃离东德的人的政党,他们改了几次名字,试图让人们忘记这一点——和绿党)正在攻击(口头和身体上)AfD政治家,并将所有中右翼的人标记为种族主义者。更温和的左翼政党(SPD)正在试图弄清楚他们想要什么,并且不断改变方向。右翼极端分子认为他们现在得到了大多数人的支持,并且变得更加激进,对难民庇护所发动了多次攻击。因此,左右两派都在激进化,而且在许多情况下,政治上温和的人拒绝相互交谈,特别是中左翼和左翼极端分子。尊重地与你的政敌进行辩论,即使你认为他/她是个白痴,也是民主的核心原则,这种情况是不好的,非常不好,想想1930年代的糟糕情况吧。

Guido Müller
That very much depends on several factors:
Up to now, Germany let an overwhelming number of migrants into the country, but developed no stringent concept how to deal with them. For instance, it needs weeks or months to register them properly, with fingerprints and everything. Many of them have stayed in several places, virtually blowing up the numbers. Recently, they talked about one place, were more then 300 refugees and asylum seekers were reported, but actually only half the number was really present at that place.


This calls for a central administration like a Federal Ministry (which actually existed until the 60es for the migrants of the former German regions). Such ministry also would have to deal with sending back refugees or migrants, who were denied an asylum title. Currently this lies in the responsibility of the federal states.


Germany denied up to now to be a migration country at all; it is quite difficult for a non-EU-resident to migrate to Germany. Often our demographic problem is addressed - to be clear, most of the refugees and migrants won't contribute much in an economic sense for the next 10-15 yrs., since they lack the qualification needed. We don't need any "work forces", that was the case back in the 70s. Nowadays, low-qualified work has long moved out of Germany to India, China and other Asian countries. We just have a need of some very well educated persons, and they are hard to convince to come to Germany, mostly because of the language. So at least we would need rules as any other migration country (USA, Canada, Australia...).


We took in about 700.000 refugees during the Balkan wars in the 90s. More then 90% returned home after a couple of years, when the situation relaxed. Nobody knows, if the situation in Syria will ever be that good again, that people could return home safe. Just look at Afghanistan.


And we have for the first time once WWII the situation of a mass-exodus from a whole region, fleeing the war, but also the hopeless situation in North-Africa. And as long as most of Europe is that much better of, there will be no stopping - no matter if Germany at some time tries to limit migration. Or any small country like Hungary erects fences around. There will always be a way. Look at Mexico and the US, if you will have an out view.


So overall, yes, it's a big problem, for the whole of Europe. If Germany starts closing the gates, the Schengen-area will break down - as Mr. Juncker, the president of the EU, put it: the Euro makes no sense without Schengen. A severe warning.


Banson Chong
It's a double edge sword. Germany - given its low reproductive rate needs immigration in significant numbers to solve its demographic problem.
The country's many Turks and other immigrants provide the backbone of the labor force for many jobs native Germans are not interested in providing for.
The sudden influx of the large number of Muslims, many of which have proven to be problematic in assimilation - as the French have discovered - is a huge dilemma for the Germans.
Careful what one wishes for ?


Radbert Grimmig
It depends on how well they are being integrated into German society.
This is not something all groups of immigrants will necessarily do of their own accord.
For example, an article in Sueddeutsche Zeitung the other day laid out how it could come to the New Year's Eve thing in Cologne and Hamburg.
Nicht alle Marokkaner suchen Schutz, einige aber doch


Apparently, there are plenty of Moroccans coming to Germany in search of money, not political asylum or refuge from persecution. Germany is against that kind of "economical refugee" and still tries to deny it is an immigrant nation. The pursuit of happiness is not viewed as a valid reason to immigrate here.
This means the Moroccans know from the outset they won't have a big chance of staying but will be deported at the earliest opportunity. So they try to make the most of the limited time they have and acquire as much money as possible by any means, of course also crime.


Police has been aware of growing problems, ghettoisation, organised crime among immigrants in other hotspots like Duisburg Marxloh for eight years and longer, also with extended Lebanese families brazenly defying the authorities.
But police is underfunded and understaffed and politicians rather commit to more prestigious and glamorous projects, so they just let it run its course.


Also, now they can sharpen their profile by playing tough and nobody asks them where they've been the past eight years.
It's easy to blame poor people and immigrants.


Justin Oconnell
Germany is in danger of becoming isolated
And it is Chancellor Merkel to be thankful for that. German MEP from the CSU Albert Dess has again launched a stinging attack on Angela Merkel for her immigration policies. And such Polish political party as Law and Justice led by Jaros?aw Kaczyński can play a significant role in forming a covert anti-German coalition.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The locomotive that was dragging a lot of rail wagons for years is now derailed. Or, rather, someone derailed it. This 'someone' is well known as Angela Merkel. The failure of her policy is evident, and there is no sense to list all her faults here. The situation has even reached a point where Merkel is subjected to severe criticism of not only her political opponents, but also her party fellows and coalition partners.


In his interview to Mittelbayerische Zeitung, the German CDU/CSU MEP Albert Dess squarely tells us that if Merkel doesn't face her nationals and stop her open-door policy, that is to say, close the country's borders, Germany's leadership in Europe will come to an end, and Merkel will unlikely become Chancellor for the fourth time in a row.


Ewart Wikkse
About migrants, integration and... sterilization
The refugee crisis keeps staying a critical issue with many Europeans. The article on the Soros resource page gives meat for more thoughts over the effectiveness of the integration projects that are being upgraded at the expense of the EU citizens.
The Paris suburbs are habitually set on fire due to migrants prone to go batty at any suitable pretext. Many Swedes are feeling their own city is just occupied. And in Germany the migrant standards are getting tougher with each passing year. This story with the "blunt refugees" fearful of the forceful sterilization may look ridiculous. But it resembles a provocation rather and this provocation we owe to German authorities, for that new integration course rejected so ardently by refugees was introduced exactly by them. The German language is delivered to poor migrants in such a way that they see the lessons on their behavior in the German society as sort of religious insult and threat to their reproductive performance. Now, fancy the threat is real........ Then it makes things much worse, the European Court of Human Rights in the air. It's no wonder that human rights advocates have already got interested. Strangely enough, the article has been dexed from the page.


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