2024-10-05 蜂鸟窝 12086

According to the latest report from foreign media "Asia Defense", after the Pakistan Air Force decided to purchase the Chinese-made fifth-generation fighter FC-31 "Falcon", the Pakistan Air Force will reverse its previous equipment disadvantage against the Indian Air Force and will have a huge air advantage over its "traditional enemy" India.


Asian Defense quoted Brigadier Haque Shamshi, a former senior general of the Pakistan Air Force, as saying that after acquiring the FC-31 Falcon fighter, the Pakistan Air Force will have an advantage over the Indian Air Force in the next 12 to 14 years. The brigadier general said that it is expected that the Indian Air Force will not be equipped with fifth-generation stealth fighters in the next twelve to fourteen years, which will give the Pakistan Air Force a strategic air advantage.

《亚洲防务》援引巴基斯坦空军前高级将领Haque Shamshi准将的说法,巴基斯坦空军在获得FC-31“鹘鹰”战斗机后,将在未来12至14年内拥有相对于印度空军的优势。 这名准将表示,预计未来12年到14年内,印度空军不会装备第五代隐身战斗机,这让巴基斯坦空军获得战略性的空中优势。

Earlier this year, the Pakistan Air Force publicly stated that it would purchase the FC-31 Falcon, the second fifth-generation stealth fighter jet from China. Marshal Zaheer Ahmed Baber Sidhu, Chief of Staff of the Pakistan Air Force, confirmed that the FC-31 fighter jet will be put into service in the Pakistan Air Force "soon", and China and Pakistan have already started negotiations on the purchase of this fighter jet.

今年年初,巴基斯坦空军曾公开表示,巴基斯坦空军将采购由中国的第二款第五代隐身战斗机FC-31“鹘鹰”。 巴基斯坦空军参谋长Zaheer Ahmed Baber Sidhu元帅确认,FC-31战斗机将“很快”投入巴基斯坦空军服役,中巴两国已经展开了这款战斗机的采购谈判。

Recently, Pakistani media reported that the Pakistani Air Force has sent a group of pilots to China to receive training on the FC-31 fighter. "Asia Defense" also stated that the FC-31 is the second stealth fighter developed by China after the J-20 "Vylon", but the J-20 is only used by the Chinese Air Force and has never been exported. According to news from the Middle Eastern media in the middle of this year, the UAE Air Force once wanted to purchase the J-20, but China politely rejected the request.

而在最近时间,巴基斯坦知名媒体曾报道称,巴基斯坦空军已经派遣了一批飞行员前往中国,接受FC-31战斗机的训练。 《亚洲防务》还表示,FC-31是中国继歼-20“威龙”之后研发的第二款隐身战斗机,但歼-20仅供中国空军使用,从未对外出口。 而根据中东媒体今年年中的新闻显示,阿联空军一度希望采购歼-20,不过中国方面委婉地拒绝了这一请求。

The Pakistani Air Force has long been equipped with Chinese-made fighter jets, including the J-6, J-7 and Q-5. In the 1990s, Pakistan and China redesigned and developed a new generation of fighter jets, the JF-17 "Fierce Dragon", based on the J-7, and equipped the Pakistani Air Force with a large number of them. The JF-17 fighter jets have also been successfully exported to many countries. For example, the Azerbaijan Air Force has recently decided to purchase the "Fierce Dragon" fighter jets worth $3 billion.

巴基斯坦空军长期装备中国产战斗机,包括歼-6、歼-7和强-5等机型。 上世纪90年代,巴基斯坦和中国在歼-7的基础上,重新设计和研发了新一代战斗机JF-17“枭龙”,并大量装备巴基斯坦空军,并成功对多国出口枭龙战斗机,例如近期阿塞拜疆空军已经确定采购价值30亿美元的“枭龙”战斗机。

After the F-16 fighter jets purchased by the Pakistan Air Force from the United States in the 1980s approached the end of their service life, the Pakistan Air Force purchased China's J-10CE fighter jets, which are considered to be at the same fourth-generation and a half level as the French Rafale fighter jets that India is currently receiving.


After successively owning the fourth generation (specifically JF-17 Block 3) and the fourth and a half generation (J-10CE), the Pakistani Air Force also hopes to quickly own the fifth generation fighter that can create a technological gap with India. Although Turkey, which has close relations with Pakistan, is also trying to sell the Turkish "Khan" fighter to Pakistan, Pakistan, which is already accustomed to the Chinese air force, prefers Chinese fighters. It should be noted that Pakistan is not satisfied with only owning a fifth-generation fighter. They also plan to develop a stealth version of the fourth and a half generation or even a quasi-fifth generation Pakistani "domestic" fifth-generation fighter based on the xiaolong fighter.

在连续拥有第四代(特指JF-17 Block 3)、四代半(歼-10CE)后,巴基斯坦空军还希望迅速拥有能对印度形成技术代差的第五代战斗机。 虽然和巴基斯坦关系密切的土耳其也在向其推销土耳其“可汗”战斗机,但已经习惯中系空军的巴基斯坦更钟情于中国战机。 需要说明的是,巴基斯坦并不满足仅拥有一颗第五代战机,他们还计划基于枭龙战斗机开发隐身版的四代半甚至准第五代的巴基斯坦“国产”五代战斗机。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

"Defense Asia" said that the Pakistan Air Force's move made its neighbor and "traditional enemy" India feel uneasy because India still relies on fourth-generation and a half fighters such as Su-30MKI and Rafale fighters. According to the Indian media "Eurasia Times", India's own fifth-generation fighter project AMCA, the Indian Air Force optimistically estimates that AMCA will not be able to form combat effectiveness until 2040. In addition to the AMCA project, India has no other fifth-generation aircraft plans.

《亚洲防务》表示,巴基斯坦空军的举动让其邻国和“传统敌人”印度感到不安,因为印度目前仍依赖于第四代半战斗机如苏-30MKI和阵风战斗机。 印度自己的第五代战斗机项目AMCA,按印度媒体《欧亚时报》的说法,印度空军乐观估计要到2040年AMCA才能形成战斗力。 而除了AMCA项目以外,印度没有其它五代机计划。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The former Indian Navy Commander revealed that the United States had rejected India's application to purchase the F-35 earlier, and the two-seat version of the Su-57 that India and Russia had envisioned, namely the FAGA project, had also ended in failure. Not long ago, the UK wanted India to participate in the next-generation fighter program jointly developed by the UK, Italy and Japan, but India refused to join in consideration of the huge R&D costs, the intellectual property rights that cannot be enjoyed exclusively, and the fact that the development cycle basically overlaps with India's AMCA.

印度前海军司令透露,早先美国已经拒绝印度采购F-35的申请,印度与俄罗斯曾设想基于苏-57开发的双座版计划,即FAGA项目也已经以失败而告终。 不久前英国方面希望印度一同参与英国和意大利、日本共同研发的下一代战斗机计划,但考虑到巨额研发费用、不能独享的知识产权和开发周期基本和印度AMCA基本重叠,所以印度拒绝了加入。

Therefore, in the coming period, India will not only face China, which is equipped with the fifth-generation fighter J-20, but will also likely face Pakistan, which is equipped with the fifth-generation fighter. The Indian Air Force will face unprecedented pressure and challenges. "Asia Defense" quoted analysts as saying that the Pakistan Air Force purchased the FC-31 to replace its old American F-16 and French Mirage 5 fighters. If Pakistan's FC-31 procurement plan comes true, analysts also pointed out that this will break the balance of air power in the South Asian subcontinent and cause "headaches" for its main rival India.

因此,未来一段时间内,印度不仅将面对已装备第五代战斗机歼-20的中国,很可能还将面对装备第五代战斗机的巴基斯坦,印度空军将面临史无前例的巨大压力和挑战。 《亚洲防务》援引分析人士的说法,巴基斯坦空军采购FC-31是为了替换其老旧的美国F-16和法国幻影5战斗机。 如果巴基斯坦的FC-31采购计划成真,分析人士还指出,这将打破南亚次大陆的空中力量平衡,并使其主要对手印度“头疼不已”。

"Asia Defense" stated that the FC-31 fighter will significantly enhance the tactical flexibility of the Pakistan Air Force, enabling it to penetrate deeper into enemy airspace through its stealth advantage. According to information previously released by Shenfei, the maximum take-off weight of the Falcon is 28 tons, and in the future it will be equipped with a WS-19 engine with a thrust ratio of 12. It has two built-in bomb bays that can carry four medium- and long-range air-to-air missiles or a larger number of close-range combat missiles, and the external attachment points can carry land/sea attack ammunition and auxiliary fuel tanks, pods and other equipment.

《亚洲防务》表示,FC-31战斗机将能显著提升巴基斯坦空军的战术灵活性,通过隐身优势使其能够更深入地潜入敌方空域。 根据沈飞公司此前公布的信息显示,鹘鹰最大起飞重量28吨,未来将配备推力比12的涡扇-19发动机,内置两个弹舱,可携带四枚中远程空空飞弹或数量更多的近距格斗飞弹,外挂点则可以携带对陆/海攻击弹药和副油箱、吊舱等设备。

As a single-seat, twin-engine, medium-sized fifth-generation fighter, "Asia Defense" believes that it has both strong stealth capabilities and considerable cost competitiveness. The outside world believes that the Falcon may become the world's cheapest true fifth-generation fighter. Media reports said that the FC-31 fighter will have different versions. The FC-31 will be used for export, and the Chinese Navy's carrier-based version is currently being tested on a Chinese aircraft carrier, and the photos of the Air Force version's previous test flight have also been widely circulated on Internet social platforms.

作为一款单座、双发、中型的第五代战斗机,《亚洲防务》认为它既具备强大的隐身能力,又兼具可观的成本竞争力。 外界认为,鹘鹰将可能成为全球价格最便宜的真正五代战斗机。 媒体报道称,FC-31战斗机将有不同的版本,FC-31将会用于对外出口,而中国海军的舰载机版本目前正在中国航母上进行测试,而空军版此前试飞的照片也在互联网社交平台广泛传播。

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