2024-10-06 龟兔赛跑 3778
Was Abraham Lincoln a good president?


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Dan Bradbury
Why was Abraham Lincoln considered the best president?
I'm not sure history has rendered such an absolute verdict. There is some debate within the top five (Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Wilson, F.D. R.). But, Lincoln clearly is one of the best and, I happen to think, one of modern history's finest leaders. It might be tempting to say that this is American patriotism, but I generally eschew such nonsense and try to focus on achievement. I'm a classical, intellectual patriot: I take pride in my nation's progress, the great Constitution and the achievements of my people. I don't say pledges or sing songs. That's silly, IMHO.


During my first attempt at going to college, I took a government philosophy class. We were discussing something about the Civil war. At that point, my professor asked us, "If the only way to save a nation was to secretly break the laws of the nation, would you do that." I said, "yes". No hesitation. (I don't and never have believed in absolute rules)
She explained that one of the hallmarks of greatness in a leader oftentimes is in understanding that there's "the letter of the law" and the "spirit of the law" and every now and then circumstances arise when a leader is put in an untenable position of having to chose X option which results in a great harm, or Y option that results in them breaking their own moral code but achieving great results.


The danger is in setting a precedent for other leaders to follow. This is why -- rightly -- we expect our leaders to be "letter of the law" people. But Lincoln wasn't one of those people. He broke the law . . . blatantly! And with great results. The reason why we revere him is because he broke ONLY those laws that were absolutely necessary to saving the republic while going no further. Many mere mortals might have been tempted to just say, "Look, I'm all this awesomeness, so clearly I should be the entire government." ("I am the Senate!")

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The USA had two leaders that potentially had that level of power. Washington and Lincoln. We'll never know how Lincoln would have panned out as a leader post bellum. I happen to think he would've walked away, head held high. But while in power we know that he quietly broke a number of laws to ensure that the nation endured. Frankly, I'm fine with that. I'm not a "letter of the law" kind of guy.


Most people are this way too. We struggle with opposing aspects of our nature, but come down solidly on the side of Lincoln's decisions over allowing this great nation to fall to pieces and permit the South to endure as a slave-owning entity for at least another generation (where, I believe, it would have fallen apart into its own civil war).


Lincoln didn't just do what he did carelessly or haphazardly. He moaned over every decision but always took the heavy responsibility on his own and made decisions for the betterment of the republic. Lincoln could have walked away from the war at any time. The Republic hated him during the war. He was reviled on BOTH sides of the conflict. He persevered and saved the nation from falling into two. He made generally good strategic decisions, he was an good speaker, he had charisma, he could see through political bullshit and -- most importantly -- he wielded the scalpel of political chicanery in a way that would make Machiavelli weep, while never falling to the temptation of going too far with it.


Scott Tyson
What exactly is it about Abraham Lincoln that everybody considers him to be the greatest American president of all time?
Having studied Lincoln for decades I would think that the answer is self-evident. But I get that not everyone has immersed themselves as deeply in the history as I have so I will attempt to provide a succinct, accurate and readable explanation as to why Abraham Lincoln was arguably the greatest president in American history.


First and foremost would be the fact that the United States of America might not exist today if not for Lincoln's leadership during the worst crisis in the nation's history. Other presidents have assumed the office under dire circumstances, but nothing quite compares to what Lincoln was confronted with when he was inaugurated on March 4, 1861.


Between the time he was elected, and the time he was sworn in as president, seven slave states had seceded from the unx, seized federal government property, and declared themselves to be an independent republic. The sectional tensions that had been building for decades had finally reached a boiling point and were about to explode. And although there were other issues contributing to that tension, it was slavery that ultimately made peaceful compromise impossible.


It would be impossible to overstate just how magnificently Abraham Lincoln rose to the challenge of saving the country from fragmenting into a collection of perpetually squabbling and belligerent quasi nation-states. Because that would have been our fate if the slave holders rebellion had been successful. Instead of two countries, there would have likely been a half-dozen or so. And without Lincoln at the helm, that's almost certainly what would have happened.
The only real competition he has for that top spot comes from George Washington and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. But I did promise to be succinct so that argument will have to wait for another day…


Douglas C Miller MD,PhD
Why do some people consider Abraham Lincoln the best president?
You have multiple answers across a spectrum. I suggest that it isn't "some" people who think Lincoln was our best President, it is likely a majority of those who are informed about American history and for the uninformed public his reputation is so large that it probably a majority of them as well.


For the informed group, you have elicited answers long and short as to why he is ranked that way: he led the nation through its greatest crisis, the one that threatened its very existence, and through his force of will, masterful political skills, and learned strategic wisdom achieved the victory for which he aimed, restoration of the unx and rejection of the idea of secession. He was responsible for making emancipation of the slaves the official policy of the US government, first as an expedient of war, and then by pushing through amendments to the Constitution making it established law. (By the way the amendments also establish beyond argument that if you were born here, or born to American citizen parents, you are a citizen--period. This still isn't true for citizenship in many other nations.) He was, indubitably, a master politician; he came across as a "rube" but he didn't get the Republican nomination by being ignorant or foolish, and he didn't manage the war by being ignorant or just dictatorial or foolish.


He learned from his mistakes, particularly in choices of generals, and he had the wisdom to stick with generals who were in bad odor politically, including Grant (accused of being drunk at Shiloh, but Lincoln said "I can't spare him, he fights!") and Sherman (who seemed to have a "nervous breakdown" early in the war but emerged as Grant's right hand and a master tactician in his own right once Grant was called east). He certainly centralized a lot of power in the central government, but this is inevitable in any war, much less a huge civil war. (Look at the centralization of power in Washington that accompanied the US entry into WW I, and then again under FDR in WW II; they make what Lincoln did seem trivial.)


He endured personal tragedies, including the loss to disease of one of his sons during the war, and there are innumerable accounts of how he felt the pain of the casualties the war produced, but he had the internal strength to overcome his tendency to depression to keep leading the nation, where others might have figuratively or literally curled up into a ball and retreated from life.


He wrote masterful speeches. This is an important part of leadership, one that we miss sorely today in the Trump era. He wrote his own, something that almost never happens now. There is a reason the second inaugural and the Gettysburg address are remembered this many years after his death--the words of no other President, except perhaps for Washington's Farewell Address and a few of FDR's speeches (or excerpts therefrom) are remembered this way.


At the end, of course, his murder put a halo on top of all of his other accomplishments.
His achievements, so enumerated, exceed those of any other US President. FDR's leadership through Depression and WW II come close, perhaps, but neither of those crises were as likely to destroy the nation as the Civil War. Washington was one of the great founders of the nation, and he chaired and managed the Constitutional Convention, but that was all before he was President. His greatest action as President was not running for a third term; if one thinks strictly of what he did in office, he doesn't come close to Lincoln.
So the conclusion for informed people who know US history has to be that Lincoln was our finest President to date.


According to most people, he was a great president.
When elected, Lincoln was this tall gangly lawyer from Illinois with a couple years experience in the House of Reps, and as the previous president, James Buchanan, left office before Lincoln was sworn in, states had already begun seceding. Rumor has it Buchanan declared he was "the last president of the United States" upon leaving the role.


Most people thought nothing of Lincoln at first, and assumed he would be a figurehead, but he basically told everyone how this whole Civil War thing was gonna go (they would be fair, civil and forgiving if they just said sorry), and put all of the greatest political leaders on his team (including his rivals), overseeing countless failures on the part of his men and army officers who squandered opportunities for victory, all the while being patient and building the right team to achieve their goals of keeping America together (although millions of lives were lost in the effort).


He had a great personality and was very empathetic towards others. Here's a relevant quote from him:
"Why, madam, do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?"


He was often referred to as ugly but people gravitated towards him for his presence, he was extremely well read and always had a good story to share and he was an all around brilliant man who always sought out the good in those around him. His speeches are often regarded as some of the greatest speeches in history, perhaps the greatest in American history. Many of his writings and quotes are scattered throughout the internet and are great reads. Certainly the favorite president of myself and many others.


So he was a good person, a great leader and a crowd favorite. As far as his actual presidency, he did far more in his 4 years in office for the survival of the country than perhaps any other president, against the worst of odds. I think that's good.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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