2024-10-06 IPmod 12427


In this video, we take a look at China's amazing infrastructure and how it's far surpassing America's in terms of design and construction. China's amazing infrastructure is making America jealous, and many Americans are in shock. They won't believe it!
This is Guiyang city in Guizhou province. Guizhou is actually one of the poorest provinces in China but it can still embaress America. Guizhou is a very mountainous region and is famous for it's world class bridges, highways and tunnels. America just can't compete.


I changed my mind when I was in Shanghai too. Western countries use propaganda a lot


Go to China and see the dirtieness, I was so disappointed


I've lived in China for 6 years now and I can say China is definitely leading the World in most things

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Luckily not in open-defecation everywhere like our 3rd-brotha.


Most things?No it’s Japan and the United States

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@luffyland4996 Example suddenly,like ur profile “GOKU” just copy WuKong right?����

@luffyland4996 例子突然变多了,就比如你的简介“GOKU”就是抄袭的悟空吧?

​ @luffyland4996 if u know anything about history,u should know that most Japanese traditional culture originated Chinese Ancient culture.

@luffyland4996 如果你了解历史,就应该知道日本的传统文化大多源自中国古代文化。

​ @luffyland4996 at the present,China also more Developed in lot's of things rather than Japan especially in technology.

@luffyland4996 目前,中国在很多方面也比日本发达,尤其是科技方面。

@ryohirogetamped Technology, robotics, bullet trains, electronics, automobiles, steel, chips, semiconductors production, ai, manufacturing and producing China learned it all from Japan. Deng xiaopings visit to Tokyo in 1970 changed China foreign. Japan created modern China

@ryohirogetamped 科技、机器人、子弹头列车、电子、汽车、钢铁、芯片、半导体生产、人工智能、制造和生产,中国从日本学到了这一切。1970年邓小平访问东京,改变了中国的面貌。日本创造了现代中国。

@ryohirogetamped The only reason China is more developed nowadays is cuz Japan is still in their lost decades and still haven’t found a way out. Their innovation, dominance in every sector faded away when japans bubble burst. Japans chance of becoming the worlds number 1 economy was shattered by America

@ryohirogetamped 如今中国更发达的唯一原因是日本仍处于失去的几十年里,它仍未找到出路。日本的泡沫破灭后,他们在各个领域的创新和主导地位也随之消失。日本成为世界第一大经济体的机会被美国打破了。

@ryohirogetamped Yea like I said, Japan learned a lot from China in ancient times but China learned everything modern from japan

@ryohirogetamped 是啊,就像我说的,日本从中国古代学到了很多,但中国从日本学到了现代的一切。

i wouldn’t know these videos are in china unless he said so. all i see is western inventions. china looks more like the west everyday!


@luffyland4996 You said in your comment that Mr.Teng visited Japan in 1970, it was for trade and those domestic appliances, radio & colour TV and simple electronic gadgets of the the 70s which Japan produced. They were rudimentary electronics, and those tin-foil simple gasoline guzzling cars.
At which time during the 70s, there wasn't anything in the world, you said about the Japanese "microchip" .
As we know today, it was Huawei which single-handedly manufactured her own Chinese microchips for her own Huawei handphones during this time 2024!
Hello! During the 70s, there wasn't anything like today's microchip!
The microchips u talked about hadn't existed during the 70s, ...dude!

@luffyland4996 你在评论中说邓先生在1970年访问了日本,那是为了贸易和日本在上世纪70年代生产的家用电器、收音机、彩电和简单的电子产品。这些都是最原始的电子产品,还有那些锡箔纸质地的简易汽油车。
您好!在上世纪 70 年代,还没有像今天这样的微型芯片!

Heaven for the wealthy, hell for ordinary people



@shijunlu-p7n You are Chinese? I can bet that you are not living in China. This year, I visited Shen Zhen, various places in Guang Dong and Shan Dong, Beijing, people are living happily. [知足者常樂,不知足者富亦憂]Don't abuse the word hell as peoples living in some places in mid Europe, middle East, Africa and South America are really in desperate condition.
@shijunlu-p7n 你是中国人?我敢打赌,你肯定不是生活在中国。今年,我去了深圳、广东各地、山东、北京,人们生活得很幸福。[知足者常乐,不知足者富亦忧]。不要滥用“地狱”这个词,因为欧洲中部、中东、非洲和南美洲的一些地方的人们真的生活在绝望之中。

@anthonytang888 People at the bottom of society have to work more than 12 hours a day, and for a monthly salary of 5000 yuan, they don't have time to wander around. What you see is only students or wealthy people

@anthonytang888 社会底层的人每天要工作12个小时以上,每月5000元的工资,根本没时间到处闲逛,你看到的只是学生或有钱人。

notice how the more developed china becomes the more it resembles a western country

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

but it's shoddy development that doesn't last.


China will build a railway to connect the two cities economically. If there is a mountain, connect it. If there is a river, build a bridge or tunnel. There will also be trains passing by not far from the countryside. These situations will never happen in Western countries. After all, they are not in the interests of capital.


@plumbummanx Streets of Philadelphia, Kensington Ave is a prime example of high-quality development.

@plumbummanx 费城的街道,比如肯辛顿大道是高质量发展的典范。

Meanwhile thugs are running wild in england.


also many parts of USA and it is also totally accepted. all you have to do is avoid the area or look the other way.


It's not democracy and freedom, it's beautiful scenery, just like the mob in Hong Kong, they say.


It's calming down now thankfully. Thousands have been doing peace/anti racism marches and many hooligans have been arrested and in the process of being jailed.


You know what made me laugh. If you want to use YouTube or google in China ,you need a VPN. Quality of freedom


dude, you have the Internet..have an attempt to scrutinize the information on this issue. These services didn't obey the Chinese laws, so the person above my comment has already mentioned that.


Japan is capable of building everything China has in cities if they didn’t have earthquakes, it’s why their buildings are small


lol best joke I’ve ever heard but the truth is Japan is falling way behind its average GDP is not growing for 20 years and we still need that god damn apology from Japan and other western countries which have invaded us



@赵奕成 There is nothing China can do that Japan can’t. Who do I think created modern China? Japan. Who helped China modernize? Japan. Who taught them technology, robotics, semiconductor and chips, bullet trains, microwave, electronics, automobile, manufacturing, steel production and infrastructure? Japan. Looks like u never heard of Deng xiaoping visit to Tokyo in the 1970s. The space station China has on the moon, if only Japan had a strong gdp and had plenty money, they can do it. Japanese are the smartest people on earth
@luffyland4996 not only Japan Sir 邓小平 also went to lots of countries cuz the opening door policy we were willing to develop ourselves to others to cooperate with each other and ofc Japan helped us before during the ODA but guess what most of the products that u mentioned in the comment we are leading lol not only leading we’re way more advanced ofc way more advanced than Japan once again instead of commenting me and telling lies and exaggerating come to China and see don’t be afraid of the truth China is thriving and ur still living in 100 years ago i can’t imagine how u were affected by the western medias Thank you to Pakistan bros Russia bros Africa bros and Hungary bros Serbia bros we’ll keep doing to make all of us better! We got this! The future is ours!世界属于我们!让我们一起奋斗吧!
@luffyland4996 不仅仅是日本,邓小平先生还去了很多国家,因为改革开放政策,我们愿意发展自己,与他人合作。当然,日本之前在官方发展援助期间也帮助过我们,但你猜怎么着,你在评论中提到的大多数产品,我们都是领先的,哈哈。不仅仅是领先,我们比日本先进得多。再次感谢巴基斯坦兄弟、俄罗斯兄弟、非洲兄弟和匈牙利兄弟、塞尔维亚兄弟,我们会继续努力,让我们所有人都变得更好!我们能做到!未来属于我们!让我们一起奋斗吧。

Thew major topic, is someone in China sasy, we need a GDP of 5.x %. So they have to invest heavily to achieve it, buy building high spped trains, that no one uses or other useless things. That would be okay, if the have the money to do so. But they dont have the money use a dept and cant pay the loan of their people on the other hand.


America is still doing great and congrats to China. There is room at the top for more than one place, but that GDP per capita is still bad but OK.


China is incredible strong country however all their major cities are hot and humid in summer and really cold in winter. Japan/S Korea still not as powerful but nicer in general


Shit you are telling me this is like one of the poorest cities in China (I just googled it) and it is like that?


This is not the poorest city in China, it is the capital of the poorest province in China, so it is not THAT poor


I really appreciate your videos for letting others see the positive sides of China, but with video titles like this..isn't it making the intentions too blatantly cheap? It can easily trigger the reverse effect and make others think you're being paid by people behind the scenes with such click-bait titles


in respond to your title. USA is a developed country according to UN, China is a developing country they are modernizing by the most up to date technologies. The subway in NYC is over 100 years old, the metro systems in Beijing, Shanghai and entire China was build in the end of 20th century. This is not an apple to apple compare. Just answering your title not attacking you. China's Infrastructure LEADS the World (Americans in Shock), admitted the Infrastructure are more advance but not shock. The culture are way different, including life style.


Not just Infrastructure - look at Olympics. USA is only 1 gold ahead of China. I have been investing in China since 1997. Watched Shanghai being built. Its no brainer which country has done better for its citizens. China is far ahead of most western nations & US.


This Olympics saw America's complete moral decline.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

One thing often not taken into account is that China is still dealing with new construction, repair and replacement costs dealing with stuff that has gotten old and worn out can be much more than the cost of putting things in new without old stuff in the way. What China is doing is extremely impressive, and I hope they can keep it up. With how they're investing in power generation and industry it seems likely they will be able to do so unlike the USA who let their industry crumble.


The USA could have much better infrastructure and living conditions than they have right now if they spent their tax dollars and borrowed money on the people instead of the military. Empire has it's costs and is the cause of America's decline.


@Crshcourse-qy9zo U don’t have to say sorry to me cuz I live in China I know it looks like I don’t live in a city like Beijing Shanghai wuhan guangzhou shenzhen fuzhou etc my city is not as advanced as them but I can still feel the thriving the progress done by our people and u? Show prove if u actually did visit here and ofc China has so many lands remote areas which is quite hard to develop but we are doing it u said u visited China last month right? How long do u visit ? Do u have enough proof to justify ur words?



@赵奕成 I was for example in shenzhen where you can see the problems... The people have way less money all young people struggle to get a job. It's so sad and depressing.
我在深圳,你可以看到那里的问题...... 人们的钱越来越少,所有的年轻人都在为找工作而挣扎。这太令人伤心和沮丧了。

很赞 26