2024-10-07 chinawungbo2 4375

On a laboratory bench in Cambridge, Massachusetts, a stack of polished cylinders of black-coloured concrete sit bathed in liquid and entwined in cables. To a casual observer, they aren't doing much. But then Damian Stefaniuk flicks a switch. The blocks of human-made rock are wired up to an LED – and the bulb flickers into life.


"At first I didn't believe it," says Stefaniuk, describing the first time the LED lit up. "I thought that I hadn't disconnected the external power source, and that was why the LED was on.


"It was a wonderful day. We invited students, and I invited professors to see, because at first they didn't believe that it worked either."


The reason for the excitement? This innocuous, dark lump of concrete could represent the future of energy storage.


The promise of most renewable energy sources is that of endless clean power, bestowed on us by the Sun, wind and sea.


Yet the Sun isn't always shining, the wind isn't always blowing, and still waters do not, in megawatt terms, run deep. These are energy sources that are intermittent, which, in our energy-hungry modern world, poses a problem.


It means that we need to store that energy in batteries. But batteries rely on materials such as lithium, which is in far shorter supply than is likely to be needed to meet the demand created by the world's quest to decarbonise its energy and transport systems. There are 101 lithium mines in the world, and economic analysts are pessimistic about the ability of these mines to keep up with growing global demand. Environmental analysts note that lithium mining uses a lot of energy and water, which nibble away at the environmental benefits of switching to renewable energy sources in the first place. The processes involved in extracting lithium can also sometimes lead to toxic chemicals leaking into local water supplies.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Despite some new discoveries of lithium reserves, the finite supply of this material, the over-reliance on just a handful of mines around the world and its environmental impact have driven the search for alternative battery materials.


This is where Stefaniuk and his concrete come in. He and his colleagues at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have found a way of creating an energy storage device known as a supercapacitor from three basic, cheap materials – water, cement and a soot-like substance called carbon black.


Supercapacitors are highly efficient at storing energy but differ from batteries in some important ways. They can charge much more quickly than a lithium ion battery and don't suffer from the same levels of degradation in performance. But supercapacitors also release the power they store rapidly, making them less useful in devices such as mobile phones, laptops or electric cars where a steady supply of energy is needed over an extended period of time.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yet according to Stefaniuk, carbon-cement supercapacitors could make an important contribution to efforts to decarbonise the global economy. "If it can be scaled up, the technology can help solve an important issue – the storing of renewable energy," he says.


He and his fellow researchers at MIT and Harvard University's Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, envisage several applications for their supercapacitors.


One might be to create roads that store solar energy and then release it to recharge electric cars wirelessly as they drive along a road. The rapid release of energy from the carbon-cement supercapacitor would allow vehicles to get a rapid boost to their batteries. Another would be as energy-storing foundations of houses – "to have walls, or foundations, or columns, that are active not only in supporting a structure, but also in that energy is stored inside them", says Stefaniuk.


But it is still early days. For now, the concrete supercapacitor can store a little under 300 watt-hours per cubic metre – enough to power a 10-watt LED lightbulb for 30 hours.


The power output "may seem low compared to conventional batteries, [but] a foundation with 30-40 cubic metres (1,060-1,410 cubic feet) of concrete could be sufficient to meet the daily energy needs of a residential house", says Stefaniuk. "Given the widespread use of concrete globally, this material has the potential to be highly competitive and useful in energy storage."

它的输出功率“可能低于传统蓄电池,但30-40 立方米(1060-1410 立方英尺)的混凝土地基足以满足一户住宅的日常能源需求”,斯泰法尼乌克说道。“考虑到全球广泛使用混凝土,这种材料在储能方面可能具有很高的竞争力和实用价值”。

Stefaniuk and his colleagues at MIT initially proved the concept by creating cent-sized 1V supercapacitors from the material before connecting together in series to power a 3V LED. They have since scaled this up to produce a 12V supercapacitor. Stefaniuk has also been able to use larger versions of the supercapacitor to power a handheld games console.

斯泰法尼乌克和他在麻省理工学院的同事初步证明了这一概念,他们利用这种材料制造了多个美分硬币大小的1V超级电容器,将它们串联起来为一只3V LED灯泡供电。他们随后提升了性能,制造出12V的超级电容器。斯泰法尼乌克还能够利用更大的超级电容器为掌上游戏机供电。

And the research team are now planning to build larger versions, including one up to 45 cubic metres (1,590 cubic feet) in size that would be able store around 10kWh of energy needed to power to power a house for a day.

目前,研究团队正打算制造更大的超级电容器,包括一个体积达45立方米(约 1590立方英尺)的电容器,能够储存大约10千瓦时的能源,足以为一座房屋供电一天。

The supercapacitor works due to an unusual property of carbon black – it is highly conductive. This means that when carbon black is combined with cement powder and water, it makes for a kind of concrete that is full of networks of conductive material, taking a form that resembles ever-branching, tiny roots.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Capacitors are formed of two conductive plates with a membrane in between them. In this case, both plates are made of the carbon black cement, which were soaked in an electrolyte salt called potassium chloride.


When an electric current was applied to the salt-soaked plates, the positively-charged plates accumulated negatively charged ions from the potassium chloride. And because the membrane prevented charged ions from being exchanged between the plates, the separation of charges created an electric field.


As supercapacitors can accumulate large amounts of charge very quickly, it could make the devices useful for storing excess energy produced by intermittent renewable sources such as the wind and solar. This would take the pressure off the grid at times when the wind is not blowing, nor the Sun shining. As Stefaniuk says, "A simple example would be an off-grid house powered by solar panels: using solar energy directly during the day and the energy stored in, for example, the foundations during the night."


Supercapacitors are not perfect. Existing iterations discharge power quickly, and are not ideal for steady output, which would be needed to power a house throughout the day. Stefaniuk says he and his colleagues are working on a solution that would allow their carbon-cement version to be tuned by adjusting the mixture, but they will not disclose the details until they have finalised the tests and published a paper.


There could be other issues to overcome too – adding more carbon black allows the resulting supercapacitor to store more energy, but it also makes the concrete slightly weaker too. The researchers say any uses that have a structural role to play as well as energy storage would need to find an optimum mix of carbon black.


And while carbon-cement supercapacitors could help to reduce our reliance on lithium, they come with their own environmental impact. Cement production is responsible for 5-8% of carbon dioxide emissions from human activity globally, and the carbon-cement needed for the supercapacitors would need to be freshly made rather than retrofitted in existing structures.

虽然碳-水泥超级电容器有助于我们减少对锂的依赖,但它也会对环境造成影响。水泥生产占全球人类活动二氧化碳排放量的5-8% ,超级电容器需要全新生产的碳-水泥,而不是对现有建筑的材料加以改良。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Nevertheless, it seems to be a promising innovation, says Michael Short, who leads the Centre for Sustainable Engineering at Teesside University in the UK. The research "opens many interesting potential avenues around the use of the built environment itself as an energy storage medium", he says. "As the materials are also commonplace and the manufacture relatively straightforward, this gives a great indication that this approach should be investigated further and could potentially be a very useful part of the transition to a cleaner, more sustainable future."



原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Can we turn heat into electricity? Our current bitumen roads hold a lot of potential during the warmer months. A device fitted to convert heat into a passive electric charger as we drive.


Yep, lots of details needed. How do we get power in and out? How do we insulate the concrete to prevent bleed or accidental discharge? Is water required constantly for transmission and heat transfer, etc. But I must say it sounds interesting!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I'll need to read the paper to understand the details, but what a great idea, that we can tweak common materials to do double duty as energy storage/transfer/generation media.


If this possible, just think of all the cement barriers along roads and over passes etc...


So solar roadways combined with concrete base battery, future is getting interesting


Carbon/graphite energy storage devices have been talked about for years. I remember attending an engineering society lecture 20 years ago where a Rice University professor said that a box the size of a speakers lecturn would hold 4-5 days of power for a home and would get power during off peak or solar or wind. How do we get power in and out? Do you need a conductive mesh to get power in and out. Sounds expensive for your capacitor charge and discharge..


I've been wondering for years why charging stations are built out without thought that in-road wireless charging may end up the winning mode. THAT would really be a new world of travel and shipping. Coming from MIT, it's likely legit.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Its only a battery when saturated with specific electrolyte. So it would need to be hermetically sealed. Many many drawbacks for dual use as battery and structure. Even more issues as a roadway.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

with contactless charging highways what are the health effects of driving miles after miles over the top of a big electromagnetic field? Do we know?


Supercapacitor properties are very different from thermal storage and a combination of the two could make a very interesting constant-temperature concrete for building interiors and bridge decks for example. Let us know how this technology works.


I wonder if it will attract lightning?


Attract as well as store and distribute lightning.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Kids don’t touch the house you might get electrocuted.


Probably not a good idea to pee on THAT wall haha


Would be scary taking a shower

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The Romans, 2000 years ago already had a better concrete by all accounts. Anyway, we are going to need something else than tar to pave our roads. A by-product of the distillation of petroleum products from crude oil is the production of tar and there is going to be less and less tar available as we phase out fossil fuel.


Well...adding carbon black to the concrete will cost SOMETHING extra, the stuff isn't free...and how will the various concrete structures be interconnected to create power networks? That will require embedding some type of cabling, and then control systems will be needed...transformers...safety protocols so people and animals won't get shocked...so I would have to say, the claim of not costing extra is pure bullshit. Still, an interesting concept, and certainly LESS costly than conventional systems, one would assume.


Some possible problems that popped up in my head:
* How much does it complicate the cement pouring practices that are used today? (Might making cement bricks and using those in the walls be a better idea?)
* How do the anodes, cathodes, and additional add-ins affect the structural integrity of the cement?
* What happens during a critical failure of one of these batteries and is that something you'd accept happening inside your walls?
* (On a lesser note) I imagine this would make it close to impossible for WiFi signals to get through the walls.

* 它会使当今的水泥浇筑工艺变得多复杂?(制成水泥砖来砌墙可能更好?)
* 阳极、阴极、以及其他添加物会对水泥的结构完整性有何影响?
* 某个蓄电池发生严重故障怎么办?你能否接受墙体内出现这样的问题?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Plus a very important question should be: does it affect the ability to recycle concrete?


And what happens if you need to core cut a hole for a duct or pipe to go through one of these concrete walls?


And the very fact that there are questions such as these tells me that there is no way this technology is being adopted any time soon. Why would construction companies take on this risk with little or no benefit to themselves. The problem of storage for renewables is a problem for utilities not construction firms. Possibly utilities could sponsor the technology, but why would they do that when there are solutions available that are 100% under their control?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Let's not forget how do you maintain one of these concrete-batteries? Do you go at the wall with a drilljack and diamond saw and hope you got the right one?


This will likely also interfere with electronic signals of cabled run through the walls without a large amount of expensive insulation. Also the idea that someone tries to hang a painting and gets electrocuted probably isn’t the best in terms of PR


This technology would be best suited to large repeated concrete forms - railways, monorails, roads, tall buildings etc - you'd presumably have many isolated 'batteries' in parallel with the necessary protections from electrical shorts. Although as people have pointed out? bricks would be better suited for this style of battery - there are likely clever ways of connecting all the battery-bricks as part of the laying process.


I think from a builder perspective this is a nightmare. I'd rather have a space to put a redux flow battery personally, which are environmentally friendly and you don't have to worry about what's happening in your wall and I think there's one part other than a failing pump that has to get replaced after many thousands of charge cycles.


"I know what you're thinking: will my house electrocute me?" - Actually, I was wondering whether the conduction of electrolytes in the cement could pose a risk to the structural integrity. Could the addition of new metals in new structures change concretes susceptibility to 'concrete cancer'?


One of the reasons why modern concrete bridges need to be replaced every 30-40 years is because of a redox reaction. The iron/steel rebar within the concrete starts to rust which expands in volume as it does so. This expansion, especially when combined with colder temperature or wetter climates causes the concrete to crack which allows more moisture in which then increases the redox reaction even more.


The fact that this cement is based upon a redox reaction worries me. How long with the concrete last? Even if the concrete lasts, how long will it remain operational as a battery? I think this requires a massive amount of study and further development before it can be considered a viable alternative. Concrete itself, without the rebar, can last a thousand years or more if you get the right mix and don't add anything that can rust. The Colosseum in Rome is a prime example of this.


What would be very useful is if we can find a building method that uses different materials that when combined, can create an energy storage system. The more pure these materials (granite for example) then the longer it will last. Granite can last tens of thousands of years, and as a building material, can be extraordinarily strong.


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