2024-10-08 遐怪 6689

Japan and Germany are on the same boat , we didn't see this coming


They will hold sales on pickups but that's it

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Japan says a lot of things, like beef & onion rice is now getting expensive because Chinese can now afford more beef LOL!


Visit an actual toyota dealership in thailand. There are only about 5 models for sale. Those 5 models come in 2-3 trims and 4-6 color options. Meanwhile in Japan there are 15 color options and 6 trim levels for the same model. Pay attention to the prices you see at Thai dealerships; the prices seem low until you realize the engines are smaller, stereo is low grade, the trucks dont come with rear bumpers, some dont even have clear coat.

去泰国的丰田经销商那里看看吧。那里只有大约 5 款车型在售。这 5 款车型有 2-3 种装饰和 4-6 种颜色可供选择。而在日本,同一款车型有 15 种颜色可供选择,有 6 种装饰级别。注意您在泰国经销商处看到的价格;价格看起来很低,直到您意识到发动机较小、音响档次较低、卡车没有后保险杠,有些甚至没有透明涂层。

I am currently in the process of buying a car in Thailand. I'm considering between a Toyota Corolla Cross Hybrid and a Chinese SUV EV, such as an MG or BYD. If I could start over, I would likely choose a brand-new Chinese SUV EV instead of a used Toyota Corolla Cross Hybrid. New Chinese SUV EVs are significantly cheaper than Japanese combustion engine cars here. Additionally, Chinese electric vehicles have been marketed in Thailand for at least two to three years, so there are plenty of reviews available on YouTube for me to watch.

我目前正在泰国购买汽车。我正在考虑丰田卡罗拉 Cross Hybrid 和中国 SUV EV,例如 MG 或比亚迪。如果我可以重新开始,我可能会选择全新的中国 SUV EV,而不是二手丰田卡罗拉 Cross Hybrid。新款中国 SUV 电动车比日本内燃机汽车便宜得多。此外,中国电动车在泰国销售至少两到三年了,因此 YouTube 上有很多评论可供我查看。

byd can make a car that changes from left drive to right drive in minutes.


Successful companies are about producing radically innovative new products, services and systems. EVs are to ICEV what iphones are to analogue bricks.
All todays most successful businesses are highly innovative.

成功的公司致力于生产具有根本性创新的新产品、服务和系统。电动汽车之于燃油车 就如同 iPhone 之于模拟砖块。

Sounds like Toyota is doing well


The market rewards long term research not short term thinking don't sell buy more at lower prices


Akio Toyoda is a big problem for Japan.


If saic builds baojun cloud evs in thailand and sells them in australia, ill be at the dealers tomorrow to put down adeposit.


Well well, I live just 2 streets away from Astra Indonesia (Toyota JV partner here) VP Director. I saw 2 Lexuses, 1 Toyota BZ4x and... BYD Atto 3 .
Geez, I guess buying competitor product must prove that irresistible to him.

好吧,我住的地方离印尼 Astra(丰田合资伙伴)副总裁只有两条街。我看到了 2 辆雷克萨斯、1 辆丰田 BZ4x 和……比亚迪 Atto 3。

Thailand is smart moving to manufacture electric vehicles. The Japanese automakers have refused to change their car industry from ice cars. Japan will pay the price for sticking with old technology.


I live in China , most people are oblivious to how many new EV companies have popped up with extremely high quality cars , everyone knows BYD , Geely , NIO, xipeng ect and while they had a head start on most the quality gap between them and the new makers isn't that big, Foreign makers that ruled the market are also facing huge competition as their EV tech is nothing special . Years ago I had an interest on the subject and made a few vids , but have since changed direction with my content , but my old vids might be useful to some .


As far as I can see, any country or manufacturer wanting to compete on EV with China faces a daunting task. Unless they are willing to JV with the Chinese manufacturers, including the supply chains to start production plant in their own country (like what Turkey is doing). Or Spain's EV Motors JV with Chery to open its first European manufacturing site in Catalonia.


Its okay to build all these factories, but it is based on the assumption that people will buy them. There are a lot of unsold apparent blocks in China. Some have been demolished.


What did the consumers said? Pay 2x the price for gasoline car and pay 100 bucks gas each week? Or pay half the price for EV and pay 10 bucks for electricity a week. It is not threat, it is saving. Isn’t it?

消费者怎么说?为汽油车支付 2 倍的价格,每周支付 100 美元的汽油费?或者为电动汽车支付一半的价格,每周支付 10 美元的电费。这不是威胁,而是节省。不是吗?

You are not upadated, Malaysia since the last 3Qs is the second largest car market in Asean after Indon, according to Nikkei Asia


In the philippines where im from, even the geopolitical tensions my country has with china have hardly any dent on the market acceptance of Chinese EVs. With the rising costs of everything, it all comes down to price. Of course, Chinese cars have been known to provide better quality materials. Only time will tell i guess.


Maybe explains why toyota australia waiting list on most cars is less than 6 months now. Still 2 years for a new camry!!

也许可以解释为什么丰田澳大利亚大多数汽车的等候名单现在不到 6 个月。新凯美瑞仍需 2 年!!

could it be that the general japanese population are smart and see what is going on world wide in the car industry and have lost confidence in their own japanese brands...


Governments around the world are pivoting away from importing fuels when they can actually use renewables to power their own country. It makes complete sense not to send $billions to foreign countries but rather build out an ecosystem that keeps the money local. Building and selling EV's locally are just one of the first easy changes to make to reduce reliance on others. Ethiopia, Thailand, China, micronations and more to come.


Humm, sounds like Tesla needs to build a Giga-factory and latest EV battery in Japan to show them how it's done, I guess?


Its a free market everyone has the right to buy what is best for them.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

How does THAT feel Japan??


If the Japanese manufacturers had invested in EV technology in the same way that the Chinese have done THERE WOULD BE NO PROBLEM (This also applies to all other legacy makers.)


With EV, your country will less dependent to arabic oil country, every oil money you buy can be use to another things.

有了 EV,你的国家将减少对阿拉伯石油国家的依赖,你购买的每一分石油钱都可以用于其他事情。

If hubris was a country. Japan.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

How on earth is the AUS car market bigger than Thai??


Chinese automakers are expected to grow by 30% p.a. Compounded growth rate in the next three years in asean markets


I hope Thailand get Gogoro EV scooters .

我希望泰国能够拥有 Gogoro EV 踏板车。

Kind of late to be concerned now . Toyota has kept there blinders on and been drinking there own propaganda for a long time now.
They had a chance to partner up with Tesla in the early days and bailed . No sound at all from most of the other Japanese car makers.


Japanese households electrical industry were losing to Korea on early 21 century and later by China, now car industries


Japanese and Korean cars are beginning to decline in China, which is a sign


The problem dynasties face is reinventing themselves the wrong way.


Toyota says hydrogen is the future.


The point isn't whether EV sales can go from 1% to 6%, the point is whether EVs can compete without monstrous subsidies and Stalinist mandates.

关键不在于电动汽车销量能否从 1% 上升到 6%,而在于电动汽车能否在没有巨额补贴和斯大林式强制要求的情况下参与竞争。

The story here seems to be similar to the rise & fall of empires. Now a new kid is on the block


Unfortunately they are finished


thought Japan didn't do EVs


Viking, so what happens to Tesla when Chinese battery Companies bypass the Con Man and take all his battery storage business? Add in complete failure of FSD and Robo - Taxi and things aren't looking so good for the Con Man, $25 in 2025, perhaps even worse?

那么当中国电池公司绕过骗子并接管其所有电池存储业务时,特斯拉会发生什么?再加上全自动辅助驾驶系统和 Robo - Taxi 的彻底失败,骗子的情况看起来并不乐观,2025 年(股价)掉到 25 美元,甚至可能更糟?(译注:这里的“骗子”,大概是在阴阳马斯克)

But but but Mr Toyoda says evs are not going to succeed?


Westerners celebrating the fall of Japan and Chinese domination of the Pacific is a most intriguing phenomenon.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Last time I heard, 5 Japanese car industry cheating on reported data and being reprimanded by their own authority

上次我听说,日本 5 家汽车公司在报告数据上作弊,并受到其自身主管部门的谴责

Customers want cheaper and quality and cleaner greener car


Was in Thailand in January. Every 3 out of 5 vehicle seemed to Toyota. 1 out of 5 were some other Japan brands. The country really like small UTEs.


The main reason for switching to EV is gas prices as gas prices in Thailand are very high. Despite EV rising sale growth, ICE cars still well outsell EV cars 10 to 1.
Switching to EV is definitely not all roses, early adaptors have reported manufacturing, maintenance costs, high insurance rates, and other issues. Many people have reconsidered buying reputable Japanese hybrid cars instead.

转向电动汽车的主要原因是油价,因为泰国的油价非常高。尽管电动汽车的销量增长不断加快,但内燃机汽车的销量仍远高于电动汽车,是电动汽车的 10 倍。

Toyota has not learned from the history makers... Kodak, Nokia... Automakers next!


I once watched another video about the peculiar decision Japan made on the BEV vs hydrogen. It said there are 2 reasons.
First is geopolitical. Because China had an early start and controls key minerals and technologies of BEV, Japan didn't want to depend on China.
Second is Japanese government's decision making is completely controlled by Toyota and Honda, neither of whom has interest in BEV. So even Nissan had an attempt, they soon realised it's unwise to go against the top dogs and quickly buried their ambition.


t has nothing to do with building the EVs in Thailand. Thailand and China have a deal, so Chinese EVs can be imported to Thailand with 0% import duty, compared to 100-400% import duty on gas/diesel cars. You can buy a China made Tesla for the same price as a Toyota Camry here.

这与在泰国生产电动汽车无关。泰国和中国有协议,因此中国电动汽车可以以 0% 的进口税进口到泰国,而汽油/柴油汽车的进口税则为 100-400%。在这里,你可以以与丰田凯美瑞相同的价格购买中国制造的特斯拉。

Nikkei Asia's report on 490,000 unsold EVs in Thailand is completely false.

《日经亚洲》有关泰国有 49 万辆电动汽车滞销的报道完全是错误的。

Japan are doing what Nokia did and look how it worked out for them...


So they should make better EV cars than Japan.


honda better introduce an electric scooter for Asia


It’s ok ICE vehicles will never go away so they will still have a market for it just not as big


Maybe they should lower their prices and stop jacking it up every fudging year


Word is that waiting for any warranty work to be done on a Chinese EV is a bit of a long march. I’ll just stick to my wonderfully reliable Toyota hybrid RAV 4 for now.

据说,等待中国电动汽车的保修工作需要很长的时间。目前,我还是会继续使用非常可靠的丰田混合动力 RAV 4。

Japanese cars are also very unpopular in China right now, with sales declining badly for several reasons:
1. The price does not match the quality, interior, material and now the Chinese car compared to simply like a product of 10 years ago, the price is still very expensive.
2. The Japanese are full of Western arrogance, vehicle problems in the West on the recall, compensation for consumers, in China on the indifferent, no compensation.
3. Long-term counterfeiting. A while ago it was revealed that Japanese car suppliers collectively counterfeiting, and still decades have been counterfeiting.
4. Toyota and Honda in Guangzhou and Guangzhou Automobile co-operation, decades of parts and components all require the procurement of Japanese domestic suppliers of parts and components, all the money earned by the Japanese, so now Chinese consumers are very angry.


Toyota has the EV Hilux truck coming out soon. The prototype looks like a farm truck. If it's also cheap, Thai's will buy all they can make.

丰田的 EV Hilux 卡车即将上市。原型车看起来像一辆农用卡车。如果价格便宜,泰国人会购买他们生产的所有产品。

The Japanese losing their auto market all over? Oh my it couldn't have happened to a nicer kind of folks...

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Chinese Proverb : Wind of Change for China to lead the world car industries So US, Germany, France and Japan hv no right to get jealous and complaining


Periods of drought over 2003-20 in the contiguous US led to a “considerable decline” in hydroelectricity generation, a new study says, which amounted to approximately 300m MWh and an estimated loss of $28bn to the sector. The findings also highlight an “adverse environmental effect” of drought-induced reductions in hydropower as they are “often compensated by increased reliance on natural gas usage, which led to substantial emissions of CO2”, the authors say. Finding a “robust correlation” between hydrologic drought and hydroelectricity generation, the study identifies “Washington and California as the most vulnerable states. Electricity consumption by data centres has risen from just 5 per cent of the total generated in 2015 to 21 per cent last year, according to the Irish Central Statistics Office (CSO).

一项新研究表明,2003 年至 2020 年美国本土的干旱期导致水力发电量“大幅下降”,下降幅度约为 3 亿兆瓦时,给水力发电行业造成约 280 亿美元的损失。作者表示,研究结果还强调了干旱导致的水力发电减少对环境产生的“不利影响”,因为“这通常会通过增加对天然气使用的依赖来补偿,从而导致大量二氧化碳排放”。研究发现,水文干旱与水力发电之间存在“强相关性”,并指出“华盛顿州和加利福尼亚州是最脆弱的州”。爱尔兰中央统计局 (CSO) 的数据显示,数据中心的用电量已从 2015 年总发电量的 5% 上升到去年的 21%。

Worried more of Indonesian...Thai make only 71 million population and we are Indonesian 277 million...Chinese ev are coming: Neta, Cherry, Wuling already or underway making factories...BYD is soon follow suit...last year to this yeat their cars price are dropping in hundred of millions...and I am Indonesian keep on watching and waiting for more reduction

更担心印尼市场吧...泰国人口只有 7100 万,而我们印尼有 2.77 亿...中国电动车即将到来:Neta、奇瑞、五菱已经或正在建厂...比亚迪很快也会效仿...去年到今年,他们的汽车价格已经下降了数亿...我是印尼人,继续关注并等待更多的降价

From the very start, our relationship ~such as it is, I brought all this up at this timeline!
Australia also has, still has, the resources to build an EV manufacturing industry. There are plans to be made!


Toyota hs been touting their solid state battery that will never come.
Toyota is just blowing hot air in the form of hydrogen.


There is another side the Thai MV market & that is speed. As with Big Powered motorbikes when introduced in Thailand properly the sales went parabolic. All you have to do is stand at a set of traffic lights & watch the continuous DragRacing that goes on day & nite. Thailand have a limited & very few hi powered/performance (fast) vehicles available. Those that are very expensive & command higher road taxes etc. so the opportunity for Thai’s to have “fast” EV’s (particularly pick-ups) will turn every single set of traffic lights into Staging Christmas Tree “There Racing” flags… just watch the deaths spiral!

泰国 MV 市场还有另一面,那就是速度。与大功率摩托车一样,当它们在泰国正式推出时,销量呈抛物线式增长。你所要做的就是站在一组交通灯前,观看日夜不停的直线加速赛。泰国拥有的高性能(快速)车辆数量有限。那些非常昂贵且征收更高道路税等的电动汽车,因此泰国人拥有“快速”电动汽车(尤其是皮卡)的机会将把每一组交通信号灯变成圣诞树上的“赛车”旗帜……看着死亡螺旋上升吧!

Japanese cars sold in SEA are kinda shite since they moved their factories to TH.


Japan shouldn't have attacked Pearl Harbor, I got no Sympathy for them


Japan automotive is late to the party for sure.


You can find lots of new byd on the road in Thailand already


According to AUTOLIFETHAILAND data Electric car sales plummeted by 19.9% in April 2024, they only made up 13.3% of total car sales.
Tesla shares nosedive after poor results.
Toyota is the future

根据 AUTOLIFETHAILAND 的数据,2024 年 4 月电动汽车销量暴跌 19.9%,它们仅占汽车总销量的 13.3%。

Japanese brands are done. need 5 years for them to realize the threat from Chinese EV. way too long

日本汽车品牌完蛋了。他们需要 5 年时间才能意识到中国电动汽车的威胁。等待了太久

Subaru gone. Honda and suzuki closes plant. Byebye Japanese brand. Even in singapore byd is now the best selling car


But when Toyota comes out with their Tesla beater Hydrogen solid state battery Engine running on water the watch this Space


Maybe Japan should stop listening to the USA and build cheaper cars


Japanese auto makers’re going broke!


Well, Toyota is doing VERY well in the USA--there are long waiting queues to buy the most popular Toyota models like the RAV4, Corolla Cross and Prius. And those are all reasonably high-margin models, too.
Given the still-questionable quality of public EV charging stations in the USA, Toyota's decision to emphasize hybrids and plug-in hybrids for the American market makes a lot of sense. They don't want to be in the EV market in a big way until 1) public EV charging stations are way more common and much more reliable and 2) battery technology improves so for most Toyota models, they don't need a large, expensive battery pack just to get decent range.

丰田在美国的销量非常好——人们排着长队购买最受欢迎的丰田车型,如 RAV4、Corolla Cross 和 Prius。而且这些车型的利润率也都相当高。
鉴于美国公共电动汽车充电站的质量仍然存在疑问,丰田决定在美国市场重点推广混合动力汽车和插电式混合动力汽车是很有道理的。他们不想大举进入电动汽车市场,直到 1)公共电动汽车充电站变得更加普遍和更加可靠,2)电池技术得到改进,因此对于大多数丰田车型来说,它们不需要大型、昂贵的电池组来获得不错的续航里程。

The Toyota bz4x is a piece of crap totally. Less range,long time charging,low power,very few technique and made very cheaply. Many Chinese car has much better than that with lower price.

丰田 bz4x 简直就是垃圾。续航里程短,充电时间长,功率低,技术含量低,而且造价低廉。很多中国车比它好得多,而且价格更低。

很赞 11